The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 309 I am an Advanced Sommelier!

Chapter 309 I am an Advanced Sommelier!
On the way back to the palace, there were only three people, Yu Shengjun, Han Xueyan, and Cao Dan.

Han Xueyan hugged Cao Dan's arm all the way, snuggled up to his side, Cao Dan couldn't push him away, even if he was irritable, he couldn't get rid of Han Xueyan who had been pestering him all the time, "Oh, aunt, brother Yu is still here!" In the back, can't you be normal? You are not ashamed, but I am ashamed!"

"What's the matter?" For this reason, Han Xueyan turned to look at Yu Shengjun, who was looking at the scenery on both sides, not on them at all.She turned around. "Brother Yu didn't feel awkward at all, why are you awkward?"

"I," Cao Dan was so refuted that he had nothing to say, so he had to admit it.

After a while, Cao Dan pushed Han Xueyan away vigorously, regardless of whether she was angry or not, he put all the things on his body for her to hold, and urged: "Hey, walk ahead, I have something to say with Brother Yu. You women don't understand things between big men, so don't eavesdrop."

Han Xueyan pursed her lips, "What's there to know, hum." He stamped his feet and walked away.

Cao Dan stayed in place for a few steps before Yu Shengjun came to him.

Yu Shengjun asked: "Why don't you leave?"

"Brother Yu," Cao Dan seemed to have something to say, but stopped talking.

Yu Shengjun could tell that the other party had something to say to him, "Speak up if you have something to say, hesitating is not a man."

"I..." Cao Dan paused for a moment, and then let go of his nervousness to speak out, "Brother Yu, I admire your ability very much, can you... can you accept me as an apprentice?" Speaking of this , looked into Yu Shengjun's eyes very seriously.

I thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be such a... small thing?Yu Shengjun was stunned immediately, and after recovering, he said exaggeratedly: "Your Cao Dan's ability is not much worse than Yu Huangxuan, why do you have that kind of thought? Besides, I didn't think about it at all. I want to accept disciples."

Cao Dan grinned, and said cheekily, "Brother Yu, just make an exception and accept me as an apprentice, right? I, Cao Dan, promise that I will definitely learn kung fu!"

"No!" Yu Shengjun refused with a stern face, "I have no intention of accepting apprentices, not at all. I, Yu Huangxuan, don't want to take so much work for myself, so I don't agree with what you said."

When Cao Dan was frowning, Yu Shengjun suddenly said, "But I can tell you that our Tang instructor has the idea of ​​accepting apprentices, why don't you..."

"I'm afraid of her," Cao Dan said weakly.

Yu Shengjun was stunned, "Afraid of her? Isn't it? She won't eat you!"

The corner of Cao Dan's mouth twitched, his smile was stiff, "But she is very fierce."

The corner of Yu Shengjun's mouth also twitched, "You really can say anything, fortunately she is not here, otherwise if she heard what you said just now, she might be furious and expect to accept you as a disciple?" Looking at Cao Dan's eyes, he paused for three seconds, then stepped forward.

"Brother Yu, just consider my suggestion and accept me as a disciple..." Cao Dan did not give up and chased after Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun walked quickly, ignoring Cao Dan who trotted beside him and followed him, "Accepting disciples? Not interested!"

Cao Dan speeded up his trot, "Brother Yu, as long as you can make an exception and accept me as an apprentice, as long as you order, even if you go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, I, Cao Dan, have a duty to do it. I really want to be your apprentice!"

Suddenly, Yu Shengjun stopped, and Cao Dan couldn't hold back his feet for a while, ran past, found that Yu Shengjun stopped, and then took a few steps back.Yu Shengjun's considerate expression made him happy, thinking that there was hope, "Brother Yu, have you considered accepting me as a disciple?"

Yu Shengjun looked at him and said with a very serious expression: "I, no, accept disciples." How dignified it is for a majestic emperor to accept disciples.

Hearing such an answer, the joy on Cao Dan's face faded instantly, replaced by a sad expression, "Brother Yu, can't you think about it?"

"Don't mention this matter in the future, I won't agree." After speaking, Yu Shengjun started to walk again, still at a fast pace.

Cao Dan looked at Yu Shengjun's back in place and curled his lips helplessly. He didn't understand why Yu Huangxuan wasn't interested in such a good boy like him?

In the evening, the game was over.

When Fu Yushu and others woke up, they were already lying in their room. It was Tang Lin who ordered the Imperial Forest Army to enter the Royal Forest to carry these people back.

After everyone woke up, Tang Lin gathered everyone in the large courtyard of Shanglin Garden. At this time, the sky was slightly dark.Tang Lin glanced at all the students with sharp eyes, "Report the number!"

After the three crew members reported their numbers, everyone did not miss out, and Tang Lin began to speak, "I announce that the final winner of the "cat and mouse" game is the mouse team. They only took two and a half days The task has been completed, so I get two days off. Cat team, don't you feel ashamed that so many of you can't deal with two people?"

The members of the cat team were taught by Tang Lin so much that they couldn't hold their heads up. When they thought that Yu Shengjun had killed all of them with only a pack of Mongolian sweat medicine, they hated them so much, but they had already lost, so they could only hold grudges at this time.

A student was not convinced, "It's Yu Huangxuan who is too insidious and treacherous, and used Mongolian sweat medicine to deal with us, otherwise we..."

"Otherwise, what about you?" Tang Lin looked at the complaining student coldly, "When you were asked to choose the props, why didn't you choose the sweat potion? Now that you lose, you blame him for being insidious and cunning? Yu Huangxuan didn't even light his sword, but only a pack of sweat potion I can deal with more than twenty of you, are you ashamed to complain? If this game is an actual battle, if you are not insidious and cunning, if you don’t know how to adapt flexibly, you will never know when you will be killed by the enemy.”

One by one, they were taught a lesson so that they had nothing to say.

"Considering that you haven't had a good rest or a good meal for two or three days, so..." At this time, Tang Lin's attitude softened a lot, "Sir, let you have two days off and let you rest enough! Team Mouse Four days off!"

However, she had already spoken, and everyone just looked at her blankly, as if she was telling a joke, so no one was excited.

Cao Dan twitched the corner of his mouth, "Sir, did the iron tree bloom today?"

These bastards actually think her words are child's play!Tang Lin gritted her teeth angrily, and yelled angrily: "You bastards, human pests, if you still don't believe that you are given a holiday, well, sir, take it back."

Immediately beg one by one,
"Come on sir, we know now!"

"Don't take it back, don't!"

"I finally got two days off, how can I go back on my word?"

After the pleadings and protests gradually subsided, Tang Lin turned to everyone with a cold face, and said angrily, "If you dare to ignore the officer's words in the future, you will feel better. In order to let you spend two days of wonderful vacation, the officer will give you Prepare mahjong, poker and many other interesting entertainment programs, you can play to your heart's content. After the vacation is accepted, I will inform you of new training subjects. Today's meeting will end here, and you can disband freely."

"Sir," Han Xueyan asked weakly, "What is mahjong poker?" Tang Lin explained casually, "Mahjong and poker are just like the chess you play. They are just entertainment tools. Don't ask me how to use them now. I have listed the learning process, you can explore it yourself!"

After the dissolution, everyone went to eat, and Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen went to Xuanyu Palace.An Lin had already asked the imperial dining room to prepare dinner for the two of them.

When the two were eating vigorously, Tang Lin ran in with a layer of raindrops on her body. As she walked towards the dining table, she wiped off the raindrops on her body and complained, "What the hell is the weather? Every few days It will rain!"

Yu Shengjun smiled and shook his head helplessly, "Is this worth your Miss Tang's temper?"

Tang Lin simply took off her coat, tidied it up and put it in a corner, then walked to the dining table and sat down. She was wearing only a T-shirt, because she was wearing a bra, she was not as flat as wearing a bellyband, giving people a sense of comfort. His vision was so sharp that Yu Zichen couldn't help but look away, and ate in silence.

Yu Shengjun was about to ask An Lin outside the door to prepare more bowls and chopsticks, but before he yelled, Tang Lin dragged a stool and sat beside him, almost touching him, she served it bluntly. He picked up his rice bowl and snatched away the chopsticks in his hand. He took a fancy to a piece of braised pork on the table, picked it up and put it in his mouth, chewing it with gusto, "Well... the things in the imperial dining room are really delicious. It is the best food in the world!"

The two brothers watched her eat, just laughed and said nothing.

After chewing the food in her mouth, Tang Lin looked sideways at Yu Shengjun and asked, "Junjun, you have four days off, what are you going to do?"

Yu Shengjun chuckled and asked, "Do you have any suggestions?"

"Of course!" Tang Lin responded quickly, "Mu Dongfang has already set off towards us with some elite soldiers. Junjun, if it were me, I would make arrangements in advance to block all military exits in the northern kingdom. If something happens to Mu Dongfang, His soldiers and horses will not be able to support him!"

Yu Zichen said: "It is already under deployment, I believe our generals will not let us down."

Tang Lin nodded, "I trust them too."

After a while, Tang Lin suddenly thought of someone, "My lord, how is your Eyun now? I'm afraid that Mu Lingxuan will be suspicious. If Mu Lingxuan knows that Eyun is not dead, it should affect our plan. !"

"Don't worry," Yu Zichen said, "she's fine, she's staying well at her mother's house. Through hard work these days, we have successfully subdued Fu Yushu. He will no longer help Shao Qi, nor will he attack Chucheng again. idea."

Yu Shengjun put down his wine glass and smiled coldly, "Even if he wants Chu City, I won't give it to him."

Tang Lin said: "I really can't give it. Chucheng is already a part of Yuxin, and it is the most outstanding town with clean officials and prosperous businessmen. It is easy to break away from the Yuxin Dynasty. I don't know what the consequences will be. Chucheng Located at the junction of Beilin Kingdom and our Yuxin, if our dream of unifying the Central Plains is realized, our capital city of Yuxin will be located in Chu City in the future. Chu City has excellent conditions, developed water and land transportation, and most importantly, there is no earthquake .We should change the city of Chu to the capital. Junjun, what do you think?"

Yu Shengjun said: "It's too early to talk about this matter now, and everything has to be decided after the northern border country is subdued."

"En." Tang Lin filled the three of them with wine, then stood up and raised her glass, "For our tomorrow, do it!"

The two brothers picked up their wine glasses one after another and stood up, meeting Tang Lin's wine glass. They were in high spirits, and they drank it down in one gulp.

Since coming to ancient times, Tang Lin seldom drank ancient wines. These wines were not like the wines she was used to drinking in modern times. They were so strong that she stuck her tongue out for a while, then sat down and poured tea immediately, "You can't drink it, you can't drink it. , too intense."

Yu Shengjun laughed and said: "I really can't tell, you Tang Lin is omnipotent, but you are afraid of this wine."

Tang Lin argued, "It's not that I'm afraid, it's that I don't have the habit of drinking. When I was not in the army, I often went to nightclubs with my teammates to fight beer, let alone, I never got drunk. Sometimes there are very important tasks to be carried out. I remember One time, my boss asked me to approach a sommelier and get a piece of information from the sommelier. In our place, the profession of a sommelier is very high-level, and most people are not in the eyes of a sommelier. In order to become a sommelier As the confidant of the master, I had to bite the bullet and learn how to taste all kinds of wines that have won the high-level halls. I learned how to learn. I made friends with the sommelier. My wine tasting skill and connotation conquered him, and in the end, I got the information. I have been in contact with all kinds of wine, Western and Eastern, and I never lack it. It's just this ancient wine..."

(End of this chapter)

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