The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 310 Am I Feeling Lucky?

Chapter 310 Am I Feeling Lucky?

"Okay," Tang Lin compromised, "I'd better be a person who keeps pace with the times, and don't go against the world." But when can we wait until the day of bridal chamber with Yu Shengjun?a year?ten years?

"Little Miss Tang..." Han Xueyan really wanted to know who Tang Lin fell in love with, and she wondered who had the guts to fall in love with a beauty like Tang Lin who had a volatile temper.But, afraid of being scolded, she dared not ask.

After knowing why Yu Shengjun didn't touch her, the depression in Tang Lin's heart suddenly became clear, and she didn't worry about anything anymore. "Very sleepy, I'll go to bed first, you can do whatever you want." After speaking, she buried her head and fell asleep.

"Okay, Miss Tang, take a good rest." Han Xueyan was a little frustrated when she couldn't get an answer, but she didn't dare to disturb Tang Lin anymore.

In the middle of the night, the rain became heavier and heavier, accompanied by disturbing thunder and lightning.

The sky above the palace was filled with rain, black clouds and lightning, like a land that was about to collapse.

The thunder made the people in the whole room restless. This was the thunder that never stopped after they lay down.Tang Lin, in particular, was even more flustered.She tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.This storm gave her a very bad premonition.

In recent months, the amount of rain in the imperial capital has exceeded imagination, and it has also been accompanied by earthquakes.It is hard to imagine how a city with so many disasters got to where it is today.

At this moment, everyone is in this room, including Yu Shengjun.He saw Tang Lin tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep, but he couldn't sleep. He could feel what Tang Lin was worried about, and his worry was no different from hers.

The dream of subjugating the northern border country must come true!If there is a day when the imperial capital really falls apart, I hope everything will be in time...

The next day, the weather was still the same as last night, with thunder and lightning and continuous torrential rain.Everyone can only stay in the Shanglin Garden, unable to walk an inch, let alone exercise their muscles and bones in the compound, or learn martial arts.

I couldn't sleep last night, and everyone slept until noon today.It's just the sky at noon, it's so dark, it's like night.

After everyone ate lunch as breakfast, they went back to their rooms and continued to sleep and sleep in a daze.It's just that those who want to sleep can't fall asleep, and those who are in a daze can't sleep, and they are so bored to death.It's all caused by ghost weather.

Cao Dan stood at the door, angry at the pouring rain outside, "I know it will fall, it will fall, won't it collapse next time?"

"Come on, give way!" Several imperial guards moved a table and a few stools to the door.

Cao Dan stepped aside and asked curiously, "What is this for?"

After the Imperial Forest Army moved the tables, chairs and benches in, they placed them in the open space of the room.Before leaving, one of them said to the people in the room: "This is the order of the Tang guard, and we don't know what she is going to do."

Not long after the Imperial Forest Army left, Tang Lin came in from the outside carrying a bag.Seeing that everyone was looking at her, she was a little speechless, "What are you looking at? It's not like I haven't seen it before!"

Cao Dan twitched his lips and said with a dry smile, "Sister Tang, we want to know what you want to do."

Tang Lin walked to the table and put the bag down, "What else can I do? It's raining and I can't go anywhere. Since I have nothing to do, I can't go anywhere. Let's play a few games of mahjong with you to pass the time." Time! But let me tell you in advance, pay if you win or lose, and if you don’t have any money, I suggest you don’t play, and be careful that you lose and go bankrupt!”

Shao Qi raised his eyebrows and said, "I really want to see what the mahjong that the officer is talking about is."

Tang Lin gave him a haughty smile, "Don't lose so badly after seeing it."

Shao Qi said confidently: "My luck and luck have always been good."

When Tang Lin poured out the mahjong in the bag, everyone surrounded her.When Tang Lin poured mahjong one by one on the table, everyone immediately showed admiration.

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing that everyone seemed not very surprised by these mahjong, Tang Lin was a little depressed.

Cao Dan curled his lips at Tang Lin, with a speechless expression, "Sister Tang, isn't this a sparrow? I have been playing with it since I was a child. How could it turn into mahjong in your mouth? We thought it was something novel. !"

"Uh," Tang Lin was stunned, as if she had miscalculated, "Could it be that mahjong has already been invented here?"

Han Xueyan said: "It was invented by people in the Han Dynasty."

Tang Lin took a deep breath, "Xueyan, do you still know the Han Dynasty?"

Cao Dan said contemptuously: "Sister Tang, I can't see that you don't even know this bit of history. The Han Dynasty is hundreds of years away from us now, and it is already a past dynasty. How could we not know about it?"

Tang Lin thought about it carefully. If what Cao Dan said was true, then the Yuxin Dynasty should be a superficial dynasty. It followed the evolution of history, but it was not recorded in the history books.

"Oh... I see." Tang Lin suddenly remembered something, "Mahjong was indeed invented by people in the Han Dynasty."

Han Xueyan corrected, "Miss Tang, it's a sparrow."

"Oh," Tang Lin said impatiently, "it's just a name, why are you arguing with me? Sparrows are sparrows. Since you have been playing since childhood, then... dare you bet?"

"There is nothing to dare," Cao Dan believed in his own ability, so he was the first to occupy a seat.

Tang Lin looked at the others who seemed to be having fun, "Which one of you wants to play? It's raining heavily, and I don't know when it will fall. Why don't you join a table and play a few sets of mahjong to survive."

"Yan'er, come on!" Shao Qi pushed Han Xueyan to a corner of the table and sat down, while he pulled a stool and sat beside Han Xueyan, helping her put up a sign, "Today, we will kill all these people. "

With her brother-in-law watching, Han Xueyan was confident that she would not lose, "Brother-in-law, you must help me see the cards clearly, I have no money to pay if I lose."

Shao Qi said in a loud tone, "You can fight as much as you want, brother-in-law has plenty of money."

Tang Lin immediately took a seat. Seeing that there was another seat vacant, she asked Fu Yushu and the others who were still standing, "Are you planning to watch and join in the fun?"

"Squad leader, you..." Yu Zichen turned around and wanted to call Yu Shengjun to fight, but he saw that Yu Shengjun had closed his eyes and fell asleep, so he had no choice but to stop calling.

"Since you don't play, then I'll play." Lu Yitang said modestly, and sat down, and Sun Bailing had already stood behind him before he knew it, watching him sort out the signs.

Fu Yushu and Yu Zichen stood behind Cao Dan, one on the left and the other on the right.Yun Lei was on Shao Qi's side, so he stood behind Han Xueyan.

A deck of cards was quickly laid out. Before rolling the dice, Tang Lin took out a deck of poker from her body, which was similar to modern poker.She divided the playing cards into ten cards for each person, and put the rest back in her pocket.She said: "It's not fun to play small ones, and it hurts to play too big ones. Just order, just a handful of five taels of silver. The cards you were given just now are playing cards. Each card represents five taels of silver. If you lose, you pay. You get money when you win. It’s just that the gameplay is different in every place. Let’s play the traditional way, there is the kind of bar bumping and self-playing, but it’s more difficult to play. ,how about?"

Cao Dan said: "I have no objection!"

Lu Yitang and Shao Qi expressed their opinions one after another, "We have no objections either!"

Tang Lin smiled with satisfaction, "Very well, then let's start." So, she sat on the bank first, rolled the dice, and began to draw cards according to the points.The others were indeed from the old fritters, they played steadily, placed their cards quickly, and added their cards unambiguously.

"Six cakes." Just after taking the cards, Tang Lin threw out one without looking at it first.

Everyone else took a breath.

Cao Dan widened his eyes and said, "Sister Tang, do you know how to play poker? How nice of you to give me such a good card!"

Tang Lin said calmly: "Touch it if you have the ability!"

"I don't care about it," said Cao Dan, when it was his turn to draw cards, he unexpectedly found one that drove him crazy. He scratched his numbed scalp, and threw away the cards he drew angrily. Go out, "Dongfeng."

In the next second, Han Xueyan and Shao Qi said at the same time, "Go ahead."

Immediately, Cao Dan took a deep breath.

Han Xueyan smiled shyly at him, "I'm sorry Brother Cao, I didn't know it was your card until I made a bar."

Cao Dan curled his lips and confessed.

Tang Lin chuckled, and did not forget to send a smug smile, "Xiao Cao, you have won the big prize!"

Lu Yitang didn't have a chance to draw the cards, so it was Tang Lin again.She touched a card and couldn't help smiling, obviously she got a good card.Just when Cao Dan wanted to ask her what card she drew and she was so happy, she made a concealed kong, "I'm really sorry, I feel better!"

Cao Dan and the others just twitched the corners of their stiff mouths, unable to express anything.

After playing two rounds in turn, Cao Dan was about to hit a Wanzi, but was stopped by two people behind him at the same time, "Don't hit this."

Cao Dan held Wan Zi's hand and froze in the air, "Why can't I play this one?"

Fu Yushu reached down, took the other cards and played them out.

Cao Dan wanted to take it back, "I can't play this one,"

Tang Lin immediately said, "Death by the light!"

"Wow." Cao Dan wanted to cry but had no tears.

Yu Zichen squeezed his shoulder and said: "Xiao Cao, just listen to us, the one just now is redundant. If you hit the one in your hand, you will really cry but you won't be able to cry."

Cao Dan felt a chill down his spine, "Is it that exaggerated?"

After another two rounds of playing, Fu Yushu and Yu Zichen interfered with Cao Dan's card game again.Cao Dan was furious, "You two should just fight."

Immediately, Fu Yushu and Yu Zichen shut their mouths, stopped their hands, and stopped interfering with Cao Dan who was in a rage.

After several rounds of playing, the brand became less and less.Seeing that they had already drawn all the cards, Tang Lin touched the last one. As soon as she got the cards in her hands, she calmly opened all the cards to everyone, "Sorry, I'm fooling around!"

Cao Dan was dumbfounded, "You can touch this fucking thing too."

Tang Lin began to count the money, "Zimo, add a hidden kong, um... each of you will give me a total of 15 yuan, no, it is 15 taels of silver. Zimo [-] liang, hidden kong [-] liang, and I am the dealer .” Stretch out your hand, “Bring the money.”

Everyone reluctantly discarded the three playing cards.

As for Cao Dan, he lost 20 taels sadly.

Next, Tang Lin and the others played a few more games, and every game was played by her.In a blink of an eye, she had already won all the poker cards in the hands of the others.

"Which one of you play, I will give way." After Tang Lin won a few games, she took the poker cards to the side, lay down on a bed, and started counting, "One, two..." The corners of her mouth were accompanied by excitement. laugh.

"It's boring, I won't fight anymore, it's really bad luck." Cao Dan had already lost to the point where he owed money, and the more he fought, the more he lost his energy. Seeing that Tang Lin stopped fighting, he simply stopped fighting. He left his seat and went back to his bed and fell asleep. .

"I'll make it easier for you, you guys call!" Lu Yitang said and left.

Fu Yushu and Yu Zichen exchanged glances, and then sat in two empty seats together.

Han Xueyan yawned, "Brother-in-law, I will stop beating, I'm sleepy."

(End of this chapter)

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