The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 311 Because the Emperor is Incompetent

Chapter 311 Because the Emperor is Incompetent
"Then you go to bed first, brother-in-law will fight." Just like that, Shao Qi joined the battle, but still missing one of three.

The three looked at Yunlei and Sun Bailing, "Who are you..."

"I don't have any money." Yunlei said directly, and then slipped back to his bed and sat down.

Sun Bailing smiled awkwardly, "I don't know how to fight."

Shao Qi said: "Then what should we do? How about three people fight!"

At this time, Yu Shengjun sat down on Tang Lin's seat firmly, "I still have me."

Being able to have Yu Shengjun participating made Shao Qi both excited and ruthless. He thought that failing to catch up with Yu Shengjun in other aspects did not mean that he could not beat him at the mahjong table.Yu Shengjun, you just wait to lose and go bankrupt.

This time, it was Shao Qi who rushed to sit in the Zhuang.After taking the cards, he confidently played the first card, "Get rich."

However, in the next second, Yu Shengjun directly made such a move without pain, "Hit it." Then, in front of everyone, he took Shao Qi's fortune and put it on the corner of the table. When he drew the cards again, he put them away directly, "I'm sorry everyone, my luck is better today, I'm stupid."

Shao Qi fixed his eyes and slammed his forehead on the table, not in a normal frenzy.Where did Yu Shengjun get such good luck? Why...

Tang Lin came over, stood behind Yu Shengjun and put his shoulders on his shoulders, "Oh, not bad."

Yu Shengjun smiled, "It's your seat that deserves your honor."

After another round of drawing cards, Yu Shengjun took a look at it, but he couldn't come up with any cards. Tang Lin was also watching, but the more she looked, the wider her eyes opened, "Am I right? Card, is there any reason?"

Shao Qi said impatiently: "Yu Huangxuan, you're playing cards, what are you dawdling about?"

"Okay." After confirming that it was correct, Yu Shengjun didn't play the card, but put the card directly, "I'm sorry, this time, my luck seems to be better than last time."

The others fixed their eyes and saw that it was a fool before they played their cards, and they were almost dumbfounded.They said in unison: "Isn't it?"

In the next set, Shao Qi suggested: "How about we take turns changing seats?"

Fu Yushu and Yu Zichen agreed, but Yu Shengjun said nothing.But this dish, in the end it was him.

When changing seats in the next game, Shao Qi rushed to take Yu Shengjun's seat first, but Yu Shengjun had no choice but to sit on him.With the mentality of winning this round, Shao Qi played the first card, but Yu Shengjun directly touched him.

After a while, Yu Shengjun wanted to put his cards down, because he was fooling around again.At this time, a student broke in and said to Tang Lin with a terrified expression, "Sir, something is wrong." Tang Lin said impatiently, "I said, why do you make such a fuss every time? What's wrong with me? Sir, I'm fine! Tell me, was someone struck by lightning this time, or was the crowd in the two rooms beaten?"

The student said anxiously: "Just now a student found a female corpse in the compound. It is estimated that it is the same as the one found in Yujiang last time. It is a concubine from the harem."

Upon hearing these words, Yu Shengjun's eyes flashed coldly.

As soon as she heard that the dead person was a female corpse, and possibly a concubine from the harem, Tang Lin put away her impatient look, and immediately walked a few steps closer to the student, with a serious and cold expression: "You said, but real?"

The student nodded heavily, "Sir, it's absolutely true!"

Tang Lin couldn't resist saying, "Take me to see it!"

Everyone else followed Tang Lin out, Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen were the last two.

Yu Zichen was in a heavy heart, "It's already the second one, Brother Huang, hasn't the Criminal Department found out yet?"

"Even the Criminal Department can't find out, either the murderer is too shrewd, or the Criminal Department has ghosts. I will find time to visit the harem." After speaking, Yu Shengjun got up and walked out of the room.Yu Zichen followed behind.

Torrential rain.

Fu Yushu supported Tang Lin to the Shanglinyuan compound with an umbrella. At this time, Yifeng, Yitang, and Yishuang were already beside the female body, and three imperial guards held umbrellas for them.

"What's the situation?" Tang Lin came up and asked Yifeng and the others.

Yifeng said, "It's been half an hour since I died."

Tang Lin asked again: "Can you see the identity of the deceased?"

Just in time, Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen came up, Yifeng glanced at them, and then answered Tang Lin quietly, "It's... the concubine of the harem."

Shao Qi said abruptly, "The emperor's woman is dead, won't he come and deal with it?"

Yu Shengjun listened silently, expressionless.

Tang Lin told Yifeng and the others, "Don't move the scene yet, send someone to notify the Criminal Department, and let the Criminal Department deal with it. Others don't watch here, all go back."

When Yu Shengjun left, he took a careful look at the female corpse on the ground.The deceased was very beautiful. Although he died, it was still hard to ignore his beautiful face, his well-proportioned figure and noble attire.

Just glanced over, and then Yu Shengjun left.

In a blink of an eye, it was evening again, but it was still thunder and lightning and heavy rain.

Everyone else went to the dining hall to eat. Seeing Yu Shengjun leaning on the bed in a daze, Fu Yushu called out, "Huangxuan."

Yu Shengjun was thinking about the death of the concubine in the harem, but he didn't hear Fu Yushu's call.

Seeing no response, Fu Yushu called again, "Huangxuan."

Hearing the sound, Yu Shengjun came back to his senses and looked up, "What's wrong?"

Fu Yushu said: "Everyone else has gone to eat, why don't you act?" Suddenly he thought that he had never seen Yu Huangxuan in the dining hall. "Do you have a grudge against the canteen? I haven't seen you go there before!"

Yu Shengjun changed his position and lay down, lazily said: "I'm not interested in the canteen."

"Not interested?" Fu Yushu raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, "How did you persist until now if you don't eat?"

Yu Shengjun casually found a reason and perfunctory, so as to save Fu Yushu from guessing, "The platoon leader Xiao likes to eat rats, centipedes and scorpions, and rarely eats in the canteen. Everyone eats differently, so there is no fuss."

Fu Yushu smiled weakly, "Could it be that you, Yu Huangxuan, also like those things that Xiao Xiong likes? You really don't look like normal people!"

Yu Shengjun smiled slightly, "It's already time, why don't you go to the dining hall?"

"No appetite." Saying that, Fu Yushu sat down on his bed, and couldn't help but think of the female corpse he found earlier. "Tell me, is the emperor sick? I heard from people in the palace that he has never been to the harem. I guess it's because those women can't bear the loneliness. But then again, what Zimo said is true. The person in power is the Second Prince."

Yu Shengjun listened to Fu Yushu talking about things like listening to a play, "Why is the second prince in power?"

Fu Yushu said: "Because the emperor is incompetent."

These words raised Yu Shengjun's eyebrows, "The emperor is incompetent?"

Fu Yushu continued: "The emperor must be sick. Think about it, can a sick person manage this big country? If the emperor is really such a person, it can be justified that he never goes to the harem. Think back, Tang Lin once Didn't you bump into the emperor having an affair with the guards? How could an emperor who likes men like women? Based on this alone, the emperor has never appeared in the harem, which makes sense!"

Yu Shengjun yawned and felt sleepy, "I don't have the heart to be curious about the emperor's family." When you, Fu Yushu, know that I am the emperor, you will know whether the emperor likes a man or a woman .

"The one wearing the mask should be the Second Prince." Fu Yushu thought of Yu Shengjun who appeared wearing a mask during the selection contest, "If it was the real emperor, he wouldn't do this. The Second Prince just doesn't want the world to know the identity of the current emperor." matter."

Yu Shengjun said: "Anyway, we are following the second prince, the emperor is just a puppet, there is no need to find out."

"But frequent accidents in the harem are not a good thing for the imperial court," Fu Yushu said.

Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows in surprise, "I can't see that you, who used to wish for Yu Xin's death, actually care about Yu Xin."

Fu Yushu glanced at him, "I'm not as bad as you said. For me, Fu Yushu, there are only two things in this life, one is to avenge my wife and nine sons; I don't know the truth, I always thought that Yu Xin caused the demise of our Chu country, but now I know that's not the case, then Yu Xin and I have no enmity. Chu City is more prosperous than before, how can I have the heart to launch a war again. "

When Fu Yushu talked about avenging Du Yuanyuan and the Nine Sons, Yu Shengjun's eyes were always deep and complicated.Just had a moment of impulse, he wanted to tell Fu Yushu all the ins and outs of the matter, and told Fu Yushu that he was Yu Shengjun, not Yu Huangxuan.

However, the overall situation is uncertain, even though Fu Yushu's benignity is still intact, he cannot act recklessly like this.


Tang Lin feebly helped Mu Lingxuan cook meals for the students. Seeing her dying look, Mu Lingxuan despised her, "Isn't it just a bad day, and you are dying like this?"

"You don't understand," Tang Lin gave her an ignorant look, "I don't want to die because of the weather."

Mu Lingxuan's contempt did not change, "Since it is not, then are you still like this?"

"Alas," Tang Lin put down the spoon and sat aside, mourning again and again.She thought of the female corpse again.What happened in this harem, it is necessary to die every other month?Who did it?
Seeing Lu Yitang come up to eat, Mu Lingxuan pushed Tang Lin's shoulder, "Hey, is our bet still on?"

Tang Lin asked feebly, "What bet?"

Mu Lingxuan raised her chin to Lu Yitang who was walking over, and said in a low voice, "That's the one."

Tang Lin looked over, and now she understood the meaning of Mu Lingxuan's words.She regained her spirits. "Nonsense, it must still be there, haven't we decided the winner yet? I happen to have a vacation, so how about it, whoever can knock him down before midnight tomorrow will win. If you win, what will I ask you to do?" Just do whatever you want, of course, if you win, I will do whatever you ask me to do, how about it?"

Mu Lingxuan said proudly: "Just wait and see! By the way, he lives in your room, right?"

Tang Lin became vigilant, "Yes! Why are you asking this?"

Mu Lingxuan smiled slyly.

Not long after, Lu Yitang stood in front of the two of them, and smiled at them very gentlemanly.

Mu Lingxuan asked with a smile: "Lord Lu, are you free tonight?"

As soon as Lu Yitang came up, Sun Bailing also came up right after him, queuing up behind him. She was very displeased with Mu Lingxuan's smile, but she didn't show dissatisfaction, but her expression was very cold and indifferent.

"It's two days off." Lu Yitang said.

Mu Lingxuan was overjoyed immediately, and said without hesitation: "Master Lu, I made something delicious tonight, can you come to the kitchen to eat?"

"This..." Lu Yitang hesitated, he definitely didn't want to go, but it would be very hurtful to refuse directly.After thinking about it, he had a reason for rejection that would not hurt anyone.He glanced at Tang Lin, and said to Mu Lingxuan, "Not at night or tomorrow. The commander has ordered that all students are not allowed to leave Shanglinyuan during the vacation."

"That's it," Mu Lingxuan was disappointed, and cursed Tang Lin fiercely in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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