The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 312 Life is too rough!

Chapter 312 Life is too rough!

Lu Yitang said again: "If you are free some other day, you must go and taste the good things made by Miss Feng."

These words swept away Mu Lingxuan's unhappiness, but it chilled Sun Bailing's heart.

"Let's go!" Sun Bailing pushed Lu Yitang expressionlessly, pushed him aside, then stood opposite Mu Lingxuan, and ordered coldly: "I'm hungry, hurry up and get some food."

"Yes, yes yes." Mu Lingxuan gave Sun Bailing a meal while smiling apologetically, not realizing that Sun Bailing's indifference was caused by her.

After Lu Yitang was pushed away, he realized that he had no scruples about Sun Bailing's feelings, and felt very ashamed.

At night, it was still lightning, thunder, and heavy rain.

Everyone else went to other students' rooms to play mahjong, leaving only Yu Shengjun sleeping and Lu Yitang who was in a daze.During dinner in the evening, he and Mu Lingxuan flirted with each other, which made Sun Bailing angry, and he has ignored him until now.

At this time, a voice came in from outside the door, "Lord Lu, are you inside?"

Lu Yitang was startled, and whispered, "Isn't this Miss Feng?"

His little words made Yu Shengjun, who was half asleep and half awake, hear him, and sat up suddenly.Feng girl?Is it Mu Lingxuan? !Oh my god, let her come in and find him again, that's okay!
Unfortunately, the door was opened at this time.It is impossible to go out and hide.Yu Shengjun quickly hides from people, but looking left and right, the whole room can be seen at a glance, how can he hide a big living person?After thinking about it, I had no choice but to ask Lu Yitang, "Yitang, no matter who comes or who looks for me, you will say that you have never seen me, please!"

"It's fine, why do you have such an idea?" Lu Yitang looked at Yu Shengjun depressedly.

The door of the room had already been opened. Yu Shengjun didn't say anything to Lu Yitang. He jumped directly to Tang Lin's bed and lay down. He pulled the quilt over and covered himself completely. Even if someone came in, he couldn't see the person lying on the bed. It's him.

However, it was not anyone who opened the door, but Yun Lei. He glanced at the room and saw that Lu Yitang was alone, so he asked, "Where is Squad Leader Yu? Everyone is waiting for him to play cards!"

"He..." Thinking of Yu Shengjun's request, Lu Yitang temporarily changed his words, "He the toilet!"

Yun Lei turned around and went out, but turned around and came back after going out, and smiled at Lu Yitang's thief, "There is a girl looking for you outside." After finishing speaking, he really went out now.

Lu Yitang was about to go out to have a look, but Mu Lingxuan came in with lotus steps. With a shy face, she bowed to him, "Lord Lu."

It was because of this woman that Sun Bailing became angry with him. At this moment, Lu Yitang really wanted to hide from the God of Plague for Mu Lingxuan who appeared in front of him.But on the surface, he still treated him politely, "Miss Feng, do you have anything to do with me?"

"I..." Mu Lingxuan lowered her head timidly, faltering.

The mosquito-like sound made Lu Yitang prick up his ears, "What?"

Mu Lingxuan took a breath, and then mustered up the courage to go all out.She raised her head again, looked at Lu Yitang with affection in her eyes, and said sincerely: "Lord Lu, ever since Die Wu saw you for the first time, her heart has"

"..." Lu Yitang was startled, "What?"

She had already plucked up the courage to speak out what was in her heart, so Mu Lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, but her behavior became more bold, and she took a few steps towards Lu Yitang, standing face to face with him was only two steps away.

Her passionate eyes made Lu Yitang take two steps back like a ghost, the corners of his mouth twitched, "Miss Feng, you..."

Mu Lingxuan took an inch and took two steps forward fiercely, but she touched the other party's clothes. She said seriously: "Master Lu, Die Wu likes you, from the first time I saw Master Lu Yes! Master Lu, what do you think of Die Wu?"

Such close interrogation made Lu Yitang's body stiff and accompanied by brain fever, he stammered and said: "Miss Feng, you must be thinking too much, sir..."

"My lord likes Die Wu, right?" Mu Lingxuan interrupted Lu Yitang.

"My officer..." Lu Yitang was about to say.

Suddenly, Mu Lingxuan hugged his waist.

This sudden move startled Lu Yitang.Before she could wrap his arms around his waist, he pulled away her hand and stepped back.However, as soon as he retreated, Mu Lingxuan went up to meet him.Soon, he retreated from the door to Tang Lin's bed, and there was no way to retreat.

When Yu Shengjun felt a heavy object hitting the bed, he couldn't help but tense up.

"Miss Feng, listen to me," Lu Yitang had no way out, so he sat on Tang Lin's bed, with his hands supporting the sides of the bed.

However, Mu Lingxuan didn't let him have a chance to speak, she looked at him with winking eyes, and slowly leaned over, and his body, in order not to touch her, also slowly leaned back, unexpectedly, the pressure Arriving at Yu Shengjun lying on the bed.

At this moment, he was really about to collapse.And Yu Shengjun who stayed in the quilt was about to collapse.

"My lord, Die Wu's love for you is as deep as the sea," Mu Lingxuan quickly leaned her body on Lu Yitang's body and put her hands on his, just like the empress looking down at him.

Just go one step further and she wins.

Because Lu Yitang was too close together, Yu Shengjun squirmed in the quilt, but the shaking of the quilt attracted Mu Lingxuan's attention.Slowly, her eyes fell on the quilt, "Is there anyone here?"

Lu Yitang smiled dryly, "Miss Feng, listen to me, I already have one."

"Shh," Mu Lingxuan made a booing gesture to him, then slowly stretched out her hand, intending to lift the quilt up.

At this moment, Tang Lin walked in from the outside, and sparks burst out of her eyes when she saw the two people whose posture was too ambiguous.She quickly walked over and cursed, "Feng Die Wu, you are too selfish, you agreed to compete openly and fairly, and you actually ran to my room behind my back to snatch people!"

Yu Shengjun wanted to cry in the quilt, but this Tang Lin really had nothing to do, so why play with Mu Lingxuan?Are you having a rough day?

Tang Lin walked over a few steps, grabbed Lu Yitang's hand, and was about to pull him to her side, but Mu Lingxuan went too far. She hugged Lu Yitang's arm tightly, and one foot clung to him On his body, he clung on tightly, "He's mine." As he spoke, he pushed Tang Lin's hand away, then turned over and pressed Lu Yitang down.

Seeing that she was about to succeed, Tang Lin suddenly dragged Mu Lingxuan away from the bed from behind Mu Lingxuan. "Your? It's beautiful, he's mine!"

Next, Lu Yitang was regarded as the object of contention, being pulled and pulled by Mu Lingxuan for a while, and pulled and pulled by Tang Lin for a while.Just as the two women were wrapping their hands and feet around him at the same time, Sun Bailing came in from the outside.

Seeing this scene and Lu Yitang's posture, she couldn't control her tears and hatred any longer, and said to Lu Yitang in despair, "Lu Yitang, I hate you!" Then, tears ran out of the room.

"Bailing! Listen to my explanation!" Lu Yitang threw away Mu Lingxuan and Tang Lin, and chased Sun Bailing out.

Mu Lingxuan was fooled by the actions of Lu Yitang and Sun Bailing, she stared at the door like a goose, unable to calm down the turmoil in her heart for a long time.

"Hey, don't look at it, everyone is gone, we can't continue to gamble!" Tang Lin knew why Mu Lingxuan had such an expression, but she felt hurt when she saw Lu Yitang chasing the "man" Sun Bailing out. hit.

"How did this happen?" Mu Lingxuan asked in astonishment, "Between Master Lu and Master Sun..."

Tang Lin said casually: "As you can see, they are in love with each other."

"But," Mu Lingxuan didn't understand, "The two of them are men, why do they..."

Tang Lin said contemptuously: "The world is impermanent, what's so strange? Cut!"

Mu Lingxuan sat down on Tang Lin's bed suddenly, her face was full of frustration, "Such a good person actually likes a man, it's too shocking for me."

"I'm talking about Princess Mu, just look away, there are many beautiful men like Mr. Lu in the world." As she said that, Tang Lin was about to tidy up the quilt, but when she lifted the quilt, she saw Yu Shengjun staring at her.Can't wait to shave myself alive.She could only send her innocent eyes.

scare!How could this guy be here? If Mu Lingxuan saw it...

Tang Lin immediately covered Yu Shengjun with the quilt, but fortunately Mu Lingxuan had her back facing, otherwise she would have been worn out.She pulled Mu Lingxuan up, pretending to be bored and said: "Princess Mu, let's go for a walk, it's boring here!"

"Okay!" Mu Lingxuan was about to leave, but after walking two steps, she suddenly turned her head and stared at the raised quilt, wondering, "Are you a student from your battalion?"

Tang Lin's pronunciation was inaccurate for a few times, "He is sick, so he covered himself tightly. You also know that there will always be people who can't stand this kind of horrible weather. Let's go, don't disturb his sleep." After saying that, he went up and dragged Mu Lingxuan out.

However, Fu Yushu came in from the outside at this time, and shouted as soon as he came in, "Yu Huangxuan, I want you to play..." mahjong.Unexpectedly, when he came in, he saw two beauties, and he smiled politely, "Die Wu, when did you come here?"

Mu Lingxuan turned back to her well-behaved and pleasant self, "Brother Fu, let me come and see Xiao Tang."

Fu Yushu had an epiphany, "Oh, that's it."

Tang Lin said, "Brother Fu, there's nothing wrong with us, so we went out."

Fu Yushu said "Yes", "Go."

After going out, Tang Lin and the two walked slowly in the corridor of Shanglin Garden.While walking, Mu Lingxuan said: "Xiao Tang, I have already ordered the people below to tell Fu Yushu about my emperor's brother. Presumably, Fu Yushu has already told you, right?"

Tang Lin nodded, "I already know that your imperial brother has led elite soldiers out of the city. Don't worry, we are allies of Beilin Kingdom, and we will definitely help Beilin win Yuxin."

Mu Lingxuan said annoyedly: "Oh, it will take a month or two for my brother to arrive, the journey is too long."

Tang Lin said: "Two months have passed in the blink of an eye. By the way, didn't we say that we need to replace the Imperial Forest Army from the Imperial Palace? When do you plan to dispatch?"

Mu Lingxuan said: "When my brother enters the border of Yuxin Kingdom. At present, you still need to transfer the guards in the palace."

Tang Lin said listlessly: "For me, it's easy to transfer the guards in the palace. It's just that you have to wait two months for your brother to come back. If it takes so long, there may be many accidents. At that time, don't say you can get it Yuxin is gone, even our Chu Kingdom can’t take it back.”

"No," Mu Lingxuan was afraid that Tang Lin would be discouraged, so she said as best she could, "Currently, there are quite a few of my troops in the palace, so there won't be many accidents."

Tang Lin smiled coldly in her heart. Mu Lingxuan's so-called men and horses were, after all, Yu Shengjun's people. They just acted as Mu Lingxuan's men and horses in a scene, making Mu Lingxuan think how capable she was.As everyone knows, he is self righteous in the trap of others.

"Since you think it's boring for a long time, how about we continue to gamble?" At this time, Mu Lingxuan thought of the refined and refined Fu Yushu she had just met in Tang Lin's room.

Tang Lin asked, "What are you betting on?"

Mu Lingxuan smiled arrogantly, "I'll bet on which of us your young master will love more."

(End of this chapter)

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