The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 313 It's Time Tunnel!

Chapter 313 It's Time Tunnel!

"It's impossible," Tang Lin reminded bluntly, "My young master already has a wife, and he loves his wife very much. Although he has a little interest in you, it doesn't mean he will go overboard."

Mu Lingxuan said confidently: "It's all about human effort, there is no cat that doesn't steal."

"Okay," Tang Lin was convinced, "you can gamble, whoever is afraid of you." After betting, two months passed, and Yu Shengjun's plan was successful.Soon, she will become the queen of the overlord of the world.

From now on, she will often go out of the palace with a grand gesture, to let the ancients see that she, a modern person, can get along here like a duck to water.

After Mu Lingxuan separated from Tang Lin, she went straight back to her residence, but just as she opened the door to go in, her feet suddenly went limp. Just like that, she was paralyzed on the ground.Why do you suddenly lose consciousness when you have good feet?
She tapped on her feet, pinched them again, but she still didn't feel it, and panic took hold of her heart. "what happened?"

At this time, Sun Bailing, with a cold and indifferent expression, came out from the side, his beautiful eyes were full of anger and cruelty.

"It's you?" Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Sun Bailing, which surprised Mu Lingxuan.

The corner of Sun Bailing's mouth twitched, the curve was charming, but the voice was like a female ghost, "It's like being unconscious, how about it?"

Mu Lingxuan was startled again, panic and anger crept into her eyes, "You did it? What did you do to me? I have no grudges with you in the past, and I have no grudges in the present. Why do you treat me like this?" Could it be, Is it because of Lu Yitang?

Sun Bailing's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he threatened each word: "I warn you, from now on, if you dare to seduce Lu Yitang again, don't blame me for your life!"

"I," Mu Lingxuan wanted to explain that this was a misunderstanding, she was just betting with Tang Lin.However, when she thought that she was a majestic princess and was threatened by a small person, she felt angry, "How dare you!"

Sun Bailing smiled charmingly, "I don't even know why you were poisoned by me. Tell me, are you capable of dealing with me?" No matter how hard his eyes were, "You swear to me that from now on, you will never hit Lu Yitang again. idea!"

Mu Lingxuan didn't swear, she protested dissatisfied, "Tang Lin also seduced Lu Yitang, why don't you punish her?"

At this moment, Sun Bailing smiled like a flower, looking down at the humble Mu Lingxuan, she said softly, but with a domineering aura, "Tang Lin is my mentor, tell me, will I deal with her? "

"Oh," I didn't expect that I lost to Tang Lin at this point. Mu Lingxuan felt sorry for herself, and then sarcastically said: "I can't believe that the one you like is actually a man, how ridiculous!"

"Whatever you want." Sun Bailing felt that there was no need for him to reveal his identity in front of a little girl. "I just like Lu Yitang, how about it? If you don't swear, I will..."

Seeing Sun Bailing's raised palm, he planned to chop himself to death.Mu Lingxuan's heart shrank. At this moment, she was really afraid of death.At this moment, she wished that her second brother Mu Lin would come back to protect her.In order to survive, she could only grit her teeth, and humbly agreed, "Okay, I promise you. I swear, from now on, I and Fengdiewu will never seduce Lu Yitang again."

Sun Bailing said coldly: "Continue to read after me, if you disobey, you will die."

"If you disobey, you will die..." After speaking, Mu Lingxuan lowered her head, and Sun Bailing couldn't see the anger and coldness in her eyes. "Is it enough?"

"How dare a little girl go against this official? You are simply overthinking what you can do and asking for death!" After finishing speaking, Sun Bailing laughed out loud, very brightly.Laughing all the way away.Announcing that she has won!
Mu Lingxuan looked at the slender figure, gritted her teeth, and said ruthlessly, "Sun Bailing, you and Lu Yitang will pay for this!"

The next day, the sky cleared.

Due to the heavy rain yesterday, the palace garden was washed out by the rain.

Early in the morning, Tang Lin gathered all the students to the Shanglinyuan compound, and ordered: "Yesterday's torrential rain washed away Lanyuan in a bad way, and a group of people are needed to clean up the scene. Due to the limited manpower in the palace, This cleanup will be handled by our training camp."

The students roared one by one.

Cao Dan protested: "Sir, we are on holiday today, why do we still have something to do?"

Tang Lin pretended to be helpless and said: "There is no way. Who is to say that the palace is short of manpower, so I have to let you do it. Stop talking nonsense, and bring me a broom and shovel after the dissolution. If you don't clean up the palace today, Then clean up at night. Disband."

One by one complained all the way back to get the guy.

Soon, all the 28 trainees in the training camp came to the palace garden that was washed out by the rain.Due to the last earthquake, the houses here were all collapsed, and after the impact of the rain, the soil and stones were washed into a mess.

Under the arrangement of platoon leader Xiao Xiong, everyone became busy, moving bricks, cleaning, digging ditches, in short, everyone had something to do.

After half a day of hard work, the area of ​​the palace garden was almost cleaned up.

When Yu Zichen moved away a pile of brick mud, he found something shiny. He dug it with a hoe, but he didn't expect to find a jade pendant.He picked up the jade pendant, put it in the bucket to wash it, and took a closer look, it was still a piece of beautiful jade with transparent color.

He thought it was a pity to waste it, so he put the jade pendant in his arms and continued to work.

Everyone had another busy meal in the afternoon, and finally cleaned up the palace. After receiving Xiao Xiong's instructions, everyone packed up and returned to Shanglin Garden.

into the night.

Everyone went to Shanglinyuan for dinner.

But Yu Shengjun packed his clothes at this time and went to the bathhouse.Before leaving, he said to Yu Zichen: "Second brother, we have prepared dinner. Tonight we will go to Xuanyu Palace for dinner. I will take a bath first, you can go to Xuanyu Palace first."

"Okay." Yu Zichen responded, and after Yu Shengjun went out, he also went out.

Arriving at Yu Shengjun's bedroom, he saw a table of rich meals.Yu Zichen went to wash his hands, then went back to the dining table and sat down.Yu Shengjun didn't come, he didn't start first.At this time, he remembered the jade pendant, so he took it out and looked at it carefully.

At this time, it was almost dark outside.But the sky is a bit weird, and it always makes people feel that something will appear.

After Yu Zichen took a few glances at the jade pendant, he played with the jade pendant from time to time, turning it around in his hand like a copper coin, and looked at the door from time to time to see if Yu Shengjun had come.

After a while, he found that the jade pendant flashed suddenly, a ray of light appeared, but it was fleeting.

"Huh?" Yu Zichen noticed the jade pendant now, it was very nice, how could the jade pendant have such a strange phenomenon?
At this time, several people's respectful voices came from outside the door, "Good luck, Your Majesty, and Miss Tang."

Hearing the sound, Yu Zichen put away the jade pendant and stopped looking at it.

"There's something delicious again." Before sitting down at the dinner table, Tang Lin forked her waist and touched it, and suddenly she frowned, "Oh, it's all your fault, you've fattened me up."

Yu Shengjun glanced at her, "That's because you are greedy, you can't blame us."

Tang Lin fought back, "If you don't ask Yushufang to make delicious food, and I won't let me see it, I won't eat it either! It's still your fault!"

At this moment, Yu Shengjun was speechless, "Sit down." He directly pushed Tang Lin down, and then he sat beside her and helped her arrange the dishes.

Tang Lin said coquettishly: "Well, you, Yu Shengjun, promise that no matter how fat I am, Tang Lin, you will never leave me, never dislike me, or laugh at me. If you promise, I won't blame you again .”

Yu Shengjun said with a sinister smile: "I promise I won't leave you, I won't despise you, but I don't promise I won't...laugh at you!" After finishing speaking, he immediately laughed out loud!As treacherous as treacherous.

Tang Lin punched each other, "It's really annoying!" Picking up the chopsticks, "I'm starting, you can do whatever you want!"

During the meal, Tang Lin wanted to ask a question on a whim, so she asked Yu Zichen, "Zichen, have you ever thought about taking a concubine?"

"Pfft," Yu Shengjun spewed out the tea from his mouth when he heard it, and a good table of food was baptized by his saliva.

Yu Zichen smiled awkwardly, "Why do you ask me such a question?" He didn't answer right away, but continued to pick up vegetables.

Tang Lin gasped, "It's all Yu Shengjun's saliva."

Yu Zichen said with a smile: "It's okay, we are brothers, I don't mind."

"Look, how deep is the relationship between our brothers." Yu Shengjun said triumphantly.

Tang Lin also picked up the dish that Yu Shengjun spat on and ate, "Then, I don't mind either, isn't our relationship also very profound?"

"What a good Linlin, I love you so much." For this reason, Yu Shengjun leaned over and kissed Tang Lin on the cheek.

Tang Lin blushed and pushed him away, "Hey, someone is here, pay attention."

Yu Shengjun just kissed again.

Tang Lin turned her embarrassment into anger, "Kiss me again and I'll kill you."

Yu Shengjun said contemptuously: "Small sample!"

After eating, Yu Shengjun took Tang Lin's hand and said mysteriously, "Go, Linlin, I will take you to a good place."

Tang Lin had no choice but to follow her out, "What good place is that? You can't kidnap me and sell me, right? I'm warning you, Yu Shengjun, if you dare to sell me, I'll shoot you with my sniper rifle!" "

Yu Zichen shook his head and laughed, watching the playful two go out, and wanted to get up and leave.But at this time, he found that his chest was emitting more and more intense rays of light.He was both terrified and incredulous.

He stood up and touched his chest, only to realize that it was the piece of jade that was placed inside.

He took out the jade and looked at the jade pendant, which was becoming more and more radiant, in astonishment, "What's going on?"

At this time, there were many startled voices from outside the bedroom, "Look, that part of the sky is getting brighter and brighter!" Slowly, the light from the jade pendant surrounded Yu Zichen. The sound coming over was too harsh, only the screams of "Wah-wah-wah" came from outside, as if the sky was about to fall.

Just when a huge vortex of light appeared in the mid-air outside, Yu Zichen put the jade pendant in his hand on the table, turned around and ran out of Yu Shengjun's bedroom.As soon as he came out, he saw the guards standing guard in Xuanyu Palace, all of them looked into the air.

He stood by An Lin's side, An Lin had already been dumbfounded watching the scene in the sky.

Slowly, Yu Zichen's gaze mechanically followed An Lin's gaze to the sky, and the shocking scene in mid-air was reflected in his eyes.Ever since he was a child, he has never seen such a strange phenomenon. Could it be an auspicious sign?

Just as he was thinking about it, An Lin beside him said with emotion to the huge vortex of light: "It is so bright and brilliant, it must be a sign that Yuxin will have a bright future!"

As An Lin said this, Yu Zichen guessed in his heart, could this phenomenon be telling the world in advance that Yu Shengjun's dream of unifying the world will soon come true?
This piece of dazzling white light covered the sky above the entire imperial palace, so people from all palaces and courtyards ran out to see this rare spectacle once in a hundred years.

(End of this chapter)

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