The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 314 Junjun, this is a bank card

Chapter 314 Junjun, this is a bank card
After a while, the ray of light in the mid-air slowly faded, and the light on the jade pendant that Yu Zichen put on the dining table in the bedroom also gradually faded.Yu Zichen didn't hold the jade pendant this time, and missed a time-travel trip.It's also fortunate that he didn't hold it in his hand, otherwise, once he is absorbed by the jade pendant and travels through, he will face the end of losing his life.

"Why is it gone?" After the light in the sky disappeared, many people in the palace expressed disappointment.

"Go, report to the Holy Majesty!" An Lin hurriedly urged a guard.

The guard quickly rushed to another palace in Xuanyu Palace.

Yu Zichen walked into the bedroom while thinking about the strange phenomenon that had appeared earlier.When he came to the dinner table, he saw that the jade pendant was no longer shining. He took it in his hand and looked at it again. Why is this jade pendant different from other jade pendants? Does it glow?
Could it be that this jade pendant is related to the phenomenon just now?

"Where's the emperor?" An Lin asked anxiously outside.

The anxiety in the guard's voice was even more anxious than An Lin's, "Director An, we don't see anyone, we don't know where the emperor is, and we don't see Miss Tang Lin either."

Is something wrong?Yu Zichen put down the jade pendant, turned around and walked out of the bedroom quickly, and asked An Lin, "Where did the emperor go?"

An Lin said anxiously and at a loss: "Earlier, the emperor took Miss Tang out, but he didn't leave Xuanyu Palace. The emperor ordered no one to follow. The younger ones thought that the emperor went to the study, but this meeting is not in the study at all. I don't know where it went, which makes us anxious, "

"Order the nearby patrolling army to take a closer look. Others, follow me to other places to search. You must find the emperor as soon as possible. Also, don't make too much noise." After giving the order, Yu Zichen strode away.

An Lin then ordered a few guards to arrange for the patrol to find someone.

The disappearance of the emperor made the people in the main palace busy all of a sudden, especially the Imperial Forest Army patrolling the main palace, coming in and out wave after wave, looking for Yu Shengjun in every corner...

Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin seemed to have evaporated from the world, and they were nowhere to be found in Xuanyu Palace.

By the time Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin came out of the study, it was already midnight.At this time, outside the door of the bedroom in front, there was a large group of people who were not in the usual anxious mood, guards, inner eunuchs, imperial guards...

"What happened?" Seeing so many people gathered over there, Tang Lin was a little shocked.Could it be that this kind of scene is... "Junjun, you ordered them to gather here in the middle of the night today for a meeting?"

"I have never made a decree." Yu Shengjun said truthfully.He couldn't explain why the people below gathered in Xuanyu Palace, but so many people gathered together must be waiting to see him.If it weren't for some major event in the palace, these groups of people would not have gotten together.

At this time, someone in the crowd over there saw Yu Shengjun and exclaimed: "The emperor is there!"

Everyone looked over, but they didn't expect Yu Shengjun to come out of the study.They searched for the study room several times, but why did they not see anyone when they searched for it, but why would they be able to come out of the study room now?What happened tonight is really getting weirder and weirder.

Many people have cast a shadow of fear in their hearts.I don't know whether the phenomenon that appeared tonight is good or bad, a blessing or a curse.It's hard to say.First, a strange light shrouded the roof of the palace, and then the emperor mysteriously disappeared and appeared from a place where he should not have appeared. How to explain these strange phenomena?

Yifeng and the others rushed forward and surrounded Yu Shengjun tightly, all of them looked excited and anxious.

Finally seeing the master appearing, Yishuang asked anxiously, "Master, where have you been?"

Yu Shengjun glanced at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on Yifeng's face, and he said solemnly: "What happened in the palace? Why are so many people waiting here?" Even if there are assassins in the palace, they shouldn't all be there. here.

Yifeng said: "Master, we thought you and Miss Tang were missing. We searched all over the main palace, but we couldn't find you. We thought... something happened to you, so since midnight, the whole main palace has been going crazy. It's fine, master, it's fine, it's fine." In my heart, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Tang Lin smiled helplessly, "The emperor and I went to the underground palace to meet Master Yichan."

An Lin thought of a strange phenomenon, and couldn't help but take a deep breath, "Your Majesty, after dinner, you and Miss Tang clearly went to the study, but when we went to the study, we didn't see you at all, but in the end we went to the study Come out, Your Majesty, how did you get to the underground palace?"

Yu Shengjun did not answer An Lin's question first, but criticized the people in front of him, "I have only been away for a long time, do I need to mobilize people to look for me? See how decent you are now? You are all here, who will protect you?" The safety of the main palace?"

"Master, it's like this," Yitang said solemnly, "Tonight, a rather strange phenomenon occurred. It happened that the emperor was not in Xuanyu Palace at this time, so the subordinates and others were in such a hurry. Please forgive me, master!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "What phenomenon?"

It's not a problem to have so many people waiting here, Tang Lin said to Yu Shengjun: "Junjun, let everyone step down first, and go for what you should do. There are so many people waiting here, if there are really assassins here If you are haunted in the palace, it will be serious."

Unexpectedly, what Yu Shengjun was going to do was proposed by Tang Lin first, and he had exactly this intention. "One peak, one hall and one frost, you stay, and the others go back to their places."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" After saluting, the redundant people left Xuanyu Palace one after another.

"Go to the side hall to talk." Saying that, Yu Shengjun turned and walked away.The rest followed immediately.

The side hall of Xuanyu Palace.

"Miss Tang, things are so weird!"

After serving the tea, the guards backed away. Yu Shengjun sat firmly on the dragon chair, picked up the teacup in an orderly manner, held the lid, and creaked the rim of the cup, then put it on his lips and sipped it. a mouthful.

After taking a sip of tea, Tang Lin exclaimed, "Is it really a time tunnel?" Now, she was so surprised that she looked at Yu Shengjun with excitement on her face, "Junjun, it's a time tunnel, is it time tunnel?" Time Tunnel!"

Yu Shengjun's hand holding the teacup trembled faintly, a sadness flashed across his brows and disappeared in an instant.He didn't look at her excited expression, but stared at the lid of the cup indifferently, his eyes blurred the teacup for a moment.

Her belief in going back to the future world is so firm, and this firmness makes him feel that she will leave him at any time.He was so scared and nervous that she would leave him at any moment.

"Oh, is that so? How are you sure it's really a time tunnel?" In order not to spoil Tang Lin's interest, and to prevent Tang Lin from knowing what was on her mind, Yu Shengjun acted enthusiastically.

Tang Lin said excitedly: "Manager An's description is exactly the same as the scene I saw before I left that day. It's a pity..." Without the jade pendant, her enthusiasm dropped a lot in an instant.

Seeing her so disappointed, Yu Shengjun's heart was both aching and annoyed, why should he be so selfish and not let her go home?Why?
Many people were confused by what Tang Lin said, Yishuang asked: "Miss Tang, what is time tunnel?"

"Uh, this..." Tang Lin didn't want to answer this question. She thought that it was enough for Yu Shengjun alone to know her origin, not so many people.She groped the back of her head and smirked, trying to fool Yishuang, "This time tunnel, it's..."

Knowing that she didn't want to offend anyone, but also didn't want to reject anyone, Yu Shengjun helped her out, "Yifeng, you should step back first, as for the phenomenon that happened tonight, without my consent, the palace people are not allowed to comment on the disaster at will." blessing."

The three of Yifeng bowed their heads and responded, "This subordinate understands. This subordinate will leave."

After the three of them left, Yu Shengjun asked An Lin: "Where is the second prince?"

An Lin said: "The second prince returned to Shanglin Garden not long after tonight's phenomenon, and waited for the emperor to come back there. The emperor could not be found in Xuanyu Palace. It was the second prince who ordered a group of people to look for the emperor and Miss Tang. of."

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Yes, I understand. An Lin, you should step back first."

"Yes." Bowed in response, An Lin left the side hall.

After a while, Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin returned to the bedroom.

Tang Lin was so tired that she slipped under the recliner by the window, and wailed after she lay down, "Time tunnel, time tunnel, why don't you take me away," she mused to herself here, and there was no Noticed that Yu Shengjun was listening.

He walked to the dinner table, and wanted to pick up the flagon to pour a glass of wine, but he found the jade pendant that Yu Zichen brought back.Didn't you ask An Lin to take it to deal with it?Why did it appear again?

A trace of fear crawled into Yu Shengjun's heart! "Junjun, are you okay?" Seeing Yu Shengjun's pale face, Tang Lin became worried.

When she got up and came over, he quickly took the jade pendant in his hand and put it behind him.He smiled faintly at her, "It's okay, just suddenly, I want to drink a glass of wine, Linlin, can you have a drink with me?"

Tang Lin readily agreed, "Okay!"

Yu Shengjun put one hand behind his back, holding the jade pendant tightly, and held the wine pot with the other hand, poured two half-full glasses of wine, and he picked up a cup for Tang Lin, Tang Lin Accepted, "Thank you."

Afterwards, he had a half-full drink with Yu Shengjun.

"You still have to train the students tomorrow, go back to rest early, and I will go back to Shanglin Garden after I have settled the affairs in the palace." In fact, Yu Shengjun knew his own heart very well, he was simply sending her away.

Tang Lin could feel that he was a little preoccupied tonight, maybe it was because of those subordinates, she thought so. "Well, then I'll go back first." After walking a few steps, he looked back at Yu Shengjun uneasy, until he walked out of the bedroom.

As soon as her figure disappeared at the door, Yu Shengjun stretched out his hand behind him.He spread his hands and stared fixedly at the jade pendant on his palm.No matter what you do, Yupei will return to you in the end. Could it be that he really wants to hand it over to Tang Lin?
He doesn't believe it, and he can't get rid of this jade pendant if he doesn't believe it!

"An Lin!" Yu Shengjun shouted towards the door.

An Lin hurried over upon hearing the sound, "Your Majesty, the old slave is here."

"What's going on?" Yu Shengjun pointed the jade pendant in front of An Lin, "Didn't you let you deal with it? Why is it still here? You put it in my bedroom?"

An Lin raised his head and saw the jade pendant, his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost, "This jade..." Immediately knelt down, and said in panic: "Report to the emperor, the old servant really lost the jade pendant, but why is it here? The old slave doesn't know."

Yu Shengjun asked sternly, "Where did you throw it?"

An Lin said: "In the ruins of the palace!"

Yu Shengjun calmed down and thought about it. During the day they were cleaning up in the palace garden. Since it was impossible for him and Tang Lin to see this piece of jade, the only possibility is that Yu Zichen found this jade in the palace garden. and then got here.

Thinking that Yu Zichen was in Shanglin Garden at this time, Yu Shengjun heaved a sigh of relief!Fortunately, Zichen didn't put the jade pendant on his body, otherwise there would be a big trouble!

"Go, get a hammer!" Yu Shengjun ordered.

"Ah?" An Lin was a little startled, "Your Majesty, why do you need a hammer?"

Yu Shengjun looked at the jade pendant in his hand, his eyes hardened, "I don't believe it can't be destroyed!"

(End of this chapter)

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