The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 315 A New Training Subject That Wants to Die Hard

Chapter 315 A New Training Subject That Wants to Die Hard

"Yes, this old slave will take the hammer." An Lin hurried out.

Not long after, An Lin ran in with a small hammer, before letting himself catch his breath, he said, "Your Majesty, the hammer is here."

Yu Shengjun put the jade pendant on the floor, "Smashed it."

"This," An Lin was startled, he looked down at the jade pendant, it's a pity that such a beautiful jade pendant was smashed like this. "Your Majesty, this jade is better than ordinary jade, why did you smash it?"

Yu Shengjun frowned, and became angry, "If you tell you to smash it, you will smash it. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

The other party's anger made An Lin's heart shrink. Since serving the emperor, in his impression, he rarely saw the emperor being so angry in front of him.How did this jade pendant offend the emperor?
An Lin didn't dare to neglect, raised the hammer and slammed it down on the jade pendant.

Yu Shengjun watched the hammer go down, his eyes hurt.As soon as the jade is broken, Tang Lin will never want to leave Yuxin in this life, but she is so eager to return to the future world, and he ruthlessly destroys her hope here, isn't it shameful?

However, he still watched the hammer fall.No one can stop him from keeping Tang Lin, not even fate.

When the clanging sound sounded, An Lin moved the hammer away.The two took a closer look and found that the jade pendant was intact.

"This, this won't break, Your Majesty." An Lin was overwhelmed by the toughness of the jade pendant.

Yu Shengjun did not compromise, "Keep smashing, when you smash it, tell me when it is." After finishing speaking, he turned around with a wave of his robe, and walked into the meditation room coldly.

Wait, wait, it's already three o'clock in the morning, why hasn't Yu Shengjun come back after finishing the matter?

Tang Lin lay on the bed, looking at her watch from time to time, but couldn't fall asleep.She always felt that Yu Shengjun was very preoccupied tonight, and she just left without being with him, isn't it too unreasonable?Her girlfriend is not competent at all.

This time, not only she couldn't sleep, even Yu Zichen couldn't sleep either.He was relieved to know that nothing happened after Yu Shengjun came back, but what happened tonight was so weird to him!

And that jade pendant, the jade pendant that glows.How can there be a jade pendant that emits strange light?

correct!Jade pendant!
Yu Zichen sat up all of a sudden, he remembered the jade pendant on the dining table.There must be a lot of mystery in this jade pendant, he wants to take it back and study it carefully.

"Come back!" Hearing the movement, Tang Lin glanced sideways at the other beds, and saw Yu Zichen who was dressing with the faint light. When he was about to leave, she called out to him, but the voice was very loud. Thin and light. "In the middle of the night, who stipulates that students can go out?"

Yu Zichen wanted to talk about going back to Xuanyu Palace, but he was afraid that some people hadn't fallen asleep. If he knew that he was going to Xuanyu Palace, something big might happen.

His lips moved several times, and finally Yu Zichen had to obediently go back to bed and lie down.Tang Lin was also talking according to the rules, forget it, I will take time to go back tomorrow to have a look, and hope that the jade pendant will not be taken away by the guards who cleared the dining table.

In a blink of an eye, it was dawn.Yifeng led the students to run to the imperial city again.Because of winning the game, Yu Shengjun and Han Xueyan have four days off, so they don't have to run in the morning.

Last night, Yu Shengjun meditated in the room until dawn, but he didn't hear An Lin's voice.He walked out of the small meditation room and took a closer look, An Lin was still beating the jade pendant, but the jade pendant was still intact, while An Lin was already sweating profusely and panting from exhaustion.

"Stop." An Lin looked like his strength had been exhausted, so Yu Shengjun quickly stopped him.

An Lin looked over feebly, smiled, "Emperor, Your Majesty!" After finishing speaking, he fell down magnificently on the ground.

Afterwards, Yu Shengjun ordered someone to help An Lin to rest, he picked up the jade pendant, and called Yi Tang in again.Yitang is reliable in his work, since this jade pendant cannot be smashed, then use another method to keep it away from him.

"Take this jade pendant to the people, whether it is lost or given away, in short, don't let it appear in the palace!"

Yitang really wanted to know what was wrong with the jade pendant, which caused the master to dislike it so much, but he was not a talkative person, so he didn't ask. "Yes, this subordinate obeys." He took the jade pendant and left Yu Shengjun's bedroom.

In less than half an hour, Yitang was already in the midst of the crowded market.A woman wearing a white silk scarf walked past him, and after a glance at her, he stepped back two steps to stop the woman's path, and sent out the jade pendant in his hand, "Girl, I give it to you. "

The woman glanced at the jade pendant in a trance, obviously surprised by the behavior of this strange man.She didn't take the jade pendant, but secretly looked at the Jianghu, who was handsomely dressed and holding a sword.

"A good jade is worthy of a beauty. Miss, accept it, and I will leave." Yitang took the woman's hand, put the jade pendant in the woman's palm, put it down and left.

When the girl reacted, Yitang's figure had gone away, and she was staring at the jade in her hand...

After breakfast time, Yu Shengjun returned to Shanglinyuan's room and saw Tang Lin rummaging through her backpack alone in the room. He came over and asked, "What are you looking for, Linlin? Don't you need to train everyone today?"

Tang Lin rummaged through her backpack and returned to Yu Shengjun: "I asked Yifeng to train those bastards."

"Then what are you looking for?"

"I remember putting a bottle of facial cleanser in my bag, but I can't find it." Speaking of this, Tang Lin looked up at Yu Shengjun, pursing her mouth, as if about to cry.

Yu Shengjun's pretty brows frowned, "Facial cleanser?"

"Look," she tilted her cheek slightly to let him see, and nodded her cheek with her finger, "I haven't used skin care products since I came to you, and my skin has become rough."

"Where is it?" Yu Shengjun helped her take a closer look, touching and pinching, "it's still rosy, where is it rough?"

Tang Lin glared at him, "You just pick and choose the nicest thing to say!"

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, and then sat down next to her, accidentally sitting on her wallet, and he took the wallet into his hand.The wallet is bright red, and its shape is exquisite and elegant, quite stylish.

"What is this?" Yu Shengjun was curious about the beautiful and elegant wallet.

Tang Lin glanced at it and said, "Wallet."

"Wallet? That's a purse!" Now, Yu Shengjun became even more curious. He unzipped the wallet, took out a few bright red RMB inside, looked at it again and again, "Don't tell me, this It's your silver ticket!"

Tang Lin confirmed for him, "It is."

Flipping through, Yu Shengjun found out Tang Lin's ID card, bank card, and key card.At this moment, he is really like a three-year-old child, wanting to know everything, "Linlin, what are these things?"

Tang Lin took them and put them in Yu Shengjun's hands one by one, "This is the ID card, this is the bank card, and this is the key card." Thinking of the key card, she touched her backpack and took out a bunch of keys from it. The key came and I put it on the bed. "For the convenience of performing tasks, I have rented many apartments in various countries for a long time. The keys cannot be lost, not all of them are combination locks, otherwise I will not be able to get in. But I probably don't have a chance to live in it." one time."

"Then what is the use of this bank card?" Yu Shengjun asked.

Tang Lin chuckled, "Save money."

Yu Shengjun asked again: "How much money is there?" "Yes..." Originally wanted to reveal the actual figure, but Tang Lin became defensive, "Why are you asking this? You don't want to steal my money, do you? I'm telling you, Yu Shengjun, you already have a treasury, so don't pay attention to me."

Yu Shengjun said straight away, "Please, can you spend your money here?"

Tang Lin tilted her head and thought about it, and finally affirmed Yu Shengjun's thoughts, "That's right, the money there can't be used here."

"Why are these different?" Yu Shengjun took out a few different banknotes,
Tang Lin explained one by one, "Some of those are U.S. dollars, some are Hong Kong dollars, which are different from RMB. Alas," she frowned, "Now I have money and I can't spend it, so let's do it," she took wallets and bank cards and the like, and put The bank card and the cash were handed over to Yu Shengjun one by one, "Jun Jun, I will give it to you as a souvenir."

Yu Shengjun smiled dryly, "Isn't this your beloved thing?"

"I get annoyed when I see these things." Can't go back to modern times, are you still bored by these things every day?Tang Lin thought, let's just give it to someone else, lest I want to go back to modern times every time I see these things.

Yu Shengjun took the one she replaced in his hand, "These bills are acceptable, but this bank card..."

"Don't underestimate it," Tang Lin said seriously, "There are hundreds of..."

"Two?" Before Tang Lin finished speaking, Yu Shengjun interrupted, "So many?"

Hearing his last words, Tang Lin's mouth twitched stiffly, "A few hundred taels... much? Junjun, you really flattered me, Tang Lin. It's not a few hundred taels, it's millions of dollars. , but I earned extra money."

Yu Shengjun frowned, "Outside?"

Tang Lin said: "While I was performing the tasks assigned to me by my superiors, I also worked part-time as an international agent and took on many other tasks. Those tasks paid well, hehe... So, within two years, I have saved so much. It's a pity What’s more, I didn’t spend a single cent. Do you think I was wronged or not? Thinking of the days when I was both a good special soldier and a bad agent, alas, no matter how much I miss it now, I won’t be able to go back. I can spend it here with peace of mind. Let’s go, spending a day with my Junjun is a day, don’t you think so, Junjun?”

Yu Shengjun looked into her eyes and said from the bottom of his heart: "Linlin, I will treat you as myself for the rest of my life."

Tang Lin replied with a smile: "Thank you!"

After a while, Tang Lin put the things she took out back into her backpack, and Yu Shengjun kept staring at her bank card, "I can't believe that such a small thing has millions. Is it like going to a bank?" To withdraw money?"

Tang Lin nodded, "It can be understood in this way. There are bank counters and ATMs in our place. Just insert this magnetic card and you can get money. Of course, you need a password. The password of this card seems to be my birthday. Bar."

After Yu Shengjun understood, he nodded.

Tang Lin added: "This card can be obtained all over the world, no matter which country you are in."

Yu Shengjun jokingly said: "I want to use it."

Immediately, Tang Lin stared at her, "Do you still want to become an old man? You can't even think about it in the future. If you fall into the time tunnel like last time, then I, Tang Lin, will not burn paper money for you. You can weigh it yourself."

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "It's just a joke, don't take it seriously."

Tang Lin said: "But I'm afraid you take it seriously, Junjun. You can't take that kind of joke. Fortunately, you went to the underground palace last night. If you were on the ground, I'm really afraid that the light will swallow you up. I won't follow you Having said so much, I still have to go and see those brats."

"Don't you put these in your bag?" Tang Lin didn't put the wallet and keys back in her bag, she only took her ID card.

The zipper has been zipped and it is locked.Tang Lin didn't want to do anything else, "No, throw it away, it's useless anyway. Junjun, please help me sort out these things, I'm going out first."

(End of this chapter)

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