The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 316 I'll Give You 1!

Chapter 316 I'll give you 1 taels!

Without allowing Yu Shengjun to think about it, Tang Lin left.He had no choice but to shake his head helplessly.

He glanced at the side of the bed. There were keys and wallets on the bed.For her, it should be a very precious thing, so why not keep it for her, and show it to her when she gets old, so she can look away from the past world.

Afterwards, Yu Shengjun packed up his wallet and other scattered things and stuffed them into the pockets of his training uniform.He never expected that in the future he would use Tang Lin's bank card to make money...

After eating at noon, Yu Shengjun came to Nangong Square with a pot of tea.

At this time, the students are facing a cruel test.

Tang Lin made up new training programs for the students, firstly to pass her time, secondly, to teach these arrogant and self-righteous students a lesson, and thirdly, to use these programs to test the tolerance and endurance of these students.

Her new project is neither to let the students walk the iron chain, nor to let the students go to the deep mountains and forests to play games, but——

"Help—" Cao Dan wailed again and again.

Tang Lin asked all the students to take off their shirts and lie down on the sandy ground of the square, keeping them motionless. Anyone who moved or fled would be punished more severely.And this time, Yifeng and Yishuang were holding two cloth bags, and kept taking out many insects from the cloth bags, many of them were poisonous.

These bugs were thrown on the students by Yifeng and Yishuang.

When those slippery, hairy bugs crawled across his back, every thought of wanting to die came to him.

Seeing this scene, Yu Shengjun walked all the way, with a gloating smile on the corner of his mouth.Fortunately, he didn't go to class today, otherwise he would not be healthy tomorrow.

After Yu Shengjun approached, he squatted in front of Shao Qi and saw several worms crawling up Shao Qi's neck. So many bugs visiting."

Shao Qi glared at Yu Shengjun fiercely, unable to say anything good, "Bastard, just laugh at it, it will be your turn sooner or later."

A black shadow covered Yu Shengjun at this moment.

It was already hot enough in this hot day, when Yu Shengjun felt the heat, he felt even hotter.He was basking in the sun, who blocked him?When he turned his head and looked up, Tang Lin was looking at him with a dark face.

"Yu Huangxuan, are you free?" Tang Lin asked furiously as she opened her eyes.

"Uh," Yu Shengjun was stunned, "'s a little free, sir!"

"Since I'm free, well, the instructor and the instructor are thirsty and go have a cup of tea first. You are here... Help us watch over this group of people. If anyone escapes during training, let me remember it. By the way... "Speaking of this, Tang Lin waved to Yifeng and Yishuang, signaling them to come over.

Yifeng and Yishuang walked over.

Tang Lin took the things in their hands and handed them to Yu Shengjun, "Since you are so free, help us put these bugs on the students, and apply these honeys on their faces one by one, Then put, "

"Release these hornets!" Yishuang held back a smile and gave Yu Shengjun a small bag instead.

Yu Shengjun was stupid at first, but after reacting, he readily agreed to Tang Lin, "No problem, sir, go and drink tea, it's okay to drink for an afternoon, here... I will help you take care of it!"

"Then I'll trouble you for everything, let's go." After giving Yifeng and Yishuang a sentence, Tang Lin turned and walked away. When her back was turned to all the students, she covered her mouth and sniggered fiercely, but kept silent, while Yifeng He Yishuang was also laughing, very treacherously.

After walking away, Yishuang finally couldn't help but snort, "Miss Tang, just throw this group of people to the master like this. With the master's method, maybe it will..." The consequences are unbelievable.

Tang Lin said with a sinister smile: "Let your master set fire to it, we don't see it."

Seeing the three of them going away, Shao Qi and the others felt like dying.

Yu Shengjun glanced at the crowd, seeing their eyes begging for mercy, he smiled evilly, "Everyone, I'm sorry, this is the meaning of the officers, I didn't mean to torment you like this, please forgive me!"

Cao Dan glanced at the exit of the square, and Tang Lin and the others had disappeared. He said to Yu Shengjun, "Brother Yu, for the sake of being good brothers, don't bother us like this? The officers are not here. , let's take a break! If you don't speak out, and we all don't speak out, it will be fine, everyone said, right?"

Except for Shao Qi, everyone else echoed.

"No way, how can I disobey the officer's words." While Yu Shengjun was speaking, he had already begun to stir the honey on the plate with a wooden stick.After stirring evenly, he squatted down in front of Shao Qi again, smiling handsomely, "Squad leader Qilin, I'll start with you first."

Shao Qi gritted his teeth and stared at Yu Shengjun, and squeezed out two words from between his teeth, "You dare!" He was talking, when suddenly a coldness appeared on his face, accompanied by a sweet smell, he could Feel the coolness and smell is honey.

Yu Shengjun, he really dared to put honey on him first!
Shao Qi was about to jump up madly, when Yu Shengjun suddenly reminded: "If you dare to move, I will give you a demerit immediately, and let my junior sister punish you even more!"

Now, Shao Qi didn't dare to move anymore, but his eyes were about to burst into flames, "Yu Huangxuan, wait, I won't let you go!"

"Calm down, wait until you lose your temper, and you won't know how the wasp stung you." Yu Shengjun said bluntly, and then painted the next one.

When it was applied to Yuzichen, Yushengjun reduced the amount.When it came to Fu Yushu, it was as much as Shao Qi.When he got to Cao Dan, Cao Dan begged pitifully: "Brother Yu, you are the best person, so don't treat me like this, okay? Okay, Brother Yu?"

Yu Shengjun was smiling at first, but in the next second, suddenly expressionless, "No way!"

After a while, everyone was finally smeared with honey, and then Yu Shengjun took the bag containing the wasps.As long as the bag is opened, someone will definitely cry for their father and mother later. "Yu Huangxuan, what's the matter, we can discuss it, don't play with us like this!" Shao Qi finally softened his attitude when he saw Yu Shengjun was about to open the bag containing the wasp.After all, he still didn't want to be stung by a wasp.

"Yes, yes! Student Yu, as long as you let us go, we can do whatever you want!" said a student.

Other students expressed the same feeling.

Yu Shengjun was very embarrassed and said: "But this is the meaning of Instructor Tang, I can only do what she said, otherwise, I will be severely punished in the end, I hope you can understand my difficulties, I have no choice .”

"100 taels!" Since he couldn't convince Yu Shengjun, one student simply threw money at him.

Yu Shengjun thought about it, "100 taels..."

Seeing that his attitude seemed to be refusing, another student raised his stake, "As long as you don't let the wasp sting me, I'll give you 500 taels!"

"I offer a thousand!"

"I'll give you two thousand!"

"I, I...I pay 5000 taels!

The students shouted louder than each other, and Yu Shengjun listened happily.I really didn't expect to make money in this situation.

When someone shouted ten thousand, Yu Shengjun's heart skipped a beat.Who is so rich, dare to pay [-] yuan to buy a few hornets?He followed the prestige, but he didn't expect this person to be Shao Qi.Hehe, among these people, only Shao Qi can come up with some money, after all, he is the Second Prince of the North Border Kingdom.

"How?" Shao Qi looked at Yu Shengjun with longing in his eyes, eager for Yu Shengjun to agree to him.

But in the end, Yu Shengjun smiled and shook his head to everyone, "I can't promise you. If the officers come back and find that your faces are not swollen by the wasp sting, they will definitely punish me."

Now, even if someone pays [-] yuan, it still won't move Yu Shengjun's heart.

Soon, Yu Shengjun opened the bag containing the wasps, and the swarm of bees got free and quickly flew out of the bag. When they smelled the smell of honey, they flew towards the students one after another, "Everyone, take care!" Enjoy!"

Seeing the thousands of wasps, the students stared wide-eyed in horror.

"Yu Huangxuan, I can't stop talking to you!" Someone said something.

When those wasps flew to the students, Yu Shengjun turned around, picked up his pot of tea and drank it leisurely, when the screams came from behind, he finally couldn't help showing a happy smile Come!
When Tang Lin and the others came back from afternoon tea, all the students were completely unrecognizable. They all stared at her with swollen faces, wishing they could swallow her alive!
But Tang Lin said, "Where did the fat man come from? Come on, blow them all out of the palace!"

In the evening, the screams of ghosts and wolves kept coming from Shanglin Garden.

"Don't move!" At this moment, Han Xueyan was rubbing medicine on the people in their room, and was rubbing Cao Dan.But he was the one who was stung the most by the wasp. Whenever she touched his wound, his lungs would burst with pain.

Cao Dan said with a mournful face, "It hurts like hell, can't you scream?"

Everyone in the room, except Yu Shengjun, took off their shirts so that Han Xueyan could apply the medicine conveniently.

This time, Tang Lin didn't know where to go.

When Han Xueyan came to help Lu Yitang, Yu Shengjun noticed that it had been a day and he had not seen anyone from Sun Bailing. Where did she go?Did Tang Lin intentionally ask her not to train today?

Everyone else complained of pain, but this Lu Yitang didn't complain of pain, but Han Xueyan was not proud of him, but felt sad, "Lord Lu, are you stunned by the wasp stung, why don't you cry pain?"

On this day, because he missed Sun Bailing, Lu Yitang didn't know what the pain of being stung by a wasp felt like, but the pain in his heart could eat his bones.Where has she gone?Why don't you show up today?Is it because of his affair with Phoenix Die Wu, is she still angry with him?
After applying the wound medicine to Lu Yitang, Han Xueyan went to apply it to Shao Qi.While enduring the pain, Shao Qi glared at Yu Shengjun and scolded, "Damn it, Yu Huangxuan, are you really capable? Are you still a brother!"

Yu Shengjun smiled and said: "On the battlefield, there is no brotherhood."

"It's a good sentence not to talk about brotherhood on the battlefield. I hope we don't see each other on the battlefield in the future, otherwise..." Shao Qi coldly omitted the following cruel words.

Yu Shengjun said confidently: "Don't worry, that day will never happen."

At this time, Tang Lin walked in, followed by Yifeng and Yitang. This posture clearly showed a conspiracy.

Tang Lin said to everyone with a smile on her face, "I tell you a piece of good news."

Her premeditated smile made everyone huddle in the corner like a plague god.Wouldn't it be the middle of the night and not let them go?
Tang Lin said: "The emperor said that you have worked hard. In order to reward you for your hard work, his old man asked the imperial dining room to prepare a rich meal for your dinner. Everyone, get ready and go eat."

"I heard that the food in the imperial dining room is the best in the world, comparable to the Queen Mother's birthday banquet." I don't know who said this to whom.

Tang Lin cheerfully added, "The food in the imperial dining room must be the best in the world, there is no doubt about it. As soon as you come back, you rub the medicine on your wounds, and dinner is useless. In order to replenish your energy and energy consumed today, sir, I But I went to ask the emperor to give you an order to let the imperial dining room prepare delicious food. If you don't eat, raise your hand."

(End of this chapter)

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