The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 317 Teach Yu Shengjun to play poker!

Chapter 317 Teach Yu Shengjun to play poker!

Seeing these people's pain and eating, Yifeng felt broken!
After eating it, I realized that this "atmospheric cloud roll" was made of flour, and Cao Dan didn't feel so painful eating it now.

Soon, 3 minutes came, and when Tang Lin called the end, everyone stopped their chopsticks one after another.

Tang Lin looked at their plates, and sure enough they were all empty, "Very good, we've finished eating. Then, let's taste the second course. See the pot of "soup" in the middle of the table? It has a gorgeous Its name—Jiuzhuan Dabujintang."

Someone complained in a low voice, "It's obviously from shit."

Everyone can accept the "atmospheric cloud volume", after all, the shape can still be seen, but the color of these "soups" is really unflattering. This is not soup, it is clearly the thin shit pulled out by the human body.

"Drink, it's very profitable!" Tang Lin said with a smile.

Cao Dan took a spoon to scoop it up, put it in his nose and smelled it, and immediately let go of the spoon and lowered his waist to vomit, protesting as he vomited, "That's not soup made from noodles, it's the real porridge in the human body! "

Upon hearing this, everyone showed expressions of fear, and immediately covered their noses with their hands.

Tang Lin stretched out her hand, and when she realized it, she immediately walked over, then gave her the whip in her hand, and retreated to a corner.She walked around the table with the rope, and one or two students were whipped twice on the back by her, "If you don't want to eat the whip, drink it quickly, don't let me say it a second time!"

Immediately, a swarm of bees surrounded the pot, scrambling to eat it first.

Tang Lin took a look, and then winked at Yu Shengjun.

Not long after, the "Jiuzhuan Dabujin Soup" was robbed and eaten up to the last drop.

And Tang Lin continued to explain the "how to eat and drink", "Next, let's taste the third dish - Manjianghong."

Now, without Tang Lin's reminder, many people already know which dish "Manjianghong" is.Except for the plate of red peppers on the table, none of them are red.And the peppers are the smallest and hottest.

"Stop it, sir," Yunlei said helplessly, pointing to the big and small bags on his body, "We are already very angry, this chili is very hot, if you eat it in your stomach, your stomach will definitely bloom tomorrow!"

Tang Lin said with a smile: "You can apply for not eating," suddenly her face turned cold, "Do you want to be an ox plowing the fields? Then I will help you!"

Immediately, Yunlei diligently took the plate of chili peppers and put them in front of him, and began to gobble them up.The reason why he has such an anxious eating appearance is that he doesn't want to plow the fields.Others were heartbroken seeing him eat so painfully!

"Manly man, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome!" Shao Qi's heart was hardened, and he also started the pepper.

The others, who didn't want to pretend to be cattle plowing the fields, all bit the bullet and gnawed on peppers.But the chili is too hot, what they eat is not the chili, but the anger.Their wounds were so painful that they were about to burst open, and their internal organs were also overwhelmed.

Yu Shengjun kept shaking his head helplessly in the corner. When he met Tang Lin, this group of students was really too innocent.Who else would dare to offend Tang Lin in the future?It's no wonder she hasn't broken down yet!

One night, Shanglin Garden was full of complaints.

The next morning.

Han Xueyan was the first to wake up, "Ah—" Because of eating chili last night, her body was extremely hot.

After the screams appeared, Tang Lin was the first to wake up, "What happened? Uh," all of a sudden, she saw it. If she hadn't been lying on the bed with her back, she would probably have screamed.

Yu Shengjun got up and went over to wake everyone up, "Put on your clothes!"

Han Xueyan closed her eyes and ran out of the room.

Tang Lin obediently went back to bed and lay down with her back to everyone, letting Yu Shengjun urge the group to get dressed.

After breakfast, Tang Lin went back to her room and said to everyone, "Look at how hard you are working so hard. Let me give you a day off today. Later, two imperial doctors will come to Shanglin Garden. If you need to treat injuries, go to the hall!"

Not long after the imperial doctor arrived, Fu Yushu and the others came to the hall.

When it was the imperial doctor's turn to see Fu Yushu's wounds, Fu Yushu couldn't help thinking of the day when he saw the imperial doctor, the day Du Yuanyuan was asked to pretend to be Queen Chenghuan to marry Yu Shengjun.On that day, if the imperial doctor hadn't come, he wouldn't have known that Shi He was pregnant with his child.

Shihe... Shihe...

I haven't thought of her for a while, and I don't know how she is doing now.With Li Niang by her side, she should be well taken care of, right?

Because in the past two or three months, he has been going to military training every day, and he is nervous and working hard every day to beat Yu Huangxuan.Under such circumstances, he seldom thought of her.

"Student, you're so tough!" said the imperial doctor who attended to Fu Yushu's wounds.

Fu Yushu was stunned, was he surprised?Could it be that the other party has seen himself?Wait... He seems to have seen this imperial doctor before. It seems that when he pretended to be sick when he was a child, his father invited an imperial doctor from the palace to see him. Could it be...

The imperial doctor saw what was on his mind, and secretly slipped him a note, "Take it." Then he went to see the next student.

Fu Yushu's hands trembled, what does the imperial doctor mean?He looked left and right, and after making sure no one was staring at him, he secretly opened the note, and saw it said: Shu'er, Dad's good boy, you must hold on.

It turned out that it was a note from the imperial doctor sent by his father. Fu Yushu was very excited, but he didn't show it, he just suppressed it in his eyes.Without the permission of the emperor or the second prince, officials are not allowed to enter Nangong at will. My father must miss him too much.

With such a good father, why did he rebel against those bad elders of the Rebellion Society back then?
Yu Shengjun returned to Xuanyu Palace, he wanted to go back to Yustudy to see if there were any papers that could be approved, but every time he went back to Xuanyugong, Anlin told him that the two prime ministers had finished handling state affairs, so he gave up and went to Yustudy thought.

"Brother Emperor," Yu Zichen followed Yu Shengjun into the bedroom.

After entering, Yu Shengjun turned around and asked, "What do you want to say?" About that jade pendant?
Sure enough, what Yu Zichen wanted to mention was about the jade pendant.He said: "When I was cleaning the palace the day before yesterday, my younger brother found a jade pendant. The strange thing is that the light emitted by that jade pendant was brighter than that of the night pearl. It appeared following the strange phenomenon that night. That jade pendant... "

Yu Shengjun couldn't tell the difference, "I didn't think the jade pendant was anything new, so I asked the guards to take it away. Second brother, you are suspicious. The jade pendant is just an ordinary jade pendant. It may be that the light that appeared the night before was too bright. would produce that light."

Although Yu Zichen didn't fully believe it, the jade pendant had already been taken away by the guards, and he didn't want to continue entangled in this matter. "Maybe, I am really suspicious. Brother Huang, you should rest first, and I will leave."

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Okay!"

A while after Yu Zichen left, Tang Lin came in happily. Before anyone arrived, her voice came first, "Junjun!"

After entering the bedroom, she found that there was no one there. Tang Lin ran over and lifted the curtain to look at the big bed. The big bed was empty. "Strange, where did Yu Shengjun go? Didn't he go back to the palace?" But An Lin clearly said that he came in.

At this time, Yu Shengjun's voice came from behind the screen, a little lazy and charming, "here."

Tang Lin simply lay down on his big bed comfortably, because the distance between the two places was not far, and the words between them could be heard clearly. "I heard it. In order not to enter Feifei, Miss Ben will not go there!"

Yu Shengjun seemed to smile silently, a little helpless.He suddenly said, "Well, hold back!"

Tang Lin took off her shoes with her heels, then rolled into the bed, her mouth was high, "Yu Shengjun, you have to pretend, I don't know who is holding it back. Someone, since he wants to have the emotions and desires of ordinary people, If you want to be a saint again, you must have already collapsed!"

There was no echo, she couldn't control her mouth and continued: "If you don't speak, you will acquiesce!"

At this moment, a voice came from the side of the bed curtain, "Talk to yourself, you have to be careful! I don't want to marry a queen who talks so much!"

Tang Lin stared at the handsome face beside the bed, "If you don't marry, don't marry. I, Tang Lin, don't care."

Coming out of the bath, Yu Shengjun was only wearing a silver gown, tied with a belt, like wearing a tights, very slim, his tall and strong figure is more eye-catching than a model.

Tang Lin lay on the bed with her chin propped on her hands, staring at her boyfriend like this, "Junjun, why didn't I know you in modern times? If I knew you earlier, I would definitely make you popular. When you After becoming a single aristocratic international superstar, you suddenly announced to the media - I, Yu Shengjun, already have a girlfriend," and then brought me out for the world to see, and you proudly announced: "I His girlfriend is a special soldier!"

Unexpectedly, Yu Shengjun despised her for coming, "I just love these false names!"

Tang Lin acted coquettishly, "That's all I love, why do I like to show off my Junjun so much! Take you back and let my relatives and friends see, wow, who is this, you are so fucking handsome Already!"

Yu Shengjun joked: "If you have the ability, you can take me back to show your relatives and friends!"

Instead, Tang Lin said: "Do you think I dare not? But even if there was a chance, I would not dare to bring you back. For me, I don't care about those false names, I will not put my family Junjun's life in danger !"

Although her tone was not sincere enough, but Yu Shengjun listened to it and was moved in his heart.

"I have nothing to do, and I can't sleep. It's so boring!" Tang Lin turned over and lay face up.

Yu Shengjun sat down on the bed and said softly: "What do you want to play, I will accompany you. How about playing mahjong with you?"

Tang Lin refused, "I don't want it, I'm afraid I won't have any clothes left after I've played two rounds." No clothes left? "But..." She sat up suddenly, crossed her legs, and smiled wickedly, "We can play other games!"

He could see her sly eyes at a glance, but he just didn't expose it, and pretended to fall into her trap, "What are you playing? As long as it helps you relieve boredom, I will promise you anything!"

Tang Lin smiled slyly, "That's what you said," and then she took out a deck of playing cards, "Let's play for points," she found the four of diamonds and the seven of spades, and asked Yu Shengjun saw, "This is the 7 of diamonds, and this is the 4 of spades. For us, we can just play 7 kings 7, and we can also get points. Among them, the 523 of diamonds is the smallest, the 4 of spades is the largest, and then there are the big king and the second king." , 7, 5, 2, A, K, Q, J, 3, 10, 9, 8, 7. Among them, 6 is five points, 5 is ten points, and K is also ten points. Whoever scores more points wins. You can play one-pair, three-of-a-kind, and four-of-a-kind. Anyway, you can eat as much as you want. If you lose a game, you can take off one piece of clothing, and if you win, you don’t need to take off one piece of clothing. How about it? Do you want to play or not?" Dear Yu Shengjun, see if I don’t play today, Tang Lin kill you.

Yu Shengjun hasn't fully recovered yet, he doesn't even know what it is called, "How, how to play?"

Tang Lin shuffled the cards, then took out a spade, "This is a spade," and then she took out hearts, clubs, and cubes to explain to him one by one, "Only these four cards, do you understand, Your Majesty?"

(End of this chapter)

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