The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 318 Good show, finally staged

Chapter 318 Good show, finally staged
Yu Shengjun nodded, then shook his head, "I still don't understand."

Tang Lin was very cunning, "It's okay, I'll figure it out after playing a few games. Now, I've made it." She played the card in the middle, which was both hands, and she pointed at him, "Even numbers, you take it! Until you run out Five!"

"Oh." Yu Shengjun responded like a fool, then touched a card and put it in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Lin touched one, "You should touch it."

Soon, the five cards were taken out, Tang Lin held the cards well, but Yu Shengjun took them randomly, and put them very low, Tang Lin had looked over the cards several times.Unexpectedly, he actually touched a 7 of spades, this man is so lucky.

Tang Lin took out the smallest card, "The smallest card I have drawn is a 6 of diamonds, how about you?"

Yu Shengjun took out the 8 of hearts, "This one!"

"That's my smallest card, I'll play first!" Tang Lin threw out the first card very maturely, "6 of diamonds."

Yu Shengjun immediately put the hearts down.

Because she was afraid of the 7 of spades in Yu Shengjun's hand, Tang Lin didn't dare to give points. Her little king won't get any points, she just got the ace of clubs.

But Yu Shengjun came out with a club 5, "Do you want to eat?"

Tang Lin threw Xiao Wang out, "I must eat it!"

Yu Shengjun wanted to release the 7 of Spades, but he didn't do it on purpose, "I won't eat it!"

"Ah?" Tang Lin felt depressed, he had a 7 of spades, why didn't he eat it?Sick, or can't fight?But she has already taught him, he has even learned the sniper rifle so quickly, it is impossible not to learn how to play poker.

Next, Tang Lin couldn't get a 7 every time she drew a card, but every time she made a point, Yu Shengjun couldn't get it.

After all the points were taken, she put the cards down, "I have already taken all the points, Your Majesty, you have no points to take, and you lose." After speaking, she opened the cards that she hadn't touched, checked them, One 7 is missing, so where are the other three 7s?
Yu Shengjun took down the cards, unexpectedly, the cards in his hand were four 7s and a king.Tang Lin was petrified.

"I lost, I should be punished!" Yu Shengjun conceded defeat, loosened his belt, and took off his only long gown.Tang Lin covered her mouth and snickered, "What a good boy!" She glanced at the four 7's and asked puzzledly, "You can eat my share, why don't you?"

Yu Shengjun pursed his lips and smiled, the cloud was calm.He said truthfully: "It is true that I can eat your points, I should be the one who wins in the end, but I just want to follow your wish." He meant to lose the undressing matter.

Unexpectedly, Tang Lin gave her a blank look, "I really admire you!" But in her heart, it was warm.

At this moment, facing this strong body, Tang Lin didn't have the heart to play cards, but she didn't dare to look at it so openly.

Yu Shengjun leaned over, hugged her in his arms, sniffed the faint fragrance of her body, silently.

Before Tang Lin knew it, her hands had climbed onto his back. It felt good to be hugged by him, which made her feel full of security. "Your Majesty, I already know about the customs here!"

"Huh?" Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows slightly.What is she trying to say?
Tang Lin said: "It's a person who is in love with each other. Before they get married, they can't... ah oh!" Before she finished speaking, she was already pushed down on the bed by Yu Shengjun, which shocked her.

He supported his left cheek with one hand, looked down at the pretty woman below him, and the corners of his mouth fluttered gently, "Your person, your heart, is right in front of me, there is only one form missing, you will be my relative forever Only with this form can we be considered a complete relative."

For some reason, Tang Lin's eyes became hot when she heard these words.Relatives, he is her relatives, yes, as soon as they get married, he is her relatives, and then they have children, there will be more relatives.

In this strange ancient times, she was not alone, she had him as a relative.

He lovingly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Without parents, you still have me, Linlin, you have to trust me!"

Tang Lin nodded a few times with red eyes, "Yeah!" Not to mention, she didn't miss his parents very much if he didn't mention them, but now that he mentions them, she misses them crazily.The parents must be heartbroken to lose her daughter.

It would be great if she could go back to modern times, at least let her tell her parents that she is safe, right?

In the evening, Shao Qi sat alone by the flower bed in the yard, thinking about something.Han Xueyan came over and sat next to him, "Brother-in-law, you miss your sister again, don't you?"

Shao Qi sighed softly, looking into Han Xueyan's eyes, "Yes, brother-in-law is thinking about your sister, but he is also thinking about how to send you out of the palace."

Immediately, Han Xueyan's complexion changed, and her tone was a little anxious, "Brother-in-law, what are you talking about? You want to send Yan'er out of the palace? Why? We agreed to go rescue my sister together, why send me away?" ?”

Shao Qi said: "In two months, there will be bloody storms here. I promised your sister that I will take good care of you. Swords have no eyes, and people's hearts are unpredictable. My brother-in-law is worried that something will happen to you."

Han Xueyan burst into tears, "If Yan'er's departure can not drag brother-in-law down, then Yan'er will listen to brother-in-law."

He stroked her hair lovingly, pampering and distressed, "After you get out, go to the marshal's mansion to stay and report your brother-in-law and your name, and the people in the mansion will settle you down. After your brother-in-law rescues your sister, I will take your sister to see you."

"When will Yan'er see you?" Han Xueyan was afraid that it would be far away, and she would have to go back to the past to look for them.

"Within these two months."

"Then how come the superior will let the smoke out of the palace?"

"You don't have to worry about this, brother-in-law will find a way to send you out!"

During dinner, Shao Qi deliberately sat at the table where Tang Lin was, and sat opposite her.She ate very quietly and attentively. He looked over to talk to her several times, but she didn't notice.

He was anxious, and he didn't dare to disturb her when she was serious, because he was afraid that if she suddenly got angry, what he wanted to say would be in vain.

Mu Lingxuan glanced here occasionally, wondering why her second brother was behaving so strangely today, actually sitting at the same table for dinner with Tang Lin.Could it be that he is interested in Tang Lin?
After the last grain of rice in the bowl was eaten by Tang Lin, she put down the bowl and chopsticks, faced Shao Qi, and asked straight to the point: "Do you have something to tell me?"

"Uh," Shao Qi was taken aback.She actually knew. "……yes."

Tang Lin said: "Speak up for business matters, and for private matters, go out and talk about it. Is it a private matter?"

Shao Qi nodded in embarrassment, damn it, she can see everything, can't she save him some face?
"Let's talk outside." After speaking, Tang Lin got up, turned and walked out of the dining hall.

Shao Qi followed behind.

After a while, the two walked in the empty corridor.

After Shao Qi finished talking, Tang Lin stopped, "No problem, I will help you send Xueyan out."

I didn't expect that she would agree so readily, which made Shao Qi unexpected, and he was very pleasantly surprised: "Thank you!"

Tang Lin said: "You're welcome. Who told us that our two countries are in an alliance? I should help you. Besides, the situation in the palace is unstable in the past two months. A girl like her can easily drag you down. It was to send her out. Tomorrow morning, I will personally send Xueyan out of the palace, don't worry."

The next morning, when the others went out for a morning run, Han Xueyan packed up her things and walked out of the room. At this time, Tang Lin was waiting for her outside the door.She turned her head and looked at the room reluctantly, then left with Tang Lin.

Tang Lin sent her to the gate of the Nangong Palace and then stopped, "Xueyan, Miss Tang sent you here, you can walk the rest of the way by yourself."

Han Xueyan cried and said, "Miss Tang, I can't bear you."

"It's not life and death, why are you crying?" Tang Lin said with a slightly reproachful tone, "I'll go out of the palace to look for you after the training camp is over. It's only a little over two months, not a long time. If you feel bored , go to Jun Die Xuan to play, you know all the people there."

Han Xueyan wiped away her tears and pulled herself together, "Well, I understand, Miss Tang, you must not speak big words, you must come to me."

Tang Lin nodded slowly, "I will!"

"Then... I'm leaving!" Han Xueyan turned around reluctantly, and after walking a few steps, she looked back at Tang Lin, who kept waving goodbye to her.

After Han Xueyan's figure disappeared, Tang Lin turned back to the palace.

In the evening, Yu Shengjun went to see Shihe in the underground palace. The woman was still sleeping on the bed. Zhang Xiangyang hadn't ordered someone to bring Shihe's mother back, so the imperial doctor had been feeding the woman with drugs.

Yitang who followed behind said: "In less than half a month, I believe that Lord Commander will be able to return in triumph."

Yu Shengjun ordered: "You wait to inform other people and let An Leng come to see me. Next month, Mu Dongfang will enter our Yu Xin's territory in a grand manner with the intention of forming an alliance. Before that, we will arrange the guards in the palace first. Okay, let Shao Qi and the others really think that all the guards in the palace have been transferred by me. When Shao Qi asks Fu Yushu to send out the people who will fight against the Royal Society, let our people act as the people who will fight against the Royal Society to replace the Imperial Forest Army in the palace. "

Yitang nodded and said: "This subordinate knows."

The next day, Tang Lin gathered everyone in Nangong Square. Seeing everyone's death-defying formation, she went into a rage again, "Will you stand? Is it because I haven't practiced for a long time? How can I stand? Well, today Just let you stand enough. Xiao Xiong, you take the lead and practice a day of queue training today!"

"Don't—" a group of people roared again and again.

In the following days, Tang Lin came up with strange tricks one after another, as long as she could pass the time, as long as she could hone the willpower and physical strength of the students, she would train them whatever she thought of.

It's all right. On days like this, Tang Lin occasionally punished some people for moving bricks, and sometimes put these people in the royal forest to survive, and occasionally broke into the bathhouse of the students when they were taking a bath. Or before five o'clock in the morning, she stood at the door and whistled fiercely,

The students were tossed to death, suffering unspeakably.Some even wanted to "drop out of school", but Tang Lin rejected them all.

As for Cao Dan, he wanted to ask for leave several times, but Tang Lin refused to approve him every time he passed the leave slip, but he persisted in writing the leave slip every day, asking for leave every day, and was rejected every day.

Fu Yushu's life was hard enough. Every time he went to the dining hall to eat, Mu Lingxuan and Tang Lin would always "touch" him intentionally or unintentionally, and then apologize to him after the incident.

Shao Qi spent the days missing Han Lingying and jealous of Yu Shengjun.

Sun Bailing's departure allowed Lu Yitang to concentrate on training.

Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen concealed their identities and mingled in the training camp. No one knew their true identities, and their lives were happy.

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

In the afternoon, Tang Lin gathered everyone in the courtyard of Shanglinyuan, and ordered: "Before you know it, two or three months have passed, everyone is free to practice these few days, and I will not continue to train you. NO.15, conduct the final assessment. The two with the highest scores will be officially named Ouchi bodyguards. The examination questions are the content that I have trained you. Of course, if you don’t want to be Ouchi bodyguards, you can do so in the next few days Sleep in the room and don't practice."

(End of this chapter)

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