The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 319 Then the emperor is a bad guy!

Chapter 319 Then the emperor is a bad guy!

During dinner, in the dining hall, Mu Lingxuan secretly gave Shao Qi a note.

After eating, Shao Qi went back to the room, opened the note and looked at it, his brows were filled with joy.That's great, brother Huang and five thousand elite soldiers finally entered the land of Yuxin Dynasty, then he should...

"Heh, why are you secretly having fun?" At this time, Fu Yushu also came back after eating.

Shao Qi came over, stood in front of Fu Yushu, and put his hands on Fu Yushu's shoulders very seriously, "Brother Fu, it's time for you to fight against Yushu."

As soon as Fu Yushu heard this, he knew that the emperor of Beilin Kingdom had already entered Yuxin. Unexpectedly, he arrived on time.In less than half a month, he must have reached the imperial capital. "Okay, I will send an order to let our people replace the Imperial Forest Army in the palace."

Yu Shengjun stood by the door, smiling deeply.The good show is finally staged.into the night.The moonlight is like water.

At this time, the imperial study room was shrouded in lights.

Zhang Xiangyang followed An Lin to the Royal Study Room.

An Lin bowed and stood in front of the door, calling softly, "Your Majesty, Commander Zhang is here."

At this time, Yu Shengjun's deep voice came out, "Come in."

After getting the permission, An Lin opened the door of the imperial study room, and walked in first, followed by Zhang Xiangyang.

At this time, there was a large group of people waiting in the imperial study room, including Yifeng and several of Yu Shengjun's most valued guards, as well as the two prime ministers in court, as well as Yu Zichen and Tang Lin, and finally Yu Shengjun standing at the commanding table himself.

After entering, Zhang Xiangyang took a look at everyone, and then stepped forward to bow to Yu Shengjun, "My subordinates see the master, the master is auspicious."

"Excuse me!" Yu Shengjun waved his hand slightly.After Zhang Xiangyang straightened up, he talked about the map on the table, "Xiangyang, take a look, this is the command and deployment of the soldiers in front of the entire northern border country. Our troops have secretly sent all the important military exits of the northern border country It's sealed."

Zhang Xiangyang glanced over and praised: "Although half of my soldiers and horses were used, it is a good thing that half of the soldiers and horses can seal up all the soldiers and horses of the Northern Kingdom. With the Marshal sitting in the battle, I believe you will What could go wrong."

Yu Shengjun smiled heartily, "In the past five years, Shao Qi has completely robbed him of his prestige, it's time for him to be powerful."

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Commander Zhang led the inner guards to wipe out the dens of the Anti-Imperial Society. The emperor hasn't held a banquet to celebrate Commander Zhang's achievements yet."

Zhang Xiangyang smiled ashamedly, "It's the subordinate's duty to eliminate the traitors. As for the celebration doesn't matter if you don't show it. The current situation is tense, so how dare the subordinate ask the master so much?"

"Your Majesty," Fu Chengxiang asked, "Now that Mu Dongfang has entered our court, what should we do next?"

Yu Shengjun looked at Tang Lin and said softly, "Tang Lin, tell everyone my plan."

"Yes." Tang Lin nodded and accepted the order, and then faced everyone, telling Yu Shengjun's ultimate plan in detail, "Five thousand elite soldiers led by Mu Dongfang have entered our dynasty, and they will reach the imperial capital in less than a month , before he arrives, we have to do the following steps: first, give Shao Qi and others the illusion that the "Ouchi guards" have been transferred out of the palace; Those who will meet, let Fu Yushu use it to replace the Imperial Forest Army in the palace; third, in the dark, the second prince's rebellion should be as large as possible, so that Shao Qi and others think that the second prince is about to seek to usurp the throne; fourth, this is the last One point, when Mu Dongfang arrived in the imperial capital, the power of the second prince must openly force the palace to rebel, so that Mu Dongfang will enter the palace openly as a teacher of justice. In this way, he will also step into our trap. Fourth The first step is the most important, everyone must keep it in mind.”

Yu Shengjun said solemnly: "This is related to Yu Xin's fate, all lovers, you must be extremely cautious about everything in this month."

The crowd nodded, expressing their understanding.

Yu Shengjun went on to say: "An Leng, there are [-] imperial guards in the palace. After they are replaced, you will be in charge of this imperial guard. Arrange them in the underground palace for emergency support. Of course, it depends on whether you need them or not." The situation will change after January. Also, the safety of the underground palace is entirely your responsibility."

He nodded secretly and said: "The subordinate understands."

Yu Shengjun looked at Zhang Xiangyang, and ordered: "Xiangyang, you are in charge of Fu Yushu's line, as well as the safety of the main palace. You take Princess Xinrui, her disguise skill is better than yours. You choose a few people to come out and make Rongcheng Fu Yushu's right-hand man, so that Fu Yushu won't see through that the Rebellion Society has been wiped out."

"Yes, this subordinate knows." Zhang Xiangyang said.

Yu Shengjun looked at Yu Zichen and said, "Zichen, your task is huge."

Yu Zichen said calmly: "Your Majesty, rest assured, no matter how difficult the task is, I will definitely complete it."

"Well," Yu Shengjun responded with satisfaction, and then ordered: "As soon as Mu Dongfang arrives in the imperial capital, you will lead the two prime ministers, six ministers, half of the court officials, and the five thousand elite soldiers that I have prepared for you. The ground forced the palace, so as to lure Mu Dongfang into the palace."

Yu Zichen nodded and said, "I obey."

Now, Yu Shengjun's eyes fell on the two prime ministers, "You two, at the end of the month, you must find someone to spread rumors among the people, publicize and create momentum, and let the people know that the second prince is planning to usurp the throne. As long as the people strongly protest , Mu Dongfang will enter the palace as a teacher of justice."

The two prime ministers nodded yes.

Yu Shengjun finally ordered Yifeng and the others, "Yifeng, you are fully responsible for the safety of Nangong and the movements of the students. In the same hall, you and Anze, one is responsible for watching Shao Qi, and the other is responsible for watching Mu Lingxuan. , tell me immediately. Yishuang, you are always on standby."

Yishuang nodded and said, "Yes!"

The next day, Fu Yushu dragged Lu Yitang, Yu Shengjun, Yu Zichen, and Tang Lin to a courtyard in Shanglin Garden where no one passed by.

Lu Yitang asked: "Young master, do we really want to do things for Beilin Kingdom?"

"If you want to do it for you, I don't want it!" Tang Lin protested.

"Listen to me," Fu Yushu said calmly to everyone, "Chu, I don't plan to take it back. Now Chu City is more prosperous than Chu in the past. If this is the case, why do we have to start a war? You guys Remember, since we are all in one party, we must obey my arrangement. I have a piece of news for you, "

Tang Lin pretended to listen patiently, "What news?"

Fu Yushu said: "Mu Dongfang has already led [-] elite soldiers to Yuxin's territory. What we have to do is pretend to seek refuge in Beilin Kingdom. The person we really want to help is the Second Prince——Yu Zichen."

Yu Zichen said: "The Second Prince needs you guys, as long as Mu Dongfang is kicked off stage, you will be heroes."

Tang Lin said casually: "I don't want to know what you are planning." Immediately, she wrapped her arms around Yu Shengjun's arm, "I only listen to my senior brother, and I will do whatever my senior brother does."

Yu Shengjun said to Fu Yushu: "Since the second prince is the Mingjun, then we will undoubtedly give the power of the imperial society to the second prince."

Fu Yushu said: "I think so too. My plan is this. In the past two days, my news will be sent out. Once we receive the news from the Anti-Defense Society, we will come as soon as possible." Xiang Yuzichen said: "I asked everyone in our anti-imperial society to go and meet with the second prince. The second prince has the military uniform of the imperial forest army in the palace. The Imperial Forest Army. Now the person in charge of the palace is the Second Prince, he can easily replace the Imperial Forest Army. As long as people from our Anti-Royal Society enter the palace, Shao Qi will be able to believe that our Anti-Royal Society is really helping them!"

"Then what shall we do?" Tang Lin asked.

Fu Yushu smiled, "We don't need to do anything, just wait for Mu Dongfang to force the palace. But before that, don't expose your identities, let alone make Shao Qi suspect, otherwise our second prince's plan will be ruined."

The afternoon sun is extremely hot.

Because the final assessment was about to take place, Tang Lin did not restrict the range of activities of the students, and they could move freely up and down the Nangong Palace.

After Shao Qi left Shanglin Garden, he went directly to the Nangong kitchen.Because it was not restricted, it was not intercepted by the Royal Forest Army along the way.Soon, he arrived at the kitchen, and finally went to the backyard mysteriously.

At this time, the door of Mu Lingxuan's room was open.

Shao Qi glanced back to make sure that no one was following or saw others, and then strode into Mu Lingxuan's room.Mu Lingxuan is folding clothes. "Princess."

At this time, Yitang slightly leaned out half of his body from the side of the backyard door, and made a gesture with Anze who was already outside Mu Lingxuan's room door.

Anze stood quietly outside the door, and the Ouchi guards were all skilled in martial arts, so he was able to control his breathing so that Shao Qi in the room would not notice.His hearing is very good, and now, he has heard all the words of the two people in the room.

"Second Brother, Eldest Brother will be able to arrive at the imperial capital at the end of the month." Mu Lingxuan said a little excitedly.

Shao Qi nodded and said: "I see. Yesterday, Fu Yushu told me that their troops against the Royal Society had already been mobilized, and he would use his adoptive father's power to win the Ouchi Token and bring his people in. And the Second Emperor Brother, I am in charge of all the soldiers and horses of the Yuxin Dynasty. As long as I flash the tiger talisman, Brother Second Emperor, I can level this place at any time. Right now, the two most important things are to transfer the guards in the palace, and secondly, , I hope Yu Zichen will speed up the pace of rebellion. The dream of winning Yuxin is just around the corner."

Mu Lingxuan said: "I am very glad that the Anti-Yu Society can assist us. In this way, we have the help of two masters, brother and sister Tang Lin, and we are afraid that we will not be able to defeat Yu Xin? Brother Huang, think of a way to bring the palace The guards are transferred away!"

Shao Qi sighed softly, "Brother Erhuang thinks more about transferring the guards in the palace than you."

Mu Lingxuan understood what he meant, "Second Brother misses Han Lingying too much! But the situation is tense right now, Second Brother, we can't act rashly, let alone ruin everything because of Han Lingying!"

Shao Qi said: "I understand. But at present, only brother and sister Tang Lin can transfer the guards from the palace. Their ability really makes us feel ashamed."

Mu Lingxuan said: "Then second brother, after you go back, you will increase the reward and ask them to do this for us!"

After leaving Nangong Kitchen, Shao Qi went straight back to Shanglin Garden, unaware that Yitang had been following him secretly.

Back in the room, I saw Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin playing poker leisurely.At this moment, an idea came into his mind.Since there are only the two of them, why not take this opportunity to tell them about the transfer of the palace guards.

But before he made a sound, Yu Shengjun said casually: "Give me a city each for my brothers and sisters, and we can help you transfer away the guards in the palace soon!" Hearing what Yu Shengjun said, The corner of Shao Qi's mouth twitched violently a few times.Two cities?This Yu Huangxuan's appetite is too big!
"Why, don't you understand?" Yu Shengjun put down the chess in his hand, looked sideways at Shao Qi, with a calm expression on his face, as if he felt that what he said was not too much. "Our Anti-Yu will help you capture Yuxin, and what we want is Chu City, but what you get is more than a hundred cities. It's just two cities. Are you reluctant to give it to the north-facing country?"

(End of this chapter)

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