The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 320 Did you see the token?I want to see the emperor!

Chapter 320 Did you see the token?I want to see the emperor!
Shao Qi held back the anger that was about to erupt, he didn't want to offend the pair of brothers and sisters at this juncture, he knew the consequences would be serious.For this reason, he reluctantly put on a smile, "It's just two cities, easy to talk about, easy to talk about." After the emperor's brother succeeded in forcing the palace, let alone the two cities, even Chu City would not give them any.How dare you have such a big appetite, don't think that you will get a share in the end.

Tang Lin gave a wry smile silently, she knew Shao Qi too well, this man only writes bad checks all day long, what else?
"Did you agree?" Yu Shengjun asked, staring straight into Shao Qi's eyes, meaning "I'll do things for you, you give me the city".

Because this group of people will all die in the end, Shao Qi felt that these people did not end well anyway, so in order to stabilize people's hearts, he readily agreed, and said boldly: "Let's not talk about two cities, ten of them will be me." Shao Qi can afford it! Of course, the premise is to trouble the two guards from the palace!"

Tang Lin said: "To be honest, there are less than half of the guards in the palace today."

Shao Qi was shocked, "How do you know?"

Tang Lin said: "Because my master is causing chaos among the people, in the past few months, I have suggested to the emperor to put the most emphasis on ordering the chaos, so now there are less than half of the guards in the palace. The rest of the guards are all They are under my control, they are assisting me in training students. These guards, I can easily make them disappear!"

"Heh," Shao Qi's smile was obviously mocking.He reminded bluntly: "Da Nei's guards, none of them are fuel-efficient lamps. You can make them disappear easily? Tang Lin, I'm not that I underestimate you, but that you overestimate Da Nei. The inner guard is gone!"

"Will you bet on the four cities?" Tang Lin looked at Shao Qi with firm eyes.

Her self-confidence made Shao Qi regret the ridicule he showed just now, which cost him two cities in vain.How could he underestimate Tang Lin? From the beginning to the end, he never denied her ability. Perhaps, she really had a way to easily make all the remaining guards in the palace disappear.

Shao Qi asked a difficult question, "If there are two instructors among all the guards, including the assistant instructor. Then, why not give you four cities." The implication is that Tang Lin hopes that Yifeng, Yitang and Yishuang can be given to Yifeng, Yitang and Yishuang together. Get rid of.

Tang Lin said bluntly: "Including them, it's not a problem. Then it's settled, the four cities will take care of all the remaining guards in the palace!"

"Don't just talk about it," but Shao Qi still couldn't convince himself that he believed in Tang Lin's ability. "I'm waiting for your good news!" Turning around to leave.

Yu Shengjun called him to stop, "Wait a minute!"

Shao Qi didn't turn around, but turned his face slightly, "Is there anything else?" His tone was indifferent, as if he wanted to get rid of all relations with the two of them as soon as possible, including the feelings from the military training in the past.

Yu Shengjun paused for a moment before saying: "Han Lingying, what are you going to do?"

Shao Qi turned around and expressed his thoughts, "In a short time, the guards in the palace will be gone, so it will be easy for me to enter the harem."

"Oh," Yu Shengjun said with a sarcasm, "Going in, is it easy?"

Shao Qi thought to himself: "Could it be, isn't it? In a short time, even the Imperial Forest Army in the palace will be replaced by ours. Will it be difficult for me to go in and find someone?"

Yu Shengjun nodded, "It's not bad if you think so. I hope that your lovers will get married in the end."

Shao Qi was not indifferent to Yu Shengjun's blessing, so he turned around and left.

Tang Lin turned towards the door and became angry from embarrassment, "The guy who has no one in his eyes really deserves a beating."

Yu Shengjun returned his gaze to the chessboard, smiled lightly, and said, "Sooner or later, he will lift a stone to shoot himself in the foot, Linlin, why should you be so wronged."

"I really want to see his livid face at the time of Gongbian." Tang Lin couldn't wait for the arrival of the end of the month.The sooner Yu Shengjun unifies the Central Plains, the sooner she can marry him.

night.The underground palace is brightly lit.

Yu Shengjun put on his bodyguard uniform and an ordinary mask, and came outside the cell where Shi He was under house arrest.

Zhang Xiangyang led the Ouchi guards to wipe out the anti-imperial society, and rescued Shihe's mother unscathed.At this time, Shihe had already woken up, and her mother was gently feeding her porridge.She had a miscarriage and was in a coma for another month or two. Her body was so weak that a gust of wind could knock her down.

Mother Shi saw her child so weak, her heart ached, and she fed spoonfuls of porridge, eating so slowly.

When a figure appeared outside the cell, Shihe's originally dull gaze became brighter.Gradually, she looked up, and she could feel that it was the guard who told her about Fu Yushu last time.

"Aren't you looking for death?" Yu Shengjun sneered as soon as he appeared.

Shihe kept silent and looked at her mother.How could I be so unfilial, leaving my mother to live alone.Also, she wanted revenge, revenge on Fu Yushu.

Yu Shengjun just wanted to take a look at the mother and daughter, and when he was about to leave, Shihe said indifferently: "I want to see the emperor!"

There was a sneer on the lips under the mask, "Why?"

Shihe emphasized coldly, "I am Empress Chenghuan!"

"I'm sorry," Yu Shengjun said, "In the eyes of my master, you are worse than a woman in the cold palace. Want to see him? In this life... there is no chance!"

Shihe sneered and promised: "Don't worry, even if I see him, I don't have any illusions about him, the latter... I'm not fond of Shihe. I'm sorry for him, I admit it. I want to see him because I want to see him. He gave me a chance to take revenge on Fu Yushu!"

"Don't dream," Yu Shengjun reminded without a trace of emotion in his tone, "His life is in the hands of my master, and no one else can tolerate it."

Despair flashed across Shi He's red eyes, "This is the only way I can do this in my life? I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled, I want to kill him, he can only die in my hands! Tell your master , no matter what conditions he asks, I will agree to him, as long as he can let me get close to Fu Yushu!"

Yu Shengjun hesitated, "No matter what conditions are offered, you can do it?"

Shihe's eyes were determined, "Yes!"

Yu Shengjun thought for a long time before saying this, "Even if you change your current face?"

Now, Shihe was stunned!

"Heh," Yu Shengjun smiled wryly, "I thought, for revenge, you can even give up your life, and you still care about a face?" After finishing speaking, he left coldly.

Shihe sat down blankly, caressing her cheek with trembling hands.

"My child," the poet's mother was distressed, "let's not take revenge, okay? Let's accept our fate!"

After a while, Shihe's eyes became more fierce and crazy, "No, I can't accept my fate, I can't just let Fu Yushu go, I can't just let him go!"

It's another morning.

Cao Dan sat in a corner of the martial arts training ground, watching the other students practicing for the final assessment with blank eyes.The three months of military training have just passed, and Sun Bailing is gone. Who can tell him what to do now?
At this time, Yu Zichen sat beside him, "Everyone else has gone to review, why don't you go?"

Cao Dan's tone was slightly inferior, "Anyway, I can't get the last two spots, so why bother."

"Didn't you enter the palace just to be a bodyguard?" Yu Zichen asked.

Cao Dan stopped talking.Entering the palace to be a bodyguard?How can it be.If it wasn't for Sun Bailing's love that she listened to everything, how could he be in the palace.He has persuaded his father to side with the Second Prince, so should his mission be over?
After leaving this palace, if Han Xueyan is willing, he will take her away to the end of the world and never come back.

Yu Zichen chuckled softly, "It's because you don't want to fight for it, but it's because you don't have the ability to fight for it. Your heart is not in this palace at all. Prosperity and honor are worthless in your eyes."

Unexpectedly, Cao Dan was surprised that the other party knew him so well, but he couldn't explain why.

After a while, Yu Zichen said something that shocked Cao Dan, "Do you love Sun Bailing?"

Cao Dan looked at him in astonishment, "Brother Zimo, you actually know Bailing..."

Yu Zichen smiled lightly, "I know she is a woman, and she also works for the Second Prince. The reason why you are in the palace is because of her."

The smart Cao Dan naturally knew what kind of person Yu Zichen was, so he was defenseless, "Since you know she is a woman, you should also know the story between me and her. Are you from the second prince?"

Yu Zichen looked into the distance and replied calmly, "Yes!"

Cao Dan laughed at himself: "I thought I was never cared about, but it doesn't seem to be the case. Brother Zimo has always known everything about me, so as not to spoil the prince's good deeds."

How could Yu Zichen not feel the sadness of the other party, "Shen Dan, I'm not a bad person."

Cao Dan smiled wryly and said, "That sounds nice. If you are not a bad person, then the emperor is a bad person. Therefore, it is only natural for your princes to raise the flag to rebel."

Yu Zichen said again: "The emperor is not a bad person."

Cao Dan was taken aback for a moment, he was really dumbfounded and couldn't understand it!

Yu Zichen said: "It's just that you are too kind and your heart is too pure, and you don't even have the least scheming. Therefore, even your father can deceive you, let alone Sun Bailing!"

"What did you say?" Cao Dan felt more and more that he didn't understand.

"This is for you," Yu Zichen handed a pass token to Cao Dan, "You can use it to find the answer you want, and I won't stop you!"

Cao Dan's eyes widened in astonishment, my lord? ! "With it, you can go where you want and find who you want." Yu Zichen said.

Cao Dan stared at the token, memories of the past kept coming to mind.It turned out that Sun Bailing asked him to go to Jun Die Xuan to let him stay with the Second Prince.

After a while, Cao Dan smiled lightly and returned the token, "I believe the prince is a good man, and I want to hear the answer given by the prince."

Yu Zichen didn't take the token back, "Take it, you can go to the emperor to ask for clarification. You can also use it to leave the palace and go home, go to your father, and ask for clarification."

Cao Dan choked up and asked: "My lord, why did you rebel? Although I am not qualified to ask, my lord is qualified to answer or refuse to answer my question! If it threatens my father's life and death, I, Shen Dan, will fight anyone, even That person is the current emperor!"

"Find the answer yourself," Yu Zichen got up and left after saying that.

Five days later, after some transformation by Yu Xinrui, Zhang Xiangyang and several guards transformed into a few stewards in the anti-imperial society.

Yu Xinrui had entered the anti-imperial society organization, and also knew who had the most power and who Fu Yushu trusted most.She listed the most important people and asked the guards in the palace to play them.After the disguise, I believe that Fu Yushu will recognize them immediately when he sees them, and he will not have any doubts.

A group of ten imperial guard troops entered the area of ​​Nangong.

Yu Zichen brought Fu Yushu to Nangong Square, and when Fu Yushu saw the familiar ten people, he walked up, "You..."

The ten people knelt on one knee together and said in unison: "Your subordinates will see the young master!"

(End of this chapter)

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