The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 321 Brother Yu, are you the emperor? !

Chapter 321 Brother Yu, are you the emperor? !
Fu Yushu invited them up one by one, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect Xiao Du to bring the news out so quickly, and I didn't expect you to come so quickly!"

Yu Zichen lowered his head behind Fu Yushu and sneered.The "Little Du" that Fu Yushu spoke of was nothing more than the appearance of the big inner guard in disguise, so that Fu Yushu could have a trusted messenger.The real Xiao Du was still in the execution room of the underground palace.

One of them said: "Xiao Du contacted us after leaving the palace, and then we went to the second prince's mansion according to what the young master said in the letter. Today, the second prince brought us into the palace, so we met the young master." You, young master, the elders knew that you took refuge in the Second Prince, and they were all blown away."

Fu Yushu said coldly: "Don't worry about those mediocre people, we do our own thing. Listen to me, obey and obey the arrangement of the Second Prince!"

Ten people said in unison: "We obey the young master's arrangement!"

Not long after, Yu Zichen came over to interject, "Brother Fu, they can't stay in Nangong for too long. The prince said that they are the first batch of people who will replace the Imperial Forest Army."

Fu Yushu didn't dare to delay Yu Zichen's affairs, so he let ten people go back.The ten people left, and he asked Yu Zichen, "When will the Imperial Forest Army be transferred to Nangong?"

Yu Zichen said: "After Yu Huangxuan and Tang Lin withdraw all the guards here!"

Fu Yushu returned to the room, only Shao Qi and Yun Lei were in the room, as soon as Shao Qi saw him, he walked over a few steps, with an unconcealable excitement on his face, "The ten imperial forest soldiers who talked to you in the square just now, are Are you against the Royal Society?"

Fu Yushu was surprised, "Did you see it?"

"You boy," Shao Qi slapped him on the shoulder hard, and said excitedly, "I'm already replacing the Imperial Forest Army in the palace, so don't mention it to me!"

Fu Yushu looked at each other with blank eyes, "I thought you would know yourself because of your supernatural powers. My men and horses have already entered the palace in batches, and we will soon replace all the imperial guards in the palace. Don't worry about this. When your emperor enters the palace, our people will Do your best to keep him safe."

Shao Qi excitedly said: "Thank you so much!"

Fu Yushu forced a smile, "You're welcome! Anyway, everyone gets what they need!"

The phrase "take what you need" made Shao Qi's face change.Fu Yushu now has the mentality of taking what he needs, thinking that he can really restore the state of Chu.However, what he was holding was the idea that, except for their northern border country, everyone else would die!Fu Yushu, you trust me too much, don't blame me...

That night.

Anze sneakily knocked on Mu Lingxuan's door, "Princess!"

After hearing the voice of the person outside the door, Mu Lingxuan came over and opened the door, and then urged in a low voice, "Come in!" After closing the door, she asked: "Looking for Bengong late at night, is there something serious going on?"

An Ze excitedly said: "Princess, I came here to tell you that all the Imperial Forest Army in the palace will be replaced by people who rebel against the Imperial Council in a few days. Another point is that the movement of Yu Zichen to usurp the throne is getting louder and louder." But don't worry, princess, Fu Yushu relied on his father's ability to get their people in, and nothing happened."

Mu Lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, I'm afraid there will be too much noise, if Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen find out, we will not please either of us!"

Mu Lingxuan asked again: "The guards in the palace, Tang Lin managed to get rid of them?"

Anze shook his head and said: "There is no movement yet, I heard that they are already trying to figure out a solution, and I believe the results will come out soon. Right now, we just need to wait for the emperor to arrive!"

Mu Lingxuan snorted, "Hmph, I think it's those students who are boasting about Tang Lin's abilities. I don't believe that she has superpowers. I guess we will have to deal with the Ouchi guards in the end!"

Anze said: "Anyway, the second prince's ability to treat Tang Lin is obvious to all."

"Just wait and see," Mu Lingxuan wrote lightly, "see if she can clean up all the guards in the palace!"

The next day, Tang Lin shut herself in the room, fiddling with something on the table.

Shao Qi came in several times and found Tang Lin playing with gadgets in the room, he was puzzled.Sometimes she doesn't deal with the guards, what is she doing with her stuff?

Unable to bear it, Shao Qi stepped forward and asked, "Tang Lin, what are you doing?"

Tang Lin glanced at him, and continued to work on her own business, "What are you doing, you don't know how to watch yourself? Don't make trouble if you have nothing to do, just do what you have to do!"

Shao Qi saw her fiddling with her containers, and she put all kinds of different liquids together.These muscle stiffeners, blunt agents... etc., she has been tinkering with what he has learned and what he has not learned. "Could you use these to clean up those guards?"

Tang Lin glared at him, "I know and ask."

Shao Qi is not optimistic about her, "Those guards are very difficult to deal with, and their cunning is no less than you and me. Are you sure that these things of yours can subdue those guards?"

Tang Lin then glared at him, "Do you still want to bet on two cities?"

"No," Shao Qi quickly compromised, he didn't want to lose two more cities. "I trust you, trust your head office, right? Then take your time!"

After Shao Qi went out, Yu Shengjun came in again, seeing her messing with her things, he was also curious, "Why are you messing with your things?"

While busy, Tang Lin said: "Anyway, it's okay, I'm busy when I'm idle. If I can still use these things one day, I'll check to see if these things are still effective when I'm free. By the way, Junjun, you are not in the palace. Stay here, what are you doing here? You have to support the big things!"

Yu Shengjun said: "I am afraid that some people will become suspicious, so I will come back and have a look."

At this time, Cao Dan came in from the outside, and seeing his sullen look, Yu Shengjun asked concerned: "Xiao Cao, are you alright?"

Tang Lin said: "There must be an exam, it's a lot of pressure!"

Cao Dan didn't speak, and fell on the bed at once, but he didn't know that the jade pendant that had been in his arms all the time slipped out, and Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin saw it.

Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin exchanged a look.

"Xiao Cao, the token..." Yu Shengjun said cautiously.

Cao Dan touched his bosom, but it was not in his bosom, he touched other places, and finally found the token.He did not reveal to Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin that it was a token, "It's just an ordinary sign, and there are many in my countryside." After speaking, he put the token back in his arms.

After a while, Cao Dan asked Tang Lin intentionally or unintentionally: "Sister Tang, you said the emperor... where will he live in the palace?"

Tang Lin wondered, "Why do you ask this?"

Cao Dan smiled dryly and said, "Just ask casually, just ask casually!"

"It should be the main palace!" Tang Lin replied to Cao Dan after obtaining Yu Shengjun's nod, "Xiao Cao, do you want to go directly to the emperor and ask him to directly appoint you as a bodyguard?"

Cao Dan said with a dry smile: "There is no such thing, I am really just asking, just be curious!"

Yu Shengjun thought to himself, this matter must not be so simple.

After leaving the room, Yu Shengjun returned to the imperial study, and after a while, Yu Zichen came in, and he remembered Cao Dan's token, "Zichen, Shen Dan has a token of internal access, you know What's the matter? Could it be... His father gave it to him?"

"No," Yu Zichen said frankly, "Brother Emperor, the token was given to him by the younger brother. This young man, the younger brother felt that he couldn't be deceived, so he told him the identity of the younger brother truthfully! If he wants to know the matter The ins and outs, I will definitely use the token to see you or leave the palace!"

Yu Shengjun understood, "So that's what happened! Indeed, after getting along with him during this period, I found that I lied to him, and I felt guilty in my heart!"

Yu Zichen chuckled, "Brother Huang, I didn't expect you to say that."

Yu Shengjun said: "He is a different boy. Let's not destroy his innocence."

Yu Zichen asked, "Did he really go to see you?"

"No!" Yu Shengjun said, "Today in Shanglin Garden, I accidentally discovered that he holds an inner court token. This kid, do you think he will come to see me?"

Yu Zichen thought for a while and said, "It's been a few days since I gave him the token, so he must have given up on it!"

into the night.

Yu Shengjun returned to Xuanyu Palace from the imperial study room, but when he was about to take a bath, An Lin's voice came from outside, "Your Majesty, the guards outside reported that a student who claimed to be Cao Dan asked to see him. Card!"

"This kid," Yu Shengjun's lips curled into a smile, "let him in!" After a while, Cao Dan stood at the door of Yu Shengjun's bedroom, seeing him hesitating at the door, An Lin He reminded again: "The emperor has allowed to see you, why don't you go in?"

Cao Dan stood in front of the door, looking down at the pass token in his hand.For him, the real purpose of urging him to come here is not to know the truth about why the Second Prince tried to usurp the throne, let alone to know about his father.His real purpose is to meet the current emperor - ascended the throne at the age of six, regained the lost land at the age of seven, and made Yu Xin the emperor of a powerful country in the Central Plains before the age of 24.

Cao Dan admired and was curious about the emperor whose life was full of miracles since he was a child.When Sun Bailing wanted to persuade his father and the second prince to usurp the throne, he was really angry. From that moment on, he had the idea of ​​defending the current emperor to the death.This idea has not disappeared until today.

However, when he was only a wall away from the emperor, Cao Dan felt inferior, and he wanted to shrink back.Who is the emperor?Could it be that he can meet face to face with his status?

"It's still...forget it." Cao Dan turned his back and said lightly.He really didn't have the courage to face the emperor.

"You should go in and meet!" An Lin's words seemed intentional or unintentional, "Maybe if you meet, you will find something unexpected."

Cao Dan looked down at himself and couldn't help but smile wryly.I know what my identity is, and he is not qualified to see the Ninth Five-Year Master. "Let's leave this opportunity to other people. Thank you, Mr. An." After speaking, he walked away.

An Lin shouted, "You have seen the true face of the emperor!"

Cao Dan was taken aback for a moment, then stopped, and turned to look at An Lin in astonishment, "Director An, what did you say?"

An Lin said: "It's your honor that the emperor has opinions on you. If he didn't want to see you, he would have kicked you out long ago. Mr. Shen, you are the first person to receive such hospitality from the emperor!"

Cao Dan said in amazement: "You know my surname..." Shen!

An Lin chuckled and said, "Except for the emperor, there is no one here who knows more than me."

Who did Cao Dan think of, "Did the Second Prince tell you?"

An Lin just smiled and said nothing.

Cao Dan made up his mind to go all out, "There is no one I, Shen Dan, dare not meet." After finishing speaking, he pushed open the door of Yu Shengjun's bedroom in one go, and walked in quickly, his eyes turned to the environment in the bedroom after entering the door Search around.

On the coffee table in the corner, there was a cup of tea, which was steaming hot, obviously it had just been brewed not long ago.However, there was no one in the huge room.

Cao Dan thought to himself, could it be that the emperor is not here, and those people outside lied to him?

When he was about to rush out angrily and scold those people outside, Yu Shengjun came out from the inside.He hadn't changed out of the clothes he usually wore when training in Shanglinyuan, when he saw Cao Dan, he called out, "Xiao Cao!"

(End of this chapter)

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