The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 322 I'm Not His Junior Sister

Chapter 322 I'm Not His Junior Sister
Such a familiar voice!

When he heard who the owner of that voice was, Cao Dan was stunned!
that is not--

Suddenly, Cao Dan turned around, and sure enough, the person standing in front of him was Yu Huangxuan whom he knew.He didn't dare to imagine that Yu Huangxuan was the emperor, and there must be other people here.With Yu Huangxuan being so talented, it was only natural that the two of them could be appreciated by the emperor.

Cao Dan stepped forward and asked, "Brother Yu, why are you here? Isn't this the emperor's bedroom?" He looked around, the elegant and gorgeous room should have such luxury for the emperor.

"Yes, this is the emperor's bedroom." After speaking, Yu Shengjun walked to the coffee table in a corner and sat down, half lying on his reclining chair.

He was so leisurely, but Cao Dan sweated for him, and immediately came over and pulled him up, "My God! Brother Yu, what are you doing, this is the emperor's chair, get out!"

Just like that, Yu Shengjun was dragged up by Cao Dan.Seeing Cao Dan's frightened and nervous expression, he shook his head and smiled helplessly, "Are you so nervous? The emperor can't eat people!"

Cao Dan said with a solemn expression: "We have only one life, and we must be careful to sail for thousands of years. By the way, brother Yu, isn't the emperor here?"

"He..." Yu Shengjun touched the back of his head, thinking about how to deal with Cao Dan.Since Cao Dan didn't affirm that he was the emperor, he didn't have to rush to prove it. "I don't know where it is. I guess it's still in the imperial study. Xiao Cao, you have something to do with the emperor? How did you come to the main palace?"

Cao Dan said: "I have a token that can go everywhere in the palace!"

"Oh." Yu Shengjun replied, indicating that he understood.

Cao Dan asked him, "Brother Yu, you must have a good relationship with the emperor, right? Otherwise, why would he call you here!"

Yu Shengjun "uh..." got up, "How should I put it, this emperor..."

Suddenly Cao Dan sighed and stopped what Yu Shengjun was about to say, "I feel like I'm going to collapse! Life is such a mess!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "What's wrong?"

Cao Dan said truthfully: "Brother Yu, to tell you the truth, my name is not Cao Dan!"

"I know," Yu Shengjun nodded.

Cao Dan was surprised, "Brother Yu, do you know?"

Yu Shengjun calmly said: "Your name is not Cao Dan, you are Shen Dan, you are the only son of Prime Minister Shen's family, and you only enter the palace because of the woman you love!"

Hearing these words, Cao Dan didn't feel that there was anything to be excited about. Instead, fear climbed into his heart. He guarded Yu Shengjun like an enemy, and while slowly retreating, he shook his head and looked at Yu Shengjun. , There was a layer of fog in the eyes, "What the hell are you playing? Why didn't you tell me? Why did the second prince want to rebel? Why did you drag my father? Why is the emperor not a bad person, but the second prince said He's not a bad guy either, what's wrong with all of this?"

Yu Shengjun asked: "Do you want to know the answer?"

Cao Dan nodded sharply a few times, "Think!"

After a long explanation, Cao Dan finally understood the ins and outs, "It turns out that all this is the emperor's intention, to create a false impression for the enemy?"

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Yes! Few people know about these things, and they didn't tell you and Sun Bailing, that's why you thought it was the second prince who was rebelling. You are all temperamental people, and you were afraid that you would cause trouble, so you didn't tell You. But judging from the current situation, the two of you are already outsiders, so you might as well tell you the truth, but if you dare to reveal the truth, you will die miserably!"

Cao Dan smiled wryly, "This is related to my father's life, how could I say it."

Yu Shengjun asked: "Then do you have any objections to your father, the Second Prince, and the Emperor?"

Cao Dan shook his head, with a bitter smile on his lips.After knowing the ins and outs of the matter, he felt that he was too small, the emperor, and too powerful.

Yu Shengjun said: "The day when the second prince forced the palace is the day when Mu Dongfang forced the palace. As long as Mu Dongfang is eradicated, the enemy country will collapse. For the people of Yuxin, the North Border Kingdom was so hateful. If you can buy a country without wasting a battle, even if it takes 20 years, the emperor will still do the same!"

Cao Dan said from the bottom of his heart, "I admire such an emperor. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to hold my breath and wait for ten years."

Yu Shengjun said: "Xiao Cao, what do you think? In the future, do you plan to go back and continue to be your son Shen, or to be the emperor's bodyguard?"

Cao Dan thought for a while, and finally his heart was inclined to the latter, but he had no confidence in himself, "There are only two places, excluding the second prince, and you two brothers and sisters, but there are still a few strong opponents, For example, Platoon Leader Xiao, as well as Brother Fu, Brother Yunlei, and Brother Qilin. Maybe Mr. Lu...may become a candidate for the bodyguard."

Yu Shengjun asked: "What if the emperor hires you, what are you doing?"

Cao Dan couldn't resist saying, "Do it!"

"Very good!" Yu Shengjun applauded in satisfaction, "Then it's settled. After the emperor's great cause is finalized, I will officially appoint you as a bodyguard in the palace to work for the emperor!"

Being able to work for a legendary figure is what Cao Dan has always hoped for. "Brother Yu, thank you!"

Yu Shengjun smiled and said, "Thank you for what I'm doing, thank you Emperor for going up!"

Cao Dan smiled wryly: "But the emperor is not here at all, and I can't thank you if I want to thank you. It's really great to work with Brother Yu in the future!"

Yu Shengjun said: "Then you have to work hard, don't disappoint the emperor's cultivation."

Cao Dan nodded excitedly, "I will!"

At this time, there was some movement outside the door, as if someone's footsteps.Without allowing Anlin to ask questions, the door was opened, and Tang Lin walked in imposingly, as if returning to her own home.

She was not surprised to see Cao Dan in Yu Shengjun's bedroom, because she already knew that Cao Dan was going to see the emperor with a token.

"Good evening, Xiao Cao!" Tang Lin greeted after entering.

Cao Dan asked depressedly: "Isn't Sister Tang surprised to see me here?"

Tang Lin sat down on the recliner where Yu Shengjun was sitting. She raised an eyebrow at Cao Dan, full of puzzlement, "Why should I be surprised?"

Cao Dan was speechless!

"Honey, I'm so hungry, let the imperial dining room make something!" Tang Lin grabbed the hand of Yu Shengjun standing beside the recliner and shook it.

Cao Dan wanted to know what the phrase "dear" meant.

Yu Shengjun squinted at Tang Lin, full of contempt, "Who says I'm too fat? Still eat, let's see if you dare to let others see your figure on the day you get married!"

Tang Lin continued to rub his hand, "I want to eat, I want to eat!"

Cao Dan smiled wryly at the side, it was the first time he saw Tang Lin acting like a baby, she was so cute and greedy!There is no such thing as an instructor!

"Okay," Yu Shengjun compromised first.Looking at the door, he called out, "An Lin!"

An Lin ran in, bowed his waist and said, "Your Majesty, please order!"

When Yu Shengjun was about to speak, Cao Dan looked at him incredulously, and said in astonishment: "You are...the emperor?" Yu Shengjun smiled gracefully and calmly, "Isn't I the emperor?"

Suddenly, Cao Dan remembered what An Lin had said to him before entering the door. An Lin said that he had seen the emperor's true face, and after entering, he would find something unexpected.

Didn't the accidental discovery that Manager An said made him discover that the real emperor is Yu Huangxuan? !
God!Is Yu Huangxuan the emperor?He is the emperor!He is a legend that I have always admired since I was a child!This legendary figure turned out to be his friend who had called him brother and brother for several months!
In the past few months, he has troubled Yu Huangxuan with so many things, so——

"Grass people should be damned!" Cao Dan immediately knelt down after finding out what had happened.When he thought that he was calling the emperor brothers and sisters these past few months, his heart was still trembling, even his body was shaking non-stop, even his lips and teeth were trembling, he was too surprised, and at the same time felt too horrible . "There are grass-roots people... have eyes but no eyes, before... no, no, I don't know it's the emperor, the grass-roots people... Minminmin... have offended, and... please... please... the emperor... see you... Forgive me!"

Seeing Cao Dan stammering, Tang Lin kept snickering!Cao Dan acted like this when he knew that Yu Shengjun was the emperor. If Fu Yushu and Shao Qi knew about it, it would be fine!

It is estimated that when Fu Yushu and Shao Qi knew that Yu Shengjun was the emperor, it was already the day of the palace change!

Seeing Cao Dan stammering, Yu Shengjun and An Lin couldn't help laughing.

For innocent young people like Cao Dan, Yu Shengjun has always given a good attitude.He went up two steps, helped Cao Dan up, and said: "Xiao Cao, don't do this, I don't mean to blame you!"

"Thank you, thank you... Your Majesty, no... Weird... Grassroots!" After standing up, Cao Dan was still hunched over and did not dare to straighten up, let alone look into Yu Shengjun's eyes. Moreover, he stammered a bit. Rhythm.

Yu Shengjun pretended to be furious, "You dare not look at me, I will have you dragged out immediately, beheaded!"

Immediately, Cao Dan raised his head wisely. Although he was looking at Yu Shengjun, his eyes were always evasive. The fear in his heart made his shoulders tremble slightly, and he gasped for air from time to time.Sure enough, companions are like companions to tigers.

On the way back to Shanglinyuan, Cao Dan kept holding his arm that was puffed up and felt cold, and his mouth was not idle, "Brother Yu is actually the emperor. I was so lazy at Jundiexuan. The emperor must have seen it. I have a very bad impression of me. Also, my performance in military training was even worse, the emperor..."

Tang Lin rolled her eyes at each other all the way, "Please, the emperor didn't blame you, okay?"

"It's all you, Sister Tang!" Cao Dan glared at Tang Lin, complaining, "Tell me that he is the emperor, and I won't be so broken. You still keep it from me!"

Tang Lin snorted softly: "Hmph, why should I tell you? Huh?"

Cao Dan suddenly stopped in his tracks. He looked at Tang Lin steadfastly and seriously, and analyzed with his mouth: "Brother Yu is the emperor, so you... are not his junior sister!"

"You only know now?" Tang Lin sneered, "That's right, I'm not his junior sister, I'm his wife!"

Cao Dan frowned, "Ma Zi?"

Tang Lin explained impatiently: "It's his future queen!"

Cao Dan was so startled that his pupils swelled, "Isn't it? Sister Tang, you and the emperor...what do you mean?"

Tang Lin was very unhappy with his expression, "What do you mean? Just say it!"

"That's, that's..." Cao Dan couldn't turn his head, and Cao Dan didn't know what words to use.After he finally figured it out, he was told by Tang Lin.

Tang Lin said: "That's right, it means the same as you and Han Xueyan!" After speaking, she started walking again.

Cao Dan caught up, "When did you know each other?"

"Whenever you know him, I will know him!"

"That's when I was in Jun Die Xuan! But Sister Tang, the emperor already has a queen, and there is also a harem!
"It's okay, you don't do things that alienate you!"

(End of this chapter)

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