The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 323 Mu Dongfang, You Are Finally Here!

Chapter 323 Mu Dongfang, You Are Finally Here!
"I don't, I'm doing this for the good of Miss Tang!"

"Keep our affairs a secret for my own good!"

In a blink of an eye, NO.15 arrived.

The final assessment started today, but when Tang Lin was busy in the warehouse, she received several letters from Xiao Xiong.Moreover, they are all applications.

Tang Lin opened them one by one and looked at them. It turned out that Fu Yushu and the others applied not to participate in the assessment.Among them, apart from Fu Yushu, there were Shao Qi, Yun Lei, Lu Yitang, Yu Zichen and Yu Shengjun.

She already knew that Yu Zichen and Yu Shengjun would not participate in the assessment, but she never expected that Fu Yushu and the others would also not participate.

what is this?
After training these people for several months, they didn't care about the results!

Tang Lin took the application and angrily went to find someone to reason with. When she passed the gate, she stopped suddenly.She looked at the bulletin board.

Among those with outstanding achievements, only Yu Shengjun is alone!Everyone else is a negative number!
In fact, the assessment has already come out, hasn't it?The best student she taught was Yu Shengjun, her boyfriend.Even if everyone accepts the assessment, Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen will take the last two spots in the end!
At this time, Shao Qi's faint voice came from behind Tang Lin. This was the best voice she had ever heard in the history of knowing him. He said, "We don't need the assessment. We can't win against Yu Huangxuan and Zimo. Moreover, it is useless for us to win!"

Tang Lin turned around and looked at Shao Qi with complicated eyes. This was the first time she spoke to him face to face calmly, "If you still think that I am your instructor, then tell me honestly, you have the right to conquer the world." Ambitious?"

"I..." Shao Qi turned his face away and looked at the scenery outside the gate.Erqing said lightly, "If I didn't know Han Lingying five years ago, my ambition would have been!"

The implication is that since getting to know Han Lingying, that kind of ambition is gone!
Tang Lin said: "Since there is no such thing, why put pressure on yourself to take charge of the world's soldiers and horses? Shao Qi, who won the peace today? Who caused the smoke of gunpowder in the past? You don't want to start a war, That means you don't want to see losses, people being displaced, bloodshed from your soldiers and horses! In this case..."

Shao Qi interrupted her coldly, "Although I don't want to see that kind of scene, I have the responsibility to defend my country in the north!"

"Wei is not wrong, if it is plundering... then it is absolutely wrong! In the end, even your woman will not forgive you for what you have done!" After speaking, Tang Lin walked away.

Shao Qi turned his back to her receding figure, the anger on his face slowly faded away.Tang Lin's words just now echoed in my ears, "Wei is not wrong, if it is plundering... then it is absolutely wrong! In the end, even your woman will not forgive you for what you have done!"

After unifying the Central Plains, Han Lingying should be proud of him, right?she will!Will do!
The next day, Mu Lingxuan went to Shanglinyuan to deliver food. She passed through every place in Nangong, but she didn't see the guards in the palace again. Tang Lin really did it. For this reason, she felt extremely excited.

After breakfast, Fu Yushu and Shao Qi went out for a walk together. They said it was a walk, but in fact they wanted to secretly see if the Imperial Forest Army in Nangong had been replaced.

When passing the martial arts training ground, a patrol army passed by, and finally stopped beside Fu Yushu. The leading general saluted Fu Yushu and said, "Young master, our troops have all replaced the Imperial Forest Army in the palace." .Also, Mr. Fu said that he would pretend to seek refuge with the Second Prince."

Fu Yushu praised: "Well done!"

"Young master," the general whispered a few words in Fu Yushu's ear.

Shao Qi saw that Fu Yushu's face changed obviously, what did the general say to Fu Yushu?This content must be very important.

After the patrolling army passed by, Shao Qi couldn't help but asked Fu Yushu, "Just now, what did that subordinate of yours tell you?"

Joy appeared on Fu Yushu's face, and he couldn't hide his excitement, saying: "For some reason, the second prince's rebellion leaked out, and now the imperial capital is in chaos, anyway, rumors are everywhere. Some people think that something happened in the palace, and the emperor was arrested." People were killed, and the people protested one after another, and whoever protested was arrested by the government. Now, unjust prisons are a disaster!"

Shao Qi was ecstatic and said: "Great, this way, my emperor can enter the imperial capital openly holding the banner of a righteous teacher. Then winning Yuxin is just around the corner!"

Fu Yushu smiled perfunctorily on the surface, but sneered in his heart.If the people from the Second Prince's side hadn't told him that he was trying to lure Mu Dongfang into the palace, there wouldn't be rumors among the people!
The next day, Tang Lin agreed to take Shao Qi out of the palace in exchange for a city.Unexpectedly, when they came to the folks, they saw a horrible picture.

Everywhere they went, they saw a group of people parading and shouting in the streets, all protesting against Yu Zichen's hegemony.

Those people are really pitiful, and they were arrested and locked up in prisons by the government.But no matter how the government arrests them, they still can't finish it. There are always people who are taking the lead in making troubles.

These non-existent things kept Tang Lin laughing in her heart.These phenomena were only created for Shao Qi to see.

Unexpectedly, Shao Qi really believed it.

In the evening, Shao Qi smiled all the way back to the palace.He was sure that in a short time, his brother would be able to enter Yu Xin's palace holding the banner of a righteous teacher.

Back at the gate of Shanglin Garden, a eunuch, namely An Lin, stopped Shao Qi's way, "Marshal, something is wrong, the emperor wants you to go to the imperial study as soon as possible!"

Shao Qi thought tremblingly in his heart, Yu Shengjun must have known about Yu Zichen's rebellion, and this will tell him to send troops to fight against Yu Zichen!
Transfer troops?Ah!How can it be!

Not long after, Shao Qi came to the imperial study room and saw Yu Shengjun in a dragon robe!As soon as Yu Shengjun saw him, he hurriedly said: "Shao Aiqing, hurry up, use the tiger charm I gave you to mobilize a hundred thousand soldiers and horses to rescue me!" "Your Majesty, don't worry," Shao Qi said. Say, but don't think so in your heart.The more anxious Yu Shengjun was, the happier he was.For him, the former legendary figure's ability to judge major events today is the best thing. "What happened?"

Yu Shengjun was seven points anxious, two points helpless, and one point angry, and his emotions were just right, "My younger brother is going to take my throne!"

"Ah?" Shao Qi pretended to be surprised, "Is this?"

Yu Shengjun said anxiously: "Shao Aiqing, you have been staying in Nangong and haven't left a single step. Naturally, you don't know what important things have happened to the people in the past few days. Shao Aiqing, there is not much time. Before Yu Zichen forced the palace, you must send Bring one hundred thousand elite soldiers to the imperial capital! Now, only you can protect me!"

Shao Qi did not say hypocritically: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that you trusted the general back then and handed over the tiger talisman to the general. The general will definitely send the hundred thousand elite soldiers stationed outside the city to rescue you as soon as possible. Waiting for the last general, must wait for the last general to come back!"

Yu Shengjun patted Shao Qi's shoulder with a little force, his face full of anticipation, "Shao Aiqing, I can only count on you now!"

Seeing the former legendary figure like this now, Shao Qi felt so happy.Yu Shengjun, you also have a day to beg me!
"Your Majesty," Shao Qi said, "can you take a few people with you to set off today?"

Yu Shengjun showed a troubled side, "But the guards in this palace... I have already transferred them away and made the people mess up."

There are really no more guards in the palace!Very good!

Shao Qi said: "It's okay, you can bring as many relatives as you like!"

Yu Shengjun couldn't bear to say, "It's natural, Shao Aiqing, you can arrange it yourself!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After Shao Qi left, An Lin walked in, "Your Majesty, has he been tricked?"

The corners of Yu Shengjun's lips twitched slightly, and he smiled deeply and evilly, "I acted so sincerely, if he didn't fall for the trap, would I still be able to sit on the throne?"

An Lin worried: "I just don't know if he will take Anze out!"

"He will definitely!" Yu Shengjun was very sure of his analysis, "Since ten years ago, we have placed Anze between Mu Lingxuan and Shao Qi, and Anze is responsible for contacting the northern border country and responsible for Send information to Mu Lingxuan and Shao Qi, and to Shao Qi and Mu Lingxuan, Anze is the only person who knows the most things. Therefore, the first person Shao Qi will go to is Anze!"

Sure enough, as Yu Shengjun expected, after leaving the main palace, Shao Qi went straight out of the Nangong kitchen to look for Anze, but he didn't see Anze in the kitchen.

He went to Mu Lingxuan's room and happened to see the two of them.

When An Ze saw Shao Qi appearing, he kowtowed, "Second Prince."

Shao Qi came over quickly, "Yu Yu, I have something to do with you!"

Seeing that he was in such a hurry, Mu Lingxuan asked, "Second Brother, what happened?"

Shao Qi walked in front of the two of them, unable to hide his excitement, "Do you know? The dog emperor came to me just now, and asked me to send troops to support him!"

"Really?" Mu Lingxuan was very excited, "If the two brothers quarreled, then the day when Yu Zichen forced the palace will come soon, and it just so happens that the eldest brother and the soldiers will arrive at the imperial capital within a few days."

Shao Qi was pleasantly surprised: "So fast?"

Anze said: "Go back to the lord, this subordinate just received the news, so I came to tell the princess! Then, lord, are you going to transfer troops?"

Shao Qi smiled coldly, "Do you think this king will send troops to support Yu Shengjun? Just kidding, I wish he would die, how could I send troops! Yu Yu, go out of the palace with me!
Anze asked: "My lord, where are we going?"

Shao Qi said: "Only you and the princess know the contact point between us and the imperial court in the imperial capital of Yuxin. Now the princess has to pay attention to the situation in the palace at all times. You go out with the king and go to the contact point. When you arrive at the contact point, Ben Wang wants to explain some matters to all personnel."

An Ze immediately nodded and said: "Yes!" Sure enough, as the master expected, Shao Qi would eventually call up to find the "contact point" they had arranged for Shao Qi.

In fact, in the past ten years, the ones responsible for sending news to Beilin Kingdom in the name of Shao Qi and Mu Lingxuan were all the imperial guards of the Yuxin Dynasty.

Now in this imperial capital, apart from Shao Qi and Mu Lingxuan, they don't have anyone of their own at all.

They are poor!But their pity will be made public to the world soon!

Not long after, Shao Qi regained his status as Grand Marshal and left the palace with Anze. Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin watched them leave from the city wall.

Tang Lin said: "Now, there is only one move away. As soon as Mu Dongfang comes, your majesty will win the game, but if there is a slight mistake in these few days, then your ten years of hard work will be in vain."

The chess game is still undecided, and Yu Shengjun didn't dare to take it too easy, "We, we can only move around in the past few days, as long as we don't make mistakes, we will win!"

Standing on the city tower, looking at the clear sky ahead, with the wind blowing in front of her face, Tang Lin felt an unprecedented tranquility, but in her heart, there was a faint sense of uneasiness. She turned her head to look at him, and in his eyes, she saw that she was in danger. Not chaotic, she saw calmness and depth.

If he hadn't known his plan, maybe he could have tricked her too.No one can read whether he is evil or righteous.

(End of this chapter)

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