Chapter 324

If she hadn't traveled through time, she would still be a special soldier who was born and died.Then she would have no chance of knowing him.If she had never known him, she would not have known that there was such a person in this world.Can her fate with him last a lifetime?
"What are you thinking?" He saw her expression just now.

Tang Lin smiled faintly, "It's nothing."

He held her in his arms, looking down at the land in front of him. "Believe me, I can take better care of you than any of your relatives!" Every time she heard the soft magnetic voice, her heart trembled.

Tang Lin nodded in his arms, unconsciously, her eyes were red, "Well, I believe it." You are my only relative now, how can I not believe it.

Ten days later in the afternoon, Yu Shengjun was writing a memorial in the imperial study. An Lin brought a letter in and handed it to him, "Your Majesty, Dark Ze sent someone back."

Yu Shengjun quickly opened the letter, and after reading it, he got up suddenly, and laughed a few times, "Mu Dongfang, you are finally here!" Then he ordered An Lin, "Quick, send the second prince over!"

Not long after, Yu Zichen hurried into the imperial study, "Brother Huang, are you looking for my younger brother?"

Yu Shengjun calmly ordered: "The news that Mu Dongfang has reunited with Shao Qi has come from Anze. Since Mu Dongfang knew the real Yuyu, Anze came back early to prevent Mu Dongfang from seeing him. No need It’s the end of the month, second brother, you should go back to the palace immediately, gather troops and officials, and enter the palace through the west palace gate on the fifth watch of the day after tomorrow. Once you force the palace, Mu Dongfang won’t be able to sit still! One more thing, you first Tell Fu Yushu and Lu Yitang about the date and method of forcing the palace, and let them prepare in advance!"

Yu Zichen took the order, "Yes!"

midnight.It's half a month.

On a prairie outside the city, Mu Dongfang's five thousand troops were stationed.At this time, they were all still in the tent, ready to go.

In one of the larger barracks, several people were waiting.

Mu Dongfang, who was tall and burly, exuded the air of an emperor, was at the command table explaining to the generals below the plan of forcing the palace in the future.

Shao Qi answered later, "Brother Huang, this is the map of Yuxin Palace that Fu Yushu got from his father, there is nothing wrong with it."

Mu Dongfang nodded and said: "Back then, Xuan'er said that Fu Huan had a topographic map of the palace in his hand, so judging from this, this map is not fake."

Shao Qi said: "According to the news I got this afternoon, Yu Zichen froze and forced the palace at five o'clock in the morning the next day. That was the time when the emperor came to court. This is an excellent opportunity."

Mu Dongfang ordered, "In this case, we should lay an ambush outside the palace earlier, once Yu Zichen enters the palace, we will act."

"Brother Emperor," Shao Qi was concerned, "Yuyu returned to the palace today to assist Xuan'er in arranging affairs in the palace. Before he left, he told his younger brother that the five thousand elite soldiers you brought were exhausted from traveling day and night. I'm afraid it's not suitable to bring it into the palace this time. After thinking about it, I also think that Yu Yu's words make sense. Two days ago, I used the tiger talisman given by Yu Shengjun to mobilize 5000 elite soldiers stationed outside the city. Use them to replace the [-] people of the emperor's brother."

Mu Dongfang took a deep breath, "Look, I've been busy these days, so I didn't take care of the five thousand elite soldiers. What you said is absolutely right, I'll replace it with yours!"

Shao Qi added: "Brother Emperor, our plan is as follows: spend the second half of the night in ambush around the palace, and after Yu Zichen's men enter the palace and control Yu Shengjun, we will let the palace fight against the Imperial Council." Some people suddenly attacked and trapped Yu Zichen's men, next, it's time for you to enter the palace openly!"

Mu Dongfang laughed loudly. After laughing, his eyes were extremely cold and full of anger, "Yushengjun, you are not the only one who can fight the world! In the past, you fought against my father, but I am even worse than my father, and you will still be carried in my Mu Dongfang's hands in the end!"

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

Tonight's night is different.The moon is dark and the wind is high, reminding people that this is a quiet and weird night, and terrible things will happen at any time.

Thousands of households have closed their doors and turned off their lights.Today, the imperial capital was in chaos during the day, but at night, it was completely silent, so quiet that it felt like an empty city.

The imperial study room is brightly lit.

Tang Lin was sitting in a corner of the imperial study, playing with her mobile phone leisurely. No matter how loud the sound of playing games was, it would not affect Yu Shengjun who was reading a book leisurely.

Zhang Xiangyang and others waited quietly outside the imperial study, waiting for the arrival of the fifth watch.

After a while, Tang Lin turned off her phone and looked at Yu Shengjun. Just in time, he was also looking at her, with a light curve on the corner of her mouth.

Tang Lin pointed at her watch and smiled playfully, "There are still five hours, and the show will start!" Before the fifth watch, Shao Qi and Mu Dongfang had quietly brought soldiers and horses and ambushed around the palace. In other words, it should have surrounded the palace.

The wind is high and the moon is dark, the night is still the same as midnight, it has not changed, and it is still far away from dawn.

Around the palace, there was a dead silence.Although the gates of each city had lights, they were dimly lit.At this time, the Imperial Forest Army guarding outside the city gate did not notice any movement around them.

In the dark corner near the city gate, countless sharp eyes were staring at the movement under the city gate.

At this moment, Shao Qi and Mu Dongfang were secretly hiding in a dark corner. Around them, many elite soldiers were ambushing, waiting for orders to attack at any time.

In a blink of an eye, the fifth watch came, but the night was still not bright.

A soldier rushed up to report, "Your Majesty, your subordinates have spotted Yu Zichen's soldiers and horses, and they are heading towards the West Palace Gate."

Shao Qi said to Mu Dongfang: "It seems that Yu Zichen wants to enter through the west gate."

Mu Dongfang said: "He entered his place, we are observing in secret, don't expose the target. We will attack again when Yu Zichen really has a showdown with Yu Shengjun." Speaking of this, he turned his eyes to the soldier who came to deliver the news, and ordered Said: "Order, no one is allowed to move without my order! Continue to watch the movement of Yu Zichen and his party!"

The soldier bowed his head and answered, "Yes!" After speaking, he turned and ran away.

Not long after, Shao Qi and Mu Dongfang, who were lying in ambush near the gate of the main palace, saw officials going to court one after another.These officials entered from the main palace gate one after another.These officials seem to be rushing together to go to court today, and now, they have entered the palace one after another, not allowing themselves to take a step behind.

After the fifth watch, the sky became slightly brighter.

Shao Qi got a little impatient waiting outside, "At this time, Yu Shengjun should be coming to court, but why hasn't there been any news of falling out?"

Mu Dongfang was calmer than him, "What's the rush? I've been waiting for ten years, and it's still a while away? I guess Yu Zichen will soon control all parts of the palace."

After a while, countless torches lit up on the city wall. Mu Dongfang fixed his eyes and saw that it was made by people who pretended to be the Imperial Army's anti-imperial society. People and horses are under control.

Shao Qi was overjoyed, "This must be Xuan'er's order, Brother Huang, it's time for us to go in."

Mu Dongfang remained unmoved, "Wait a little longer!"

After a while, the main gate of the main palace was slowly opened, and a group of Imperial Forest Army came out following Mu Lingxuan.

A soldier rushed towards Mu Dongfang and reported: "Your Majesty, the princess has come out to meet us. The princess is already at the gate right now."

Mu Dongfang has already seen the opened gate of the main palace, but because of the distance, he has not seen Mu Lingxuan yet.He didn't stay here anymore, and said to Shao Qi: "Go, go see Xuan'er!"

Followed by a group of elite soldiers, the two brothers came to the gate of the main palace and met Mu Lingxuan.

As soon as she saw Mu Dongfang, Mu Lingxuan's eyes turned red. Although she hadn't seen each other for ten years, Brother Da Huang's face didn't seem to have changed, just like in the past, "Brother Emperor!"

Facing the woman with an unfamiliar face in front of him, Mu Dongfang felt strange for a moment, but when the other party called him out, his heart skipped a beat.That's right, the strange woman standing in front of him is his imperial sister Mu Lingxuan.If he hadn't let her control Yu Shengjun ten years ago with the intention of making a marriage, then today, his imperial sister's face is still the face he was familiar with ten years ago.Unfortunately, time cannot be turned back.

"Xuan'er, I made you suffer!" Mu Dongfang took two steps forward, took Mu Lingxuan into his arms, and hugged her tightly.

Mu Lingxuan burst into tears wantonly, and endured it for ten years, finally she was able to vent at this moment.

After a while, the three brothers and sisters bid farewell to the sour scene.

Mu Dongfang asked Mu Lingxuan, "What's going on inside?"

Mu Lingxuan said: "Since Yu Zichen entered the palace from the West Palace Gate, he went directly to the main hall with all the civil and military officials. Most of the troops brought by Yu Zichen surrounded the main hall. The leader of the Imperial Forest Army, Yu Zichen had already drawn himself hands, so Yu Zichen thought that before this, the imperial forest army in the palace was reliable, so the elite soldiers he brought did not eliminate the imperial forest army in other places in the palace. The place is under control, even Yu Shengjun and Yu Zichen can't control this group of people."

Mu Dongfang was overjoyed and said: "Since this is the case, what are we waiting for?" Immediately, he ordered, "All the generals obey the order, some of you will follow me into the palace to force Yu Shengjun to step down, and others will occupy the various places in the palace. , once you get my order, immediately deal with all the people who opposed the Imperial Council on the spot."

After that, under the leadership of Mu Lingxuan, the three brothers and sisters led a team and entered the palace openly.

On the way there, Mu Dongfang asked, "Xuan'er, where is Fu Yushu?"

Mu Lingxuan said: "Brother Emperor, those students have already been trapped in Shanglinyuan. Afraid that these people will cause trouble, the imperial sister asked Yuyu to watch these people."

Mu Dongfang said: "The Anti-Yuhui Club is very individual, we have to be careful."

When he got outside the main hall, Mu Dongfang jumped off his horse. He looked around, there were several rounds of archers and so on.If he guessed correctly, they should all be against the Royal Society.

A soldier saw Mu Dongfang coming in with a group of soldiers, and immediately stumbled into the main hall, and said to the two people who were stalemate in panic: "Your Majesty, lord, it's not good, someone broke in!"

Yu Zichen's eyes widened in horror, "What?" Just as he was about to go out, Mu Dongfang's laughter came in.

"Hahaha, hahaha!" Mu Dongfang laughed loudly as he strode in, his laughter was so loud and insolent.Mu Lingxuan felt that she was imposing when she followed her closely.

At this time, there were hundreds of people in the government and the opposition, and everyone's eyes fell on Mu Dongfang, including Yu Shengjun who was wearing a mask.

Shao Qi ordered the troops they brought in outside to surround the main hall.Yu Zichen's troops were weak, and they all put down their weapons and raised their hands to surrender.

inside the hall,

Yu Shengjun stood up slowly, looking down at the people below with awe-inspiring momentum, the corners of his mouth curled up in a cold and evil arc.He put one hand on his back, and put the other hand lightly in front of his body, in a domineering and elegant posture. "Today is really lively! I never knew that my throne is valued by so many people!"

"Who are you?" Yu Zichen asked Mu Dongfang coldly.He glanced at Mu Lingxuan, suddenly there was pain in his eyes, "Feng Die Wu, you, what did you do?"

(End of this chapter)

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