The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 325 Don't move!Otherwise 1 shot you!

Chapter 325 Don't move!Or I'll kill you with one shot!

Mu Lingxuan smiled sadly. With this smile, the relationship between her and Yu Zichen was over.Afterwards, he laughed proudly, "Yu Zichen, you might not have thought that I am not Phoenix Die Wu at all!"

Yu Zichen was stunned, "You're not called Fengdiewu, what about Diewu? Why are you pretending to be Diewu? Who are you?"

When it comes to who I am, Mu Lingxuan's hateful and cold eyes turned to Yu Shengjun's mask, pointed at Yu Shengjun, and said ruthlessly: "Who am I, you can ask him the best. Ten years ago, If it wasn't for this hateful bastard, how could I, Mu Lingxuan, appear in Fengdiewu's face today!"

"You," Yu Zichen was very stunned, "You are Mu Lingxuan? The princess who married me, Yuxin, from Beilin Kingdom?"

Mu Lingxuan smiled proudly, "Isn't it Ben Gong?"

"You guys," Yu Zichen stared at the two of them, and said in astonishment, "Then you are just..."

Mu Dongfang smiled gracefully, "I am your Yu Xin's... enemy!"

"Mu Dongfang?" Yu Zichen smiled wryly, and his expression told Mu Dongfang and his siblings that it seemed difficult to accept the current reality. "How did you get involved?"

Mu Dongfang smiled evilly: "Why, you are allowed to turn against each other, and you are not allowed to take revenge?"

"Revenge?" Yu Zichen thought the word was ridiculous, "Joke! If it weren't for you in the north, would my father and emperor have died? Would the people of our country have suffered countless deaths and injuries? Mu Dongfang, Mu Dongfang, you really have the guts , if you dare to send it to your door yourself, aren’t you afraid of dying horribly?”

Mu Dongfang smiled easily, without any sign of fear, "What am I afraid of? If I didn't come prepared, how could I appear here at this moment?"

Yu Zichen sneered and said, "You think you can leave alive? This palace is full of my troops! You can't escape with your wings!"

"Really?" Mu Dongfang smiled calmly, "Then let's see, who will be unable to escape in the end." After speaking, he raised and lowered his hands. "Come here, let me detain all these dry people."

Immediately, a group of imperial guards ran in and detained the officials on the ground, unable to move.

When six ministers and two prime ministers were deducted, Yu Zichen yelled, "Stop!"

Mu Dongfang asked with a smile: "Why, now you know you are afraid?"

"It's not that he's scared, but I feel sorry for you!" Yu Shengjun, who hadn't spoken for a long time, slowly walked down from the top, every step was awe-inspiring, and Mu Lingxuan was fascinated by it several times.As expected of the person she wanted to possess for the past ten years, that domineering character made her obsessed.

For Mu Dongfang, he has never seen Yu Shengjun's true face, and he is very unpredictable about Yu Shengjun who is wearing a mask at the moment.There was a trace of panic in his heart, he felt that Yu Shengjun was not as simple as he imagined.At such a critical moment, Yu Shengjun still behaved so calmly and calmly, it shouldn't be!
"Look, if you have no objections, just sign it!" Yu Shengjun threw a yellow paper in An Lin's hand who was following behind to Mu Dongfang, and Mu Dongfang had to catch it.This is the contract that Tang Lin made this month.

Mu Dongfang glanced at it, at first he was startled, and even showed a fearful expression.But in the end, in front of Yu Shengjun, he tore the contract in half and threw it to the ground, "Yu Shengjun, death is imminent, thanks to you for doing such a shocking thing. If you want me to go north Country? You are talking about dreams!" Yu Shengjun's lips curled up gracefully, but when the voice came out, there was an irresistible order in that tone, "If you don't give it to you, you will die. If you don't want to die like this, Mu Dongfang, you Why bother?"

Mu Lingxuan sneered, staring straight at Yu Shengjun's unfathomable eyes with her sharp eyes. There was no trace of timidity or fear in her words, but an overconfident expression, "Yu Shengjun, who will win the battle? Judging from the current situation, isn't it already obvious? Your good brother is behind your back to usurp the throne, he has mastered all the civil and military officials, and now, the royal army in the palace is also controlled by my brother. Under the protection of Ouchi's guards, how can you still fight us? For the past ten years, I have been unable to sleep at night, in order to get rid of you as soon as possible, in order to repay the harm you did to me in the past!"

"Huh," Yu Shengjun snorted and smiled, because he was wearing a mask, he couldn't tell how cold his expression was, "You have to do it!"

Mu Lingxuan said angrily: "When death is imminent, you still talk hard. Yu Shengjun, after you betrayed me back then, you didn't expect that I would bite you back today, right? Let me tell you, I am the real Mu Lingxuan, Back then you put me in a dungeon and gave me death. Unfortunately, I, Mu Lingxuan, survived a catastrophe and was saved by my people! Now, I want to return to you double the pain you inflicted on me back then, you Just wait on your knees and beg for mercy, maybe if I am happy, I will only lock you up for ten or eight years!"

Unexpectedly, Yu Shengjun pulled his lips at her contemptuously, "You can't control yourself!"

"You," Mu Lingxuan was so angry that she wanted to slap Yu Shengjun's mask with her palm, because she didn't want to ruin that handsome face, she didn't do it in the end, but she giggled instead, "Just feel good about yourself, Yu Shengjun, you are no longer the little prodigy you were back then, today, you must fall into the hands of my North Border Kingdom!"

"Oh?" Yu Shengjun asked with interest, "How do you know that I, Yu Shengjun, must fall into your hands today? Could it be that you, Mu Lingxuan, have the ability to predict the future? I say love concubine, anyway We were husband and wife once, how do you treat your husband-in-law now? It's so rude!"

Mu Lingxuan chuckled, and then sarcastically said: "Hehe, husband and wife? Thank you for being able to tell! Let me tell you, Yu Shengjun, that I, Mu Lingxuan, married you back then, not out of sincerity, but for the purpose of ruining your marriage. , and snatched your great land from your hand! If you were more stupid back then, I believe that the person who ruled the Yuxin Dynasty in the past ten years should be my brother!"

All of a sudden, a ray of cold light flashed across Yu Shengjun's eyes, but it disappeared for a moment. "Mu Lingxuan, I take the liberty to ask, how did you escape back then? This palace is full of my people, do you think you have a chance to get out?"

Mu Lingxuan said proudly: "The day I got married, my brother sent his most valued bodyguard out to protect me secretly for the sake of my safety. When Yuyu knew that I was locked up underground The palace, and it was in danger, so I tried to rescue me out. Yu Shengjun, you may not have imagined that the guards trained by my brother are much better than your guards. For the past four months, he has been walking in and out of the palace. You don't even know."

Yu Zichen shook his head suddenly and laughed, "Yuyu...that name is really nice, I don't know if it lives up to its name."

"Stop talking nonsense," it was already very bright, and Mu Dongfang wanted to quickly end the palace change, but suddenly his face changed drastically, interrupting the chat of the three of them.He stared at Yu Shengjun coldly, "Are you obediently going to catch him without a fight, or let my people serve you?"

Yu Shengjun wrote lightly: "If you can command your people, I have no objection!"

"Okay, I'll make you understand!" At this point, Yu Shengjun is still so calm and calm, which makes Mu Dongfang very angry. He is afraid that things will change. He raised his voice and said, "From today onwards, I, Mu Dongfang, will be your emperor. If you don't want to die, just obediently arrest you. Not only will I, Mu Dongfang, not embarrass you, I will continue to retain your current official positions, but if you resist... don't blame me." Turn your face and be ruthless. Now I will give you two paths for you to choose, the one who raises his hand means submitting to me, Mu Dongfang, and the one who doesn’t raise his hand... drag it out immediately, and the decision will be made!"

However, after Mu Dongfang spoke for a while, no one raised his hand.All civil and military officials looked at him without moving, as if they were watching an actor compose and perform on stage.

Seeing such a scene, Mu Dongfang was furious and shouted outside the hall, "Come here!"

Shao Qi immediately walked in quickly with a small team, casually glanced at the overcrowded hall, and when his gaze was about to turn to Mu Dongfang, his nerves suddenly tensed up.

Suddenly, he turned his head to Yu Zichen, his face full of astonishment, "Zimo, why are you here?" All the students in this meeting should be in Shanglinyuan!Without Yuyu's order, no one can get out, but as a student, Zimo...

A trace of fear crawled up Shao Qi's back, and he faintly felt uneasy. He suddenly felt that this palace change was too easy.

Now, Mu Lingxuan was startled and terrified again, "Second Brother, he is Yu Zichen, why is he called Zimo? Didn't the Second Brother meet him when he went to court?" She panicked, what happened? What's going on?

It stands to reason that her second brother has been the Grand Marshal for five years, and has been to the court many times, so he should not have seen Yu Zichen.

"You," Shao Qi drew out the long sword from his waist and pointed at Zimo.When he learned from Mu Lingxuan that the person in front of him was Yu Zichen, he panicked even more. "Who exactly are you?"

Facing the sharp long sword, Yu Zichen didn't even blink, let alone a trace of fear in his eyes.Laughing loudly, he said, "Mu Lin, isn't it just like what your sister said, I am Yu Zichen!"

Suddenly, Shao Qi's hand trembled, and the sword trembled accordingly.When Yu Zichen admitted his identity, he felt as if he had been hit by a bolt from the blue, and his heart could no longer be at peace.He thought that everything was under his control, but he never expected that the student who had been calling him a brother for several months turned out to be Yu Zichen—an enemy he could not ignore.

"What's going on?" The conversation between Yu Zichen, Mu Lingxuan, and Shao Qi made Mu Dongfang feel uneasy.

Yu Zichen Luoluo smiled and said, "What's going on? Good question, but it's too late!"

Yu Shengjun applauded twice, and immediately, the imperial forest army that Shao Qi brought in, and the imperial forest army that detained those officials, surrounded the three Mu Dongfang brothers and sisters.

Mu Dongfang shouted angrily: "Presumptuous! What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? What do you think we are doing?" The one who said this was a Royal Forest Army. When he finished speaking, his inner strength surged, and all the clothes worn by the Imperial Forest Army were scattered on the ground, and then appeared , is the bodyguard uniform.Then, the imperial guard raised his hand and tore off the human skin mask on his face.

Seeing the person who tore off the mask clearly, Shao Qi's eyes widened in disbelief, "One hall?! You, haven't you already been raped by Tang Lin, by Tang Lin and her..."

Afterwards, the other Royal Forest Army quickly took off the outer suit and tore off the human skin mask.

When the faces of Zhang Xiangyang, An Leng, Yi Shuang and other Ouchi guards came into view so clearly and familiarly, Shao Qi's feet suddenly took two steps back uncontrollably. Something against the back.

"Don't move!" It was a woman's voice, nice and cold.

However, when things turned out like this, Shao Qi had already collapsed a lot, he turned around slowly without fear of death, and when he saw clearly who the person in front of him was, the bullet hole had already stuck to his forehead.

Tang Lin held the pistol tightly and pointed it at Shao Qi's forehead. The smile on her face was extremely bewitching, yet so deep and evil.She clicked her tongue twice, shook her head and said, "Didn't the officer teach you how to surrender? Put your hands up, understand? If you turn around like this, you will be shot to death!"

Shao Qi took a deep breath, but it was so painful. "Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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