The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 326 Dare to take off the mask?

Chapter 326 Dare to take off the mask?

"He!" Tang Lin held a gun to his forehead with one hand, and pointed at Yu Shengjun with the other hand.

Regarding the appearance of this exquisite woman in a strange dress, Mu Dongfang was amazed at first, but when she put the bullet point on his brother's forehead, even though he was extremely amazed, he couldn't control his anger, " Who are you? Put down the things in your hands!"

Tang Lin looked at him with a smile, "I'm Tang Lin, do you know that your good brother didn't tell you?"

Shao Qi was shocked again, Tang Lin actually knew about his relationship with Mu Dongfang.How did she know?This woman is horrible!

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore!" Tang Lin put the pistol back into the holster around her waist, and then exited the encirclement, letting the Ouchi guards surround the three Mu Dongfang brothers and sisters tightly.

She walked up to Yu Shengjun and gave him a smug smile.

At this time, Yu Zichen ordered all the officials, "The two prime ministers and the six ministers will stay, and the rest of the officials will all step down first!"

"Yes." After all the officials responded, they all left the Golden Luan Hall one after another.

Mu Dongfang hadn't recovered from what was going on, he glared at Yu Shengjun angrily, "We have the Tiger Talisman in our hands and control all your soldiers and horses, how powerful do you think you are?"

Yu Shengjun sneered: "If you think what you said is right, then why did my big inner guard appear here?"

Just as Mu Dongfang was about to say something, Tang Lin simply told him: "Comrade Mu Dongfang, listen, you are already surrounded by groups, so hurry up and arrest him. Do you think our emperor has been a vegetarian for the past ten years? Bah! Ten years ago, he started plotting against you, just for today! You have been plotted against for ten years and still don’t know, what a bunch of idiots!”

"What?" The three brothers and sisters all stared wide-eyed in horror.Tang Lin went on to say, "Actually, Yu Yu is a fake, the Anti-Yuhui Alliance with you is fake, even Yu Zichen's conspiracy to usurp the throne is also fake, and one more thing... I am also fake! "

"Stop it," Mu Lingxuan's head was buzzing, and she was afraid that she would not be able to bear it any longer.

However, Tang Lin had to continue, "Mu Lingxuan, don't think that you are the only one who can act. Let me tell you, I was born in the age of acting. Compared with me, you are still a little younger."

Mu Lingxuan's heartbeat accelerated, and even a slight blow might cause her to faint.She couldn't believe what happened today, she kept shaking her head to convince herself, "Impossible! Things are going smoothly, how could it be..."

Yu Zichen said: "Since you don't believe it, you can prove it to us, and we will answer every question."

Now that he opened his mouth, Mu Lingxuan immediately thought of asking something, "Isn't it true that you secretly rebelled? No, it can't be true. You love Guan Eyun so much, and Guan Eyun was poisoned to death , in order to avenge Guan Eyun, you will definitely turn against Yu Shengjun."

Yu Zichen smiled, and asked back: "How do you know that this king is secretly plotting against you? And how do you know that this king's concubine was poisoned to death? The death of the concubine, why did you let this king act on your brother?"

"That's because..." Mu Lingxuan wanted to reveal that she had poisoned Guan Eyun, but her feelings for Yu Zichen were true, and she was afraid that Yu Zichen would not forgive her after telling the result, so this time she I don't want to reveal it again.

Unexpectedly, Yu Zichen said it out for her, "You poisoned Eyun in the name of my imperial brother, the purpose is to blame my imperial brother on this king, and make this king rebel. You may not You know, for the past ten years, your every move has been monitored by our people, including the fact that you knew Eyun and poisoned Eyun. The imperial doctor can detoxify it, but he didn't detoxify Eyun just to lure you into the trap."

After listening to it, Mu Lingxuan was silent for a few seconds, then suddenly burst out laughing, laughing wildly and to the extreme, "Haha, hahaha." She is really stupid, she has been under surveillance for ten years.For ten years, she hadn't noticed it at all.

Everything that has been done in the past ten years has existed in name only.

After laughing so weakly, Mu Lingxuan suddenly threw herself into Shao Qi's arms, sobbing silently, "Second Brother, we were cheated, from the very beginning, we were cheated, I hate it so much!"

At this moment, Shao Qi's hatred is growing.

"Zichen," at this moment, with Sun Bailing's support, Guan Eyun walked in.

Such a familiar voice made Mu Lingxuan's heart skip a beat, a trace of fear crawled into her heart, and soon filled her heart, and she couldn't get rid of these fears no matter how hard she tried.

When Yu Zichen reached out to take Guan Eyun, Mu Lingxuan turned around mechanically, and slowly, the beautiful and refined Guan Eyun came into her eyes.Isn't this woman dead?How could he be still alive?

Guan Eyun looked at her, with an innocent smile on the corner of her mouth, she said: "Diewu, I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm not dead." Then she snuggled into her husband Yu Zichen's arms.

This scene was extremely dazzling in Mu Lingxuan's eyes, and her eyes immediately filled with hatred, she roared madly, "Guan Eyun, I will kill you!"

Regrettably, when she was about to wave her hands to go to Guan Eyun, she was stopped by Sun Bailing.Sun Bailing knew martial arts, so he easily grabbed Mu Lingxuan's hand, and threw Mu Lingxuan back with force.

Mu Lingxuan couldn't stand it anymore, she took a few steps back in embarrassment, and was caught by Mu Dongfang, but even so, it couldn't stop her from swinging her claws at Guan Eyun. "Guan Eyun, don't hide, I'll kill you, I'll kill you!"

At this moment, Mu Dongfang was completely hopeless, and he couldn't do anything except hug his crazy younger sister Mu Lingxuan.

Sun Bailing turned to Mu Lingxuan and said coldly: "For the past two or three years, you have made our princess suffer from the virus. If it wasn't for the long line to catch big fish, you would have been torn to pieces."

Mu Lingxuan laughed loudly, then wailed again, "Hahaha, I hate it, I hate it!" Tears rolled down her cheeks accompanied by laughter.

"Xuan'er, don't do this, don't do this," Mu Dongfang hugged Mu Lingxuan whose mood had changed drastically, feeling pain in his heart.

At this time, Shao Qi took out the tiger talisman, glared at Yu Shengjun, and said expressionlessly: "The tiger talisman is in my hand, if you dare to touch us, I will crush the tiger talisman immediately, so that your millions of soldiers and horses can be transformed into pieces." There is no handsome teacher."

Yu Shengjun spoke easily, "If you have strength, you can crush it. I have a lot of tiger charms like this."

Tang Lin took over the text, "That... Shao Qi, the Tiger Talisman in your hand is actually useless. The real Tiger Talisman is in the hands of a real Marshal of the Army. For the past five years, you have only been a Marshal of the Army in vain , although you are given real power, the soldiers are not at your command. Five years ago, our emperor gave you military power because he knew that you were the second prince of the Northern Kingdom. If you mastered Yuxin's soldiers, you would definitely Tell your brother Mu Dongfang the news. One day, Mu Dongfang will be guaranteed to enter Yuxin, isn't it? Because you knew your sister's plan ten years ago, if you don't need a battle, you can get Yuxin , So in the past five years, you have not turned against each other. The purpose is to outwit the Yuxin Dynasty. Unfortunately, your calculations are wrong. Ten years ago, when our emperor knew the purpose of Mu Lingxuan's marriage, So he started tit for tat. Unexpectedly, he is the only one who can outsmart a country without a battle.”

Zhang Xiangyang shouted into the corner, "Come out!"

At this time, An Ze, who was wearing a bodyguard uniform, came out of the apse with the most energetic side, walked up to Yu Shengjun and nodded, "Master."

Mu Lingxuan's mood has calmed down a lot now, seeing this "subordinate" who has been with her for ten years, she still can't help herself to trust this man.She left Mudong and ran towards Anze, grabbed Anze's hand, and said humbly: "Yu Yu, you didn't lie to me, did you? You are the real Yu Yu, right?" Right? On the day I got married, my emperor brother sent you to secretly protect me until today, right?" She looked at him with fiery expectation, wishing that he would nod and tell her that he was the real Yuyu.

For so many years, she used to rely on him for everything, without him, she really didn't know what to do.

However, before Anze could make a sound, Mu Dongfang said awkwardly, "Xuan'er, not Yuyu, not the Yuyu I sent out to protect you secretly, nothing like Yuyu !"

Hearing such an answer, Mu Lingxuan's hand floated down feebly, out of Anze's hand.While she was crying, she staggered back, looked at Anze and shook her head, "No, no, that's not the case. He is Yu Yu, brother of the emperor, he is Yu Yu..."

When she returned to Mu Dongfang's arms, Anze lowered her head in shame, and said to Mu Lingxuan: "I'm sorry, Princess Mu, I am Anze, the Ouchi bodyguard. Ten years ago, I followed the master's arrangement to gain your trust. The most important thing is to complete the task assigned to me by the master. The real Yu Yu died the day you married me, Yu Xin. As a result... I accidentally died by my sword. In order to let you live a fair and honest life, I changed your face, and then I pretended to be Yu Yu to approach you. In the past ten years, you sent me to Beilin I didn't send out any news about the country, but the ones that were sent out were all given by my master. In the past ten years, the spies you have seen are all disguised as our Ouchi guards, and none of them are spies from the Northern Kingdom. For the past ten years..."

"Enough!" Mu Lingxuan covered her ears in protest, tears rolling down her cheeks, "I don't want to listen, please."

Anze said in a light tone: "For the past ten years, we have been together day and night, but I'm sorry, I'm only loyal to my master, and I must never be soft on the enemy, let alone be emotional,"

"Enough," Mu Lingxuan protested hoarsely.

Anze shut his mouth and stopped talking, and stepped aside.

Facing the three brothers and sisters, Zhang Xiangyang said expressionlessly: "More than ten years ago, you Beilin almost plundered all the great rivers and mountains of Yuxin, and even caused the emperor to die in battle. For my emperor, this enmity is irreconcilable." Hahaha, today, you finally got your retribution."

Shao Qi smiled wryly, "We have nothing to say until now, we can only say that you are ruthless." When his eyes fell on the broken Yulin military uniform on the ground, he had something to say, "Anti-Yuhui what happened?"

Yu Shengjun sneered: "You want to know? Okay, let you know clearly. Bring it in."

Following Yu Shengjun's order, Fu Yushu and Lu Yitang were brought in by several guards, but their hands and feet were not tied.

Fu Yushu swept past these people all the way, his mood was surprisingly calm.Perhaps in the apse, he learned that Zimo is Yu Zichen, Tang Lin is not someone who opposes Yuhui, and Yushengjun is not a real puppet... How can he not be calm?
Since last night, he has been restrained by Ouchi's guards.No matter how good his martial arts are, he can't even deal with Yishuang, so it's not easy to deal with the other guards.

Last night, Yitang told him that there would be a good show today, yes, there was a good show, but he didn't expect it to be so exciting, it was so wonderful that he was dumbfounded and even forgot to applaud.

Fu Yushu didn't stop until he kept a one-meter distance from Yu Shengjun face to face.Looking at the domineering man wearing a mask in front of him, he really wanted to know how frightening that face inside was.

(End of this chapter)

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