The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 328 Tang Lin, Where Are You Holy?

Chapter 328 Tang Lin, Where Are You Holy?

Mu Lingxuan recovered a little sanity and saw Yu Shengjun again, she was still obsessed with this face.But now that Tang Lin also saw Yu Shengjun, she was very disappointed.If Yu Shengjun joined Tang Lin in the show from the beginning, then Tang Lin should have known Yu Shengjun's true face long ago.

"How about I give you a vassal king?" Yu Shengjun looked at Mu Dongfang and said seriously.

Mu Dongfang laughed and said, "With such a huge northern border, only one vassal king can be exchanged?"

Yu Shengjun put down his harsh words, "Of course, you can also choose to fight to the end. The so-called repayment of father's debt, I didn't take your life, it is already the greatest forgiveness for you, what else do you want?"

Mu Dongfang laughed a few times, "I, Mu Dongfang, the majestic king of a country, have fallen so far today."

"You won't be infamous for thousands of years," Yu Shengjun said, "I believe that my reputation among the people is the No. You, you are not the one who criticizes you. People will only say that your resignation is the wisest move. Ten years ago, you came to the north and caused the people to live in poverty. Now, I, Yuxin, can bring peace to the Central Plains. How can they oppose the unification of me? ?As long as you tell the world to give way and the two countries merge into one, you will naturally not be judged by the people in the world! Once unified, I will rename it and change Yuxin and Beilin to Great Yuguo!"

Great Yuguo... Tang Lin's heart skipped a beat when she heard this word.Suddenly, she remembered what the colonel had said to her.The colonel asked her to find the Great Yuguo Ruins,

Isn't Da Yuguo the combination of Yuxin and Beilin today?
If the Great Imperial Kingdom mentioned by the colonel is the current Great Imperial Kingdom, then the ruins...

That is to say, sooner or later, the Great Royal Congress will exist in name only in history.So, will the day of death be a hundred years later, or a few hundred years later, or...within a hundred years?
She didn't dare to think about it, she was afraid that Yu Shengjun's hard work for half his life would turn into bubbles one day, and finally disappear like a mirage... without a trace.

But the existence of this country is so real, it is impossible to say that it will perish, or that it will disappear.

But...why can't there be traces of history in modern Yunshan?
If the place where the modern military exercises - Yunshan is the imperial capital of Yuxin today, why can't there be any traces of history in modern times?Except for the ruins of the place she passed through, there are no other places.

what happened?The ancient capital of the imperial capital should not have disappeared so cleanly!During this period of history, what other events caused the Great Yu Kingdom to be overwhelmed?
"Yu Shengjun, you are really thoughtful, everything has been calculated in advance by you," Mu Dongfang said sadly.Yu Shengjun was really worried about everything, and he deserved to fall into someone else's trap.

Yu Shengjun laughed wildly and said: "Hahaha, if you don't even consider these things, how dare I take the risk to let you enter our country? Stop talking nonsense, I just want you to say a word, will you swear to the death to defend you from the north, or submit to me?" Yu Xin?"

Mu Dongfang didn't give an answer right away, his gaze swept across the splendid and magnificent Golden Luan Hall with mixed feelings, and the dragon chair inlaid with gold and jade severely hurt his eyes.

"Brother Emperor..." Mu Lingxuan was not reconciled to giving all of the great country to Yu Xin, but what's the point of not being reconciled, who told them that they are standing on other people's territory now, and they can't let them decide.

Tang Lin said: "Don't hesitate, just agree. Our emperor ascended the throne at the age of six, regained the lost land at the age of seven, and now he is only in his early 24s, and he has already easily obtained Beilin. Do you think you still have the ability to fight with him?" Go on fighting? Save that effort, why not go home and spend half your life in the countryside, why spend all day sharpening your head to deal with the invasion of the enemy country, right?"

Mu Dongfang said: "He is a legend, and I, Mu Dongfang, admit it, but it's not easy for me to give up the Beilin foundation that my ancestors worked so hard to build."

Cao Dan interjected, "You mean, you don't plan to give it?"

"Dan'er, don't interrupt and go away." Unexpectedly, Cao Dan was scolded by his father, Prime Minister Shen.

Cao Dan could only shut up and stepped aside.

But Fu Yushu, Shao Qi and Lu Yitang were surprised by Cao Dan's identity. He turned out to be... the son of Prime Minister You!It really is hidden!

"Mu Dongfang, I don't have anyone else to talk to. You have already experienced my methods. If you are still stubborn, you will suffer. I will give you three days. If you don't give an answer after three days, you are ready to die. " After finishing speaking, Yu Shengjun gave a cold drink, "Xiangyang is dark and cold, you two take Mu Dongfang down, imprison him in the sky prison, and strictly guard him. Whoever dares to rob the prison will be killed first and then played!"

"Obey!" Zhang Xiangyang and An Leng kowtowed heavily, and then forced Mu Dongfang out of the main hall.

Mu Lingxuan cried and chased after her, "Brother Emperor..." Yishuang blocked her way and pushed her back, "Who told you to wander away? Go back and stand up for me!"

"Please," Mu Lingxuan knelt down to Yu Shengjun, and begged humbly, "Don't hurt my elder brother, I ordered everything, and it has nothing to do with him!"

Seeing Mu Lingxuan like this, Shao Qi felt angry and hurt, went over and pulled Mu Lingxuan up, "Xuan'er, have some backbone, don't do this!"

Mu Lingxuan cried: "But Second Emperor Brother, Emperor Brother..."

Shao Qi stared coldly at the people in the hall, "It's hard for us to resist whatever they want us to do. This is our destiny. But as children of the Mu family, we must not bow our heads to these bandits."

"Well," Mu Lingxuan nodded heavily, and regained her spirits, "Second Brother, you are right, we swear to the death to defend Beilin."

Tang Lin held her forehead weakly, "My mother, it's really a group of unrepentant human beings. They all flew away separately in the face of catastrophe, and they were full of enthusiasm. I said, you brothers and sisters, now that times have changed, can't you make progress with the times? Since Mu Dongfang can't control the country in the north, and our emperor is the sole overlord of the Central Plains, why don't you let go of your airs and work for him?"

Mu Lingxuan said unhappily: "Tang Lin, don't let Ben Gong have a chance to stand up, or I will kill you first!"

"Come if you have the ability," Tang Lin said bluntly, and threw the pistol directly to Mu Lingxuan, "Hold it, point the hole of the gun at me, and then pull the trigger, just one click, and I will die in front of you !"

For Mu Lingxuan, she couldn't even hold a sword well, let alone something she had never seen before.Let the gun drop to the ground. "Tang Lin, don't be arrogant, I won't fall into your trap."

Tang Lin waved her hand, "Believe it or not."

Yu Shengjun waved his hand weakly, he was really tired of seeing Mu Lingxuan's existence, "Anze, take her down and separate from Mu Dongfang."

"Yes." After answering, Anze went directly to grab Mu Lingxuan, "Let's go, Princess Mu, no, it's Miss Mu. From now on, you are no longer a princess."

Yu Shengjun faced Fu Yushu and asked, "What about you? Have you thought about how to change your mind? I think that your benignity is still alive, so I promised your father to save your life. Otherwise, you thought you would live until Now? I already killed you in the military training!"

Fu Yushu smiled sadly: "You should have killed me a long time ago, then I won't feel so uncomfortable now."

Yu Shengjun said: "If you don't think about it, go to the prison and come out to find me when you think about whether you want to do something big." Speaking of this, he faced Fu Chengxiang and said, "Fu Aiqing, he will leave it to you." Take it down. Speak well, don't let me have the urge to cut off his head."

"The old minister will definitely persuade him, please rest assured the emperor."

Pushed and dragged by his father, Fu Yushu was dragged out of the main hall.

Tang Lin ordered the six ministers, "I will trouble the six of you for the aftermath work in the palace."

In a blink of an eye, many people were missing in the hall.

At this time, for Lu Yitang, it is neither good to leave nor to stay.Yu Shengjun said that he would use all means to destroy the Anti-Royal Society, but besides Fu Yushu, he was also a member of the Anti-Royal Society, why didn't Yu Shengjun attack him?

At this time, Yu Shengjun walked up to him, and to his surprise, Yu Shengjun patted his shoulder lightly, "I like your father very much. If you show up on your birthday, I will definitely like you ” Speaking of this, his face suddenly turned cold, “Come here, take him down and put him in a prison, and I will try again at another day.”

Before leaving, Lu Yitang gave Sun Bailing a sad farewell look, and was taken out by Yishuang.

Shao Qi looked around, he was the only one who was not taken down.He smiled wryly, "Is it time to pull me down?"

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Of course!"

Shao Qi said lightly: "Before you go down, can you meet my request? I want to meet your Concubine Han——Han Lingying!" To the north is the status of the second prince, and to persuade your brother to join me, Yu Xin. And..."

Shao Qi couldn't listen anymore, and said angrily: "Yu Shengjun, don't even think about it!"

"It's not like you haven't seen my Yu Shengjun's ability before." Yu Shengjun pulled his evil lips coldly.

"Haha," Shao Qi suddenly laughed heartily twice, but the laughter was mixed with helplessness and sadness. "Indeed, I, Mu Lin, is not half as capable as you, Yu Shengjun. I will never be able to break the myth in the training camp. I have fallen into this situation, and I admit it. In front of Yu Huangxuan, I am already too weak One hit, let alone in front of Yu Shengjun!"

Yu Shengjun said: "He who understands the current affairs is a hero. Don't let things that cannot be changed be stubborn. Take a step back, maybe you will find that that kind of life is what you want to pursue!"

"Forget it," Shao Qi said with a wry smile, "I... swear to the death to defend my Beilin foundation. It was built by generations of our Mu family. Even if we die, we must defend to the end!"

Yu Shengjun waved his hands to the side feebly, and his words were even weaker and exhausted, "Take him away and keep him under strict supervision."

When the two guards were pulling towards Shao Qi, Shao Qi suddenly stepped forward and grabbed the collar of Yu Shengjun's neck, but failed.He seemed to be possessed and yelled crazily, "Yu Shengjun, you are not human, you dare to snatch my woman! Give me back Han Lingying! Give me back—"

Seeing Shao Qi being so crazy, Tang Lin couldn't bear it a little bit. If a man can be so humble for his own woman, it proves that this man really loves this woman.

If Shao Qi could give up all his former glory and wealth for the sake of beauty, then he and Han Lingying must be a couple that everyone envies.

Yu Shengjun turned around indifferently, "Take it down!"

Just like that, Shao Qi yelled crazily all the way, and was dragged out by two guards.

Sun Bailing helped Guan Eyun and Yu Zichen back out of the main hall.

In the main hall, only Tang Lin, Yu Shengjun, and An Lin remained.

Tang Lin told An Lin: "Director An, go to the imperial dining room to deliver breakfast!"

"Yes, Miss Tang." Responding, An Lin bowed his waist and gave a salute, then left the main hall.

The two of them were left, and the atmosphere in the hall was very quiet, so quiet that the heartbeats of the two could be heard.Seeing Yu Shengjun's depressed expression, Tang Lin reached out and touched his arm, "... Junjun."

But in the blink of an eye, his eyes were full of tenderness, and he smiled at her, "Yeah."

(End of this chapter)

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