The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 329 Ouchi Guards!

Chapter 329 Ouchi Guards!

Xiao Xiong and Yun Lei saw Cao Dan when they came outside the imperial study room, and they almost couldn't recognize themselves when they saw that Cao Dan was not what he used to be.

Since they had to meet the emperor, the three of them entered the imperial study without a chance to talk.

Yu Shengjun finished approving the paperwork in his hand, then put down the pen, got up, walked around the edge of the table, walked to Cao Dan and the three of them, and helped them up one by one, "Get up! There is no need to perform such a big gift!"

Yunlei looked at Yu Shengjun stupidly, but didn't respond for a long time, "Emperor, Emperor... Your Majesty?!"

Yu Shengjun smiled and said: "I am!"

"This..." Yun Leimeng snapped.If the person in front of him is the emperor, but the emperor has a face like Yu Huangxuan, could it be said that this emperor is Yu Huangxuan? !
Suddenly, it was Cao Dan who grabbed Yunlei's arm in time to prevent him from collapsing to the ground.Cao Dan kindly reminded: "Brother Yu is the emperor, stand up."

Yun Lei immediately stood up, but his limbs and lower lip were still trembling slightly, and he didn't dare to look at Yu Shengjun.what happened?How could Yu Huangxuan be the emperor?If Yu Huangxuan was the emperor, why did the emperor go to the training camp?
At this moment, Yunlei was full of doubts, but he didn't dare to ask a single question.

Yu Shengjun said: "I am frank, I am Yu Huangxuan, you don't need to look for answers in your heart anymore. As for why I appeared in the training camp, you don't have to ask so much."

Xiao Xiong lowered his head and swallowed hard.Damn, Yu Huangxuan is the emperor.In the past few months, as the platoon leader, he has ordered Yu Huangxuan to train hard more than once...

It's over!It's over!The emperor won't hold grudges, right?
Drops of cold sweat climbed onto Xiao Xiong's forehead.Seeing this, Yu Shengjun shook his head and smiled helplessly, "Xiao Xiong, are you afraid that I will cut you off?"

Xiao Xiong immediately knelt down, with cold sweat pouring out of his forehead uncontrollably, "Caomin didn't mean that, Caomin should die."

Yu Shengjun said: "You and Shen Dan retreat first, and I will call you in later."

Xiao Xiong was stunned, "Shen Dan?" Who is it?
"It's me. Let's go, platoon leader." Cao Dan dragged the silly Xiao Xiong out of the imperial study.

"What's going on?" Outside the door of the imperial study, Xiao Xiong threw off Cao Dan's hand and asked angrily.

Cao Dan smiled lightly, "As the platoon leader saw, Yu Huangxuan is the current emperor."

"I'm talking about you." Xiao Xiong pointed at Cao Dan not as vigorously as usual, but now that he saw Cao Dan's appearance today, he took a few extra glances. "I said you boy, why do you look like a different person?"

Cao Dan smiled gracefully, "This is the original me." That bastard Cao Dan was just pretending.

Xiao Xiong remembered what Yu Shengjun said before going out, and looked at Cao Dan with the same gaze as a prisoner, "Shen Dan? What's going on?"

Cao Dan said truthfully: "My real name is Shen Dan. Due to some special reasons, I must use a pseudonym these days, so please forgive me, Shen Dan did not deliberately deceive everyone."

Xiao Xiong plucked his hair, feeling a little nervous.All of a sudden, Cao Dan changed to Shen Dan, and all of a sudden, Yu Huangxuan became the emperor... What's going on?
In the imperial study,

Yunlei stood stiffly, his heart pounding.He works for Shao Qi, and has been secretly helping Shao Qi deal with Yu Shengjun. If Yu Shengjun finds out about him, he might take revenge on him.

Yu Shengjun stood in front of him for a while before slowly opening his mouth, "Yunlei, I have investigated you, you are my Yuxin's subject. Since you are my Yuxin's subject, why do you help outsiders eradicate me? "

Sure enough, Yu Shengjun still knew!Is death imminent?

Yun Lei gasped, and slowly, he calmed down.Now that the secret has been known by the enemy, there is no need to pretend anymore.With a wry smile, "The emperor has no objection to how the emperor wants to deal with the grassroots."

Yu Shengjun said: "Shao Qi was arrested yesterday, and Mu Dongfang and Mu Lingxuan have also been arrested. The future master of the north bordering country is my Yu Shengjun. Yunlei, I sent someone to investigate you, you You have a clean foundation. You were adopted by your master since childhood, and you and Yun Shan are brothers and sisters. But I really want to know, why did you suddenly help Beilin Kingdom this year?"

Hearing that Shao Qi had been arrested, Yunlei was both shocked and heartbroken, "Master...have you been arrested?"

"My lord?!" Yuhuangxuan frowned, this word made him curious. "Why do you call Shao Qi the lord? Yunlei, do you know how Beilin Kingdom invaded Yuxin more than ten years ago? As a citizen of Yuxin, you work for outsiders. Are you worthy of me? Now, Beilin Lin Guo is already owned by Gui Yuxin, and you have no master to follow. Before I deal with you, you don't want to tell the truth?"

Yun Lei closed his eyes and grieved for a while, and after opening his eyes, he slowly stated the matter between him and Shao Qi.Now that the overall situation has been decided and he has become a sinner, why not confess the whole story. "...Actually, my name is not Yunlei. The real Yunlei and I are twin brothers and we look alike. When I was young, my parents sent the twin brother out to be adopted by my master because my family had no money. A while ago, I met Shao Qi and Han Lingying by chance, but at that time, Yunlei was killed by Ouchi guards, which I saw with my own eyes. At that time, Shao Qi told me that the one who killed Yunlei was Ouchi Guard. When that Ouchi Guard wanted to kill me, it was Shao Qi who saved me. Therefore, I am grateful to Shao Qi and hate Ouchi Guard. Since then, I have survived instead of the real Yunlei Escort Bureau On the one hand, I was responsible for inquiring news for Shao Qi in the imperial capital, and I didn't enter the palace with him until a few months ago..."

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Yu Shengjun pondered for a long time before speaking, "You hate me because you hate Ouchi's guards, so you help Shaoqi, I can understand. But I can tell you clearly, You were used by Shao Qi. There is one more thing I can tell you, you are a relative of the emperor, my..." "In terms of folk seniority, you are my cousin." Yu Shengjun said slowly.

"Ah?" Yun Lei was taken aback, completely dumbfounded.He, a relative of the royal family?Cousin of the King of Nations?real or fake?Or was it another method used by Yu Shengjun to punish him?
Yu Shengjun ignored his surprise, returned to the edge of the table, took a letter from the table into his hand, turned to Yunlei, and continued: "I have investigated your matter clearly. According to your master's description , he used to be a subordinate of the Great Emperor's Uncle, who took you away when you were three years old in a turbulent town. More than 20 years ago, our Yuxin was ruthlessly invaded by the Northern Kingdom. I vowed to defend the city to the death, but I did not expect to be captured by Beilin Kingdom in the end. Unfortunately, Uncle Da Huang died for the country. Because you are the only one left in your family, and there is nothing to prove your identity, so you Master has never notified your true identity to the imperial court, let alone told you. Through observation these days, I feel that you meet the standards of a Ouchi guard. However, the Ouchi guard I want must be clean, so I will I sent someone to investigate you, but I didn’t expect to find my cousin who had been lost for more than 20 or [-] years through your master. Yunlei, five years ago, your bodyguard agency was already a well-known big bodyguard agency in the Central Plains. All sources of news set up a trick to use you. You don’t have any twin brothers, you think you have twin brothers because Shao Qi controlled your brain with drugs!”

Yunlei said incredulously: "How does the emperor know about Shao Qi's use of grassroots people?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Five years ago, since Shao Qi stepped into my Yuxin's border, I have secretly sent someone to watch him. In the past five years, his every move has been carried out under my nose."

"Oh, that's right." Yunlei lowered his head, the oppressive atmosphere made him not know what to say, especially his relationship with Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun looked into his eyes and asked seriously: "Are you willing to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors?"

"This," Yun Lei suddenly raised his head and looked into Yu Shengjun's eyes, he hesitated.In fact, he was very happy to know his true identity, but he didn't expect that he was a relative of the emperor, and he didn't feel relieved for a while.

Yu Shengjun answered decisively for him, "Don't hesitate, being my relative will not disappoint you too much. You recognize your ancestors and return to your clan. I have already asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to make arrangements. Your mansion is still the same. It was in the original town. After the city was recovered, the rebuilding of your family’s mansion has already started. Although no one lives there, at least it will leave a memorial for the world, so that they will always remember your father’s heroic sacrifice.”

Unexpectedly, the other party has done so much for him, Yunlei knelt down with tears in his eyes, and tapped his forehead on the ground, "Yunlei...thank you for your grace."

Yu Shengjun stepped forward to help him up, and patted him on the shoulder lightly, the corner of his mouth raised a heartwarming arc, "Thank you? You are all from the Yu family, so you don't have to be so polite. Now, you have a real home too. , then I would like to ask you, would you like to stay by my side and be my bodyguard, or return to your master and continue to be your young escort, or return to the palace to live a pampered life?"

Yunlei knelt down again, this time more imposing, "If the emperor grants permission, Yunlei is willing to follow the emperor for the rest of his life, and it is his duty to go up the mountain of swords and go down the sea of ​​fire for the emperor."

Yu Shengjun helped him up, "Cousin, you are serious."

After a while, Yunlei walked out of the imperial study with a smile on his face. When Xiao Xiong and Cao Dan saw him, they immediately pulled him to a corner for questioning.Xiao Xiong spoke first, "Hey, the emperor didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

Yunlei still had a smile on his face, "What do you think?"

Cao Dan was about to ask something, when Yitang who was guarding the door pointed at Xiao Xiong and him coldly, "You two, go in, the emperor has something to ask you. Don't dawdle, hurry up."

Xiao Xiong patted Yunlei's arm, "Let's talk later."

After entering the imperial study room, Xiao Xiong stood with his head down all the time, Cao Dan was not as afraid of the emperor as he was.

Yu Shengjun walked up to the two of them, sized them up a few times, and finally stopped his gaze on Xiao Xiong, "Xiao Xiong, raise your head and show off your old platoon leader aura."

When he said this, Xiao Xiong didn't dare to do that, "Caomin dare not."

Yu Shengjun was speechless for a while, and then said: "I admire you very much. For this reason, I made an exception and appointed you two as Ouchi bodyguards. From now on, you are one of Ouchi bodyguards."

"Ah?" Xiao Xiong was stunned heavily.Unexpectedly, not only did the emperor not punish him, but he was also appointed as a guard in the palace, which was really a big deal.

Yu Shengjun continued: "I have asked the Ministry of Guards to arrange the affairs of the three of you. From today on, you will directly obey my orders. The place where you live is in the underground palace. Because the underground palace is the most important place in the palace, ordinary people There is no chance to go down there. You are all new members, and the rules of the underground palace will be explained to you by Commander Zhang. If there is nothing else, go out and take care of your affairs first, and Yitang will take you to where you are going of."

In the corridor leading to the underground palace, they met Tang Lin together.

Xiao Xiong and the others still kept the habit of staying in the training camp, and when they saw Tang Lin, they nodded and said hello, "Hello, sir!"

Tang Lin also greeted politely with a smile on her face: "Okay, okay, everything is okay. By the way, where are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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