The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 331 Shihe's Mysterious Disappearance!

Chapter 331 Shihe's Mysterious Disappearance!
Tang Lin really wanted to say that as long as she could marry Yu Shengjun, other gods would be nothing but floating clouds. "Xiao Tang has no objection, and everything will be arranged by the Queen Mother."

The empress dowager laughed straight from ear to ear, perhaps she was too happy. "He is a good boy, and in the future, he will also be the Emperor's virtuous wife, and a good empress whose mother respects the world. I believe that all the people in the world like us Xiao Tang."

Is it really so beautiful to be a queen?Tang Lin couldn't help wondering whether after becoming a queen, all the women in the world would envy or envy her to death, and all the men in the world would covet her like a demon.

"Hahaha, hahaha!" The empress dowager left, but Tang Lin was still smirking at the door.

Yu Shengjun shook his hand in front of her, "I'm gone, come back to my senses."

Tang Lin came back to her senses immediately, and wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth. When she faced Yu Shengjun, he gave her a look, "You are so beautiful."

Tang Lin giggled, and then clung to him softly like rubber glue, "Yushengjun, I love you so much! Hurry up and finish handling your country's affairs, girl, I want to marry you in a grand manner." !"

Yu Shengjun said with a cold face on purpose: "I regret it now and don't want to marry you."

Unexpectedly, when Tang Lin heard this, she immediately raised her mouth and sucked her nose, "Wow, you ungrateful..." Her mouth was immediately blocked by Yu Shengjun's lips.

After a while, Tang Lin sighed weakly while helping Yu Shengjun to approve the memorial, "Oh, it will take a few months before I can marry you. How can I survive these few months? The training camp is gone. Isn't there nothing to do? I have nothing to do all day, and I will age quickly!"

Yu Shengjun smiled sinisterly, "I just lie on the bed every day when I have nothing to do, don't worry, no matter how busy I am, I will visit you several times a day."

Tang Lin said bluntly: "How many times a day? Junjun, how about you?"

Yu Shengjun looked at her and smiled gracefully: "If you don't try, how do you know I can't do it?"

Tang Lin rolled her eyes, "Come on, if that's the case, I will become a confidante who will bring disaster to the country and the people, and I don't want to become the second Su Daji who will be infamous for thousands of years. But Junjun, if you love me, you can give me a hug." How about approving the guards? I want to set up an anti-pornography group to help you fight against pornography among the people? It will definitely help your country establish a new trend!"

"Okay!" Yu Shengjun readily agreed, and immediately took off the eagle-shaped ring on his hand and gave it to her, "With it, all the guards in the palace will be at your command."

Tang Lin took the ring into her hand and looked at it, "Is it real?"

Yu Shengjun glanced at her, "When have I ever lied to you?"

"Your Majesty," An Lin hurried in from the outside, "It's not good, someone died in the harem again!"

Tang Lin put the ring back on Yu Shengjun's hand, and said weakly: "Come on, the anti-pornography team will postpone it, I will go to the harem to dominate! These vixens in human skin, let's see how I deal with them!" The next day After coming down to court, Prime Minister Fu went to Tianlao to visit his adopted son Fu Yushu.Tomorrow is the last day. If Fu Yushu doesn't give in, he will be guillotined.

Fu Yushu stared blankly at the narrow window opposite, and Ren's father tried to persuade him at the door, "Shu'er, listen to your father and stop arguing with the emperor, okay? As long as you start a new life, he won't make things difficult for you!"

After a long time, Fu Yushu's eyes became more emotional. He leaned his head back and leaned against the wall wearily, "Father, what else can the child do after going out? The child has made a big mistake, heh, the emperor will forgive me? That is impossible!"

Fu Chengxiang said: "You don't know the emperor, the emperor is not as bad as you think. Yes, he cruelly killed everyone in the anti-imperial society, but he did this only to protect you, and we will never leave you. Your relationship with the Anti-Royal Society! Shu'er, you are still young, you can't give up on yourself like this! Be a new man, don't give up on yourself because of Yuan Yuan's death, in fact, Yuan Yuan and Jiu Zi..."

"Shihe!" After being mentioned by his father, Fu Yushu suddenly thought that he had another "wife", yes, how could he just give up on himself like this, Shihe mother and son were waiting for him to go back and reunite.

I haven't seen her for several months, and the baby will be born in a month or two, right?

"Father!" After having the idea of ​​living, Fu Yushu also had the urge to get out of prison.He immediately got up, ran to the door, grabbed his father's hand, and was a little emotional, "Father, you have to help the child. The child does not want to die. The child is willing to start a new life. Please give me a chance. As long as I can live, no matter I can do whatever the emperor wants me to do!"

As long as he is alive, he can take care of Shihe's mother and son.

I have already lost Yuanyuan, I can't lose Shihe again!cannot!
Fu Chengxiang was very excited about his son's change, and burst into tears for a moment, "Okay, okay, dad will tell the emperor. You stay here first, don't think about anything, and wait until the emperor lets you out!"

Fu Yushu shed tears guiltily, "Father, I'm sorry for making you difficult!"

What surprised Fu Yushu was that before Xiangwu, he was taken out of the dungeon by the officers and soldiers, and then brought to the imperial study by the Ouchi guards.Seeing Yu Shengjun transform into an emperor, how majestic and domineering.His dream of being an emperor has long been shattered.Yu Shengjun is a well-deserved generation of emperors.

"Grassman...Fu Yushu, see the emperor." After glancing at Yu Shengjun who was handling state affairs, Fu Yushu, who was wearing a prison uniform and messy hair, knelt down.

Yu Shengjun put down what he was doing, looked up, and saw that Fu Yushu, who used to be suave and elegant, had become like this, he felt a little helpless for Fu Yushu.Come down and help Fu Yushu up himself, "Get up and answer!"

After getting up and standing up, Fu Yushu's mood was very calm, "How does the emperor plan to deal with the grassroots? Your majesty, Fu Yushu boldly beseeches the emperor, as long as the emperor keeps Yushu alive, Yushu will be loyal to the emperor for the rest of his life, and he will have no second thoughts!"

Yu Shengjun smiled, "Why, don't you hate me for annihilating your anti-imperial society?"

Fu Yushu shook his head slightly, and said calmly: "The appearance of the Anti-Yuhui was a mistake. If there was no Anti-Yuhui, I believe that Fu Yushu will have a good life in the prime minister's residence for more than ten years. Therefore, Yushu will not I hate the emperor for destroying the anti-imperial society. If the emperor can give Yushu a chance to be a man again, Yushu will never betray the emperor."

Yu Shengjun asked incomprehensibly: "You suddenly figured it out, what is it for? Is it for Shihe?"

"This..." Fu Yushu was shocked that Yu Shengjun knew about this.

Yu Shengjun said: "Don't be surprised, I've known about your crap for a long time. You let your wife Du Yuanyuan pretend to be Queen Huang Chenghuan in order to get rid of my big inner guards, but I didn't expect to let you know I heard about Shihe's pregnancy. Fu Yushu, if you compromised for Shihe, it proves that you love Shihe very much. Well, I can give you a chance to be a new person. As long as you don't betray me, you can do whatever you want in the future , but the premise is that you must help me to do things, and you must be loyal to me with one heart, can you do it?"

Fu Yushu kowtowed heavily, "As long as the emperor gives Yushu a chance, and wants Yushu to go through fire and water, he will do whatever he wants."

"Very good!" Yu Shengjun smiled with satisfaction, "From now on, you and Xiao Xiong will form a team and be my bodyguards, specializing in doing things for me. Fu Yushu, you are a person who wants to accomplish great things, this is You told me. Now I can’t achieve great things with the Second Prince, but I can achieve great things with Yu Shengjun. This huge Central Plains cannot be managed by me alone, and I still need the help of you talents Well. Of course, the great cause depends on your own efforts. I have always rewarded meritorious deeds, and rewards and punishments are clearly defined."

Hearing these words, the long-lost passion ignited Fu Yushu's heart again.Yes, men are born to achieve great things, since the opportunity is given to themselves, why not try hard!
"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Fu Yushu said gratefully. "Yushu, it's a great honor to be the bodyguard of the Ouchi. Please rest assured, the emperor, Yushu will do his best to do everything the emperor entrusted!"

Yu Shengjun nodded and said: "Well, I believe you. By the way, I have something to tell you. Your wife Du Yuanyuan and nine sons were not killed by Shao Qi. On that day, I asked you to leave and go back to the prime minister's mansion. It's me..."

Fu Yushu's eyes turned red immediately, and his voice became hoarse, "Did the it?" He didn't dare to speculate, he was afraid that the result would make his life worse than death.

"Yes!" Yu Shengjun admitted calmly, "but..."

But the following words did not allow him to speak, Fu Yushu suddenly laughed three times, and after laughing, he said sadly: "Your Majesty, how can Yushu force himself to be loyal to you again? You are a murderer!"

Yu Shengjun rolled his eyes, "Can't you let me finish my sentence? Yes, it was my hands, but I didn't kill them, they are still alive and well, and I have brought them to see you! After finishing speaking, applaud twice.

At this time, the door of the imperial study room was opened, Du Yuanyuan and Jiu Zi walked in from the outside, both of them had tears in their eyes.

Fu Yushu turned around to see the two of them, surprised and happy, and ashamed.He misunderstood Yu Shengjun again.

"Xianggong!" Du Yuanyuan ran over a few steps, hugged Fu Yushu and began to cry.

Fu Yushu also hugged her tightly.

After hugging him for a while, Du Yuanyuan let him go, stroking his messy hair and somewhat dirty face with trembling hands, his nose was sore again, "Sir, why did you make yourself like this?"

Fu Yushu took her hand and kissed it, "Great, it's great that you're fine!" Then, he let go of Du Yuanyuan, turned around and knelt down to Yu Shengjun, "Yu Shu misunderstood the emperor, Yu Shu Damn it!"

Du Yuanyuan looked at the legendary emperor, his mouth and eyes widened.Isn't this Tang Lin's brother Tang Lin met the day Tang Lin sent her and Yun Shan out of the palace?How could it be the current emperor?
That handsome man whom I regret to have met too late!It's actually the emperor?

After setting off from the Prime Minister's Mansion, the Ouchi guard who brought them into the palace told them both of Yu Shengjun's ten-year plan and the destruction of the Anti-Yuhui Association along the way.They also knew they were wrong, so they wanted to see the emperor later, admit their mistakes, and hoped that they would let Fu Yushu go.

Unexpectedly, this emperor turned out to be Tang Lin's senior brother!Is that Tang Lin's senior brother?
"Get up!" Yu Shengjun gently helped Fu Yushu up again, "I said I don't want your life, so naturally I won't embarrass your wife. But Fu Yushu, your wife already knows about Shihe, what are you going to do?" deal with?"

When it came to Shihe's matter, Du Yuanyuan suddenly remembered what the Ouchi guard had told him on the way.At first she was shocked and angry, but gradually, she was at a loss.If Fu Yushu finally chooses Shihe, what should she do?
"I'm sorry!" Fu Yushu turned to Du Yuanyuan and apologized. "I ate Hehuansan by mistake, and I only had sex with Shihe once, but I didn't expect that she would have my child. I couldn't predict these things. Yuanyuan, I..."

Du Yuanyuan smiled with tears in her eyes. For some reason, her heart was surprisingly calm now, "It's okay. You explained the process. I know it's not your fault. I don't blame you. It was the two of us who harmed Shihe. Make it up to her."

Hearing this sentence, Fu Yushu's heart tightened, "Yuanyuan, you... what are you going to do?"

"I'm sorry!" Du Yuanyuan apologized, "My heart can't accommodate two people in your heart, so... I quit! Hehe, I don't have children anyway, so I won't drag you down, will I?"

(End of this chapter)

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