The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 332 See no evil!

Chapter 332 See no evil!

Her retreat caused Fu Yushu pain like a knife.He didn't know what to do with these two women.

"Don't feel guilty!" Du Yuanyuan stroked his shoulder and comforted him.But I hurt myself. "Take good care of Shihe. Even if you don't forgive us, you will take good care of the emperor. If it weren't for us, Shihe would be the queen now." Speaking of this, she turned to Yu Shengjun and knelt down. Empress Cheng Huan, the daughter of the people deserves death, please the emperor convict her! This is the fault of the daughter of the people and has nothing to do with Fu Yushu, please don't embarrass Fu Yushu!"

Jiuzi came over and knelt down, "Your Majesty, Jiuzi is willing to use his life to replace the young master and young lady, please let the emperor let them go."

Yu Shengjun caressed his sore forehead and asked him to deal with a complicated state affairs, but this scene of one begging for mercy really gave him a headache.

"What are you two doing? Bravery?" Fu Yushu pushed Jiuzi and Du Yuanyuan away, angry and heartbroken at their behavior. "I'm still alive, when will it be your turn to carry it?"

Just as Yu Shengjun was about to say something, An Leng hurried in from the outside, "Master, Queen Cheng Huan is missing from the underground palace!" At that time, inside, there was only the mother of poetry who was crying non-stop.

After leaving the underground palace, Yu Shengjun returned to the imperial study room. Fu Yushu couldn't wait to ask: "Why is Shihe in the palace? Your Majesty, please tell me what happened to Shihe?"

Facing Yu Shengjun with a dark and cold look of fear, "Master, is it possible that Empress Cheng Huan wants to seek death again?"

Now, the cold words fell on Fu Yushu's heart like a heavy blow, he couldn't control his legs anymore, and wanted to run out quickly, he wanted to find Shihe!
However, before he could take two steps, he was blocked by An Leng!
Yu Shengjun ignored Fu Yushu, pulled An Leng to a corner, avoided Fu Yushu's eyes and ears, and asked: "The underground palace guards the forest, how can there be a chance for Shihe to escape?"

"This subordinate doesn't know how to answer... Wait," An Leng suddenly thought of something, and paused for a while. "Could it be that it was because Lord Commander gathered all the guards in the morning..."

Yu Shengjun took a deep breath, "I forgot that it is the guard gathering day every year. Only Shihe's prison is not locked. She can have a chance to leave during this gap!"

He said coldly: "However, if all the guards are gathered in the guard department, then the entrance to the underground palace will be closed, and Empress Cheng Huan will not be able to get out at all. Then, the only place she can go is..."

"Harem." Yu Shengjun said these two words slowly. "The passage in the harem leads to Xiangning Palace, the place where the empress dowager used to live. Except for the empress dowager, Zhen and you, no one knows that there is a passage in the underground palace leading to the harem. Originally, it was only opened for the convenience of the empress dowager entering the underground palace. , today became the way for Shihe to escape. But she fled to the harem, and she couldn't get out of the palace. As long as I send someone to the harem to look for it, I will find her sooner or later. But I don't want to do that now, "

Darkly, it could be seen that Yu Shengjun had another idea, "What is the master planning to do?"

Yu Shengjun glanced at Yu Shengjun from Yujiao, and a deep smile climbed up the corner of his mouth, "Do you think Shihe and Fu Yushu have a chance to get back together? Since one wants revenge and the other wants to make up, let them Solve it!"

Darkly, "The master means..."

Yu Shengjun asked him to listen to him, and then whispered a few words. "understand?"

With a smile on his dark and cold face, he nodded: "This subordinate understands! Then this subordinate will make arrangements now! This subordinate will resign!"

After An Leng left, Yu Shengjun walked up to Fu Yushu and said, "I tied Shihe to the palace shortly after you entered the palace. I just wanted to clarify one thing. I want to kiss you." Hearing her tell the truth, why did you wear such a green hat for me! Later, I realized that she was framed by you, and she was just a poor woman who was teased by fate. Shihe knew that you used her to support her. It was I who told her about the guards in the palace, I just wanted her to know the truth, but I never thought that she would... commit suicide!"

"Then?" Fu Yushu's words came out lightly, as if he had exhausted his last bit of strength to speak them out.After Shihe knew the truth, what happened, what happened...

Yu Shengjun said slowly, "Your child... is gone. She committed suicide several times, and it was my imperial doctor who saved her. Even if I didn't tell her, she would know the truth sooner or later. I didn't expect She will hate you to the point of not wanting a child. Regarding this matter, I regret that I confessed the truth to her. Fu Yushu, if you think you can still influence her, then protect Tang Lin and assist Tang Lin with Xiao Xiong and the others. In the harem, find out the real murderer who killed the concubines, then you will have a chance to find Shihe in the harem."

Apart from this, Fu Yushu couldn't think of any good solution.

After noon, Tang Lin took Du Yuanyuan to a corner of Nangong Square and sat down.

Looking at this place where he used to have his beautiful image, Du Yuanyuan smiled and shed tears unconsciously, "Tang Lin, in fact, you knew about Fu Yushu and Shihe from the beginning, but you thought I was too bad, so you didn't tell me , and at the same time, you feel sorry for me, don’t you?”

Tang Lin made a "cut" sound, "I look the same as Shihe and I don't feel sorry for myself, so how could I pity you?" She hugged Du Yuanyuan's hand and stroked it, "Good girl, don't be so bored You, without Fu Yushu, you have to take good care of yourself, be strong, and don't lose the ambition of our daughter's family, understand?"

Du Yuanyuan wiped away his tears, nodded with a sob, "Well, I see."

Tang Lin said again: "I've already arranged a residence for you, just live there and live a good life, don't think about it any more, when I get married, you must come to be my bridesmaid. At that time, I will come to you in person, as well as Yuxin, Dong Chenchen, He Shiya, Mei Chuner, you guys must come. I will also send all the friends I met at Jundiexuan Please come to the palace for a wedding drink!"

Du Yuanyuan snorted, "If you invite so many people, the emperor won't spend a lot of money?"

Tang Lin said: "It's a big deal in life, how can it be a joke, it must be beautiful, and I don't want to wrong myself. I can be a princess for one day, and then I will be a queen for ten months. In the end, it will be a lifetime." It’s hard work! Therefore, women must be worthy of themselves!”

"The queen of ten months?" Du Yuanyuan couldn't understand, "It should be the queen of a lifetime!"

"Uh," Tang Lin froze for a moment. It really took a lot of energy to tell the ancients. "I mean, after we get married, we're going to have a baby. Someone is waiting for you in October. Isn't this the life of a queen? But after the baby is born, you have to pull the baby up and down. Talking, talking and talking, a lifetime has passed like this, isn't it just a lifetime of hard work?"

Now, Du Yuanyuan finally understood the meaning of Tang Lin's words, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, "You have become a queen, do you still need to drag the child?"

Tang Lin gasped, "That's right, why didn't I think of this!"

"However..." Thinking that it was the beautiful man Yu Shengjun who made a man with Tang Lin on the wedding night, Du Yuanyuan was both envious and frustrated that he did not have such a good husband, "Tang Lin, you are fine, there is a man as handsome as the emperor and you You join hands for a lifetime."

If Manager An hadn't told her specifically, she wouldn't have known about Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun.

Finally someone envied her, Tang Lin laughed happily, "Hehe, what's the matter. But let's make an agreement, you must come on my wedding day, and you must accept the wedding invitations I send to you. I won't be able to see you then, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I will find you back."

Du Yuanyuan promised: "I will definitely come!" She had the opportunity to attend this prosperous wedding, how could she miss it. "I heard that there will be a lot of big shots, yeah, you queen, you must help me notice which one is suitable for me."

Tang Lin snorted, "You! You are getting more and more scheming!"

Du Yuanyuan was very disapproving, "Who told me to know you and learn from you!"

One night passed quietly.

Another day.

The three-day period has expired.

Early in the morning, Mu Dongfang was brought by the guards to the Imperial Study Room to meet Yu Shengjun.After three days gone, Yu Shengjun is still the same as before, but he is much older.

"Have you figured it out?" Yu Shengjun left the throne and walked down, standing opposite Mu Dongfang, asked calmly.

After a long while, Mu Dongfang nodded slowly, "Think it over." Tang Lin was right, keep the green hills, and don't worry about running out of firewood.As long as the Mu family's seedlings can be kept, there will be a day of comeback. "I am willing to step down, but what you promised me, you must give me a vassal. Also, I hope that my children and their mother and queen will follow me for the rest of their lives, so that our family can enjoy family happiness."

There was a sharp glint in Yu Shengjun's eyes, but it was fleeting.He readily agreed to Mu Dongfang, "Okay, I promise you to reunite your family. Tomorrow, I will send someone to send you back to Beilin Kingdom. Don't try to make any crooked ideas. Marshal Ma has already controlled all the soldiers and horses of your northern border country. They are hard to fly, and you cannot move your soldiers and horses. Also, your children are also under my control. When you return to Beilin After the country and announced his resignation, I will return your family to you!"

Mu Dongfang secretly clenched his fists!Yu Shengjun, you are cruel enough, you won't leave me a way out!Don't let me have a chance to stand up, otherwise, you will be smashed to pieces and never reborn!

"By the way," Yu Shengjun suddenly thought of something, and said, "I think Mu Lin is pretty good. Since she hasn't married yet in the north, she is so happy with our girl Han Lingying from Yuxin. How about this? He stayed and served as my bodyguard until one day my Concubine Han forgave what he had done to me and decided to let me divorce her. When I followed your brother, I would send them both back to reunite with you. ?”

This dead end made Mu Dongfang grit his teeth.Yu Shengjun really did a great job. Not only did he detain his children to make him announce his resignation, but now he also detains his favorite brother so that he will not be able to resist in the days to come...

However, in order to make a comeback, he had no choice but to bear the burden of humiliation and drag out an ignoble existence.Mu Dongfang nodded calmly, "I... have no objection, everything is under your arrangement. My brother is reckless by nature, so it is for his own good to let him practice here."

Yu Shengjun laughed a few times, "Okay, okay, with your words, I feel relieved." Mu Dongfang, do you want to make a comeback?I want to see how long you can bear it.

"Fu Aiqing," Yu Shengjun turned to Fu Chengxiang who was waiting in the corner, "I will give you full responsibility for Mu Dongfang's affairs."

Prime Minister Fu nodded and said, "Old minister obeys."

At this time, An Lin hurried in.In the past two days, accidents have happened everywhere, "Your Majesty, Mu dead!" This heavy news undoubtedly dealt Mu Dongfang a fatal blow.He covered his chest, and looked at An Lin with unusually painful eyes, "You, what did you just say?"

(End of this chapter)

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