The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 333 I killed her with one shot!

Chapter 333 I Killed Her With One Shot!

For some reason, when news of the cause of the woman Mu Lingxuan's death came out, Yu Shengjun didn't feel sorry for it, but instead had a gleam of pleasure in his heart.How she calculated him back then, now, finally has her retribution.

This kind of woman should have died a long time ago!If it weren't for his plan not being completed, would she have a chance to live until now?

As soon as An Lin came in, Tang Lin followed. She was shocked when she heard what An Lin said.Although she didn't like Mu Lingxuan very much, she was a very fun person after all, and it's a pity to die.

"Why did such a good person die for no reason?" Tang Lin walked over and asked, "Isn't the prison heavily guarded?"

An Lin said: "Before they locked her in, no one thought that she was hiding poison on her body. No, she committed suicide by stomach poisoning in the prison within three days. I don't know what she thought."

The dizziness suddenly attacked Mu Dongfang's brain, if he didn't try hard to control it, he would pass out.He glared at Yu Shengjun, his eyes bloodshot, "Are you... satisfied?"

Taking control of his family, and keeping his younger brother by his side as a hostage, now, let's just kill his younger sister!

Yu Shengjun looked calm and did not reply to Mu Dongfang.For Mu Lingxuan's death, Mu Dongfang accused him of course, he was the one who forced Mu Lingxuan to death.

"Come here!" Fu Chengxiang yelled at the door, and after two guards came in, he ordered: "Take Mu Dongfang down and keep him under strict supervision. Tomorrow, he will be escorted back to Beilin!"

After Mu Dongfang was taken down, Tang Lin asked Yu Shengjun: "Junjun, do you think Mu Lingxuan will be someone who easily ends her own life?"

An Lin understood Tang Lin's implication, "Miss Tang, do you think Mu Lingxuan committed suicide?"

Tang Lin shook her head and said, "I don't know if it was a homicide or not. How about this, Director An, you send someone to go to the imperial hospital, invite me the best imperial doctor, and I will go to the prison myself."

Before she left, Yu Shengjun told her, "The prison of the Ministry of Punishment is outside the palace, so be careful when you go out."

Tang Lin nodded and said, "Well, I will pay attention!"

In the evening, Tang Lin and Wu Yuyi, who was nearly [-] years old, entered the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and came outside the cell where Mu Lingxuan was being held.At this time, there were heavy soldiers guarding outside the cell.

As for Mu Lingxuan, she was already lying on a bamboo mat with a white cloth covering her neck but not her head.Pale face, purple lips, obvious symptoms of poisoning.

Tang Lin and Wu Yuyi walked in.

Tang Lin glanced at the environment in the prison, and then said to Yuyu Wu, "Doctor Wu, let's do it. I want to know what kind of poison Mu Lingxuan is poisoned and what its specific effect is."

"Yes, Miss Tang." After saying that, Doctor Wu put down the medicine box and began to check Mu Lingxuan...

In a blink of an eye, it's night.

Doctor Wu finally finished his work. When he looked up behind him, Tang Lin was looking at him. She asked, "What's going on?"

Doctor Wu muttered for a while, then walked up to Tang Lin, whispered into her ear, "Tang Lin, I'm afraid the matter is not that simple, the deceased..."

After a long time, Tang Lin stared at Mu Lingxuan's body and grinned, "Oh, what a good guy, you are really going to die." Turning around, she yelled at the officers and soldiers outside the door, "Take the body to the suburbs and burn it. The poison in the body will spread quickly, so the corpse must be burned before dawn."

Next, several officers and soldiers carried Mu Lingxuan's body out of the prison.

Before Tang Lin left, she asked the doctor Wu who was next to her, "I don't worry about those officers and soldiers handling their affairs. How about this, doctor Wu, I'll trouble you to make a trip tonight. I must see Mu Lingxuan's body burnt with my own eyes. Turn into ashes to leave!"

Doctor Wu cupped his hands and said, "Old minister obeys."

After Wu Yuyi left, Tang Lin did not leave the prison directly, but went to other cells.She wants to see how Lu Yitang is doing, after all, he is Lu Wanwan's only son, so if he cut him off like this, how will she still hang out in the restaurant in the future.

When she came not far from the prison where Lu Yitang was being held, Tang Lin stopped. She saw Sun Bailing coming here from another way.So, she quickly hid in the corner, and only followed Sun Bailing after Sun Bailing passed by.

After a while, Sun Bailing, who looked like a fairy in white clothes, stood outside the door with a cold and aloof expression.

Lu Yitang stood with his back to the door, and kept looking at the wall, as if he was facing the wall and thinking about his past, but it didn't look like it.

Slowly, Sun Bailing put down the basket he was carrying. "Eat something." Although the words were cold, Tang Lin, who was hiding in the corner, could hear the deep concern in the words.

It was Sun Bailing's voice!Lu Yitang turned around excitedly, and saw that Sun Bailing, who had recovered his daughter's body, looked like a fairy, and he was amazed by her.But her cold expression made his enthusiasm slowly decrease.

He looked at the basket on the ground, and he could guess what was in it.

The emperor said he didn't like him,

There is only one end for people the emperor doesn't like...

"Hehe," Lu Yitang looked at the basket and smiled wryly. "Breakthrough meal?"

Sun Bailing didn't speak, squatted down, took the lid off, took out the wine, vegetables, bowls and chopsticks one by one with steady movements, and put them in through the crack of the cell door.The food and drink are plentiful.

Lu Yitang walked over slowly step by step, his eyes were on Sun Bailing's face, and a smile was always on the corner of his mouth.When he came to the pile of rich food and drink, he stopped and looked at Sun Bailing with gentle eyes, "You look so pretty!"

Sun Bailing's shoulders visibly trembled. If she praised her for the rest of her life, she would be happy for the rest of her life, but if he couldn't see the sun tomorrow, she didn't want to hear what he said just now.

Lu Yitang sat down, took the wine bottle, poured wine into the bowl, and said calmly, "I didn't expect you to work for the Second Prince, just as you wouldn't know that I was working for Fu Yushu! It's even, who I have deceived everyone, but now I owe no one!"

After seeing him drink a bowl of wine, Sun Bailing revealed calmly: "Shao Qi became a hostage, stayed with the emperor, and became the emperor's bodyguard. Cao Dan is the son of Prime Minister Shen. His original name was Shen Dan, and he appeared in the In the palace, he was working for the second prince. He and I were the last to know that the second prince really wanted to rebel. The emperor valued Shen Dan and appointed him as a guard. When investigating Yunlei's background, we accidentally discovered that Knowing Yun Lei's true identity, he is the emperor's long-lost cousin. Now, Yun Lei and Xiao Xiong are already the palace guards, and they form a group."

"Oh," Lu Yitang said with a wry smile, "they are all very favored by the emperor, but I..."

Sun Bailing continued, but there was no expression on his face, "I heard that the emperor plans to dispose of you tomorrow. He said in public that he doesn't like you. People who the emperor doesn't like will have no good end."

Lu Yitang twitched the corners of his lips, "Then, I thank Miss Sun for the decapitation meal."

Hearing these words, Sun Bailing finally sniffled. Facing her lover's calmness, she couldn't pretend any longer, and her emotions almost collapsed. She grabbed the prison door and looked at Lu Yitang with tears in her eyes, "Tomorrow, I have Maybe I will never see you again, how can you still be so calm in front of me? Do you know how my heart hurts?"

Lu Yitang put down the wine bowl, walked over on his knees, held Sun Bailing's hand tightly, put it on his face, kissed it, and said hoarsely: "The result is like this, what else can I do? Ling, we have no fate to walk together for the rest of our lives, you...forget about me!"

"I don't!" Sun Bailing hoarsely said, "I don't want this kind of result, I don't want it!"

He squeezed her hand tightly and said: "Be obedient, don't be like this, live a good life, I beg the prince to find you a good marriage, but don't meet someone like me again, did you hear me?"

Sun Bailing shook off his hand, stood up, took out a key from his pocket, and started to open the door.

Lu Yitang stared blankly, "Where did you get the key? Bailing, listen to me, you can't take me out, it will drag you down, you are breaking the law, do you know? Stop!"

However, the door has been opened by her.After throwing the door lock, she stepped in front of him, but didn't hug him immediately.She cried and said: "I'm sorry Yitang, I didn't come here this time to take you away. I promised the Second Prince not to cause trouble for him,"

Lu Yitang asked very calmly: "This given to you by the Second Prince?"

Sun Bailing nodded with tears in his eyes, "Well, I begged the second prince to give it to you. He said that you might be executed tomorrow. I begged him for a long time before he agreed to give me the key."

Lu Yitang breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, at least you'll be fine if you get the key like this."

"Yitang, I came here just to..." She looked into his eyes and slowly untied her belt.

Seeing her behavior like this, Lu Yitang immediately understood.His eyes turned cold, and he pushed her away angrily, "Sun Bailing, I don't want you to be like this, you leave me, leave immediately!"

Tang Lin was in the corner, staring blankly for a long time. It turned out that Sun Bailing was here to create humans, not to rob prisons.This woman really has a heart, and dares to be alone for the rest of her life to pass incense for the Lu family.

"I'm not leaving!" Sun Bailing came back, undressing himself.

Tang Lin was so anxious to urinate, she covered her abdomen and shook her feet, "What should I do? As a soldier, I can't watch such a beautiful scene, but I want to watch it again, but I also want to go to the bathroom,"

When Tang Lin was extremely conflicted, Sun Bailing had already untied the white clothes outside, and a strand of light gauze slowly fell to the ground.The beautiful curves immediately caught Lu Yitang's eyes, just like the enchanting figure in the lake that he saw in Royal Forest that night.

"Bailing, you go, I won't allow you to do this!" Lu Yitang turned around and ordered Sun Bailing painfully. "Don't look at it. It would be terrible if you were disqualified from joining the army." In the end, because of an occupational disease, Tang Lin covered her eyes to avoid the scene. When she turned around and wanted to leave, she bumped into a solid wall.

oops!Tang Lin let out a small cry of pain, but because she didn't want to disturb the good things over there, she didn't dare to yell out loud.She wanted to cover her forehead and walk sideways, but unexpectedly the wall moved and blocked her way, "Where are you going?"

It turned out to be Yu Shengjun's voice!Tang Lin raised her head suddenly, and when she saw that it was Yu Shengjun, anger flashed in her eyes, "It's nothing, why are you here? Just to scare me?"

Yu Shengjun gave her a white look, "It's okay, why did I scare you? Go, stop what those two are going to do next!"

Tang Lin pursed her lips and defended Lu Yitang, "You are only allowed to cut off his head, but not his woman to carry on the family line? Yu Shengjun, you are getting colder and colder!"

Yu Shengjun continued to look at each other with blank eyes, and said calmly: "Who said I'm going to kill Lu Yitang?"

"Huh?" Tang Lin frowned, "No more cuts?" Immediately became excited, "Really? Really no more cuts?"

He poked her forehead, "Look how happy you are. Are you afraid that if I kill Lu Yitang, you won't be able to go back and explain to Lu Wanwan?"

Tang Lin lowered her head with a dry smile, apparently Yu Shengjun was right about what was on her mind.

Yu Shengjun went on to say: "I have already asked Fu Yushu. Fu Yushu once saved Lu Yitang's family. Lu Yitang swore to go through fire and water for Fu Yushu, and he will do whatever he wants. For the sake of his two being in distress, I I won’t cut him down. The air in this cell is humid, and it’s cold at night, and I can’t bear to see the two of them catch a cold tomorrow, so I’ll go over and interrupt their good deeds!”

(End of this chapter)

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