The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 334 Concubine Tang, Come!

Chapter 334 Concubine Tang, Come!
Tang Lin glanced at the two people who hadn't entered the topic yet, and then said with a dry smile to Yu Shengjun: "But in this case, their bodies are already too hot to resist the cold, so you have the heart to interrupt them?"

Yu Shengjun squinted at her, "Do you think Lu Yitang would let Sun Bailing do that under such circumstances?"

Tang Lin thought for a while and said, "That's right. Lu Yitang likes Sun Bailing so much, it's impossible for him to have the heart to insult Sun Bailing. I guess they will be deadlocked until dawn!"


Sun Bailing was wrapped tightly in a bellyband and looked at Lu Yitang's back. He refused so decisively, and she was very sad, "Do you still remember what Cao Dan said? Is it because I am already his woman, so you... ..."

"I didn't!" Lu Yitang suddenly turned around and looked at her. He really wanted to clarify this matter.But as soon as he turned around, her white body came into his eyes again, but this time, he didn't turn around again, "Listen to me once, okay?"

Sun Bailing said with tears: "Yitang, it's okay, I'm really okay. If I have your flesh and blood, I will raise him well, and you can leave me a piece of memory, okay?"

"Yeah, I'm talking about you two," Tang Lin walked over at this moment, and said impatiently to the two of them, "Go home and have sex, this is a big prison, and there are a lot of bacteria!"

The two were extremely shocked by Tang Lin's appearance.

Tang Lin couldn't stand them looking at her like that, and said impatiently: "I came here to tell you, Lu Yitang, that you don't have to die. The emperor didn't mean to kill you. He just wanted you to taste the prison. It's just a disaster. Hurry up and go home for dinner, your mother is still waiting for you." After finishing speaking, she turned around and left.

The two remain in jail.

After a while, Lu Yitang breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face. "Bai Ling, did you hear that, I don't have to die," it was only when his gaze fell on Sun Bailing that his eyes became hot.

But Sun Bailing realized how ashamed he was now.She folded her arms around her chest, lowering her hot, flushed face.This time, my heart beat faster, and I didn't know what to do next.

Lu Yitang smiled softly, walked over, picked up the clothes, and put them on for her himself, "It's easy to catch cold, get dressed. Let's go home."

Under his lead, she and he left the prison without hindrance.After they left, Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun appeared beside the prison door.

Looking at the two figures in the night, Tang Lin smiled and said, "Their feelings must be real!"

At this time, Yu Shengjun took her hand and walked forward slowly. While walking, he said slowly: "Then the relationship between me and you is more real! The journey I took you back to the palace is more beautiful than Lu Yitang's." Take Sun Bailing back to his house, go further!"

Tang Lin snorted directly, this guy is really humorous. "Putting? Do you treat me like a dog?"

Yu Shengjun held back a smile and said: "I have never seen such a beautiful and cute dog!"

"You kind of say it again!"

"I said, I have never seen such a beautiful and lovely... girl!"

The moonlight is soft and the stars are flourishing.

On the way back to the palace, Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin held hands tightly, shaking and shaking.

Tang Lin's eyes fell from the stars in the sky to Yu Shengjun's handsome side face, "Junjun, even the Ministry of Criminal Justice can't find out the deaths of the two concubines, which proves that the murderer is really mysterious. It is very easy. It is easy for me to enter the harem, but I am afraid that I will not be able to come out. I am very grateful to you for letting Xiao Xiong and the others come in to help me and protect me, but a woman who is lonely and becomes a demon is terrifying!"

Yu Shengjun smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here. I'll go in and protect you."

"Are you coming in?" Tang Lin looked at him winkingly, "Oh, the harem is crazy, their man suddenly entered the harem, the three thousand concubines are excited!"

Yu Shengjun smiled dryly, "Isn't it? How come I never knew I had such a great charm?"

Tang Lin glanced at him and snorted coldly. "Hmph, you have to be jealous. Do you think I don't know that you are beautiful in your heart? But you have to be prepared when you come in. If any of your concubines dare to slap me, I will kill her with a single shot! If you dare to slap me I poisoned it, so don't blame me, I have better muscle stiffening agents to deal with them, let them taste the taste of being played with by others! If anyone dares to wrong me... Haha," smiled, and suddenly his eyes widened Ruthlessly, "I'll kill her!"

What replied to her was Yu Shengjun's terrified expression, "I'm going to marry a tigress in the future?"

Tang Lin's eyes immediately turned cold, she clenched her teeth and said, "Say it again?"

"You are a tigress!" After speaking, Yu Shengjun ran forward like flying.

"Yu Shengjun, I can't finish with you!" Tang Lin stomped her feet fiercely on the spot, and then chased after Yu Shengjun.

Three days later in the morning, Zhang Xiangyang brought a group of newly appointed inner guards to Nangong Square.Among them, there are Shao Qi, Fu Yushu, Yun Lei, Lu Yitang, Shen Dan, and Xiao Xiong.

In order to find Han Lingying, Shao Qi endured to the end.

At the same time, Fu Yushu was determined to enter the harem because of Shihe.

"Let me tell you something." Cao Dan approached Lu Yitang slightly, "Sun Bailing, she is innocent. Last time I told you that she is already my woman just out of anger!"

Lu Yitang smiled slyly, "To tell you the truth, I already know that she is innocent!"

Cao Dan was taken aback, "I didn't say, how do you know?"

Lu Yitang replied without blushing or panting: "Three nights ago, I already had a relationship with her. I didn't expect her to be..." Before Cao Dan got angry, he said quickly: "Don't worry, I will never let her down in my life, and from now on, she will live in my house, and my father has already regarded her as his daughter-in-law. As for the wedding, the emperor told me yesterday that he will let me go home to get married .”

Now that Sun Bailing has a home, Cao Dan breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as she lives well! From now on, I will ask you to take care of her! Of course, she is your woman, and you should take on the responsibility of a man!"

It wasn't until the arrival of Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin that Cao Dan and Lu Yitang stopped whispering.

Yu Shengjun stood in front of everyone with great majesty, and said sternly: "From tomorrow, Tang Lin will live in the harem as my new favorite concubine, and I will send you to stay with her to protect her. In name, you are the new concubine of the harem." People, but in essence, you are looking for the real murderer. The real murderer is so rampant, killing two concubines in a row, I must ask you to find the real murderer, if you can’t find it, you are not allowed to leave the harem. Remember, Tang Lin It is your second master. Her words are just like my words. Whoever dares to resist her and disobey her, she can kill you first and then play. Big inner guards, don't disobey the master, let alone betray. Once discovered, the law will be punished on the spot. "

At this time the next day, Yu Shengjun, Xiao Xiong and others gathered here again, except for Tang Lin.

Yu Shengjun said to everyone: "Wait a minute, after Tang Lin changes clothes, you will accompany her into the harem. The entrance to the harem is strictly guarded, and you are not allowed to come out without Tang Lin's consent. That's it, disband."

After a while, Fu Yushu and others waited outside Xuanyu Palace, waiting for Tang Lin to come out in disguise.Except for seeing her wearing the military uniform of the Royal Forest Army for a day, they never saw her wearing ancient costumes at all.

They haven't even seen the basics of women's clothing!
I just don't know what it would be like for a tall, capable and ruthless woman like Tang Lin to change out of her military uniform and put on silk and satin!
Waited and waited outside the door, waited and waited, but still did not see anyone coming out, Shao Qi became a little impatient.Look at the sedan chairs, maids, and eunuchs behind you... Such a big show, just to wait for a fake concubine?

"Why so long?" Shao Qi walked back and forth outside the door impatiently.

Fu Yushu has been staring at a certain place in a daze, his heart has already flown to the harem.He thought, Shihe must still be hiding inside, he has to go in quickly to find her, and admit his mistake to her...

Squeak, the door rang.

Immediately, everyone's eyes fell on the gate of Xuanyu Palace.

When the door opened, Fu Yushu's eyes widened and his mouth opened wide, and everyone else had the same expression as him!When a luxurious sedan chair arrived at the gate of the harem, both sides were surrounded by internal eunuchs and maids, and the whispering discussions became more and more heated.

"There has been no new concubine in the palace for a year, today is really unprecedented!"

"I heard that this is the emperor's new favorite, the emperor likes it very much!"

"Look at the grandeur, and there are guards to protect it. This is placed on other concubines. There is no such honor at all. If the emperor didn't like this concubine so much, why would he send guards to accompany him into the harem!"

"I don't know if the emperor will come to the harem in the future."

During the chattering discussion between the eunuchs and the maids, a group of people walked slowly into the gate of the harem following the sedan chair.

The sedan chair is golden yellow, embroidered with patterns of dragon and phoenix showing auspiciousness.The sedan chair was carried by eight eunuchs, four in front and four in back.Yishuang, dressed as a first-class court lady, walked in the front and led the way, er... Anze and Anye, dressed in eunuch uniforms, followed.Behind the sedan chair, several court ladies and eunuchs followed.Fu Yushu and others stood on both sides of the sedan chair and followed the team.

At this time, Cao Dan's left ear moved slightly, and he heard someone among the court ladies beside him discussing, "Have you heard that? I heard that this Tang concubine has a lot of background, and she moved to the main palace to live in the empress dowager It's because she moved back to Xiangning Palace again."

Hearing this, Shen Dan shook his head and smiled helplessly, then moved closer to the curtain, and said something to Tang Lin inside, "Sister Tang, you haven't shown your face, and now you have become a celebrity in this harem."

Only the crisp sound of baji baji came out.

Cao Dan frowned, moved his head a few minutes to the window to listen, and then asked, "Sister Tang, what are you doing?"

Three words came from inside the sedan chair, "Eat fruit!"

Yun Lei, who was outside the window on the other side of the sedan chair, approached the window and asked, "Miss Tang, do you want to start the first step of the plan now?"

Tang Lin said impatiently from the sedan chair, "What's the rush, wait until I finish eating the fruit!"

After walking in the sedan chair for a while, suddenly a small hand stretched out from the window, and as soon as the palm was opened, several eaten sour plums fell to the ground.For Cao Dan and the others, the sour plum was the secret code, the secret code for Tang Lin to let them carry out the first step of the plan.

"Stop the sedan chair!" After Cao Dan saw the sour plums, his expression suddenly became serious, and he yelled at the person carrying the sedan chair in front.

The sedan chair stopped immediately, and then it was slowly put on the ground.

This destination has not yet arrived, why did it stop?At this moment, not only the eunuchs and court ladies who were watching were puzzled, but even the eunuch who was carrying the sedan chair in front was also puzzled.

As soon as the sedan chair fell, Cao Dan ran to the front and quickly lifted the curtain of the sedan chair. Many eunuchs and court ladies raised their necks to look at the sedan chair the moment Cao Dan lifted the curtain, and suddenly found that there were people lying in the sedan chair. A woman in a white gauze dress, her body curled up together, seemed to be in pain, so she had to curl up.Since the face was turned inward, people outside could only see the woman's beautiful but weak back.

Cao Dan walked into the sedan chair, picked up the girl, shook her, and called urgently, "Tang Concubine Empress! Tang Concubine Empress!"

(End of this chapter)

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