The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 335 Pretend to be me as Tang Concubine!

Chapter 335 Pretend to be me as Tang Concubine!
"Quickly, go and inform the emperor that Tang Concubine's concubine is ill again, and send the imperial doctor over!" Yishuang, dressed as a court lady, urgently ordered An Ze and An Ye who were behind them dressed as eunuchs.After giving the order, she secretly winked mischievously at the two of them.

An Ze and An Ye understood, and quickly agreed, "Yes!" Then the two quickly ran out of the harem.

At this time, Cao Dan came out of the sedan chair, put down the curtain of the sedan chair, and urgently ordered several people who carried the sedan chair to carry the sedan chair, "Hurry up, send Tang Concubine to Ruining Palace without delay!"

Immediately, the sedan chair was lifted again, and led by Yishuang, they went to Ruining Palace.

There was another group of discussions in the back,

"Oh my god! Ruining Palace is a place for the empress to live in. How can He De, the concubine of the Tang Dynasty, live in the empress' palace?"

"This shows that the emperor really dotes on her! Now, our empress will definitely be unhappy!"

"I have to report to my master!"

The group of eunuchs and maids dispersed in a short time.

There happened to be a court lady who finally squatted down in front of a few sour plums.She took a sour plum, put it in her nose and smelled it, her eyebrows could not help but wrinkled at this moment, "Could it be that..."

Behind a tree not far from the gate of Ruining Palace, stood a palace lady with a cold expression. She had been staring at the movement at the gate of Ruining Palace from behind the tree. Since there were eunuchs guarding it, she could only watch stop.

It wasn't until Anze and Anye dragged Yuyi Wu into the gate of Ruining Palace that the maid hiding behind the tree left.

Inside the large Ruining Palace, there is an independent compound. On the surface, it looks like a garden, and the scenery here is gorgeous.Go directly in, and you will find a large palace in the shape of a courtyard.

Corridors, pavilions, flower beds, everything is available.

At this time, An Ze and An Ye grabbed Yu Yu's left hand by one, and Yu Yu's right by the other, as if rushing to reincarnate, they forcibly dragged Yu Yu, who was in his sixties, into the bedroom.

"Oh, stop acting!" Wu Yuyi was out of breath, and with the strength he didn't know where he came from, he threw away Anze and Anye at the door of the bedroom, and complained: "Old man, I'm an old man!" , I can’t stand your troubles. This meeting is not outside, so there is no need to guard against it.”

It was only now that the two of them knew that Yu Yu Wu had only one old bone left, so they quickly apologized with a smile, "I'm sorry, Yu Yu Wu, I made you suffer."

"I'll let you off this time, but I won't be an example next time." After speaking, Imperial Physician Wu carried the medicine box into the palace.

Anze stepped forward to bring the medicine box over, "Yuyi Wu, you have suffered a lot, this medicine box is heavy, let the little ones come and get it!"

Doctor Wu pulled back the medicine box, and said calmly: "I don't dare to bother you, Mr. Guard, I'd rather take it by myself, after all, I'll be at ease!"

Anze had no choice but to be speechless.

The three of them entered the hall and looked away. The items in the living room-like palace were neatly arranged. The layout seemed to be dazzling, but it was still elegant.It looks elegant and low-key, but it is actually luxurious.

The inner room is a side room, which is the room of the empress. It is not only big, but also antique and full of poetic flavor.

At this moment, Tang Lin was sitting in front of the dressing table. Yishuang combed her hair and painted a face with light makeup. Although she looked a little weak, this weak beauty successfully helped her conceal her usual tough personality.

A head of smooth black hair was scattered vertically behind her, and occasionally a few strands automatically fell to her chest.There is no decoration on the head, only a head of black, bright and smooth long hair, which is black, plentiful, and long.Of course, it is too much nutrition.

Tang Lin took the eyebrow pencil, and gently and gracefully stroked her eyebrows a few times. Although it was only a small gesture, it stunned the handsome men standing behind her.

Never thought that Tang Lin would become so dignified and elegant when she took off her military uniform, put down her hair and put on women's clothing.Tang Lin, who used to be hot-tempered, cold and capable, has transformed into a dignified, elegant, beautiful and generous woman.

Tang Lin put down the eyebrow pencil, stood up gracefully, and turned her body gently again. She raised her phoenix eyes and looked at those people. Her red lips pursed into a bewitching arc. Straight to the heart.

Fu Yushu and the others couldn't help but move their Adam's apple and took a deeper breath.

Tang Lin turned sideways slightly, raised her chin slightly, and her eyes fell on her fingers. She gently raised one hand, and her arm was bent into a sickle-like moon shape, and then pinched the lotus fingers.Turning back from the side, Rusi gave everyone a smile with winking eyes, and said softly: "This hand of mine can not only knock people down, but also kill them, this... can also seduce people!"

"Pfft", when Fu Yushu and the others heard it, they almost choked on their saliva.seduce?Tang Lin is really direct!

"Miss Tang," Anze and the three of them walked in, and he said to Tang Lin, "The first step of the plan has been successfully completed. When will we proceed with the next step?"

Tang Lin wrote lightly: "What's the rush, it's only in Japan! Oh, by the way, tell me about the hierarchy of concubines in the harem!"

Yishuang said: "In this harem, there is no doubt that the empress dowager is the biggest. The second is the queen. The next one is the imperial concubine, who is the first grade. The next ones are the twelve concubines: there are noble concubines, virtuous concubines, virtuous concubines, and Hui concubines. Concubine, Concubine Hua, Concubine Xuan, Concubine Ling, Concubine Li, Concubine Ning, Concubine Zhuang, and Concubine Han, there is still a vacancy, which has been filled now, and that is you, Tang Concubine. The twelve concubines are all the second rank. Afterwards, the third-rank ones are beauties."

Tang Lin asked, "Is there no concubine?"

Yishuang shook her head, "There is no such setting!"

"Oh." Tang Lin nodded, probably understanding the hierarchy of concubines in the harem. "Now, I am among the twelve concubines, that is to say, my rank in the harem is the second rank, one rank lower than the imperial concubine? Then the empress imperial concubine will not suppress me?"

Many people lowered their heads and sniggered.

Tang Lin glared at them, "Don't laugh!"

After Cao Dan stopped laughing, he said: "The first step is to make Miss Tang pretend to be sick, and let the people in the harem know that you are a sick beauty. In this way, some people will not take Miss Tang seriously and come to provoke you!"

"The most important thing is those sour plums!" Tang Lin said nastyly, "If someone with a heart sees it, won't they think that I, Tang Lin, have a dragon seed? If anyone wants to get rid of the child in my belly, it must be They will come to me! I want to see if the real murderer is jealous of the concubine in the harem, or has another purpose! I will contact them one by one until the murderer is found!"

"Don't deal with... Concubine Han, please!" Shao Qi, who had been silent in the corner, slowly said what was in his heart.

Tang Lin said casually: "People don't attack me, I don't attack people, if people attack me..." The words froze: "I'll let her eat bullets!" As she spoke, she took out a gun from her body and pointed it at Fu Yushu head.

Fu Yushu took a breath.

After a while, Tang Lin ordered Anze: "Prepare me a eunuch uniform!"

An Ze asked puzzledly: "Miss Tang, why do you want eunuch clothes?"

Tang Lin said impatiently: "It must have been passed on to work! You idiot! How can I go out in this suit?" After changing, Tang Lin wrapped the original clothes in cloth and went out with them. Unexpectedly, everyone followed behind.After walking out the door, she turned her head and warned a few people, "I'm going out to meet, and no one will follow!"

"But," Yishuang said eagerly, "the murderer hasn't been found yet, Miss Tang, if you go out like this, you will..."

Tang Lin glanced down, and said to Yishuang: "I'm dressed like this, how could the murderer recognize me. Besides, the murderer can't be interested in an eunuch, right?"

Yishuang was about to say something, but Tang Lin raised her hand and interrupted her politely, "Oh, that's it, don't follow, I will be back at night. If I find out who follows, I will ask the emperor to invite him out of the harem !” After speaking, she turned around and walked out with her burden on her shoulders.

Seeing her retreating back gracefully, Yishuang looked at Anze, then at Anye, at a loss, "What should I do?"

Yunlei said: "We are not half as skilled as her, sir. If the murderer really targets her, it must be bad luck for the murderer. Sir, he always does things in his own way and has his own opinions. Let's listen to her and stop following her!"

Xiao Xiong rubbed his chin, staring at the back of Tang Lin who had already walked to the gate, "You said, where are you going, sir dressed as a eunuch?"

Shen Dan said uncertainly: "It should be to go out to find clues to the murderer!"

Fu Yushu took over the words, "It is also possible that I am familiar with the environment of the harem through this identity!"

Carrying the burden on her back, Tang Lin walked out of the gate of Ruining Palace, then stopped, and took out the map of the harem in her arms to have a look.This was prepared for her by Yu Shengjun last night, so she kept it on her body all the time, and now it finally came in handy.

After finding the approximate location of Xiangning Palace on the map, Tang Lin put away the map and went in the direction of Xiangning Palace.There is a passage leading to the Xiangning Palace in the underground palace, and Shihe must have left the underground palace through this passage.

After walking for about half an hour, Tang Lin finally saw the gate of Xiangning Palace, but there were many eunuchs guarding the gate.But she was not afraid at all, and walked over directly, and when the eunuchs were about to intercept her, she showed the token, "Zhang Da, your eyes can see clearly, this is the pass token of Da Nei, it was given to me by the queen mother, the queen mother Let me come to Xiangning Palace to do something!"

An older eunuch took the token and looked at it carefully, and it was indeed a pass token.He returned the token and beckoned the eunuchs behind him to move out of the way.

Tang Lin walked into the gate of Xiangning Palace openly.

Not the same, Tang Lin entered the queen mother's bedroom, looked around, and then went into the inner room to check.He looked around again, and finally, his eyes fixed on a picture of Guanyin hanging on the wall in the corner.She put the burden on the table, walked a few steps to the Avalokitesvara, then reached out to lift the Avalokitesvara, and suddenly found that there was a stone gate, but it was open.

At this time, a small voice came from under the rosewood bed next to him.

Although the voice was low, Tang Lin heard it, and her eyes sharpened, "Who?" Then, the reply to her was a quiet atmosphere.

As Yu Shengjun said, she found the button on the bookshelf next to the stone gate and closed the stone gate.She found the button, which turned out to be just turning a bottle, and immediately the stone door closed.

After putting down the Avalokitesvara, Tang Lin turned around slowly and walked towards the bed. Her steps were very light, but the air around her was strange and oppressive, making it hard to breathe.

Finally, Tang Lin stood by the bed and said softly, "Come out." It seemed that she knew someone was hiding under the bed.

At this time, there was a slight sound from under the bed, but because it was discovered, I was very scared and touched the bed board.Although Tang Lin said it, the people hiding inside did not come out.

This time, Tang Lin called out her first and last name, "Shihe, I know it's you, come out! Don't worry, I'm not here to arrest you and bring you back to the underground palace!"

Hearing this familiar voice, the haggard Shi He who was hiding under the bed was startled, thinking to herself, "Why is that person's voice so familiar?" However, the visitor already knew her existence, so hiding was not an option.

Slowly, Shi He bowed her waist and crawled out from under the bed, and stood up slowly under Tang Lin's gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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