The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 337 Imperial Concubine, Arrive!

Chapter 337 Imperial Concubine, Arrive!

Moreover, these guys ate so happily, talking and laughing with wine and meat!
Those who wear court ladies' clothes, eunuchs' clothes, bodyguards' clothes, imperial doctor's clothes...they are all at the level of slaves, and they actually enjoy the treatment of masters?I really don't think of her as my master!Against the sky!
"What do you mean, you guys?" Tang Lin leaned lazily against the door, squinting at the people at the big dinner table in front of her, and the food and wine on the table. "I, Concubine Tang, really don't please people!"

Immediately, everyone put down their bowls, chopsticks and wine glasses and stood up, stepped aside, and stood in line.Sure enough, they were trained one by one, and after such a stop, they immediately became a qualified formation.

Only Imperial Physician Wu, who was in his sixties, didn't stand very well.A little out of step with the others.

Everyone was afraid of being eaten by their master, they lowered their heads, not daring to look at people or speak.

Tang Lin walked in step by step, walked in front of everyone, crossed her arms, and looked at the few people passing by in a row with a lukewarm attitude, "The formation is good, and you know how to stand properly!"

Yishuang raised his head and apologized to Tang Lin with a smile, "Miss Tang, didn't you say that when you left in the morning, don't worry about us, anyway, you can't finish the dishes delivered by the imperial dining room, to avoid waste, so ..."

Tang Lin walked over two steps, and poked Yishuang's forehead with her index finger, "You guys! You really don't treat yourself as an outsider! Since you like to eat so much, then continue to eat, I won't eat, I'm going to take a bath, I will sleep in a while."

Yishuang asked: "Miss Tang, aren't you hungry?"

"I'll eat when I'm hungry." After saying that, Tang Lin turned and went inside.

As soon as Tang Lin's figure disappeared, everyone rushed back to the dining table and sat down. Perhaps the food made by the imperial dining room was so delicious, why didn't they gobble it up if they hadn't eaten all day.

Yishuang pulled a piece of chicken leg and put it on Imperial Doctor Wu's bowl, "Doctor Wu, you should eat more to replenish your strength. These days, I have to trouble you to run here every day! Thank you for your hard work!"

Physician Wu kept thanking her, "Thank you, Miss Yishuang! Alas, our concubine Tang is not sick. I feel sorry for the emperor for eating and drinking here for nothing these days!"

Shen Dan snorted, and also gave Yuyi Wu a chicken leg, "Yuyi Wu, you can eat as much as you want, here, we are not outsiders, we are grasshoppers on a rope, needless to say thank you! "

Doctor Wu shook his head helplessly and laughed. It's really interesting to know someone like Tang Lin!He had never seen a master who dared to indulge a group of servants, and this was the first time he had seen it.

In the middle of the night, Tang Lin slept uncomfortably on the big soft bed, while Yishuang sat by the dressing table, resting her eyes with one hand resting on her cheek.Appears to be asleep, but is actually awake.

Who knows how weird the harem is, maybe the murderer likes to break into the Ruining Palace in the middle of the night to kill people.

The servant's wing is in the backyard.

Tonight, Shao Qi and the others were reduced to guarding Tang Lin at the gate of the bedroom.Now standing guard at the door are Shao Qi and Fu Yushu, but they seem to be standing guard, but they are both absent-minded.

One was thinking about Han Lingying, and the other was thinking about Shihe.

At this time, the door was opened, and Yishuang came out.Seeing the dumbfounded expressions of the two, she reminded a few words, "If something happens to Miss Tang, none of you will ever see your beloved one. You'd better be careful and keep this place strictly just in case."

After being reminded by Yishuang, Shao Qi and Fu Yushu came back to their senses, and nodded to Yishuang to express their understanding.

Yishuang left with the basin in hand.

Fu Yushu looked at Shao Qi, and couldn't help but chuckled in a low voice, feeling envious, "At least you only need to visit the palace where Concubine Han lives, and then you can fulfill your wish, but I..."

Shao Qi smiled wryly and said: "I'm also a fallen person in the world, why should you envy me! At least you can take Shihe away directly after you find her, but Lingying is Concubine Han, she may not come with me. I like the status of the harem, I don’t know if I do.”

Fu Yushu was about to say something, when suddenly a flying shadow leaped onto the roof of Ruining Palace from a certain corner.

The two were immediately alert. "Stay here and watch, I'll go up and have a look." After finishing speaking, Fu Yushu leaped onto the roof with a light effort, stepped quickly to the top of the roof in a few steps, and glanced at the surrounding roofs, but there was no one there.

At this moment, Shen Dan also heard the sound, "Brother Fu, I just noticed some movement in the backyard, how is the situation?"

Fu Yushu was still watching the surroundings intently, and said solemnly: "I didn't see any suspicious person, but just now Shao Qi and I saw a black shadow coming up here. Tonight, everyone, please don't sleep, Yan Mi Ruining Palace is watching." Now, Xiao Cao, you go back to the backyard and wake them up!"

"Okay!" Shen Dan replied, then flew down the roof, returned to the backyard and entered a room, and woke up Anze, Anye, Xiao Xiong, and Yunlei one by one in the room.

It didn't take long for Anze and Anye to stand on both sides of the roof, with sharp eyes, patrolling the night, while Fu Yushu and Shao Qi were strictly guarding both sides of the bedroom door.As for Shen Dan, Yun Lei, and Xiao Xiong, one is at the gate of Ruining Palace, one is in the courtyard of Ruining Palace, and the other is in the backyard.

As soon as the seven guards were mobilized, the Ruining Palace formed an encirclement circle, and even flies could not escape.

At this time, Tang Lin was sleeping soundly on the bed, a hand slowly stretched out from behind her, hugged her gently, and put her in his arms.

After a while, Tang Lin closed her eyes and said, "The seven guards who can escape the palace can come in, except Yu Shengjun, there is no one else." At this point, she turned around and met a pair of guards. Eyes as deep and bright as obsidian, what a beautiful pair of eyes in the dark night.But with such a pair of eyes, she kissed and kissed again, and complained after the kiss, "It's okay to look so good-looking? Can it be eaten?"

Yu Shengjun laughed in a low voice, "You can't eat it! But if you grow up like this, you need a good girl surnamed Tang Minglin to love!"

Tang Lin looked proudly at the top of the bed, "I don't want to love anymore!"

Yu Shengjun turned over and wanted to get out of bed, absolutely on purpose, "Then I will go find the imperial concubine!"

"You dare!" Tang Lin's eyes were angry, and she immediately put down her harsh words, "If you dare to go to her, I, I, I, I... I will not be your queen anymore, I will find a way to go back to modern times, so that you will never be married again." Can't see me!"

Now, Yu Shengjun didn't dare to make jokes anymore, he immediately hugged Tang Lin into his arms, and said fearfully, "I'm sorry Linlin, I won't make jokes anymore." As long as you don't go back to modern times.

Seeing his frightened look, Tang Lin couldn't help snorting, "Junjun, I was joking with you too, I know you won't find other women, of course, I just said it on purpose, if I spend my whole life If I can’t see you, woo woo... that would make life worse than death."

Yu Shengjun looked at her seriously and said: "From now on, you are not allowed to make such jokes."

Tang Lin giggled, and raised her hand to promise, "I'll post four, and I will definitely not open it!"

Yu Shengjun seemed to have seen her trick, and corrected her flatly: "It's an oath, not four."

Tang Lin looked frustrated, "You saw it, what a god!"

"Today, are you going to discuss with Shihe?" Yu Shengjun changed the subject, this is the purpose of his appearance in the harem at this moment. "I have a lot of state affairs to deal with, and I can't spare time during the day to accompany you to find the murderer. You should pay more attention."

Tang Lin nodded and said, "Junjun, don't worry about me, just do your thing well, I'm fine. Shihe is emotionally stupid, but in other respects, she's very smart. I've discussed it with her. Well, she decided to pretend to be me. That's good, it created a chance for her and Fu Yushu to meet, no matter what they end up with, they have to face it."

Yu Shengjun said: "Let them solve this kind of thing by themselves, as long as it doesn't hinder our plan. I'm here this time, and there is something more important to tell you. The queen mother told me that the death of the two concubines may be related to It is related to the competition for the posthumous position. You should pay special attention to the twelve concubines and the imperial concubine. In the harem, only these thirteen people are relatively powerful. Investigated."

"How to say?" Tang Lin didn't understand what Yu Shengjun was thinking, "Why can't I investigate her? I still want to meet her tomorrow, but I want to see who Shao Qi likes, who it is!"

Yu Shengjun said: "She is not a murderer, and investigating her will only waste time. Believe me, I didn't lie to you. Well, I will accompany you here. It is almost three o'clock, and I will not disturb your sleep Now, you rest first."

When he got out of bed, her feet wrapped around his waist like a snake, preventing him from going down, "I can't sleep anyway, so you can't stay...for the night?" Khan, these words are placed in modern times Telling others will surely make others think that they are in spring.

Yu Shengjun lay down again, "If you don't feel disturbed, then I'm fine."

"I knew it was best for Junjun to talk," Tang Lin said, her body clinging to Yushengjun's body like glue, and then she closed her eyes with peace of mind.After a while, her brows frowned, "Junjun, are you hiding a sharp weapon?"

Yu Shengjun looked at the top of the bed, and said weakly, "No! That's because your feet touched me..."

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Without Yu Shengjun explaining clearly, Tang Lin knew what was going on.After she apologized awkwardly, she turned around and slept on the side of the bed, ashamed to cling to him anymore.

However, Yu Shengjun moved over, whispered in her ear, "Linlin, tell me, how old are you?"

When it comes to age, Tang Lin is more sensitive than any woman. She would be very honest if she told others in modern times, but now it is in ancient times.Girls in ancient times were married at the age of thirteen or fourteen, but now she...

"In half a year, I'll be... 24." Tang Lin faltered.

Yu Shengjun hugged her and sniffed her hair, "But I see you, why do you look like seventeen or eighteen years old? Is it true that people in your place don't age easily? I remember that when the imperial concubine enters the palace At that time, she was only 13 years old."

"Ah?" Tang Lin was taken aback, "I married you at the age of 13? How old were you then?"

Yu Shengjun's reply made Tang Lin completely petrified, "Six years old. The year I ascended the throne, my first concubine was the imperial concubine, and she became the imperial concubine as soon as she entered the harem. Such an honor, To this day."

Tang Lin was shocked and said, "Oh my god! Junjun, you are seven years apart! Then, have you met?"

Yu Shengjun shook his head, "I haven't seen it. After I ascended the throne, the affairs of the harem were handed over to the queen mother, and I lived a life of conquest and was not in the palace. Naturally, I have never seen the imperial concubine. The empress mother told me about the noble concubine. I used to be a Buddhist disciple and was not close to women, so I never entered the harem. The empress thought that I would never touch any woman in my life, so the empress mother chose a concubine every year. As a result, The concubines in the harem are piled up like a mountain."

Hearing these words, Tang Lin smiled badly, turned around, and suddenly kissed Yu Shengjun's lips unexpectedly. After secretly tasting the sweetness, she lifted the quilt to cover herself.

Yu Shengjun tore off the quilt, stared coldly at Tang Lin who was still giggling, "Don't wait for the bridal chamber wedding night?"

(End of this chapter)

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