The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 338 See if I don't crush her!

Chapter 338 See if I don't crush her!

Tang Lin smirked and said, "Wait, who said I didn't wait? Yu Shengjun, I warn you that you can only touch me if you marry me. Before that, you can go to your imperial concubine to talk about love. You Don't worry, girl, I won't be angry."

Yu Shengjun stared at her with scrutiny, "Are you so generous?"

"Of course!" Tang Lin answered straightforwardly, but Yu Shengjun was terrified by what she said next, "I'm telling you, you can touch your imperial concubine, it's fine, touch your virtue, Huining, Ningling Lihan... Twelve concubines , is no problem. But," looking at him with the most beautiful smile on his face, it made people feel gloomy. "If you let me know, then the next day, you can build an empty tomb for your concubine. My Tang Lin's homemade bone water has always been very effective. You want to go to the imperial concubine first, right? That's fine." , Tomorrow I will ask Shihe to meet this girl, if it is really a powerful character, this girl will do it herself."

"Don't underestimate her." Hearing Tang Lin's brazen words, Yu Shengjun put the harsh words first, "The imperial concubine has been in power in the harem for so many years, so it is so easy for you to ride on her head?"

Tang Lin said angrily, "I will still be a queen in the future, do you want her to ride on my head?"

Yu Shengjun smiled helplessly, "I have convinced you!"

"Hey Junjun," Tang Lin said, "it's your first time entering the harem tonight, so it's so boring to leave like this, why don't you stay a day before leaving tomorrow? I want you to see that I have trained you Shihe is unqualified. You will hide in the bedroom tomorrow, and don’t go anywhere until Shihe comes. Help me identify you before leaving, okay? Okay?” In this way, Shihe always mentions Seeing the face of the emperor, tomorrow, let her wish come true. "After all, she used to be your queen. You must meet her, don't you think?"

Yu Shengjun said weakly: "Isn't seeing you the same as seeing her?"

Tang Lin was in a hurry, fearing that Yu Shengjun would leave tonight, "How can this be the same? At least her name is Shihe, and I am Tang Lin. We have different personalities and abilities. You should You can see it at a glance."

After a while, Yu Shengjun reluctantly agreed, "Okay, I promise you."

"I love you so much." Tang Lin was very enthusiastic again, kissing Yu Shengjun's cheeks fiercely and non-stop.

One night passed quietly.

And the seven guards of Rui Ning Palace guarded all night without even seeing a fly.Strange, could it be that they were dazzled last night and didn't see that flying shadow?
Early in the morning, Yishuang came to Tang Lin's bedroom with a washbasin.

Those guards were stretching and yawning at the door.They didn't sleep all night, and they were sleepy.

"Morning, everyone!" Yishuang greeted several people, and when he was about to open the door to enter, a louder voice came from the door.

"The imperial concubine is here—"

In the room, Tang Lin sat up abruptly from the bed, "Imperial Concubine?!" by the bed.

At this time, Yu Shengjun was lying on the bedside, half-closed his eyes after being disturbed by Tang Lin, "Didn't you see that I am here all night? You are so impulsive and reckless. for what?"

Tang Lin touched her sore forehead and explained aggrievedly: "I'm used to it. Every time I woke up before, you went to court. I thought it would be the same today." But when it came to this, her attitude changed, and she had already forgotten The one who fell off the bed was in pain, and said happily: "Junjun, it's good that you are still here, then I will bring Shihe over today and let you see if she looks like me!"

Yu Shengjun was so sleepy that his eyelids closed, and he answered lightly, with the meaning of urging, "I see. The imperial concubine is here, and you still rely on it?"

"Yes, if you didn't remind me, I almost forgot." Immediately, Tang Lin got up, but at this moment, she was in a hurry, holding her hair, not knowing what to do. "What should I do? What should I do?"

Yishuang hurriedly opened the door at this time, walked in quickly with a water basin, and shouted, "Miss Tang! Miss Tang! Are you awake? The imperial concubine is here!"

Entering the inner room, put down the water basin, ran to the bedside and lifted the translucent curtain, and saw Yu Shengjun who was sleeping in his clothes. This time, Yishuang was stunned and hesitated, "Master, master!" ?”

"Don't make noise!" Yu Shengjun said impatiently, then turned to sleep on the other side.

Yishuang was still dumbfounded by the bedside, still doing the gesture of lifting the bed curtain.God!The master is actually in Ruining Palace, why?
At this time, Tang Lin had changed into a more elegant dress and came out from behind the screen. When she saw Yishuang, she hurried over and pulled Yishuang out of the room, "The emperor told me all night last night, and just fell asleep. , don't bother him."

Yishuang nodded and said, "Got Miss Tang," but remembering the arrival of the imperial concubine, she immediately said, "Miss Tang, the imperial concubine is here!"

When Tang Lin changed her clothes, she had already stabilized her emotions and kept herself calm. She tidied up her neckline and hair, and then said to Yishuang, "Let's go and meet the imperial concubine!"

When the two of them walked out of the door, there was no one in the front yard.

"Huh?!" Seeing this situation, Tang Lin naturally frowned immediately. "Where are people?"

An Ye ran in from the outside, "Miss Tang, the imperial concubine is not here to see you, but to see Concubine De. Concubine De lives in Huide Palace, and Huide Palace is not very far from Ruining Palace. Concubines who live on the east side have to go through Ruining Palace if they want to go to Huide Palace."

"It's unreasonable!" Tang Linhuo was unusually loud, "He yelled loudly outside my Ruining Palace before we arrived at Huide Palace. Isn't this trying to provoke me, a newcomer? What is it? Yishuang, hold me firmly Remember this imperial concubine, you are a cheater, this lady let this damn bitch ride on her head when she reported on the first day, I, Tang Lin, can't swallow this tone!"

An Ye said: "My subordinates have heard that such incidents often happened in the past. Every new concubine, the first emperor and noble concubine, would pass by their door. It was the same as today's situation. The noble concubine's act of announcing her status in the harem will let the new concubine remember her, and she cannot be stronger than her."

"Wait! I'll make this little bitch look bad!" After speaking, Tang Lin flicked her bangs gracefully and returned to the bedroom.

Yu Shengjun smelled the smell of gunpowder from a long distance, and asked before opening his eyes, "Did your bullet go off?"

Tang Lin sat down beside the bed, and said angrily, "It's not as simple as getting out of fire? It can blow up the Central Plains! It's unreasonable, the little bitch Huang Guifei dares to provoke me, let's see if I don't crush her!"

Yu Shengjun turned around and looked at her who was blushing and thick-necked, and smiled, "Empress Cheng Huan is gone. Although the queen mother has given the power to manage the harem affairs to Concubine Han, Concubine Han doesn't want to take care of the harem affairs at all. Naturally, the power has always been in the hands of the imperial concubine. If she doesn't show her position to the concubines in the harem, how will she keep her position in the future? Don't be angry, it's not worth it!"

"It's all you!" Tang Lin said aggrievedly, "As her husband, you have made her lonely for ten or twenty years."

Yu Shengjun raised his eyebrows, with an innocent face, "I can't help it, I'm not omnipotent. If I want to be worthy of the common people in the world, I have to be sorry for the concubines in the harem. I can't spoil the harem every day, can I?"

Tang Lin pouted, "Okay, I was wrong, pretend I didn't say it."

Yu Shengjun said helplessly: "With your temper, this harem will be overthrown by you sooner or later."

Tang Lin stared at him numbly, "You don't care about me."

"You can do whatever you like, I'll follow you." Tang Lin was taken aback by Yu Shengjun's calm and charming smile. "Everything I own is at your disposal, Tang Lin!"

"Really?" Finally, there was a word that calmed Tang Lin down. She lay on top of him, very close to his face. "Then... I have no money, can I go to your treasury to get it? See who doesn't like it, can I recruit your guards to relieve my anger? I'm bored in the palace, can I ask you to leave the palace? You go to court When the time comes, can I watch? Can I express my opinion? Can..."

Yu Shengjun simply agreed, "Anything is fine!"

Tang Lin pointed to the door, and said, "Then tell the people outside that you are here, is that okay?"

Yu Shengjun smiled and said: "You want Fu Yushu and the others to know the relationship between me and you, I have no objection. Everything is up to your wishes."

Tang Lin thought for a while and said, "I've decided not to tell them. I'll tell Fu Yushu when I get married with you. In fact, we've been in love for a long time. It's more interesting to live like this."

Yu Shengjun said: "Aren't you afraid that Xiao Cao will reveal it?"

Tang Lin said: "I think Xiao Cao's mouth is the most strict among all of them. Without our permission, he should not make our affairs public. Then Junjun, tell me how to deal with your little bastard." People? It’s too bullying, come early in the morning to provoke! No one is arrogant!”

Yu Shengjun yawned, then turned around, sleeping with his back to Tang Lin, lazily threw a sentence to Tang Lin behind him, "I only care about the murderer's situation, I don't bother to ask about the rest!"

Tang Lin said with a smirk: "You said that. From now on, I will polish my sniper rifle, and if I see something that doesn't suit my eyes, I will destroy it!"

After breakfast, Tang Lin hurried back to the inner room to change clothes, climbed onto the bed after changing clothes, kissed Yu Shengjun on the cheek, then slipped out of the bed and walked out of the inner room.

Yu Shengjun was sleeping, but the corner of his mouth raised a heartwarming arc.

After going out, Tang Lin ordered the seven guards, "Today, you are not allowed to steal food from the chief's room. I have already asked Yishuang to inform the imperial dining room to cook your food, and it will be delivered to the backyard!"

Xiao Xiong was not usually grateful, "Sir, you are so kind."

"Just flatter me. I'm leaving. Come back at Xiangwu." After speaking, Tang Lin walked towards the gate.

Yishuang came out of the bedroom, and purposely closed the door, as yesterday, the door would not have been opened.But everyone did not pay attention to her actions.Tang Lin left, and they were so sleepy that they went back to the backyard to sleep.

When Tang Lin came to Xiangning Palace, she shouted, "Shihe!"

"Shh, keep your voice down." Shihe came out from the room, keeping her eyes on the door of the bedroom, as if she was wary of bad guys. "If people hear that there is a second person here, there may be some trouble."

"Anyway, I'm leaving today. What are you afraid of?" After speaking, Tang Lin walked into the room and sat down by the dressing table.

Seeing that she was sticking a beard on her face, Shi He asked in puzzlement, "What are you doing?"

Tang Lin put as many beards on her face as Yan Luowang, covering many of her facial features.While saying: "We can't show up with two identical faces. It will be easier for me to protect you by accompanying you like this. Don't be idle, go and change your clothes, and we will return to Ruining Palace later. Didn't you say you want the emperor? He is in Ruining Palace right now!"

"Really?" Shihe's brows were beaming with joy, as if something on her mind had come true soon.

Tang Lin glanced at her, "Can I still lie to you? Don't be dumb, go and change quickly!"

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Shihe walked quickly towards the screen.

(End of this chapter)

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