The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 339 Shihe: It really is Fu Yushu!

Chapter 339 Shihe: It really is Fu Yushu!
After a while, Tang Lin put a black beard on her chin, middle, and both cheeks.She looked in the mirror, and couldn't help but clicked her tongue twice, "Looking like this, I don't think anyone else can recognize it."

At this time, Shihe's voice came weakly from behind, with a hint of shyness, "Is it... alright?"

Tang Lin turned around and looked, her eyes and mouth couldn't help but widen, "Wow, it's really the same!" Seeing Shihe in white gauze with no decoration on her hair, coupled with her bullying temper.How could she not sigh, "I really doubt that you are my previous life!"

"Ah?" Shihe couldn't hear it very clearly.

Naturally, Tang Lin didn't say it a second time. She walked up to Shihe, turned Shihe around, and finally said with satisfaction: "Well, I have passed all aspects, and I am weak and easy to be attacked by other concubines. It's what I want. Let's go. Let's go back to Ruining Palace, and from today onwards, I will be your personal prisoner—Lao Tang."

Before Xiangwu, Tang Lin took Shihe back to the gate of Ruining Palace. The eunuchs and maids guarding the gate greeted Shihe, "Concubine Tang is auspicious."

Shihe was about to kowtow to thank, but Tang Lin forced her into the gate, and then let her go, "Enter the courtyard in front, and you will see my bedroom, the emperor is inside, you go, I won't let you go." went."

"Go!" Seeing that Shihe was still dawdling, Tang Lin urged Shihe with her hands.

Helpless, Shihe had no choice but to bite the bullet and move forward.It just so happened that Yishuang and the others were sleeping in the backyard today.

Shihe stopped at the door of Tang Lin's bedroom, and then took a deep breath.The man she was going to marry was inside, as long as she opened the door, she could see it.Thinking of this, Shihe couldn't help but bowed her head and smiled wryly.She was supposed to be the current queen, the woman of the man inside, but because of Fu Yushu's appearance, she can only appear in a humble posture now.

She really shamed the emperor and the whole royal family.This apology must be said.

Just as she was about to reach out to knock on the door, Yishuang walked over with a smile on her face, "Miss Tang, you are back!"

As soon as she found someone coming, Shi He nervously withdrew her hand, as if she was a thief who could not see the light of day, afraid of being caught.When Yishuang approached her side, her lips trembled slightly, and she replied, "Well, I just came back." But the answer was too nervous and reserved.He didn't even dare to look into Yishuang's eyes.

Yishuang realized that something was wrong with her, and asked with a broken smile, "Are you all right, Miss Tang?"

Shi He quickly shook her head, "It's okay, it's okay."

"By the way, Miss Tang, I almost forgot to tell you." Yishuang glanced at the door of the bedroom, and said, "Just now, Director An came here on an urgent matter, and then the master quickly returned to the imperial study!"

These words happened to be heard by Tang Lin, who was coming this way, and she said in surprise with a big beard on her face, "Let's go?" Immediately, she crossed her waist and said angrily, "This Guy, promise to wait for me to come back!"

"You..." Yishuang looked at Tang Lin dumbfounded, and then analyzed Tang Lin's voice just now, as well as Tang Lin's figure and personality, and immediately discovered the clue.In the end, his eyes fell on Shihe, and he laughed, "Could you be Shihe?"

When Shihe heard it, her expression tightened, her heart stopped, and she became even more nervous.This has not seen Fu Yushu yet, and she has already been spotted by others. She is really not the material to pretend to be Tang Lin.

"I, I..." Shihe faltered, not knowing how to deal with the current situation, and from time to time sent Tang Lin a look of asking for help.

After Tang Lin received Shihe's eyes asking for help, Xiang Yishuang shook her head feebly, "You can see that too."

Yishuang chuckled and said, "Otherwise, how would this subordinate be qualified to be the master's bodyguard? Yesterday, Miss Tang, after you left in disguise, when my subordinate was cleaning up the room, I found that the clothes you wore yesterday were missing. Subordinate At that time, I guessed that I should have taken the clothes and went to the Xiangning Palace to find Empress Cheng Huan. Also," staring at Tang Lin's bearded face, I wanted to laugh, "This subordinate has never seen a bearded eunuch before!"

"Uh," Yishuang's last sentence made Tang Lin startled.Yes, eunuchs are neither male nor female after being castrated, how could they still have beards, I was really careless.

Tear off the beard.

Seeing Shihe dressed like this, Yishuang asked Tang Lin in confusion: "Miss Tang, you let Queen Chenghuan pretend to be you, what's going on?"

This time, the beard was completely torn off, and Tang Lin's original face was restored. "Come on, Yishuang, listen to me," she pulled Yishuang to the corner, intentionally avoiding Shihe. "My starting point is this. I want to attack the enemy on both sides, and make the enemy unconscious. On the one hand, with Shihe replacing me, I can secretly look for the real culprit."

Yishuang glanced at Shi He over there, and said worriedly: "Miss Tang, what if you are found out?"

Tang Lin said: "If you don't tell me, who else will find out? From now on, Shihe will be living in my bedroom. After I usually leave, you have to be careful not to let anyone in!"

As a subordinate, I have no right to stop it, so Yishuang could only obey Tang Lin's arrangement, "Yes, this subordinate knows."

After a while, Tang Lin brought Shihe into the room, and let Shihe see how magnificent the place where her concubine Tang lives is, "Look, isn't it beautiful here? If Fu Yushu didn't appear in your life, this Ruining Palace, This is where you will live for the rest of your life!"

Shihe's melancholy eyes swept around the room, she was indeed magnificent, but she was indifferent by nature, and on the contrary, a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters caught her eyes. "It's beautiful! But it's not for me!"

Tang Lin chuckled, then fell back and fell comfortably on her big bed, "Shihe, from now on, you will live here, so you don't have to worry about your own safety."

Shi He responded lightly, "En."

At this time, there was a knock on the door, "Miss Tang."

It's the voice of Anzawa!Tang Lin asked through the door, "What's the matter?"

At this moment, Anze was standing at the door, holding a post in his hand.He said: "Tomorrow the Empress Dowager will move back to live in Xiangning Palace. Someone came over there and sent a post. Miss Tang, please take a look."

"Wait a minute!" After a while, Tang Lin opened the door of the bedroom and asked Anze, "What post?"

Anze offered the post with both hands, "Here."

Tang Lin took the post and quickly opened it to look at it. Finally, she couldn't help but frowned, "What the hell is the queen mother doing? How can she summon the twelve concubines to the Xiangning Palace for a reunion? The imperial concubine is going too!"

Anze said: "Miss Tang, this is the rule of the harem. Every year, the queen mother will let the imperial concubine and the twelve concubines gather together. In fact, it's just to ask about the situation in the harem. By the way, it's just a meal together."

Tang Lin looked at the post and sneered, "Do you think this year's gathering is the same as previous years?"

Anze shook his head and said, "No. Because this year, Tang Concubine, you are the emperor's special favor and have met the emperor, so you have suddenly become a love rival in the eyes of all the concubines!"

Tang Lin said, "It's good to know, maybe it's a Hongmen banquet. But what are we afraid of? We are protected by the queen mother, so those snakes and scorpions don't dare to act rashly. I have to wear a gun, just in case."

In the evening, the seven guards stood guard in various parts of Ruining Palace as if it was their first night in Ruining Palace to ensure the safety of Ruining Palace.

Tang Lin's bedroom was brightly lit.

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi stood guard on both sides of the door, scanning the night like lightning.

Tang Lin was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly. Her arms and back were exposed outside the quilt, and there was nothing to cover her. It was obvious that she was sleeping naked.

Shihe came out from behind the screen, only wrapped in a translucent white dress, half of the black silk was tied on the back of her head, tied with a ribbon, and the ribbon was tied into a simple and elegant bow.

She went to the dressing table and looked at herself in the mirror. She was as elegant as a fairy who didn't eat the fireworks of the world, an extraterrestrial woman who hadn't been influenced by everything in the world.Looking back at Tang Lin who was sleeping soundly, that indecent sleeping position, drooling...

Although she and her have the same appearance, there is really a world of difference in other places.

Picking up the comb, he gently brushed the few strands of hair on his chest. Inadvertently, Shi He recalled the time when he was with Fu Yushu.That time was beautiful and short...

After a while, Shihe felt that it was time to turn off the lights and go to sleep, so she walked out of the inner room lightly with her clothes on. Just as she was about to blow out the lights outside, she heard Shao Qi's voice from outside the door, "Yu Shengjun said Shi He Escaped to the harem, do you really believe it?"

Fu Yushu smiled, "It won't do him any good to lie to me."

It really was Fu Yushu's voice!The moment Shihe heard this long-lost voice, her heart trembled fiercely, and she almost exclaimed.He keeps talking about revenge, but this will...

She moved her limp body, approached the door, pressed her back against the door, and eavesdropped on the conversation outside.

Shao Qi sighed, "If my father hadn't invaded Yuxin back then, perhaps, he wouldn't have given Yushengjun such a big stimulus, giving him the ability to overthrow my north. Invasion is wrong."

Fu Yushu smiled wryly, "Now that I know how to repent, is it useful? If you never see Han Lingying in your life, then you will stay with Yu Shengjun in your whole life. You should have thought that Yu Shengjun is actually using Han Lingying to control you. If you control you, you can control your brother. If your brother wants to make a comeback, but you are still staying in Yuxin as a hostage, your brother thinks that you are a relative. For the sake of the brothers, I will not mess around. In fact, for me, whoever has the ability to ensure that the common people live well, I will obey. The Chu State in the past was far less prosperous than today’s Chu City, so I don’t I will attack Chu State again. Yu Shengjun is right. This huge Central Plains can only be managed by him alone. It needs our assistance. Shao Qi, why don’t you let go of the hatred of the country and the family? For the sake of the common people, do things loyally for Yu Shengjun?"

Shao Qi was silent for a long time, and finally said calmly: "Let's talk after I see Ling Ying and discuss it with Ling Ying."

At this time, a scent brushed Fu Yushu's nose, and his expression became more energetic the moment he smelled it, "This familiar!" It seemed that only Shihe he knew could use it.

Hearing his words, Shi He who was hiding inside the door trembled violently. Now, she was holding a bag of spices in her hand.She was afraid that Fu Yushu would smell her fragrance, but also moved Fu Yushu to remember how familiar this fragrance was!

This is a fragrance she developed by herself, and she always wears it with her. She is used to using it in the bath, but she didn't expect...

A breeze blows, and the fragrance is gone.

Fu Yushu looked melancholy, "This is her fragrance! I remember correctly!" Suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, and he immediately looked around, "Could it be that Shihe is around here?"

The corner of Shao Qi's mouth twitched, "Impossible? This Ruining Palace is guarded by us, and we can even find a mosquito coming in, let alone a living person."

Fu Yushu lowered his head, his expression darkened a lot.

Shao Qi asked: "She must have known that you used her. If you meet again and she stabs you with a sword, will you hide?"

(End of this chapter)

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