The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 340 Xiangning Palace, all the concubines gather!

Chapter 340 Xiangning Palace, all the concubines gather!

Shihe held her breath, waiting for Fu Yushu's answer.

"No." Fu Yushu spoke from his heart.

Shihe couldn't help being overjoyed, because she was so happy, she leaned against the door accidentally and made a loud noise.This immediately attracted the vigilance of the two people outside the door.

Shao Qi said solemnly: "Could it be that something happened to the chief? Go in and have a look!" No matter what happened inside, Fu Yushu and Shao Qi kicked the door open when they heard the movement. They thought it was a mystery The killer hid in the bedroom, so...

When the two doors were kicked open, the two met with a pair of eyes full of anger, wishing to kill them both alive.

The strong and familiar fragrance coming from his nostrils made Fu Yushu's eyes wander to the ground, and he saw a pile of powder scattered on the ground not far from his feet.

Fu Yushu is very familiar with these powders, they are spices developed by Shihe.
Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at the eyes full of anger and sleepiness on the opposite side, "You..."

At this moment, the person standing in front of Fu Yushu and Shao Qi was Tang Lin, who was wrapped in a sheet and staring at them fiercely, "What are you looking at? Who gave you the guts to come in? Huh?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, sir!" Shao Qi immediately nodded and bowed to apologize.Khan, it's just that Tang Lin dropped something, he thought something big happened.

Tang Lin ruthlessly threw a word, "Get lost!"

Fu Yushu almost regarded Tang Lin as Shihe at first, but when Tang Lin spoke, her fiery personality immediately made him deny that Tang Lin was Shihe.But the spices on the ground are obviously from Shihe, how to explain?

But he didn't know that when he heard Shihe's movement just now, Tang Lin wrapped up the quilt and ran here at the first time, and then pushed Shihe into the room to hide, so that he couldn't see Shihe's existence.

At this moment, Shihe was sobbing in pain, covering her face by the door of the inner room.

"You too! Get lost!" Tang Lin said to Fu Yushu angrily.

Fu Yushu hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, sir, I'm sorry." Before turning around to leave, he still didn't let go of the spices on the ground, and boldly asked Tang Lin: "Sir, this spice..."

Tang Lin said impatiently: "There are a lot of them in the palace, you want Yishuang to get them for you tomorrow! Alright, get out, don't disturb my sleep!"

"Then the officer has a good rest, don't bother me, Yushu will leave." After speaking, Fu Yushu turned around and walked out of the bedroom, and then closed the door.However, at this time, his mood was not as low as usual.

He couldn't be more familiar with that fragrance, obviously only his Shihe could research it, but how could there be so many of them in this palace?

Tang Lin glanced coldly at the spices on the ground, then went back to the room, cast an impatient look at Shihe who was still crying, and couldn't help admonishing her: "You want to see him, but you don't want to see him, how many times do you want to see him?" What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry!" Shihe apologized tearfully.

Seeing her so pitiful and pitiful, Tang Lin couldn't scold her immediately.Cursing at Shi He's face, she really couldn't do it.As if scolding yourself. "Okay, okay, just pay attention in the future. Go to sleep, tomorrow I have to go to the Xiangning Palace to participate in the feast of the concubines. You have to nourish your energy to be invincible."

After Tang Lin lay down, Shi He obediently lay beside the bed, sleeping sideways, afraid that she would be scolded by Tang Lin again if she ran into Tang Lin.She didn't feel anything when anyone scolded her, but when Tang Lin scolded her, she felt like a child who had done something wrong and had to be disciplined by adults.

Tang Lin pulled half of the quilt away, then turned around and slept with her back to Shi He.

Shihe's sleeping posture is very elegant, with her hands flat on her lower abdomen, her palms overlapping.She looked at the top of the bed, but there was no cry, tears as crystal as pearls slid down the corners of her eyes, and then slid down the pure yellow pillow along her hair.

Face Fu Yushu now?She didn't dare, she still hated him, but she couldn't do anything to kill him herself!


The morning in the harem was extraordinarily quiet.The air is even more refreshing.

Tang Lin had already woken up and was sitting in front of the dresser, cleaning her pistol.The bullets have been fully loaded by her, more than [-] rounds of bullets are enough to kill the powerful concubine in the harem.

At 05:30 in the morning, she woke up, and she was sitting by the dressing table in a translucent white dress. Her slender legs were crossed together, and her hair was loose and not messy, adding a wild and cold look to her. beauty.

Once she didn't sleep with Yu Shengjun, she would get up on time and continue the habit she used to have when she was in the army.She will not change her habits without special circumstances.

Shihe is still sleeping, still maintaining an elegant sleeping posture and a peaceful sleeping appearance.

Yishuang brought in a basin of face wash water from the outside, and after putting it away, she looked at the dressing table, "Miss Tang, after breakfast, it's time to dress up and leave for Xiangning Palace. Dress up to catch the Empress Dowager's eyes and win the Empress Dowager's favor, so Miss Tang must also dress herself up beautifully, so as not to lose to the imperial concubine and the girls of the Zodiac Palace."

At this time, Shihe slowly opened her eyelids, she heard Yishuang's voice, and woke up.

Tang Lin put the pistol on the table, and took a picture of herself in the dim yellow mirror. No matter how she looked at it from the side or the front, it was exquisite and impeccable. "Yi Shuang, I want to ask you something."

Yishuang replied respectfully: "Yes! Miss Tang, please tell me."

Tang Lin glanced at Shihe, "How about letting Shihe go?"

"This..." Yishuang was taken aback, and said worriedly, "If this is a fraud..."

Tang Lin resolutely said: "That's the decision." Facing Shihe, she urged: "Be careful. Also, pay close attention to the words and deeds of the concubines, and tell me when you come back!"

Shihe asked: "Should I go alone? I'm afraid!"

Tang Lin said: "Except for me, everyone else will accompany you to Xiangning Palace!"

Shihe took a deep breath, so Fu Yushu was included?
After breakfast, Tang Lin went back behind the screen to change clothes, and Shihe, after Yishuang opened the door, slowly walked out of the bedroom door, and all the guards of Ruining Palace lined up outside the door to wait looking at her.

Until standing in front of everyone, the expression on Shihe's face was relatively light, making people unable to feel Tang Lin's lively aura.

Before going out, under Yishuang's care, Shihe counterattacked in a luxurious and luxurious attire, making her, who has always been plain and elegant, transformed into a noble and elegant man with all manner of demeanor.

Such a girl naturally won the astonishment of the audience.

Xiao Xiong was the first to praise, "Our officer really looks like what he wears."

Shihe looked Xiao Xiong indifferently, and according to Tang Lin's description, she could still know who this person was in the first time.The voice is loud and clear, it must be the platoon leader of the training camp.

Slowly, her eyes fell on Yun Lei.Tang Lin said, among the seven guards, the oldest one belongs to Yun Lei, so this person must be Yun Lei, right?
"Brother Qilin, don't you think our officer seems to be too quiet today!" Cao Dan touched Shao Qi's arm next to him, and whispered his doubts.

Now, Shihe's eyes locked on Cao Dan.Tang Lin said that Xiao Cao was the youngest of the seven guards, and he was a very handsome boy.He must be Xiao Cao in Tang Lin's mouth.

Shao Qi leaned his head and said to Cao Dan in a low voice: "Our chief wants to show weakness to the concubines, so... pretend!"

Cao Dan said: "That's too much alike!"

Shihe's gaze shifted from Cao Dan to Shao Qi.This man is tall and burly, like a soldier or general who has been trained to go to the battlefield. Could it be that he is Shao Qi, the second prince of the Northern Kingdom who was kept by Yu Shengjun as a hostage?

"Miss Tang, can we go?" At this moment, An Ze, who was standing on Shao Qi's left, asked.

Shihe heard the prestige in the past, and the one standing in the past in Anze was An Ye.She looked at the two men.According to Tang Lin's description, Anze is relatively calm, and the corners of Anze's mouth are always curved, so it is Anze who spoke just now!

She has recognized six of the seven guards, and there is one left.

At this time, Tang Lin had already changed into the eunuch's clothes and stood quietly in front of the window, looking through the crack of the door at the people in the courtyard outside the palace door.She really wanted to know if there was still electricity between Shihe and Fu Yushu.

She took out her phone, turned it on mute, and then watched the scene not far from the window.Before Shihe went out, she gave Shihe a small knife, just to see if Shihe would put the knife into Fu Yushu's chest when she saw Fu Yushu.

When Shihe's gaze slowly left An Ye's body, it stopped jerky at Fu Yushu's hem. She didn't dare to move up, and the more she dared not, the more her eyes hurt.

She clutched the knife hidden in her sleeve.

The bits and pieces of the past with this man flew through my mind like a gust of wind.

But no matter how good the memory was, it couldn't change her resentment towards him.

If it wasn't for him, she would be the empress and empress of the Great Royal Kingdom, living the life that all women in the world dream of.

If it wasn't because of him, she would already be a woman of legend now, and become the woman of Yu Shengjun, would she still need to wander around?Is there any need to worry about everything?

If it wasn't for him, her innocence should be given to the current emperor, then what she conceived was a dragon son, not the son of a subjugated prince.

"Sir, are you okay?" Cao Dan sensed that something was wrong with Shi He, and he clearly saw hatred and pain in Shi He's eyes.Strange, sir is also good at acting, right?
Fu Yushu stared closely at Shihe, who was still unwilling to shift his gaze to himself. At this moment, he had a very strong feeling, as if the person in front of him was not Tang Lin, but Shihe whom he had replaced!
That faint expression came from Shihe, Tang Lin wouldn't have it.

Yishuang called Shihe, "Miss Tang, it's getting late, we should leave for Xiangning Palace!"

One thing that Tang Lin didn't expect was that her voice could be freely changed from clear to deep, but Shihe was different. Her voice was always delicate and lacked momentum.

Shihe replied to Yishuang lightly, "Understood, wait a minute." After speaking, she suddenly took out the knife in her sleeve and faced Fu Yushu.The moment their eyes met, the knife in Shi He's hand had landed on Fu Yushu's chest.This scene shocked the hearts of the others, and they all looked at Fu Yushu.

Tang Lin pointed the camera at the scene outside, took a picture, and then put down the raised phone.She felt something was wrong, Shihe's behavior didn't seem like she was assassinating Fu Yushu, it was more like...

"Take it!" Shi He stared into Fu Yushu's eyes coldly and said sharply.

Fu Yushu was sure that the person in front of him was Shihe, and he was sure that Shihe took out the knife just now to kill him, but Shihe's eyes were so cold and cruel that he saw Tang Lin's shadow.

Regardless of whether he was stunned or not, Shihe directly threw the knife over, "Just in case, help me get the knife." After finishing speaking angrily, she turned her head and glanced at Yishuang, "Yishuang, gone."

(End of this chapter)

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