The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 341 That's the Imperial Concubine!

Chapter 341 That's the Imperial Concubine!

Cao Dan stroked his chest, and his tense heart slowly relaxed, "Sir, which play is this playing today?"

"Follow up quickly." Yun Lei urged Cao Dan.

Everyone else followed Shihe out of Ruining Palace, but Fu Yushu was still dumbfounded, not understanding the situation yet.How many faces does this Tang Lin have?For a while she looked like Shihe, and for a while she was herself again.

As for Tang Lin, seeing Shihe's performance like that, she couldn't help smiling with satisfaction.Well, Shihe can play herself now, and she can also help herself with many small things in the future.

After Fu Yushu reacted and left Ruining Palace, Tang Lin also went out.Find the murderer as soon as possible, and leave the harem, a place of intrigue, as soon as possible.

When Shihe and the others arrived not far from Xiangning Palace, they saw a large group of eunuchs, court ladies, and gorgeous sedan chairs waiting outside the gate of Xiangning Palace.Some of the eunuchs and palace maids were in groups of a dozen or so, while others were in groups of three or four.Obviously, the palaces and courtyards stand together.

At this time, a sedan chair hurriedly came from behind Shi He and the others, and a large group of people followed the sedan chair.The maid at the front was dressed the same as Yishuang, she was a high-class court lady in the harem.

Seeing that Shihe and the others were occupying the middle section of the road, the court lady hurriedly ordered: "Wait for the idlers, hurry up and don't block the road!"

Shihe and the others are all newcomers, and they know how to give way. When they heard someone urging them, they naturally leaned aside. They didn't know they were put together until the sedan chair passed by.

When the sedan chair passed by Shihe and the others, one or two sour plums were thrown from the window covered by the curtain, and Shihe happened to step on it.

Shao Qi yelled at the sedan chair, "Hurry up to reincarnate? Are you being polite? After all, Tang Concubine Empress is the one who walks in the front, and you are the ones who have to give way!"

When everyone else felt that Shao Qi's scolding was correct, Shi He bent down quietly, picked up the sour plum on the ground with a handkerchief, took a look at the sour plum, then wrapped it up and put it in her sleeve.

Yunlei asked Yishuang: "Who is that person in the sedan chair? They are too arrogant!"

Yishuang glanced at the sedan chair, and finally shook his head and said, "I don't know who it is, but judging by the scene, it should be the ladies of the Zodiac or the imperial concubine, or maybe the queen mother."

As soon as the queen mother was mentioned, Shao Qi immediately became terrified, "If it's really the queen mother, then I'm going to play too big."

At this moment, the sedan chair has almost arrived at the gate of Xiangning Palace, and the maid who was originally walking in the front to open the way, now waits at the side of the sedan chair.At this time, a woman's voice came from inside the sedan chair, the voice was extremely gentle, "Hanyu."

The palace maid outside the sedan chair responded immediately, "Ai, the servant is here, please tell me, my lord."

The woman in the sedan chair said, "I just heard the insults."

The palace maid glanced back, Shihe and the others had already been left far behind by their people.Just now, he rushed to Xiangning Palace in a hurry and didn't pay much attention to the group of people. It's okay if he didn't look at it, but when he saw it, he almost exclaimed, "Your Majesty, it seems to be... Concubine Tang!"

Now, the woman in the sedan chair didn't speak any more.

The maid continued: "Those seven people in black must be the Ouchi guards. That's right. I have seen the Ouchi guards standing guard at the entrance of the harem, and I can tell what the Ouchi guards are wearing. And the day before yesterday, Tang Concubine entered the palace. During the time in the harem, the maidservants saw the inner guards guarding Concubine Tang coming in at the entrance of the harem. They were those people. That’s right, they were Concubine Tang and her party. It’s just that the distance between Ruining Palace and Xiangning Palace is the shortest. It's far away, why would Concubine Tang walk over?"

After a while, the woman in the sedan chair said slowly, "Concubine Xian is the closest to this palace. Concubine Xian's people found the sour plum that Concubine Tang threw on the ground at the entrance to the harem the day before yesterday. Concubine Xian told me This palace knows. Hanyu, Concubine Tang is...the real dragon species, if this palace's incident comes to light, all of us in this not escape death!"

The palace lady said: "Your Majesty, don't despair, things will always turn around. After the banquet is over, we will go back to the palace and think about the countermeasures. There is no unparalleled road, your empress must not despair."

Suddenly, the woman panicked and said: "Oops!" Remembering the sour plum that was thrown out just now...

Soon the sedan chair stopped at the door, and the people in the sedan chair got off the sedan chair and were helped into the gate of Xiangning Palace by Hanyu.Because Hanyu's figure blocked that person, Shihe and others who caught up couldn't see clearly who was walking out of the sedan chair.

With the help of Yishuang, Shihe walked to the gate of Xiangning Palace.

When Shihe's exquisite face and refined temperament caught the eyes of the eunuchs and maids beside him, they couldn't help but marvel at Shihe's appearance and her gorgeous dress.

"who is this?"

"I've seen the ladies of the Zodiac, but I haven't seen her. Could it be..."

"It must be Concubine Tang! I didn't expect Concubine Tang to be so beautiful!"

Yishuang ignored those discussions, turned around and said to Fu Yushu and the others: "Only high-class maids can go in with the master, you guys wait outside, wait patiently for us to come out!"

Fu Yushu had a bad premonition, always felt that the atmosphere in Xiangning Palace today was too depressing. It seemed that once Yishuang and the others stepped into the gate of Xiangning Palace, it would be like going to a battlefield, even though it was a battlefield of cosmetics.

"Be careful!" Fu Yushu urged.

Shihe glanced at Fu Yushu complicatedly, then followed Yishuang into Xiangning Palace.

That look of hers made Fu Yushu feel very familiar, and his heart and judgment were confused.Is she Shi He or Tang Lin?If it was Tang Lin, he found that he already had unreasonable thoughts about Tang Lin...

At this time, at a corner not far away, Tang Lin was hiding.She poked her head out slightly, and took a look at the gate of Xiangning Palace.Although she didn't want to appear in front of the concubines, she couldn't sit still.

She walked around to a wall near the back door of Xiangning Palace, jumped onto a tall tree beside the wall, then jumped from the tall tree to the opposite wall, and then jumped off the backyard of Xiangning Palace very easily.

At this time, eunuchs and court ladies passed by in the backyard after a while, and they were all on duty in Xiangning Palace.

Wearing a eunuch uniform, Tang Lin pretended that she was also on duty in the Xiangning Palace. She passed the corridor with her head up and chest out, and greeted the eunuchs and maids warmly, until she came to the front yard, and when no one was paying attention, she held a plate of On the way, he snatched the pastries in his hand, lowered his head and followed behind a group of eunuchs who were delivering tea and pastries, and entered the main hall where all the concubines gathered.

After entering, Tang Lin casually glanced around, her eyes dazzled.They were all beauties, she couldn't tell who was who, she only saw the empress dowager sitting firmly on the other side of the grand master's chair, looking at the people coming in and out with a smile on her face.

Tang Lin put the cakes on the table at the far end, and then took a sneak peek around. She couldn't see Shihe and Yishuang, so she couldn't help frowning.Why haven't those two come in yet?

Just when she turned to leave, a long robe moved to her side, she saw it familiarly, isn't this the robe that Yishuang picked out for Shihe to put on?Look at the color, the handwork, the quality...

"Your Majesty, sit down!" Yishuang helped Shihe sit down on the chair.

This time, Tang Lin, who lowered her head, breathed a sigh of relief. It was really Shihe, and she guessed right.She covered half of her face and raised her head, letting Shihe Yishuang see her, "Hey, your speed is too slow!"

Although only half of her face was seen, both Yishuang and Shihe recognized Tang Lin immediately, and they almost exclaimed.

Tang Lin put her other hand in front of her face and made a booing gesture, "How can I miss Tang Lin on such an occasion today, right? You all stay well and play by ear!"

Hearing what Tang Lin said, she seemed to be leaving.Shihe was fidgeting as soon as she sat down, but she finally felt relieved when she saw Tang Lin. When she learned that Tang Lin was leaving, she was very nervous, "Where are you going?"

Tang Lin pointed behind them, "I will stand among the eunuchs behind you, don't worry, I will notify you when I leave."

Yishuang glanced back, not far behind them, indeed there were several eunuchs standing in two rows, probably on standby at any time.On the opposite side, there are two rows of court ladies.

This hall is decorated like a living room, with a road in the middle and tables and chairs on both sides. The empress dowager sits on the grand master's chair under the high hall, and beside the empress dowager are the old maids and elders who have been serving the empress all year round. eunuch.

Tang Lin stood in the middle of the last row of the two rows of eunuchs, and there was a row in front of her blocking her. She no longer had to cover her face with her hands, and it was difficult for others to find her here.

Shihe fidgeted and looked behind her from time to time to see if Tang Lin was still there.She really regarded Tang Lin as her savior, and only when Tang Lin was there could she feel at ease.

Little did she know, she was being stared at by a dozen pairs of eyes, and her restlessness was also reflected in those dozen pairs of eyes.

For Tang Lin, the more restless Shihe was, the better. At least this would allow other concubines to guess wildly and make other concubines think that Concubine Tang was weak and deceitful.This is what she wanted.

Tang Lin glanced at the hall and found that the first chair below the empress dowager's left was empty. Is there anyone else?Also, among these concubines, which one is Concubine Han?

"Ask," Tang Lin asked the little eunuch next to her, "Which one is Concubine Han?" The little eunuch was shocked, "Have you never seen Concubine Han?"

Tang Lin smiled ashamedly, "I'm... a newcomer."

The little eunuch was still very surprised, "You don't inquire about other ladies, but instead inquire about Concubine Han. This makes me feel puzzled. In terms of status, Concubine Han is the weakest. Are you going to marry Concubine Han?"

"That's not true!" Unexpectedly, the little eunuch had insight into the details, and Tang Lin secretly sweated for herself. "I'm just curious about Concubine Han's appearance, nothing else."

The little eunuch glanced at the concubines, and finally said to Tang Lin: "Then you are going to be disappointed. Did you see that?" His eyes fell on the empty chair, "That's the chair that Concubine Han is sitting on, it's empty. Madam Concubine Han It's not here yet."

Tang Lin looked at the door and looked all the way out, but she didn't see anyone coming in. She felt puzzled. It stands to reason that Yu Shengjun asked Concubine Han to take charge of all affairs of the harem a few months ago. Although she didn't take charge, the power finally fell into the hands of the imperial concubine.But as an important person in the harem, shouldn't he be late on the day of the empress dowager's reception?This is simply not taking the empress dowager and concubines seriously.

What is this Han Lingying thinking?

"Hey," Tang Lin pushed the little eunuch's shoulder, and wanted to ask another question. "Then... who is the imperial concubine?"

The little eunuch smiled mischievously, as if he had seen through Tang Lin's "worries", "You know that you will not have a bright future with Concubine Han, so you want to choose the imperial concubine, right? Let me tell you, many eunuchs and maids in the harem are It's a pity to think of serving the imperial concubine. The imperial concubine is full of people, so I don't want it. So, you should give up this idea as soon as possible. I heard that there is a little maid next to the concubine de concubine who was sent out by the concubine because she was suffering from an infectious disease The imperial palace is here, you can go to Concubine De to report, you must know that Concubine De has a great status in the harem, this is a good opportunity, don't miss it."

Tang Lin glanced down, she was wearing eunuch's clothes.She made a dry laugh, "But what the Concubine De wants is a little palace maid, not a little eunuch, I think I'd better forget about it."

The little eunuch said: "You can report it at ease, no matter whether it's a little maid or a little eunuch, as long as you can serve the concubine, it's not the point."

(End of this chapter)

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