The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 342 Shihe was knocked to the ground by Yu Shengjun!

Chapter 342 Shihe was knocked to the ground by Yu Shengjun!
Tang Lin pondered for a while, and suddenly thought of a question. "Hey, I also want to ask you something. What kind of infectious disease did the little maid next to Concubine De have? Why did she have an infectious disease? How could this sick maid enter the harem? It's too loose."

Suddenly she became curious about the little palace lady, not because Tang Lin was idle and looking for something to do, but because she suddenly wondered whether the murder of the concubine had something to do with the little palace lady.Maybe the little maid didn't get an infectious disease, but someone quietly silenced her.

Of course, this is just a guess on her side, and there is no basis to prove it.But there is such a little clue, she will not let it go.If there is something wrong with this little maid, then there must be something wrong with this Concubine De.

The little eunuch was about to talk about the little maid, but at this time the empress dowager spoke. She faced the concubines with a kind and comfortable smile on her face, "It's been another year," in her tone, there was a sigh .His eyes fell on the empty chair. "At this time last year, there was an empty chair, and this year, it's the same. But last year, Concubine Tang didn't come, and this year, Concubine Han is not here."

"Concubine Han is also too courageous. She has no one in her eyes. She doesn't even come to see her, the Queen Mother. She hides in her palace all day long and recites Buddhist scriptures. From the eyes of my concubines, chanting Buddhist scriptures is fake. It's not certain. What kind of bad things are plotting in there. Queen Mother, you should punish her." The concubine sitting on the chair next to the empty chair said this. She looked a little older than the other concubines, but she was extremely good-looking. Judging from the figure, clothing and face, they are extremely mature.Her mature and sexy beauty is the best of all concubines.But when he opened his mouth, he was full of anger.Her noble attire set off her strong aura.With this opening, the aura was very strong, and he immediately became the person who was qualified to speak in the audience.

The other concubines were busy echoing her words, and they all agreed that it was time for the Queen Mother to govern Concubine Han.

"Hey, who is that person who spoke just now? It seems that he has the right to speak!" Tang Lin asked the little eunuch next to him.

The little eunuch couldn't help giving her a blank look, "That's the imperial concubine. Besides the empress dowager, the highest status in the harem is the imperial concubine. She has a higher status than the imperial concubine and the empress de concubine."

Tang Lin chuckled, "It turned out to be her." No wonder she looked so old-fashioned, except for the imperial concubine who married Yu Shengjun at the age of 13, who else could there be?But the imperial concubine's not so strong.

For more than 20 years, she has been the overlord of the harem almost every year. No wonder she is so domineering that the other concubines' expressions changed and they shuddered.But would such a person who stayed in the palace for a long time be the murderer of the other concubines?If the imperial concubine was jealous of the beauty of other concubines, she would have done it long ago, why wait until this year?It doesn't make sense.

The court lady who spoke on behalf of Concubine Han was standing behind an empty chair, and when she heard the imperial concubine asking the empress dowager to deal with Concubine Han, her heart was about to rise to the top of her voice.She immediately explained to the imperial concubine, "My lady, this is not the case. My lady Han is today because..."

The imperial concubine said angrily, "Stop making excuses for her, all of you in the palace are not good people."

This time, the maid was choked to the point of being speechless.

The imperial concubine's anger made the empress dowager shake her head helplessly. She looked at the palace maid who spoke on behalf of Concubine Han, and said, "Zimei, Aijia knows why Concubine Han is not here today. She needs your care. You can go back." .”

"I know about the Queen Mother, Zimei will leave." After bowing respectfully to the Empress Dowager, the maid named Zimei left the hall.

The Empress Dowager's eyes turned to the imperial concubine, and she said earnestly: "Zimei came earlier than you just now, just to tell the Ai family that Concubine Han is not coming. Concubine Han is sick, and I don't want to come to see you sickly, so sweep Everyone's joy."

"Concubine Han once saved the Queen Mother. It is a fact that the Queen Mother likes Concubine Han, and we can't change it. Who told us that we have no chance to save the Queen Mother." Whoever said this was full of sourness.

The empress dowager's face darkened now, and she said displeasedly: "Did you all wish that Ai's family would be killed by assassins a few more times?"

Immediately, the audience fell silent, and no one dared to speak anymore.

Tang Lin looked at the empress dowager's displeasure, and couldn't help but smiled silently.Unexpectedly, the empress dowager usually looks kind and kind without temper, as if she would let others bully her.But when he got angry today, his aura was really unstoppable, quite like Yu Shengjun's style.But they are mother and son, like mother like son, they have the same style, not surprising.

It's not bad to have an overbearing mother-in-law.

Shihe had already been frightened by the empress dowager's anger, her body was trembling, her lips were trembling, her eyes were flickering, and her breathing was short of breath.Her reaction, everything can be seen by the imperial concubine.

The imperial concubine twitched the corners of her mouth contemptuously, complaining in her heart how Yu Shengjun doted on such a timid woman.

When the empress dowager found the trembling Shihe, the anger from just now faded a bit, and her expression softened a lot. She asked softly, "Concubine Tang, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Shihe met the Empress Dowager's eyes once, and left again in fear.She didn't expect the empress dowager to get angry, it was so chilling, she was glad that she didn't become a real empress, otherwise she would have died early if she stayed in the harem every day and suffered from the empress dowager's anger.

"No, nothing, Queen Mother Lao is worried." Shihe replied nervously.

The Empress Dowager looked at Yishuang who was standing behind Shihe, and after exchanging glances with Yishuang, she said, "Yishuang, the emperor ordered that Concubine Tang was not in good health, and asked Imperial Doctor Wu to follow her, but this time Wu Where is the imperial doctor?"

Hearing this, Tang Lin wanted to rush over to hug the Empress Dowager impulsively, she was too good at acting.Presumably Yu Shengjun had told the empress dowager her purpose of entering the harem, so the empress dowager mentioned Wu Yuyi this time.

She, Tang Lin, is in good health, and the Empress Dowager must know, how could she need an imperial doctor.

It is not difficult to see that the empress dowager is also acting, so that Tang concubine's weakness is unreservedly displayed in front of other concubines.

With such a sensible and calm mother-in-law, she, Tang Lin, has earned it!
Yishuang replied: "Back to the Empress Dowager, Imperial Physician Wu was brewing medicine for Concubine Tang in Ruining Palace, and she didn't accompany her. Concubine Tang felt healthy before going out, so she didn't let Imperial Physician Wu follow her."

The imperial concubine smiled contemptuously, "I'm shaking so badly, I really don't need an imperial doctor? Don't wait to fall down here!"

Others have publicly cursed themselves like this, but Shihe has never appeared in front of so many important people. She was so scared that her lips trembled so much that she couldn't speak.The ups and downs of her chest became more intense each time, and she felt that she would really fall down at any time.

Shihe looked behind her, she wanted to go back to Ruining Palace, she didn't want to stay here anymore, she hoped that Tang Lin would come out to help her.But her head was turned around by Yishuang, afraid that she would reveal Tang Lin's existence, so how to deal with the next scene? "Concubine Tang, it won't be so painful if you sit up better, don't turn your head, it's not good for your cervical spine!"

"Queen, when will the emperor come to the harem?" Finally someone couldn't sit still and asked the most important thing.

The empress dowager said: "Now that the emperor has unified the Central Plains, and the state affairs are even more busy, how can he have time to visit you in the harem? You all know that the emperor has not been here these years. It is for our dynasty, for the people to live a good life, and for For your safety, he has to work hard to take care of the country. So, please be considerate and considerate of the emperor."

"But the emperor also has to think about his heirs. If he doesn't favor us all day long, how can the royal family have any descendants." I don't know who said it, and the more he said it, the quieter he was. Xu also knew what he said and felt embarrassed.

At this time, Yishuang dropped a bombshell, "Who said the emperor has no heirs? Our concubine Tang is already pregnant with the emperor's son, the future heir!" To the concubines, Yishuang said this sentence , It is undoubtedly a blockbuster that hits people's hearts.Tang Lin scanned all directions, and saw the expressions of those concubines one by one, whether they were jealous, or hated, or hurt...

But at this time, Shihe caressed her abdomen lovingly, her expression was very painful, after Yishuang's reminder, she remembered that she had a child once, and her and Fu Yushu's child had already been tricked by her... died.

When the concubines saw her stroking their abdomen, they all silently admitted in their hearts that she had a "dragon seed". Now, they were all blown up in their hearts, but they still had to put on a calm posture on the surface.

The imperial concubine pulled the corners of her lips contemptuously, and she never forgot to be brave: "I said Tang concubine, with your body, it is not certain whether you can protect the emperor's flesh and blood."

Shihe couldn't help recalling the scene when the child was gone when she woke up. She only saw bloodstains. That was her child. In order not to leave Fu Yushu's seed, she cruelly died with the child in her womb.

She is not a good mother!
"Woo..." Shihe lost control of her emotions, covered her face and ran out of the hall in tears.

"Niang Niang!" Yishuang was worried and chased her out.

The empress dowager gave the imperial concubine a look, "Can you say a few words less? Do you think Concubine Tang is as strong as you? Her body is already weak. It is already very good that the child can survive until now. Don't add fuel to the flames." Already!"

"Empress Dowager, what did the concubine say wrong? The concubine just..." Received the sharper gaze from the empress dowager, the imperial concubine lowered her head and stopped trying to talk.

"You guys," the empress dowager lectured the concubines, "what should I say about you? Is it because the emperor doesn't care about you, and your wings are hardened, and you can't wait to overthrow the harem before you are reconciled?"

"My lady, my lady, where are you going?" Seeing Shi Helei running out of the gate, and then running back, Fu Yushu and the others chased after him and shouted.

Fearing that Fu Yushu and the others would find that Shihe was not Tang Lin, Yishuang blocked the way of those people and said, "Miss Tang is fine. She said she was going to a certain place. Don't follow her. Go back to Ruining Palace and wait for her to come back." After finishing speaking, she chased after Shihe, but Shihe's figure had already disappeared in the road ahead.

Fu Yushu and the others listened to Yishuang's words and did not go after Shihe.

After Yishuang left, Shen Dan felt puzzled, "I seem to have seen the officer come out crying, is this a temporary addition to our plan?"

Anze said to everyone: "Yi Shuang said that the officer told us to go back to Ruining Palace first, and we don't want to stay here, we all go back to Ruining Palace."

Everyone else was leaving to return to Ruining Palace, but Shao Qi was still staring at the gate of Xiangning Palace obsessively, as if waiting for someone to come out.

After walking a few steps, Fu Yushu noticed that Shao Qi hadn't followed, so he glanced back and saw that Shao Qi hadn't left yet, so he ran back, "What are you looking at? Didn't you hear what Gang Yishuang said?"

Shao Qi said lightly: "I want to wait for Concubine Han to come out."

"It's not that there will be no chance to see her in the future. What are you in a hurry for? The emperor said that Tang Lin is our second master. If we want to achieve our goal, we must obey orders. Let's go, don't break the rules." Said Come on, Fu Yushu grabbed Shao Qi's arm and pulled him away.

In the main hall of Xiangning Palace,

The empress dowager taught all the concubines so that none of them dared to speak anymore, and each of them lowered their heads. Although they had a gesture of admitting their mistakes, some of them secretly curled their lips when the empress dowager was not paying attention.

(End of this chapter)

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