The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 343 Concubine Han, You Dare To Hit!

Chapter 343 Concubine Han, You Dare To Hit!

"You," the empress dowager looked at the eunuchs nearby, and ordered, "pass on the food."

Tang Lin followed the other eunuchs out of the hall.

It didn't take long for a table of rich meals to be placed in the main hall.The dining table is round and very large, it can accommodate a dozen or twenty people around the table.

And this time, the empress dowager and all the concubines had already sat around the dining table.

Tang Lin lowered her head and put the last dish on the table. She deliberately chose to place it from the empress dowager, and after putting it down lightly, she winked at the empress dowager.

The empress dowager was startled when she found out that it was her, but quickly sat down without showing any traces, pretending to be serious and said: "The Ai family wants to have a drink with all the concubines, go and fill them up one by one."

"Yes, Queen Mother." Tang Lin squeezed out a very thin sentence, her voice was like that of an eunuch.She bypassed the empress dowager, took a jug of wine from the tray in the hands of the maid, then bowed her head and walked to the imperial concubine, and filled a small glass of wine for the imperial concubine.

The imperial concubine didn't pay attention to her at all, she was always in a trance, her mind was always wandering on the "Tang Concubine" who already had a dragon seed, and she was thinking about how to kick the new Tang Concubine out of the game.

Taking advantage of the imperial concubine's inattention, Tang Lin moved her hands extremely quickly, and swept the glass of wine with her sleeve, and a drop of liquid fell from her palm into the imperial concubine's wine glass.

After the bad thing was done, Tang Lin withdrew her hand without showing any signs, and continued to pour wine for the next concubine.She bypassed the imperial concubine and came to the next concubine.Before pouring the wine, she secretly took a look at the concubine.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but if you look at it, even she will feel ashamed.

This concubine sat upright and behaved elegantly. She looked much better than other concubines.Her clothes are luxurious, not too coquettish, but not too plain, which matches her temperament very well.

Not to mention her beauty, she has a calm and upright attitude, which makes people subconsciously want to respect her.

After looking at it, Tang Lin poured wine for the concubine, but she poured it upside down, and a faint smell passed her nose. She smelled it, it was the smell of sour plum.But it was just a sniff, and then she continued to pour wine for the next concubine.

In a blink of an eye, Tang Lin finished pouring wine for all the concubines, and finally retreated to wait beside the empress dowager. Since her face was the same as Shi He's, she couldn't raise her head too high.Otherwise it will be recognized.

Tang Lin leaned closer, approached the Empress Dowager, and asked in a low voice: "Empress Dowager, who is the concubine that the Imperial Concubine used to have?"

The Empress Dowager looked sideways, and after seeing clearly, she said to Tang Lin, "It's Concubine De."

Oh Concubine De.

Tang Lin felt relieved. No wonder her manner was dignified and elegant, and her attitude was kind. People couldn't help but respect her. It turned out to be Concubine De.A woman who can be named a concubine must have a very good inner quality.

While admiring Concubine De in her heart, Tang Lin was also looking at Concubine De, but she saw Concubine De was staring at the wine glass in front of her in a daze.What, is there something wrong with this wine?

At this time, the empress dowager picked up the wine glass and stood up, looking at the concubines, "The Ai family seldom lived in the harem in the past. If the harem was not taken care of by all of you, there would be no peace today. Ai family would like to offer you a toast." At the same time, Aijia also hopes that in the future, you can work together to take care of the harem better and help the emperor reduce the burden."

The other concubines all stood up one after another, took the wine glass, and raised it up, but Concubine De hadn't recovered yet, staring at the glass in a daze.

The Empress Dowager noticed and called out, "Concubine De?"

Still no response.

So, the imperial concubine stretched out her hand and pushed Concubine De, "Concubine De, what are you thinking? The queen mother is toasting us, hurry up!"

Concubine De finally regained her composure, stood up hastily, and trembled a little when she took the wine glass.She raised the wine glass high and smiled lightly at the concubines to cover up her embarrassment just now, "Come, let's toast the Queen Mother together."

Next, the others drank the small glass of wine in one gulp, but Concubine De only took a sip before putting it down.

After sitting down, the Empress Dowager looked at Concubine De, and said with concern: "Concubine De, are you okay? The Ai family was a little restless when they saw you just now, do you feel unwell?"

Concubine De smiled softly, and said: "Queen Dowager, the concubines are fine, let the Queen Dowager worry about it."

The empress dowager replied, "Well, it's good that you're fine. Everyone, don't be restrained when eating."

Tang Lin stared at De Fei Xiaohui, and suddenly a sly light flashed in her eyes.Quietly, she touched the Empress Dowager's back, and the Empress Dowager felt it, so she secretly looked back at her.

Tang Lin intentionally glanced at the Empress Dowager De Fei.

The Empress Dowager understood, so she looked over at Concubine De, and saw Concubine De in a daze.

While the other concubines were eating, Tang Lin leaned into the Empress Dowager's ear and whispered, "Empress Dowager, please speak, let Xiao Tang take a piece of chicken leg for Concubine De."

Although she didn't know what Tang Lin was doing, the Empress Dowager still listened to Tang Lin's words, "Ai's family likes today's meal very much." She raised her chin at Tang Lin who was behind her, "Go, get some food for the ladies."

"Yes, Empress Dowager." Tang Lin was indescribably happy that the Empress Dowager could do this.She took the chopsticks diligently, went up and picked up a large bunch of vegetables and put them in the imperial concubine's bowl.

There are so many delicious meat dishes on the table, but a bunch of green vegetables... At this moment, the imperial concubine's complexion is extremely bad, and she really wants to get angry in public and teach the "little eunuch" who served her vegetables, but due to the embarrassment of the emperor The queen mother was present, and it was the queen mother who ordered the food to be served. She couldn't get mad, so she had to bear it.

When she was picking up food for Concubine De, she saw Tang Lin stretching out her chopsticks to pick up a big chicken leg. At this moment, Imperial Concubine Huang Guifei's eyes widened completely, and she was furious.After all, she is the imperial concubine, and this little eunuch actually gave her vegetarian dishes and meat dishes for Concubine De... It's unreasonable.

Tang Lin put the chicken legs on Defei's bowl. Defei's face changed drastically when she saw it. She took out her handkerchief and covered her mouth, "vomit—" she made a motion of vomiting in front of everyone, but nothing happened. Can't spit it out.

Shihe ran out of Xiangning Palace in tears all the way, Yishuang had already lost her, now, there was no shadow of Yishuang behind her.But she kept running forward without any intention of stopping.The pain in my heart only increased.

Tears ran all the way, skirts fluttered, and long hair fluttered.

Her baby is gone!It was she who lost the child!No matter what, this shadow cannot be erased from her heart!

While running, at the corner of a palace, he suddenly bumped into a fleshy wall and fell to the ground.

Yu Shengjun bent down to help Shihe up. When he saw the face of pear blossom with rain, his expression paused, and then he blurted out a name: "Shihe?" Startled, someone can recognize her, who is it?She opened her tear-filled eyes, and because the tears blurred her vision, she couldn't see who was lifting her up.

After helping her up, Yu Shengjun let her go, took a step back, and kept a distance from her.Even if Shihe was not wearing this suit, even if Shihe was wearing Tang Lin's military uniform, he could still recognize Shihe immediately.

Tang Lin can cry, but it is completely different from Shihe.

After standing up, Shihe took out a handkerchief and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. After her eyes were not so dry, she raised her eyes to look at Yu Shengjun. Unexpectedly, what she saw was a very beautiful face.

This should be the most beautiful man she has ever seen.

Yu Shengjun is wearing a bodyguard uniform. The bodyguard uniform is designed to look good, classic black, and perfect self-cultivation. When he wears it, his well-proportioned and muscular figure is vividly displayed. Even a man does not have such a figure for himself. And ashamed.

"Is this person the Ouchi bodyguard?" Shi He looked at Yu Shengjun and asked herself in her heart.If it weren't for the Ouchi guard, it would be impossible to wear the clothes of the Ouchi guard.

Unexpectedly, there is such a beautiful man hidden in this palace.Judging by his age, he should be about the same as Fu Yushu.

She suddenly remembered something, and asked in surprise, "You know me?"

Yu Shengjun said: "There is not a big inner guard who doesn't know you."

After hearing the meaning of his words, Shihe smiled wryly, and laughed at herself: "Yes, there is no one who doesn't know me. I have been locked in the underground palace for so long, how could it be possible that the Ouchi guards don't know me. It's just that I don't understand, why don't you think I'm Tang Lin?"

Yu Shengjun's expression was very calm, "You and Tang Lin are so different, you can't hide it from the eyes of Ouchi's guards."

Shihe took a look at him, "I haven't seen you in the harem. Of course, I haven't seen you in the underground palace either." But his voice was very familiar, as if the person who exposed Fu Yushu's true face to her was the one in front of him. people.

Yu Shengjun seemed to be able to see through her thoughts and confessed, "That's right, I was the one who explained Fu Yushu to you in the underground palace. I was the one who wore the mask then."

"It's really you!" Shihe was not shocked, because she guessed right.

Yu Shengjun said: "Looking at your outfit, you must have changed identities with Tang Lin. Going forward is the exit of the harem. I don't know why you came here, but you can't leave the side of the Ouchi guards. You should Return to Ruining Palace immediately."

Shihe asked him: "Why are you here? You are also here to protect Tang Lin?"

A trace of displeasure flashed across Yu Shengjun's eyebrows, "You ask too many questions."

At this time, Yishuang appeared from the intersection behind, saw Shihe here, and immediately ran over, "Niang Niang." When he saw Yu Shengjun, he was startled.

Yu Shengjun gave her a look calmly, motioning her not to reveal his identity.

Yishuang understood something, and greeted Yu Shengjun straightforwardly, "Hey, why did you come to the harem? Master sent you a new mission?"

Yu Shengjun said indifferently: "Do your errands well and leave me alone."

"Then you're busy, we won't bother you. See you later." After speaking, Yishuang pulled Shihe past her and walked back.

After walking a few steps, Shihe looked back quietly, but unfortunately the person she bumped into was no longer there.At this moment, she felt lost in her heart, and she didn't know why.

It seems that man is very important in her life.

She asked Yishuang: "Yishuang, who was that person just now?"

Yishuang knew the identity of Yu Shengjun, but Yu Shengjun didn't want Shihe to know, so she had to make it up casually, "He is the bodyguard of Ouchi."

Shi He asked: "I see that he is the bodyguard of Ouchi, what's his name?"

"What's your name..." Yishuang was a little embarrassed, she didn't expect Shihe to ask such a question, and she couldn't think of what name to give Yu Shengjun.She rubbed the back of her head and said falteringly, "His name is... called... Ah Jun."

Shihe read it again, "...Ah Jun? Then he should see the emperor often, right?"

Yishuang proudly said: "Of course, Ah Jun is the master's personal bodyguard, so naturally he has to follow the master all year round. This person has nothing to do with us, so let's not be curious."

"He's so handsome, he should have started a family long ago?" Unknowingly, Shihe didn't know how she could utter these words.

"Uh," Yishuang was stunned, obviously also surprised that Shihe would ask such a question.

After she said it, Shi He realized what she had said, and was so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a crack in the ground.She thought that person was very good-looking, but why did she inquire about him, it's not like her.

(End of this chapter)

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