The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 344 It's Concubine Han!

Chapter 344 It's Concubine Han!
"Yi Shuang, don't get me wrong." Shi He changed the subject to avoid further embarrassment. "Since he is the emperor's personal bodyguard, he should know a lot about the emperor. Does the emperor...doesn't he usually come to the harem?"

Yishuang smiled brightly, "Didn't you hear people in the palace say it? The emperor is not a womanizer, a man who is not a womanizer, why would he come to the harem for such a pile of fat and powder, right?"

Shihe couldn't help thinking about the royal heirs, "Now that Yuxin has unified the Central Plains, if the emperor has no heirs, who should be in charge of this country in the future."

Yishuang said with a dry smile: "This is already decades later, why should we worry about it?"

Shihe said from the bottom of her heart: "The emperor is not close to women. This is a rare thing for me. Yishuang, can you tell me why? There must be a reason for the emperor not being close to women. ?”

Yishuang didn't expect that Shihe was so curious about Yu Shengjun, so he said casually, "I'll tell you the truth, but you can't tell others, otherwise, you and I wouldn't be able to live!"

Shihe's heart skipped a beat, and she said to Yishuang in fear, "Since this is the case, then I won't inquire about it."

Yishuang still couldn't help revealing in a low voice, "It's all about this, it's hard to stop. Shihe, let me tell you, although my master is not close to women, it doesn't mean he is not close... masculinity."

After understanding this sentence, Shihe's eyes widened and she covered her mouth, "Could it be that the emperor has..." the habit of breaking sleeves?
"Hush" Yishuang made a booing gesture to her, and then looked around to make sure that there was no one around, then reminded Shihe, "Don't yell, if it reaches the emperor's ears , we will be miserable."

Shi He smiled wryly and said: "So, I, Cheng Huan Empress, can't be successful, so I should be lucky?"

Yishuang asked her seriously: "If the emperor is not that kind of person, would you still be grateful?"

Shihe walked up again, looking at the surrounding scenery, with a bleak smile on the corner of her mouth, "I have never liked luxurious places, even if I hadn't met Fu Yushu, I would not have the dream of a queen."

Yishuang chuckled, "You are really different from Miss Tang."

Shihe frowned, Yishuang's words were a bit elusive for her, "What's wrong with Tang Lin?"

Yishuang said: "Miss Tang has great ambitions. Although she is a girl, her ambition is no worse than that of a man. Miss Tang has a bad temper, but in our opinion, she is the most perfect. She is both civil and military, and treats people kindly. Although she often beats and scolds us, she has always been a knife-mouthed bean curd. She lives a real life, dares to love and hate, and is very principled in her life."

Shihe said in shame: "I will never be able to catch up with her. Although we have the same face, we are in the same sky and the same place. If I have never met her, I don't know that there is such a thing in this world." A person exists."

Xiangning Palace Hall,
"Are you all right, Concubine De?" Seeing that Concubine De had been gagging, the Imperial Concubine kept patting her on the shoulder. At this moment, the other concubines stood behind Concubine De, worried about her condition.

Tang Lin had already slipped back to stand behind the empress dowager, and when she saw Concubine De spit out half a bowl of acid water, she finally saw something.

Of course, the Empress Dowager also saw the clues, she sat and watched Concubine De vomit, and occasionally asked the maids, "Did you get Jiang Tang?"

A court lady replied: "Hurry up, Queen Mother."

After a while, ginger soup came.A concubine brought ginger soup, picked up a spoon and blew it, and then brought it to the concubine De, and said awkwardly: "Come on, drink the ginger soup first!"

At this time, Concubine De's face is very pale, due to vomiting, she will look weak, as if she will fall down at any time.She opened her mouth wearily, and drank the ginger soup, but before she could take a sip, she suddenly pointed her mouth at the bowl again, "vomit—"

The Empress Dowager was very worried, and shouted: "Come here, send Concubine De to Huide Palace, and go to Ruining Palace to invite Imperial Physician Wu to Huide Palace to treat Concubine De, and do it right away."

Concubine De's face changed upon hearing this, and she immediately said to the Empress Dowager, "Queen Dowager, don't, don't call me Imperial Doctor Wu."

The Empress Dowager was puzzled and said: "This Imperial Physician Wu happens to be in Ruining Palace. Ai's family sees that you vomit so badly. Going to the imperial hospital to find an imperial doctor will delay your condition. Why don't you call Imperial Physician Wu to come quickly."

"Don't trouble Imperial Physician Wu, Empress Dowager." Seeing that the Empress Dowager frowned suspiciously, Concubine De immediately suppressed her panic, and said guiltily, "This Imperial Physician Wu was appointed by the Emperor to Concubine Tang. The concubine dare not do anything wrong with those who treat illnesses." Having said this, she turned to her maid and ordered, "Hanyu, go to the Imperial Hospital and invite Imperial Doctor Zheng here."

"Yes, ma'am." Hanyu gave a salute and then withdrew.

Yu Shengjun walked on the road in the harem while holding the map.In the harem, he had never been to other places except the Ruining Palace last night.Sooner or later, he will show his face in the harem, he must first understand the terrain of the harem.

After rounding a small corner, Yu Shengjun began to walk backwards with his back to the wall, so that he could see the environment in front of him clearly.But he didn't know, after taking a few steps backwards, his back suddenly leaned against a soft embrace, which seemed to be a woman's body.

Immediately afterwards, a stern voice came from not far behind him, "Which palace? How dare you hit Concubine Han!" Concubine Han?Yu Shengjun's eyes suddenly tightened, and he was somewhat curious about the person behind him.He took two steps forward, left the soft embrace, and turned around.

Looking at the past, a mature and beautiful face immediately came into view.

Is this Concubine Han?Willow eyebrows, phoenix eyes, vermilion lips, and a delicate nose, the facial features are flawless and impeccable.Coupled with that calm and elegant atmosphere, it seems that she is not a woman in this world.

It's no wonder that only such an indifferent and quiet woman can restrain a bad-tempered man like Shao Qi.

The moment she saw Yu Shengjun, Han Lingying was taken aback. Even though she was always calm in everything she did, she couldn't help but feel unbelievable seeing such a handsome man.

But this time, her complexion was not very good, a little pale, accompanied by a cough.

"Cough," Han Lingying looked away from Yu Shengjun, and gently covered his mouth with his handkerchief to prevent himself from coughing too loudly.

The maid next to her came over to support her, "Your Majesty, your wind and cold haven't subsided yet, stop blowing outside, let's go back to the palace."

After Han Lingying passed by, Yu Shengjun also went forward.

In the end, it was Han Lingying who stopped and looked behind him, only to see the back of Yu Shengjun going away.She coughed, and asked the maid weakly, "Lingqiao, that person, have you met him before?"

Ling Qiao said: "Your Majesty, I couldn't see it just now, but now the servants can see it, it's a guard."

Han Lingying was surprised, "Isn't there no guards in this harem?"

"Your Majesty, you don't know something," Lingqiao said while helping Han Lingying. "The concubine Tang entered the harem that day, and the slaves also went to see it. The guards in the palace were dressed in the same way as the man just now."

Han Lingying nodded, "Well, it should be the personal bodyguard sent by the emperor to Concubine Tang."

Ling Qiao wondered: "But Rui Ning Palace is far away from our Feng Yang Palace, why did Concubine Tang's guards come here?"

Han Lingying said: "This is a matter of other palaces, we don't want to interfere, let alone inquire about it, so as not to cause trouble to the upper body."

"Yes, I will keep this in mind." As she said that, she cleverly helped Han Ling to return to the palace, but she couldn't help complaining about some things, "Your Majesty, the servants don't understand, now our Yuxin has unified the Central Plains Yes, but why doesn’t the emperor come to the harem to pamper all the empresses? The servants really don’t understand, since ancient times, there is no emperor who doesn’t…”

"Shut up!" Han Lingying stopped the maid in displeasure. She looked around and breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there was no one there. "If other people hear what you said, will you survive till tomorrow?"

Lingqiao lowered her head and admitted her mistake, "Your maidservant dare not, empress, don't be angry."

Han Lingying said no more, "Go back to the palace."

After walking for a while, the dexterous nature reappeared, and once again "speaking rudely", "Madam, I feel that there is no one in this harem who is more liked by the empress dowager than you. I guess, once the emperor comes to the harem, he will be the first to be lucky." Your concubine is your empress."

"No!" Han Lingying said suddenly.

Lingqiao was frightened by her blunt expression, her face was already pale enough, but it would be even more frightening when coupled with a blunt expression, "Madam, what's wrong with you? Did the servant say something wrong?"

Han Lingying realized that he was speaking too loudly, and immediately restrained his sharpness, "It's okay."

Not long after noon, the people in Xiangning Palace had almost left.

The imperial concubine was the last to leave.

After watching the imperial concubine and her palace eunuchs and maids go away, Tang Lin ran back to the main hall from the gate in a flash. In front of the empress dowager, she did not keep her fiery personality, "Let's go, let's all go Already!"

The empress dowager gently put down the teacup in her hand, smiled helplessly at Tang Lin, and shook her head, "You, the Ai family really can't do anything with you, they can do anything."

Tang Lin giggled and said, "What your son has done is much more amazing than what I have done."

The Empress Dowager waved her hand to the eunuchs and maids beside her, and those people understood and retreated one after another.

After the two of them were left, the Empress Dowager's expression became much more serious, and she cut to the chase and said, "Xiao Tang, tell Aijia honestly that this Concubine De is really...pregnant?"

Tang Lin said: "According to her behavior, well, there are signs of pregnancy."

"How is this possible?" The Empress Dowager thought it was too absurd. "There is not a single man in this harem. All the eunuchs were put into the harem after repeated inspections. Where did Concubine De get the chance?"

Tang Lin said: "Queen Mother, please don't be angry, let alone punish Concubine De impulsively. Once you make a fool of yourself, nothing will be found out. Regarding Concubine De's pregnancy, let Xiao Tang handle it. I listen Said Concubine De had a palace maid who was seriously ill not long ago and was sent out of the palace by Concubine De, I want to find out if it is related to the death of the two concubines."

The empress dowager said: "Then be careful. If you need help, come to Aijia directly. Aijia will definitely help you. The premise is that you have to take care of yourself. If you make a mistake, Aijia will take care of you." There is no way to explain to the emperor."

Tang Lin was very pleased to receive such concern from the Empress Dowager, "Don't worry, Empress Dowager, I will be fine, I promise."

Tang Lin returned to Ruining Palace and walked through the gate grandly.

When the eunuchs guarding the gate saw Tang Lin, they all patted the back of their heads in unison, hey, didn't their Tang concubine already go in?When did you go out?

A eunuch went up to stop Tang Lin, "You..."

Tang Lin threw a few words angrily, "What are you looking at, you won't be able to recognize me dressed like this? Keep an eye on the gate for me, if something goes wrong, I'll kill you all!"

Isn't their empress very weak?Why are you so irritable?
"Get lost!" Tang Lin glared at the eunuchs in a displeased manner. Of course, she couldn't underestimate these eunuchs. They were all very skilled. Otherwise, how would they protect the gate of Ruining Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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