The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 345 Kill all imperial physicians!

Chapter 345 Kill all imperial physicians!
After throwing the word "scroll", Tang Lin turned her head and entered the palace angrily.

Those eunuchs were still standing at the door, dumbfounded.

It just so happened that all the guards were eating in the backyard.

Tang Lin angrily pushed open the door of the bedroom and walked in, while still not forgetting to yell: "It's reversed, even the genuine Tang concubine dared to stop her, so she has to find a way to deal with it."

Walking into the inner room, Tang Lin glanced at the bed while taking off her clothes. This Shihe really enjoyed herself, half lying on the bed reading a book, "Hey, you went out crying today, are you okay?"

Shihe said, "I'm much better now. Tang Lin, I almost messed up your business, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, you need to grow up and mature anyway, so let's take it as an experience." After taking off his clothes, he walked towards the screen, not forgetting to say along the way: "Oh right, from now on you will stay in Ruining Palace, Don't run around."

"What about you?" Shihe heard Tang Lin's words had other meanings, "Are you going out?"

A voice came from the other side of the screen, "I want to go to Concubine De to do something, I guess I will be back in a while. You stay here well, if you have a stomachache, go to Doctor Wu, and if the concubine comes to provoke you, go to Doctor Wu." Guard."

After Tang Lin came out, Shihe said worriedly, "I'm worried about you."

Tang Lin climbed onto the bed and leaned against the wall like Shihe. She smiled and said, "Wait until you can beat me someday before worrying about me. Your worries now are unnecessary. Of course, if you really don't want to Without telling Fu Yushu, you can tell him the truth, and in this way, I can come back every day in an open and honest manner without worrying about whether they will see me or not."

As soon as Fu Yushu was mentioned, Shihe's expression darkened, "I...don't want to face him yet."

"It's up to you, I'll sleep first, wake me up before nightfall." After speaking, Tang Lin lay down and fell asleep as soon as she said.

"Did you really sleep?" Shihe still wanted to talk about what she discovered today.

Tang Lin closed her eyes and said, "If you have anything to say, say it."

Shihe told what she discovered today, "Today, when we arrived near the entrance of Xiangning Palace, a concubine was sitting in a sedan chair and passed by us. The concubine threw a few sour plums out of the sedan chair. You Say, does she like to eat sour plums, or..."

Suddenly, Tang Lin opened her eyes and sat up immediately, "Really? Do you know which concubine it is?"

Shi He shook her head, "I don't know."

Tang Lin held her chin and thought for a while. It should be Concubine De. When she was pouring wine for Concubine De, she clearly smelled the smell of sour plums from Concubine De.Don't pregnant women like to eat sour food?
If Concubine De is really pregnant, then... who is the child's father?
The imperial city was guarded by the Imperial Forest Army and Ouchi guards, and the gates of the palaces were even more tightly guarded. Without orders, no one could enter the harem.So, who is the man who has the opportunity to enter the harem?
It couldn't be the Imperial Forest Army and Ouchi guards, they were all guarding outside the harem, and they wouldn't go in at all.Moreover, the safety of the harem was entrusted to those eunuchs who knew martial arts, and there was no need for the Imperial Forest Army to come in.

"Forget it, we'll analyze these things after we wake up." After speaking, Tang Lin lay down again.

Looking up at the sky, it was already afternoon.Yu Shengjun looked at the roads around him, and then at the map. If he read it correctly, there is a corner of the Imperial Garden in front of him.

He walked outside a palace without looking at the plaque on that palace, and then went into the imperial garden.

After bypassing a lotus pond, there was a gazebo in front of him, and he wanted to go there to have a look.

"Ouch—" came the sound of vomiting.

At this moment, Yu Shengjun was standing on the path beside the lotus pond. He looked around, and finally locked onto a figure from behind.

After spitting out some sour water, Concubine De, who was squatting by the lotus pond, waved to her back, and said weakly, "Hanyu, help me up."

Yu Shengjun frowned, Ben Gong?Is that person his concubine?
He reached out and grabbed De Fei's hand.

Feeling that it wasn't a maid's hand, Concubine De looked back and gasped when she saw Yu Shengjun.One accidentally slipped her foot and fell into the lotus pond. She screamed, "Ah—" Seeing this, Yu Shengjun pulled Concubine De up with force.Concubine De's center of gravity was unstable, and she couldn't control herself, and then fell into Yu Shengjun's arms, panting heavily.

However, Yu Shengjun didn't give her too many chances to feel at ease, he let go of his hand, took a step back, and asked with no expression on his face: "Is there nothing wrong?"

Concubine De was still in shock, panting heavily while clutching her chest, while staring at Yu Shengjun's face.Slowly, she calmed down her breath, and then carefully looked at Yu Shengjun.

Like Shihe and Han Lingying, she reacted to Yu Shengjun's appearance, but she didn't show it very clearly.

Hanyu hurried over from the front with a cloak in his hand, "Your Majesty, the servant is here." He ran to Concubine De and put the cloak on Concubine De, "Mother, it's windy outside, we still Go back quickly, Imperial Doctor Zheng is worried about your health."

Concubine De tugged at the strap of the cloak, and then met Shang Yu Shengjun's eyes, "You... are the guards next to Concubine Tang?" According to Hanyu's description, Ouchi's guards should wear this kind of clothes.

Yu Shengjun glanced at other places indifferently, and many concubines were active in other places in the imperial garden.He didn't reply to Concubine De's words, turned around and left.

Hanyu complained from behind, "Ma'am, that person is too rude. Anyway, you are a concubine, and he doesn't greet you when he sees you. This person under Concubine Tang is really uneducated! It's a pity that she looks so good-looking! "

Yu Shengjun heard her words, but he didn't turn around to look at Concubine De curiously.

Concubine De stopped Hanyu, "Don't talk about it, help me go to other places."

Hanyu said impatiently: "Madam, you ran to the Imperial Garden as soon as you came out of Xiangning Palace. How can you bear this body? Doctor Zheng even called here. Madam, you should go back and let him have a look."

Concubine De lowered her head, looked at her abdomen, and said in a calm tone: "I know my body better than anyone else, so there is no need to look at it."

Han Yu wanted to say, "But Imperial Doctor Zheng has already arrived, so why not just let him go?"

Concubine De fell silent, facing the lotus pond, looking at those beautiful and refined lotus flowers, her eyes became more and more dazed...

into the night.

Shihe changed her clothes from the screen and came out. She opened the window to take a look at the sky, and thought it was time to wake Tang Lin up.Tang Lin said, wake her up before nightfall.

She walked to the bed and shook Tang Lin, who was sleeping indecently, "Tang Lin, it's night."

Tang Lin reluctantly opened her sleepy eyes, and then yawned again, "Heh—" Stretching her waist, "I'm so sleepy, I really want to just sleep like this and never wake up."

Shi He asked: "Tonight, are you going out to do something?"

Tang Lin got out of bed, walked to the dressing table with her bare feet, combed her hair, and said, "Go to the main palace to do something, tonight...won't come back." Sleeping at Yu Shengjun's place tonight, why come back ?
Shihe never forgot to tell, "If you see the emperor, don't forget to tell him that I want to see him, Tang Lin, please."

Tang Lin said impatiently: "I know, I know, I will tell him when I see him, don't keep mentioning it. It's not like I won't see him in my life." She also hoped that on her wedding day, Shi He would Where is her bridesmaid.

After changing her clothes, Tang Lin took a piece of fruit from the fruit plate on the outside table and went out.

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi were guarding the door. Seeing that she was going out, Fu Yushu immediately asked, "Sir, it's so late, where are you going? You didn't inform us earlier!"

After Tang Lin finished chewing the pulp in her mouth, she ordered the two of them: "Tonight, I'm going back to the main palace to do some business. I'm guessing I'll be staying at the guard department, and I won't be back until tomorrow. You guys continue to protect Ruining Palace, so you don't need to go out with me."

Fu Yushu said: "Then let us take you to the place where you go out?"

"No need." Tang Lin waved her hand and refused, "This is going to the main palace, not to other parts of the harem. I'll be fine. That's it, I'm leaving." After finishing speaking, she left gracefully.

Shao Qi looked at Tang Lin's back and sighed helplessly, "Oh, this Tang Lin's style of acting is becoming more and more unpredictable."

And this style of Tang Lin also made Fu Yushu deny that she is Shihe.

The sky, the moon and the stars are sparse.

The imperial study room is brightly lit.

Yu Shengjun was discussing with several ministers how to deal with the affairs of the Northern Kingdom, An Lin opened the door and walked in, walked to his side, whispered a few words in his ear, then straightened his head.

Yu Shengjun took a deep breath, then put together the map and booklet on the table, and said to the other ministers: "Okay, that's the end of today's discussion, dear friends, go home first. "

"I'm waiting to retire."

After a while, the ministers all left.

As soon as the person left, Yu Shengjun immediately asked An Lin: "Where is the person?"

An Lin said: "Yitang and Anleng were placed in the next room not far away."

Yu Shengjun waved his sleeves and walked away.

Not long after, the door of the wing room was opened, and Yu Shengjun walked in quickly, looking around, Yitang and An Leng were sitting by the bed, and the other was standing by the bed, on the bed lay Yifeng covered in blood.

Yu Shengjun came over and asked, "What happened to him?"

Yitang said anxiously: "There is a gang of anti-thieves among the people who are rioting, raping, looting, murdering and arson. Unfortunately, Yifeng rescued the girl in the fire and was plotted against him. He was shot with arrows. I'm afraid he won't be able to survive...tonight."

Yifeng still breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing Yu Shengjun, he stretched out his bloody hand tremblingly, and said in an extremely trembling voice, "Master, master!"

Yu Shengjun came over, Yitang stepped aside, he sat down, and held Yifeng's hand tightly.This guard has already helped him complete many tasks, and he is loyal, and he is an important figure in his ten-year plan. Seeing this guard has become like this, how can he not feel sad, "Yifeng, listen to me, I can't do without you, I must survive!"

Because of the pain all over his body, Yifeng's body trembled from time to time, and the blood never stopped flowing, "Master, after this subordinate...can't, can't anymore."

"Don't talk about it," Yu Shengjun took a breath of heartache, then looked at An Lin, and shouted: "Quickly, go to the imperial doctor, and call all the imperial doctors from the Imperial Hospital here. If Yifeng can't be cured, I killed them all."

Together they were intimidated by Yu Shengjun's sudden violent temperament.Unexpectedly, Yifeng's life would cause the master to care so much, and even took the lives of everyone in the Tai Hospital.

Not long after, more than a dozen imperial doctors from the Imperial Hospital began to rush in and out. Their only goal was to save Yifeng no matter what, otherwise, they would not live until tomorrow.

Yu Shengjun stood in front of the window all the time, with his back to the dozen or so imperial doctors who were about to be at a loss behind him.He didn't want to see what happened next.At this moment, his mood is very nervous, he is afraid that something good or bad will happen to Yifeng.

Every bodyguard is chosen out of ten thousand and has feelings for him. He really doesn't want to see them leave the world so easily.

The other imperial doctors were all busy, administering medicine to Yifeng, feeling his pulse, and prescribing prescriptions.But there was an imperial doctor standing by the bed, staring closely at Yifeng who had passed out.His eyes became tighter and tighter, with a color of fear.If something really happened to this guard, then he wouldn't live until tomorrow, if he couldn't live tomorrow, then...

(End of this chapter)

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