Chapter 346

"Physician Zheng, what are you looking at? Hurry up and find a way to revive the guard!" An old imperial doctor saw Zheng Yuyi standing stupidly, so he urged him.

Physician Zheng came back and nodded hurriedly, "Okay." He walked to the table, opened the medicine box and looked through it, but at this moment, his eyes fell on Yu Shengjun who was facing away from him at the front window. body.

Is that the emperor?

The emperor has never been ill, so he has never seen the emperor's illness, so naturally he has never seen the emperor's true face.

It would be great if the emperor turned around now.He wanted to see what the men in the harem that the concubines dreamed of seeing looked like.

Zheng Yuyi just looked at Yu Shengjun's back, but there was a look of panic on his young and handsome face.This emperor ascended the throne at the age of six, and unified the Central Plains before he was 25. It is conceivable that he has the ability to turn his hands into clouds and rain. If he offends the emperor, then... what will happen?

After a while, Yifeng suddenly vomited a big mouthful of blood loudly, and he arched half his body, "Ouch——"

All the imperial doctors were terrified and stood by the bed helplessly.

"What happened?" Yitang, who was watching from the side, suddenly shouted when he saw Yifeng.

Immediately, all the imperial physicians lowered their heads, including Imperial Physician Zheng.

Yu Shengjun turned around when he heard the sound, unexpectedly, he saw Yifeng lying on the bed lightly, with blood all over his mouth and neck. Seeing this scene, he shouted in pain: "Yifeng!"

All the imperial doctors knelt down in fear, and said in unison tremblingly: "Your servant should die, please punish the emperor."

Yu Shengjun hurriedly walked to the bed and sat down, shook the peak fiercely, "Yifeng! Yifeng! Wake up, you are my best bodyguard, you can't leave me now, wake up!"

But no matter how much he shook, Yifeng didn't respond.

Yu Shengjun closed his eyes in pain, and after a few seconds, he glared at the dozen or so imperial doctors kneeling beside the bed, and said angrily, "You can't even save one person, what else can you do besides getting your salary on time?" What is the use of keeping you in the palace?" Speaking of this, he yelled outside the door: "Come on, drag them all out and kill them immediately!"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

"Even Da Luo Immortal can't save Lord Bodyguard, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, I really can't do anything, please forgive me!"

But no matter how much the imperial doctors begged for mercy, they were finally dragged out of the room by the Ouchi guards, and they knelt outside shaking their bodies one by one.

The guards carried out their tasks according to the order. They all drew out their sharp swords and pointed them at the heads of the imperial doctors. "Stop!" Before the swords in the hands of the guards fell to the necks of the imperial doctors, Tang Lin appeared in time and stopped them.

The guards stopped, but the imperial doctors didn't dare to raise their heads.

Tang Lin walked up to a guard and asked, "What's going on?"

At this moment, the guard's expression couldn't help becoming painful, "Yifeng, something happened to him, and these imperial doctors are useless at all. In a rage, the master ordered them to be beheaded!"

"Order, don't do anything yet, I'll ask the emperor." After speaking, Tang Lin walked into the wing.

Yitang was a little surprised when he saw her, "Miss Tang, why are you here?"

"Just come and have a look." After talking in the class, Tang Lin walked to the bedside and saw Yu Shengjun holding Yifeng's hand tightly, with an expression of unspeakable pain, and couldn't help feeling deeply.

If something happened to her one day, Yu Shengjun would be in more pain than now, right?

After glancing at Yifeng, Tang Lin couldn't help covering her mouth, "My God, is this Yifeng? How did he become like this?"

Yitang explained with difficulty: "Miss Tang, Yifeng...he was assassinated for saving people, but he has already..."

Although seeing Yifeng covered in blood, Tang Lin's eyes ached a bit, but it might be because she had seen too many scenes like this, she was not disturbed by the blood, but calmed down even more.

She helped Yu Shengjun, "Junjun, sit next to me, I'll see if Yifeng is still alive."

Yu Shengjun stood up, but he did not leave, "Linlin, if there is help, I will not order all the imperial doctors to be killed."

Tang Lin sat down and checked Yifeng's body, first probing Yifeng's neck, then opening Yifeng's eyes, and said to Yu Shengjun, "Junjun, you care too much about the life of Ouchi's guards. So much so that you ignore other people's lives are also precious. Yifeng's level, in the eyes of the imperial doctors, is undoubtedly a dead person, how can they save them? If they are placed among the people, maybe they can Saved a lot of people. Therefore, people should not be killed indiscriminately, especially good people with special skills."

Yu Shengjun stared fixedly at Yifeng, and asked hoarsely, "Is it impossible to save him?"

"That's not true,"

Tang Lin's words ignited Yu Shengjun's hope, "Can you save me?"

Tang Lin raised her head and showed him a more charming smile, "I said I can save it if I can. By the way, I need my bag. It seems to be in your bedroom, Junjun."

Yu Shengjun immediately said: "I'll go back and get it now."

"Master," Yitang said, "Don't go, just stay."

Yu Shengjun asked him: "Do you know which one?"

Tang laughed dryly, "Usually, I have seen Miss Tang take it."

Yu Shengjun urged: "Then hurry up, Yifeng's life is in your hands! Don't take the wrong thing!"

"Subordinates come back as soon as possible." After speaking, Yitang quickly walked out of the room.

Tang Lin saw a medicine box on the table not far away. She went over to get hemostatic powder and white cloth, and while pulling Yifeng's clothes off, she said to Yu Shengjun, "I used to go abroad with a colleague on a mission. She He was seriously injured by the enemy, no worse than Yifeng, but he was saved by me in the end. They seemed to have no breathing and no pulse, but they were not. People with strong willpower like them, after being seriously injured and unconscious , must hold a breath for myself as much as possible, although this breath is very weak, it is enough to wake them up."

Yu Shengjun said: "After his accident, Zhang Xiangyang gave him internal energy to heal his injuries, but it was useless. In the end, Zhang Xiangyang collapsed from exhaustion and is still lying on the bed."

Tang Lin said in disbelief: "I can't save him even if I lose my internal strength? Then I don't know if I can save Yifeng later, I'm a little unconfident. But Junjun, no matter whether Yifeng can survive in the end, you can't save the people outside. All the doctors were cut off. They are human beings with limited medical skills, not everyone can be saved, so don’t embarrass them.”

"No, if Yifeng is really dead, I must kill them." Yu Shengjun played tricks once.

Tang Lin shook her head helplessly, "It's up to you."

Not long after, Yitang brought Tang Lin's camouflage backpack, which was really heavy.He put the backpack on the table.

Tang Lin came over and opened the lock before the chain could be pulled away. Then, she took out the sleeves of the chemical drugs she kept, and took a bottle from the top, which was full of red liquid.

Next, after sterilizing the needle, she put the red liquid medicine that was more than a small finger into the needle tube, then walked to the bedside and sat down, took Yifeng's hand, inserted the needle into the blood vessel on his arm, and poured the liquid medicine into the needle tube. Slowly injected into the arm.

Yu Shengjun and Yitang were taken aback by these novel things.

After injecting Yifeng with the liquid medicine, Tang Lin asked Yitang to wet the towel. She helped Yifeng wipe his face, arms, and upper back, and then began to disinfect the wound. Finally, he applied the abrasion medicine and bandaged the wound.

After Tang Lin asked Yitang to change Yifeng into a set of clean clothes, Yifeng no longer looked like a dead person.

Yu Shengjun sat down on the side of the bed, probed Yifeng's nose, and actually felt Yifeng's gentle and rhythmic breathing. He was very excited, "Linlin, Yifeng is breathing, he is breathing."

Tang Lin was packing her things. Seeing Yu Shengjun so happy, she was also happy that she saved someone. "Junjun, you don't have to worry. He only needs a month's recuperation, and his body will be fully healed. I injected his body with drugs that can regenerate cells, stop bleeding, quickly heal internal wounds, and relieve pain. He can't die."

Yu Shengjun covered Yifeng with a quilt, then walked to Tang Lin, and asked, "There is such a miraculous medicine, it must be difficult to make it?"

Tang Lin nodded, "Yes, it is very difficult to make. It takes time, effort, and materials to extract the essence. This kind of thing is not available in our country. Even if someone can make it, It also cannot be sold on the market. This kind of medicine has reached the point of defying the sky. Once a person takes too much, even if his head is cut off, his body will still move. The reason why I have it is given by my superiors. It is to ensure the life of the prisoners so that they can be sent to court. I have only used this kind of thing once, and it was on my colleague. I used a lot of drugs at that time, and I was severely criticized by the organization. There was a pause. However, they did not return the rest, no, this meeting was actually used on an ancient person."

"Thank you, Linlin." Yu Shengjun said gratefully.

She glared at him coquettishly, "Am I still out? Hmph!"

"Come on!" Yu Shengjun shouted out.

An Leng came in from the outside, "Master, please give me instructions."

Yu Shengjun said: "Let all the imperial doctors go back, I won't cut them down."

"Yes." He answered, turned around and left coldly.But after a while, he came in again and reported: "Master, all the other imperial doctors have returned to the imperial hospital, but Zheng imperial doctor wants to see you!"

Yu Shengjun frowned, "Doctor Zheng?"

He sneered secretly: "Master, you have been free from illness and disaster all year round. Except for the old imperial doctors who often went to see the queen mother and treat the guards' injuries, you have never seen the new imperial doctors. Doctor Zheng It took half a year to advance to Taiyuan Hospital, and I heard that he is the best one in the history of medical assessment, and he is also the youngest."

"No, tell him to do his job well." Yu Shengjun said coldly.

"Well, this subordinate will go back now." After An Leng went out, he said to Zheng Yuyi who was outside the door: "I'm sorry Zheng Yuyi, the emperor said he didn't see you, and told you to do your duty . Please come back."

Zheng Yuyi didn't understand, and spoke anxiously: "Why? Why didn't the emperor see me?"

He shrugged coldly, "I don't know, maybe something happened to our guard, so he didn't want to see anyone."

Doctor Zheng thought about it, and felt that what An Leng said was right, when a person is dead, there is no mood to see others. "Then... I'll come to see you another day, then I'll take my leave, Lord Guard."

In the room,

Tang Lin suddenly thought of something, "The concubine De is a bit strange today. The imperial doctor Wu is in the harem. She vomited so painfully and so badly, but she insisted on refusing. She had to ask the imperial doctor from the imperial hospital. By the way, I just asked That Royal Physician Zheng."

Yu Shengjun noticed what Tang Lin said, "Concubine De? What's wrong with her?"

"She..." Tang Lin wanted to tell Yu Shengjun about Concubine De's pregnancy, but she was not completely sure whether Concubine De was pregnant. She didn't want to reveal it now. Second, Concubine De was Yu Shengjun His concubine, if he knew that Concubine De had an affair with someone else, he would definitely be furious, and then order to punish Concubine De, then it would be a waste of time for her to investigate the sick little palace maid.

(End of this chapter)

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