Chapter 347
After thinking about it, Tang Lin decided not to say anything, "It's nothing strange, maybe she ate badly yesterday, and she vomited endlessly today."

However, what Yu Shengjun said next shocked her. He said calmly, "Do you want to tell me that Concubine De is pregnant, and the baby in her womb is not mine!"

"You," Tang Lin froze, "you know?"

Yu Shengjun couldn't help recalling the scene when she met Concubine De today. She said to Tang Lin: "I went to inspect the harem today. I happened to meet Concubine De who vomited in the lotus pond in the imperial garden. When I pulled her up , I see that she no longer has Shou Gong Sha in her hand."

Tang Lin smiled dryly, "You're really good, and you can see this too. Then Junjun, who is the person who made her belly bigger?" "Could it be..."

Yu Shengjun immediately clarified, "It's not me." He gave her a hard look, and poked her on the head again, "What are you thinking, you are talking nonsense!"

Tang Lin said, "You are not the child's father, so who is?"

Yu Shengjun said with contempt: "You know who it is, and you still ask me?"

Tang Lin was said to be confused, "I know? When did I know? Who is it?" Yu Shengjun opened his mouth and said, "Isn't it the Zheng Yu doctor?"

"Ah!" Tang Lin was stunned, "You suspect him too?"

Yu Shengjun said: "In this harem, except for the imperial doctor, not even the gods of Daluo can enter. Tell me, apart from that imperial doctor Zheng, is there any man who has the opportunity to get close to Concubine De?"

Tang Lin said contemptuously, "This imperial hospital is not limited to Imperial Physician Zheng. How do you know that the person who has an affair with Concubine De is Imperial Physician Zheng?"

Yu Shengjun smiled, and couldn't help poking her on the head again, "If you say you are stupid, you are stupid. Just now I also said secretly, all the people I have seen are old imperial doctors. And this palace Only one imperial physician is recruited every five years, and it happens that Imperial Physician Zheng came here half a year ago, isn’t it him? Also, An Leng also mentioned that this Imperial Physician Zheng is not only excellent in the examination, but also the youngest one. What should I say? You mentioned just now that Concubine De does not want Imperial Physician Wu to see a doctor, but appoints Imperial Physician Zheng, so it is not difficult to analyze that there is a relationship between them."

"Admiration, admiration," Tang Lin applauded, "You just ran into the matter of Concubine De, and you solved it immediately. But then again, when did you know that Imperial Doctor Zheng had an affair with Concubine De ?”

Yu Shengjun said: "From the time you said that Concubine De is a bit weird, you have suspected it, until now you have confirmed it."

Tang Lin asked: "Then how do you plan to deal with this matter? In the past, Shihe gave you a cuckold, but now, it's your turn to be a concubine. But it's not their fault, it's your fault. Who told you not to pamper them? It's normal for them to cheat."

Yu Shengjun smiled lightly, "Is it unreasonable? Forget it, let's not mention these disappointing things. After you are sure that Concubine De has nothing to do with the death of the two concubines, I will deal with Concubine De and Imperial Doctor Zheng." matter. I won’t startle the snake until I’m sure.”

Tang Lin smiled gratefully, "Thank you Junjun."

Yu Shengjun asked: "Tonight, go back to Ruining Palace?"

"No!" Tang Lin shrugged, with a wicked smile on her face, "Tonight, I'm going to stay with my boyfriend."

He put his arm on her shoulder, "Then what are you waiting for, go back to sleep now."

In the early morning of the next day, after Yu Shengjun went down to court, he went directly to the guard department to see Yifeng.

Last night, Yifeng had been transferred to the underground palace.

Yu Shengjun came to the room where Yifeng lived in the attic. Several guards were commenting on Yifeng's injuries. Most of them said that Yifeng's survival depended on Tang Lin arriving in time.

A guard saw that Yu Shengjun had come behind them and was listening to them, he panicked, and immediately kowtowed to say hello, "Subordinate, see master."

Immediately, greet everyone, "Your subordinates will refer to the master."

Yifeng was half lying on the bed. When he saw Yu Shengjun, he was about to move his body to get out of bed, but Yu Shengjun stopped him, "Don't move, everyone else, get up." After finishing speaking, he walked to the side of the bed , asked: "Yifeng, are you feeling better?"

Yifeng's eyes turned hot, "The subordinate is much better, thank you master for not giving up the life of the subordinate."

"It's fine, just pay more attention to yourself in the future." Said, Yu Shengjun comforted Yifeng's shoulder. "Tell me, what's going on with the private anti-thief gang?"

Yifeng said: "The two countries are united. Many vicious people take advantage of this chaos and come out to riot one after another. They rape, plunder, murder and set fire. They do all kinds of evil. But now, they have been suppressed by the government."

Yu Shengjun sighed softly, "It's because I didn't manage it well, and I will urge civil officials to be more prepared. You have a good rest, I still have state affairs to discuss with the ministers, and I will send you tasks after you are well."

Yifeng nodded and said: "Your subordinates know, send the master off respectfully."

The Imperial Dining Room delivered meals to Ruining Palace on time every day, and Fu Yushu and the others went to the backyard to eat on time every day.When the day comes, they won't be as vigilant about the safety of Ruining Palace as they are at night.

Taking advantage of this gap, Tang Lin returned to Ruining Palace without letting Fu Yushu and the others see her.

Back in the room, after having breakfast with Shihe, Tang Lin began to change into a clean eunuch uniform, and finally, in front of the dressing table, drew a real birthmark on the corner of her left eyebrow with a red pen that covered her eyebrows .

After the painting was finished, Tang Lin turned around and looked at Shi He who was packing the bedding, and asked for her opinion: "Look, how is my painting?"

Shihe asked puzzledly: "It seems quite real, why did you put these on your face?"

Tang Lin turned around and continued to paint in front of the mirror until the painting was lifelike, "If you paint a birthmark like this, then go to Concubine De, and she won't be able to see my whole face. She has seen you, if If she sees me, won't she know that I am Concubine Tang?"

Shi He warned: "You must be careful. You always do things alone, and you don't ask anyone for help. I am very worried."

"Okay," Tang Lin said, "I'm creating an opportunity for you and Fu Yushu to fall in love. Don't give it up if you don't want it. I'm going to Concubine De this time to investigate her personal affairs, and secondly, I want to find out if the sick little palace lady was really sent out of the palace. If Concubine De is related to the death of the two concubines, then I will investigate her even more now."

Before leaving, Tang Lin took out her pistol from the drawer, put it in her sleeve, then turned her head and gave Shihe a wink, "I'm leaving, here, I'll leave it to you!"

Huide Palace.

Hanyu brought a bowl of decoction into the room and sent it to the bed, "Mother, the medicine is here."

Concubine De was lying on the bed, her face was pale, she seemed very weak.

Hanyu put the bowl of medicine on the high stool at the side, then helped Concubine De to lean on her shoulder, she took the medicine, warmed it up spoon by spoon, and sent it to Concubine De's mouth, "Your Majesty, these are the anti-fetal drugs prescribed by Zheng Yuyi, you must finish drinking them."

After taking a few sips, Concubine De looked away weakly, and stopped drinking the medicine that Hanyu brought up.She looked at her luxuriously furnished room, and suddenly smiled sadly, "Antibiotics? So what if you can keep it? It will be exposed sooner or later!"

Hanyu put the bowl back and asked Concubine De to lean against the bedpost.She knew what Concubine De was worried about, she said: "Madam, the sour plums you threw outside the Xiangning Palace that day, Concubine Tang and the others probably wouldn't pay attention to it, so don't worry about it. Listen to Doctor Zheng's advice, take care of the fetus first, and then take you out of the palace after he has figured out a way."

Concubine De said weakly: "You underestimate the Ouchi guards, they must have found the sour plum. You also said that when you came out of Xiangning Palace yesterday, you couldn't find the sour plum in the original place."

Hanyu said: "Maybe it was swept away by those sweepers in the harem."

De Fei smiled wryly, "Is there such a coincidence?"

"Then what should we do?" Hanyu was in a hurry, "If the matter between you and Dr. Zheng is really going to be exposed, it will be cruel to the child in your womb."

At this point, Hanyu couldn't care about anything, and complained fiercely: "It's all the fault of the queen mother and her mother and son. The empress and Zheng Yuyi were childhood sweethearts. They were supposed to be a couple, but they were chosen into the palace by the queen mother." In the middle, the queen mother is also true. Is it true that she is the daughter of an official's family? Don't think about other people's feelings. The emperor is even more wrong, empress, you are his concubine, and he doesn't even go further in the harem."

Concubine De smiled wryly again, "If my father doesn't want to be the head of the country, why would a reasonable empress dowager force me to enter the palace? Who can blame me for this, things are already like this."

Hanyu asked: "My lady, what are you going to do? If Concubine Tang really finds the sour plum, it will be extremely detrimental to you and Imperial Doctor Zheng."

Concubine De smiled bitterly: "Things have evolved to this point, so what can I do."

Hanyu thought for a while, and suddenly came up with a plan, "Madam, why don't we..." He leaned into Concubine De's ear and whispered a few words.

After listening, Concubine De's eyes widened, "What, poisoning and killing people?"

"Hush!" Hanyu panicked, "Your Majesty, don't be so loud, be careful that you have ears on the wall. Now, there is no other way but to kill Concubine Tang, and only by killing her will the matter of sour plums disappear. Instead of waiting If she is about to be slaughtered, it is better to strike first. This concubine Tang is already very sick, and she may die at any time. As long as we leave no traces, everyone will think she died of illness."

Concubine De concubine thought for a while, then finally shook her head and said: "As Concubine De, how can I do this, how can..."

Hanyu reminded: "But empress, you have to think about the child in your womb!"

"Hanyu," De Fei grabbed Hanyu's hand emotionally, "Aside from killing people, is there any other way? You think about it, think about it, as long as no one is killed."

"Then..." Hanyu thought about it again, and came up with another plan, "Or let Concubine Tang fall into a deep sleep, so that she won't reveal any secrets."

Concubine De still has concerns, "Are you sure Concubine Tang is the only one who knows about the sour plums? Maybe the guards around her also know about it. In the end, I still can't let my mind go."

Hanyu suddenly said angrily: "Just burn down the Ruining Palace with a torch, and save yourself so much trouble."

Concubine De took a drink: "Impossible."

Han Yuyu said earnestly: "Your Majesty, this is not allowed, and that is not allowed, but the one who was beheaded in the end was not only you, Madam, but also your favorite doctor Zheng Yu, and the whole palace of Huide Palace." You think about it again, Concubine Tang and others, we will die or they will die, whether it is poisoning or setting fire, we must be ruthless once."

Concubine De shook her head in pain and said: "It's too cruel, Ben can I do it."

"Your Majesty," at this moment, the voice of a court lady came from outside.

Hanyu asked Concubine De aloud, "What's the matter?"

The maid said: "There is an eunuch named Xiao Tang outside, and he said that he wants to serve our empress, please make a decision."

Concubine De said weakly: "Hanyu, just bring someone in and let me have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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