The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 348 Everyone's Heads Have Been Cut Off

Chapter 348 Everyone's Heads Have Been Cut Off

Hanyu took the order, "Yes." Within a short while, Hanyu brought Tang Lin into Concubine De's bedroom.

After Hanyu brought him in, she retreated to Concubine De's side, and said to Tang Lin bluntly, "This is Concubine De, since you want to come to Concubine De's job, why don't you greet me?"

Tang Lin bowed her head and walked over, making herself appear cautious and scared.She came to Concubine De, then knelt down, and said nervously: "Your servant is, you are new here, someone from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, let your servant come to report to Concubine De."

Seeing that she was so scared, Concubine De dared not raise her head, and ordered: "Raise your head."

Tang Lin didn't lift it up, as if she was very afraid of seeing Concubine De.

Unable to see Tang Lin's procrastination and weakness, Hanyu suddenly became angry, "Ms. Defei asked you to raise your head, so you just raise your head. What are you doing?"

"Yes." At this moment, Tang Lin raised her head slowly.

When the big birthmark on the corner of her left eyebrow came into the eyes of the two of them, Concubine De was just shocked, but Hanyu covered her mouth in surprise, "My God!" Such an ugly eunuch.

"With your face, how could the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs recruit you into the palace," Hanyu said.

"Hanyu, don't say a word." Concubine De took an annoyed look at Hanyu, and then said to Tang Lin: "Don't blame Hanyu, she just used inappropriate words, and she didn't mean to laugh at you. Since the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs asked You come to my Huide Palace to report, then you can stay and concentrate on your work." Speaking of this, facing Hanyu, he ordered: "Take him to get familiar with the environment of our palace, and arrange his residence."

Hanyu leaned back and said, "Your servant obeys." Then she said to Tang Lin, "Come out with me."

After a while, Hanyu walked in front, and Tang Lin followed behind, taking Tang Lin to familiarize herself with the environment of Huide Palace, "Little Tang, right? The general structure of Huide Palace is almost the same as other palaces. Of course, here It is not as spacious and luxurious as Ruining Palace. I have introduced you to Huide Palace and there are many places in it. You will know the rest of the places in the future. Now, what I want to tell you is about serving our empress. .”

Tang Lin followed behind Hanyu's buttocks, Hanyu was chattering non-stop, she didn't interrupt a word, her eyes kept wandering around every place up and down Huide Palace.

She wants to find out if there is anything ulterior in Huide Palace.

Hanyu went on to say: "Our empress can be a noble concubine, so she is naturally the concubine with the best character in the harem. She doesn't want the people under her to become enemies with all palaces and courtyards. Therefore, you should pay attention to it at ordinary times, and don't do it in other places. In front of the people in the palace, we will tell the right and wrong of our empress. Once discovered, you will be severely punished. Also, you are now a person next to the empress, so naturally you have to serve the empress well. Not only that, who has the empress met and what have you done? , what soup you have eaten, you must not leak it out to let the women in other palaces know."

Tang Lin responded persistently from behind, "I know Sister Hanyu."

at dusk.

Tang Lin was sweeping the yard outside Defei's bedroom with a broom. She was sweeping seriously, but suddenly there was a sound of nausea from inside the bedroom. It seemed that the person who was vomiting was in great pain.

Immediately afterwards, Hanyu ran out of the bedroom eagerly.

Tang Lin went up and asked, "Sister Hanyu, what's wrong with our mother?"

Hanyu held her hand and said anxiously: "Little Tang, take care of your mother, I'll go to the imperial hospital to invite the imperial doctor." Without allowing Tang Lin to ask about the situation, she ran out.

Tang Lin leaned on the broom in the middle of the courtyard, looked at Hanyu's disappearing figure, and then looked back at the door of Concubine De's bedroom.After Hanyu's shadow disappeared at the door, she threw the broom on the ground, tiptoed to the door of Concubine De's bedroom, and put her ear to the door to eavesdrop.

"Ouch—" In the dormitory, De Fei's painful vomiting was heard again.

Tang Lin stopped eavesdropping, pushed open the door and broke in, "Ma'am, what's wrong with you?"

At this moment, beside the large carved bed, there was a stool with a basin on it, and Concubine De was holding the wooden board beside the bed with one hand, and covering her chest with the other, vomiting into the basin, but she couldn't vomit anything. His face was frighteningly pale.

Tang Lin ran over in one step, and gently patted Concubine De's back to help soothe her.Anxiously said: "Your Majesty, what's wrong with you? Why are you vomiting so hard? Don't laugh at your servant!"

Under Tang Lin's comfort, Concubine De eased up a lot, she stopped vomiting, and leaned back weakly against the bedpost.Glancing at Tang Lin, she waved her hand weakly, "I'm fine, don't be impatient, it's not good for others to hear."

Tang Lin thought, if Concubine De was really pregnant, then Concubine De's Renchen reaction would be too strong.

"Go, bring a mirror to Ben Gong." Concubine De ordered weakly.

"I'm going right now, servant." As she spoke, Tang Lin walked towards the dressing table.In the end, she took a mirror from the dressing table and gave it to Concubine De. Unexpectedly, Concubine De almost snatched it from her own hands as soon as the mirror arrived.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Concubine De immediately let out a terrified "ah", and then, the mirror fell down.

Tang Lin made a timely move to catch the mirror, and the mirror escaped the shattering.

Seeing her haggard and pale self in the mirror, Concubine De couldn't help feeling sad, covered her mouth, and sobbed faintly.She looks like this now, how can she meet people...

"Ma'am, what's the matter with you?" Tang Lin asked with concern.

Concubine De stroked her face, her shoulders were throbbing because of sobbing, it was not an ordinary pain. "I look like this, how can I meet people, how can I meet people,"

Tang Lin took a closer look at her, she was indeed a bit paler than yesterday, but that beauty was still there. "Niang Niang, you look very beautiful now, why are you so shameless?"

Concubine De gave a wry smile, "It's useless to flatter now."

Tang Lin said: "No way. The empress looks very beautiful now." But she is also very weak.I really don't know why this woman pays so much attention to her beauty at this time.

Concubine De dejectedly turned her face to the side of the bed, and said in a flat tone: "Wait, no matter who comes, I won't be there either."

"Why?" Tang Lin asked puzzled. "You vomited so badly just now that you frightened Sister Hanyu. She has already gone to the imperial hospital to ask the imperial doctor to come over. Madam wait patiently for a while and let the imperial doctor see what's going on."

"Didn't you hear what I said?" Concubine De suddenly got angry, but when she got angry, she felt dizzy.She held her forehead, and ordered Tang Lin lightly: "I don't see anyone in this state. No matter who comes later, I will send them away, especially Doctor Zheng."

Ah!It turned out that he was afraid that his lover would see his face turn pale!

Tang Lin finally understood why Concubine De didn't want to see anyone anymore, and it was none other than Imperial Doctor Zheng that Hanyu went to the imperial hospital to hire.

"Ma'am, are you afraid that others will see your current appearance? That's easy, I will help you!" Tang Lin gently helped Concubine De out of bed, walked lightly towards the dressing table, and said as she walked: "Your Majesty, don't worry about handing you over to the servant. The servant promises to give you a beautiful concubine Defei within a short time."

After sitting down, looking at the haggard self in the mirror, Concubine De couldn't help but have a sore nose, "It's already like this, what else is there to dress up."

Tang Lin turned De Concubine's back to the mirror, then took eyebrow pencil, rouge and other things, and began to work on De Concubine's face, while smiling, she said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, trust me, I will definitely dress you up beautifully, wait No matter who sees you, you must not be amazed."

When her smooth, white and slender fingers passed in front of her eyes, Concubine De took a closer look and said in surprise: "I didn't expect that your hands are more beautiful than Hanyu's. It's a coincidence. You don't know if you don't look at it. Your hands are much prettier than those of other eunuchs."

To avoid seeing through, Tang Lin gave a dry smile, and said shamelessly: "Since I was a child, I have always looked like a mother and acted like a mother, so I was sent to the palace by my parents. No, I have no choice but to become a eunuch."

Concubine De shook her head sympathetically, "I didn't expect you to be a poor person." She comforted the hand on her shoulder, and the soft and smooth touch reminded her of something, and she sighed, "Besides Ben Gong Once upon a time, there was an ingenious court lady, her hands were as soft and smooth as yours, she is a pair of dexterous hands. She was very good at combing and dressing up my hair, and she was very fond of me, "

Tang Lin thought, could it be that maid who got sick and was sent out of the palace?Ask cautiously: "Mother, where is she now? Why isn't she by your side to serve you?"

Concubine De became silent, she turned her back to the mirror on the dressing table, and looked at a certain place in the room with melancholy eyes.

Tang Lin didn't dare to ask any more questions, and continued to put on makeup for Concubine De.She knew that De Concubine didn't want to talk about things, even if she asked hundreds of times, De Concubine would not reveal a word, so she should find other ways to find out about the sick palace lady.

At this moment, Imperial Doctor Zheng had already followed Hanyu, and the two rushed to Huide Palace in a hurry.

After being busy for some time, Tang Lin finally put away the eyebrow pencil, then looked at Concubine De with her eyes closed, and finally, she curled her lips in satisfaction, "Well, it's finally done. "

Slowly, Concubine De opened her eyes, she was anxious to know, "Xiao Tang, how did you put on the makeup on me?"

She was going to take a look in the mirror, but was stopped by Tang Lin, "Your Majesty, don't look at it yet, look at it after changing clothes, so that there will be surprises. The slave will help you find a suit first, you wait." After finishing speaking, He quickly ran to look through the cabinet.

After a while, Tang Lin found out a set of light green clothes, she smiled with satisfaction, "Well, it's you!" quickly took it to Concubine De, "Your Majesty, put this dress on Come on, you must be very good-looking!"

Not long after, Concubine De changed her clothes and appeared in front of Tang Lin, "Does this palace... look good?"How could this be the concubine De, who was like a resentful woman in a deep boudoir? After she personally dressed her, she looked like a glamorous, confident and elegant woman.

From Tang Lin's eyes, Concubine De saw the surprise, and Tang Lin was amazed at her at this moment.She walked to the dressing table and looked in the mirror. She was wearing a slim light green dress, paired with elegant makeup, and her hair was coiled up high...

Concubine De was surprised, "Is this the palace?"

Through the mirror, Concubine De is on her body, except for her face, which she can barely recognize, she can't recognize other parts.She used to wear a few red hairpins behind her back, and the clothes she was used to wearing no longer exist.

She usually puts on this light green dress when she goes to bed, and because this kind of material is not suitable for going out to meet people, she keeps putting it in the closet.

Tang Lin walked over with a smile, picked up the palm-sized purple flower on the table, pinned it on the shoulder of Concubine De, and then admired the beauty in the mirror, "Ma'am, this is you, just like a fake!" .”

Concubine De couldn't help but put on a pose, every gesture of her hands and feet showed her a confident self.At this moment, she looks not only confident, but also beautiful and generous.

(End of this chapter)

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