The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 349 I Don't Believe

Chapter 349 I Don't Believe
She is in love with this look!

"Xiao Tang, what did you do?" Concubine De couldn't help asking, "I have never seen such a dress before, it is indeed deeply loved by me, but this is the first time I have seen it."

Tang Lin replied modestly: "If you want to go back to your mother, you look like this. In the slave's hometown, if you go to a dinner party, you must dress like this. The slave regards your pajamas as an evening dress, because you have learned how to wear it before." Makeup, although the makeup technique is not as good as that of a professional makeup artist, it can still be put on the table. With such makeup, such hairstyle and clothes, you are completely transformed!"

Although she didn't quite understand what Tang Lin was saying, Concubine De couldn't help but look at her new self in the mirror. Tears rolled down her eyes as she looked at her, "This palace has never I've never seen myself so beautiful before."

Tang Lin smiled and said, "That lady will often dress up like this from now on, so that the beauty will last forever."

"Xiao Tang, thank you." Concubine De fixedly looked into Tang Lin's eyes, and said a word of gratitude from the bottom of her heart.

Tang Lin smirked, and said very cautiously: "Your Majesty, this servant is here to serve you. It is the duty of this servant to make your Majesty happy. Your Majesty, you don't need to be polite to your servant!"

"Oh," Concubine De suddenly sighed.

Tang Lin helped her to the edge of the bed and sat down, "Mother, why are you sighing?"

Concubine De smiled wryly and said: "I also want to make myself beautiful every day, but I don't know how long this kind of life can last." If her adultery with Zheng Yuyi is exposed, what awaits her is Leng Gong, or... …guillotine.

Tang Lin naturally guessed what Concubine De was worried about, but she didn't expose it and pretended not to know. "Niangniang, you are now a concubine De, who doesn't take you seriously? Don't worry!"

Concubine De was about to say something, when there was movement outside the door, and Hanyu's voice came in, "Doctor Zheng, hurry up, show your empress!"

Hearing this, Concubine De became nervous!Here he comes, coming in soon!
The door of the room was quickly opened by Hanyu. Immediately, she stood at the side door and made way, "Doctor Zheng, please!"

Dr. Zheng walked in quickly carrying the medicine box. When he looked at the carved bed out of breath, the woman who was dressed very differently surprised him a bit, but he still The first time he recognized the woman, it was Concubine De.

He walked over a few steps, "Empress Defei?"

With Tang Lin's support, Concubine De slowly stood up, then, she glanced at Hanyu, and said softly: "Hanyu, you and Xiao Tang go down first, and let Zheng Yu doctor to treat me quietly! "

"Yes, ma'am!" Hanyu bowed behind her, and came over to pull Tang Lin out of the room, and then closed the door of the room.

After closing the door, Hanyu turned and left. Seeing Tang Lin staring at the door, she dragged Tang Lin away, "Don't look, I've delayed Doctor Zheng's visit to your mother, you will feel better."

Tang Lin asked curiously, "That was Doctor Zheng just now?"

Hanyu raised her eyebrows and said, "Isn't it the Imperial Doctor Zheng?"

Tang Lin recalled the handsome face she saw when Doctor Zheng Yu appeared in the room just now. "I didn't expect that Imperial Doctor Zheng was so young, and besides, so handsome!"

Hanyu said proudly: "That's right. Our doctor Zheng is not handsome, who else is handsome?"

"Your Majesty!" Seeing that Hanyu was so proud of their mother-in-law's good looks, Tang Lin made up her mind to pour cold water on Hanyu. "The emperor is more handsome than Zheng Yuyi, you don't know."

Hanyu snorted softly, "Your Majesty? Have you ever seen the Emperor? Don't say you haven't, not even our empress! There are rumors in the palace that the Emperor only likes men, and only likes his guards. How could it be possible to step into the harem!"

Tang Lin hissed, "Keep your voice down, if other people hear it, you will be miserable. Who is the emperor? You dare to talk about him behind his back, so be careful what you say falls into the ears of the emperor."

"What are you afraid of?" Hanyu said disapprovingly, "Anyway, I am not the only one who talks about the emperor in the harem. If the emperor wants to kill him, he should chop off the heads of all the people in the harem."

Tang Lin said cheerfully: "When you meet the emperor someday, you won't say such things. Let me tell you a secret, do you want to know?"

Hanyu is a little uninterested, "Don't be mysterious with me, if you have anything to say, just say it, I'm not uncommon."

Tang Lin pursed her lips, shrugged, and said helplessly, "Since it's not rare, then I won't say anything."

Hanyu became angry, "Why are you like this? This tells me that you have a secret, but you don't say anything, what is this? Tell me, is your secret related to Concubine De and other empresses?"

Tang Lin said "no" three times in a row, "It has nothing to do with all the empresses, it has something to do with the emperor."

Hanyu threw down three words and hurried forward, "It's not rare."

"Hey, hey, don't be so angry." Tang Lin chased after her to apologize, "I made a mistake, Sister Hanyu, your lord has a lot, so please forgive me, a little eunuch who doesn't know the basics."

Hanyu stopped, "Then tell the secret now."

Tang Lin started the lawsuit, deliberately looking embarrassed, "Sister Hanyu, I can tell you, but... I promised others, I can't talk nonsense, unless you also tell me a secret, otherwise, let me ask you What, just answer honestly."

Hanyu twitched the corner of her mouth, "It's so serious, can't you talk nonsense? Well, I'll answer what you ask. Now, you can talk about the secret you know that can't talk nonsense."

When Hanyu couldn't see it, Tang Lin smiled treacherously, "The emperor... is really not close to women, but to men."

Hearing this sentence, Hanyu's face darkened instantly, and she lowered her voice while suppressing her anger, "You've been chattering for so long, and you just want to tell me this? Xiao Tang, Xiao Tang, you Hanyu Sister, I have stayed in this harem much longer than you, how dare you play me?"

Tang Lin quickly waved her hands and explained: "No, Sister Hanyu. To you, it's just that the emperor only has sex with men, but I saw it with my own eyes."

"What?" Hanyu asked in surprise, "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Tang Lin said: "Yes, I saw it with my own eyes. To tell you the truth, I have been in the palace for more than a month. Because I am good at makeup, I was assigned to work with the Queen Mother."

Hanyu suddenly understood something, "No wonder I saw that our empress is so beautiful just now, it turns out that it is your masterpiece."

Tang Lin said proudly: "What, admire me?"

Hanyu couldn't speak, because she really admired Tang Lin, but she couldn't be ashamed to praise a new eunuch like a high-ranking court lady.

Tang Lin went on to say: "The emperor often goes to the Empress Dowager, and every time he is followed by guards. Once, the emperor and his guards were in the back garden of Xiangning Palace... I saw it."

"Ah?" Hearing what Tang Lin said, Hanyu couldn't help thinking about it, "That's really the case? The legend is true. But, didn't the Queen Mother always live in the Buddha Hall?"

Tang Lin explained: "The Buddha Hall has been changed to Xiangning Palace, and even the harem has been changed to Xiangning Palace."

Hanyu understood, "So that's how it is." He couldn't help but sighed, "Oh, the women in the harem will probably end up alone in the harem for the rest of their lives. It's a pity."

Tang Lin said helplessly: "I can't help it. Who told the emperor to have such a hobby. It's really a pity that such a legendary figure actually likes men." If Yu Shengjun heard these words, he might vomit blood. "Let me ask you instead, and you have to answer honestly."

Hanyu nodded, "Tell me, what do you want to know?"

Tang Lin asked: "I heard that there used to be a palace lady here who had a serious infectious disease. Is it true? Then, did she recover from her illness? Where did she go?"

She didn't expect that Hanyu suddenly warned coldly: "From now on, you are not allowed to mention this matter in Huide Palace, otherwise you will bear the consequences, hum." He snorted and walked away coldly.

Tang Lin sighed, "Oh, I can't find out again, what a failure."

At this time, Zheng Yuyi hurried past her and bumped into her shoulder. Not only that, he was holding a sword in his hand.

Tang Lin realized something was wrong after she reacted, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop Imperial Doctor Zheng from going, "Master Imperial Doctor, where are you going?"

Doctor Zheng said with a gloomy face, "Go and kill the emperor!"

But at this time, Yu Shengjun walked over from the front.

Seeing the appearance of Yu Shengjun, Tang Lin suddenly became angry, "My God, everything is coming together!" "Get out of my way!" Zheng Yuyi pushed Tang Lin away , Continue to walk forward in a hurry.But unexpectedly, within a few steps, he was blocked by the oncoming Yu Shengjun.

For the man in white robe in front of him, Yu Shengjun took another look.Being so young and wearing the clothes of an imperial physician, there must be no one else besides Defei who is a good friend.

It's just that what is Doctor Zheng doing with the knife?Looks like he has a sworn feud with someone!
Seeing this scene, Tang Lin immediately turned bitter.It's over, it's over, it's over.She also wanted to investigate the death of Concubine De and Concubine De, and if Concubine De was not suspected, she would release Concubine De and Imperial Doctor Zheng in private, but unexpectedly, she ran into Yu Shengjun now.

If Yu Shengjun couldn't tolerate his concubine having extramarital affairs in his eyes, he would definitely attack Concubine De and his adulterer.

Doctor Zheng glared at Yu Shengjun angrily. Seeing that Yu Shengjun was wearing the clothes of a Ouchi guard, he was not so angry, "Master guard, what do you mean? Why are you blocking my way?"

Yu Shengjun was about to speak, but was dragged away by Tang Lin who ran over, "Master Guard, I have something to tell you!" He dragged Yu Shengjun to a corner to avoid Zheng Yuyi.

"Junjun, why are you here?" Tang Lin asked.

Yu Shengjun's answer was beyond Tang Lin's expectation, "I came to see you. I was worried when Yishuang said that you went to Concubine De's side alone to investigate the case. The murderer is so cruel. If Concubine De is the murderer, If something happens to you, what do you want me to do in the future?"

At this juncture, Tang Lin still teased Yu Shengjun, "How else can you live? How did you get here in the past [-] years, and how will you live in the future."

Hearing this, Yu Shengjun squinted at her, "You really want me to lose you so much?"

"Oh, I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously." Tang Lin glanced at Zheng Yuyi secretly, and then she spoke seriously, "Junjun, you have also seen that you left Concubine De in the harem and no one cares about it. Naturally, he will fight for her, probably for all the concubines in the harem. Don't care about his sudden slam, he is not a bad person."

Yu Shengjun's cold eyes fell on Zheng Yuyi, "It doesn't matter whether he is a good person or not, the starting point is right, Concubine De is now a member of the royal family, how dare he commit crimes? Even if they have a story, they can't do such a thing." It's a disgrace to the royal family."

Tang Lin talked freely, and her words were all pleading for Concubine De and Zheng Yuyi, "No one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, as long as they are given a chance, they will reform themselves."

Yu Shengjun said: "Linlin, don't speak for them, send them back first, and we will make a decision on their affairs after finding out whether Concubine De is the murderer."

(End of this chapter)

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