The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 350 Drink up this soup!

Chapter 350 Drink up this soup!
"Okay." Tang Lin responded, then turned back, smiled at Zheng Yuyi, and said: "Zheng Yuyi, the concubine Defei is still waiting for you to see a doctor, this time... let's go back?"

After Yu Shengjun appeared, Zheng Yuyi began to calm down.When Tang Lin talked with Yu Shengjun, he had already figured out a lot of things.There are some things that cannot be rushed, if something happens, not to mention his life is in danger, even the life of Concubine De is in danger.Why not calm down and think long term.

Doctor Zheng turned around and went back to Huide Palace.

Tang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Zheng Yuyi didn't be so impulsive, there was room for everything.She nodded her chin towards Yu Shengjun, motioning him to follow, and then, she followed in the footsteps of Zheng Yuyi and went back to Huide Palace together.

Back at Huide Palace, I saw Hanyu walking back and forth anxiously at the door of the room alone.

As soon as Hanyu saw Zheng Yuyi coming back, he immediately went to face him, and was so anxious that he was about to cry, "Zheng Yuyi, you can count yourself back. What happened to your mother? Why did she lock herself inside and not let her servants serve her? She was alone. Inside, will you be overwhelmed?"

Tang Lin asked: "It's very good, why can't you think about it?"

Doctor Zheng walked to the door of the room, knocked on the door, and called out: "Ms. Defei? It's me, please open the door!"

At this moment, Concubine De's faint voice came from behind the door, "Go, I don't want to trouble you."

Hanyu came up and asked: "Doctor Zheng, you were so nice just now, why is your mother closed the door now and don't want to see anyone?"

"Please open the door." Doctor Zheng was very anxious at the moment, almost begging Concubine De to open the door in an almost begging tone, he was really worried that she would not think about it and would do stupid things inside.

And his hoarse, slightly crying voice made Concubine De's heart ache.She sobbed faintly through the door, "Let's not get entangled anymore, the matter will be exposed sooner or later, I don't want to drag you into the water. Before the matter is exposed, you go back and submit your resignation to the emperor and leave the palace. The farther the better, don't come back, okay?"

Zheng Yuyi vowed outside the door: "If there is a stormy day, I would rather live and die with you, and never back down."

This time, De Fei's voice did not come out again.Immediately afterwards, the door was opened by Concubine De, and two lines of tears fell into the eyes of the outsiders, "Zheng Ming, why are you doing this?"

Doctor Zheng said with firm eyes, "I'm going to die, let's die together!"

"Niang Niang..." Hanyu just realized that there was a big inner guard behind them, so as to prevent her master's affairs from being exposed, she stepped forward and winked at Concubine De.

Concubine De looked in front of her, seeing that there was an outsider there, she couldn't help but gasped.She tremblingly asked Yu Shengjun, "What did you hear?"

Yu Shengjun looked indifferent, "I heard everything." When Concubine De was about to faint in panic, he added another sentence, "But I'm sorry, I didn't understand a word. Are you Empress De Concubine?"

Concubine De looked at him blankly, "Do you have something to do with me?"

Yu Shengjun made random nonsense, just to dispel Concubine De's doubts about why she appeared here, "Oh, it's like this, our Tang Concubine Empress has just entered the harem, she wants to come to the Royal Garden to relax, but she doesn't know where the Royal Garden is. So I sent a humble official to come here to have a look. This Huide Palace is the closest to the Imperial Garden. I just passed outside and saw Zheng Yuyi who was in a hurry to go out. I thought something happened, so I came in to have a look. Since there is nothing wrong, Defei , I won’t bother you anymore, I’m humble and resign.”

"Wait!" Concubine De called Yu Shengjun, "Concubine Tang has been here for a day or two, and I am deeply ashamed that I haven't visited the house yet. Since I won't be able to walk for a long time, I will go in a while. Ruining Palace is gone. How about this, help me bring a gift to express my apology."

Yu Shengjun did not make trouble for himself, "There is no shortage of maids and eunuchs around Defei Empress. As for this gift... it is better to send it to someone close to you, Defei Empress. The humble job is only responsible for protecting Tang Concubine Empress. Responsible for taking gifts. I am humbled to leave."

Seeing Yu Shengjun's beautiful back slowly going away, Concubine De was lost for a moment.Concubine Tang's fate is really good. Not only can she see the emperor with her own eyes, but she can also be protected by such stunning guards around the emperor.

From Concubine De's eyes, Tang Lin saw a trace of loneliness.

Hanyu bared her teeth at the back of Yu Shengjun, "This man is too rude, he is rude once, and if he is rude again, he will not take people seriously. The concubine is spoiled."

Tang Lin smiled wryly, it's none of her business as a concubine Tang?
"Junjun, wait for me." Tang Lin chased to the door only to see Yu Shengjun, and grabbed him as soon as she went up.

Yu Shengjun said: "Seeing that you are fine, I am relieved. I still have a lot of state affairs to deal with. Linlin, you should be careful in Huide Palace. If there is anything you can't solve, come and tell me."

Tang Lin wanted to speak, but her lips moved several times and she couldn't say a word.

Yu Shengjun noticed her abnormal expression, "Do you have something to tell me?"

Tang Lin nodded, indicating that she had something to say.She no longer hid it, and turned her head to the gate of Huide Palace, "Junjun, what are you going to do with those two people? Since Concubine De is already a member of the royal family, she shouldn't do anything that would shame the royal family." On this point, Junjun, you are right. But Zheng Ming loves Concubine De too much to do such an immoral thing."

Yu Shengjun said: "After you investigate whether Concubine De is the murderer, I will handle their affairs personally."

Tang Lin nodded and said, "Well, that's fine, then I'll investigate Concubine De as soon as possible." She gently straightened his well-dressed collar, "Take care of yourself, don't let the state affairs tire you out!"

"I see." After speaking, Yu Shengjun bowed his head, kissed Tang Lin's forehead, and then left.

Tang Lin turned around and went back to Huide Palace. When she came outside De Concubine's bedroom, she wanted to see how De Concubine and Zheng Yuyi were doing, but Hanyu was guarding the door, so she didn't dare to approach .

This Huide palace is quite strange from top to bottom. When it comes to sick palace ladies, all of them have gloomy and extremely poor faces.

You have to figure out what's inside.

Before nightfall, Hanyu went to the imperial dining room.

Taking advantage of this gap, Tang Lin, who had been hiding in a corner of the yard, came out on tiptoe, ran to the window, and put her ear on the wall.

In the brightly lit room, Concubine De was lying weakly on the bed after taking a bath. The makeup on her face was washed off, and her weak face was reflected in the eyes of Zheng Ming who was sitting by the bed. He held her hand in distress, " You are too worried to be so seriously ill. You are pregnant now, so you shouldn't think about it, it's not good for the fetus. Leave other matters to me. "

Concubine De choked with sobs and said, "Zheng Ming, don't do stupid things for me, I don't want anything to happen to you, I don't."

"I can't sit still," Zheng Ming said, "Since the guard belongs to Concubine Tang's side today, it's no accident that he appeared near Huide Palace, and it's not like he said, he just came to look for the Imperial Garden. Go to Xiang Didn't you throw a few sour plums when you were in Ninggong? From my point of view, that person was sent by Concubine Tang to investigate you."

After hearing this, Concubine De's eyes frightened, "What, what? With a purpose?"

Zheng Ming's eyes turned hard, "Since she is not benevolent, don't blame us for being unrighteous. If we go to Ruining Palace tomorrow, I won't believe it. The poison won't kill this woman." The next morning, the genius lightened slightly. .But this time, Tang Lin has already woken up, and her task is to clean up and down Huide Palace.

Although the broom was on the ground, Tang Lin didn't care about drinking. While she was cleaning the yard in a decent manner, her eyes kept falling on Concubine De's bedroom.Since she came here this morning, Concubine De's bedroom has been brightly lit, it seems that the indoor lights have been on all night.

When she sensed the sound of footsteps at the courtyard door behind her, Tang Lin's gaze had already turned back from the door of the Concubine De's bedroom, and continued to sweep the floor in a dignified manner.

At this moment, the sky is already very bright.

Holding a basin of clear water, Hanyu walked lightly towards Concubine De's bedroom.When he reached the door, he knocked on the door lightly and asked softly, "Your Majesty, are you awake?"

After a while, the door of the bedroom was opened. Tang Lin took a sneak peek. At first glance, it was Zheng Ming who opened the door.It is not difficult to see that Zheng Ming did not leave the harem yesterday, but slept in Concubine De's place all night.

Hanyu saluted Zheng Ming, and then entered the door with a water basin.

After a while, Hanyu appeared at the door, "Xiao Tang."

Tang Lin, who was sweeping the floor, heard the reputation, "Sister Hanyu, what's the matter?"

Hanyu beckoned to her, "Come in, the empress has appointed you to help her dress up."

"But..." Tang Lin looked distressed, holding the broom and facing the fallen leaves on the ground with a bitter face, "I haven't finished sweeping this yard yet."

Hanyu urged, "Sweep later. Come in quickly."

"Oh." Responding, Tang Lin immediately dropped the broom and ran towards the door.

After entering the door, Tang Lin looked around the room. Concubine De was sitting in front of the dressing table, facing the mirror without makeup, with black hair hanging vertically on her body, without any hair accessories.

Zheng Ming and Hanyu stood beside Concubine De.

Seeing Zheng Ming's existence, Tang Lin feigned surprise, "Yuyi Zheng, are you here? When did you come?"

Zheng Ming and Concubine De had panicked expressions on their faces.The reason they panicked was because they were afraid that Tang Lin would become suspicious.

On the contrary, Hanyu is very good at observing words and expressions, so as to prevent Tang Lin from suspecting that Zheng Ming spent last night at Concubine De's place, and immediately find a reason to confuse Tang Lin, "Xiao Tang, you don't know. The pain is terrible, no, it's still early in the morning before dawn, so please ask Dr. Zheng Yu to come and see your mother."

Tang Lin just wanted to say in her heart, "You just make it up, pretend it!" But she simply replied, "Oh, that's right!" Her eyes fell on Concubine De's face, and she asked with concern: "Your Majesty , are you feeling better now?"

Concubine De nodded lightly, "I'm much better. Little Tang, come on, help me comb my hair. I'm going to visit Concubine Tang today. You can give me a nice haircut. .”

"No problem, ma'am." Tang Lin made an OK gesture.

Next, Zheng Ming and Hanyu watched Tang Lin busy on Concubine De's head and face.

Hanyu admired Tang Lin's familiar skills from the bottom of her heart.

For Zheng Ming, he has been paying attention to Tang Lin's hands.He felt inconceivable that among the eunuchs, there were such skillful hands.With the help of these skillful hands, he saw the most beautiful side of his beloved.

When she had finished putting on makeup for Concubine De, Zheng Ming asked Tang Lin curiously: "Little Tang, where are you from? From your accent, you don't look like someone from the imperial capital!"

Tang Lin smiled humbly, "Return to the Royal Physician, the younger one is a foreigner."

Zheng Ming asked again: "Did you learn how to dress up people before?"

Tang Lin replied: "Yes, my lord doctor. When I was in the folks, I had a matchmaker as my teacher. Naturally, I don't know much about the craft of makeup and dressing up."

Concubine De glanced at Tang Lin's white, tender and smooth hands, and shook her head, "It's a pity that your skill is gone, and it can't be used in this deep palace."

Tang Lin smiled and said, "It's a small honor to be able to serve Empress Defei. By the way, Empress, do you need me to follow you when you go to Ruining Palace?"

Hanyu said straightly: "What are you doing with it? Didn't you finish sweeping the leaves in the yard? Keep sweeping!"

(End of this chapter)

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