The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 351 Why Are You Cheating?

Chapter 351 Why Are You Cheating?
Tang Lin said "Oh" reluctantly.

After a while, with Hanyu's support, Concubine De went out, accompanied by several maids and eunuchs from Huide Palace, and Zheng Ming who was by her side.

Ruining Palace.

During the day, except for meals, Fu Yushu and the others stood guard at their respective posts during other time periods.

Yishuang stood on the stone steps at the door, with his back to Fu Yushu and Shao Qi, arms crossed, looking at the yard in front of him very calmly, his eyes fixed on one place.

Seeing that she was not moving, Shao Qi winked at Fu Yushu, then pointed at Yishuang's back, and said in a low voice, "Don't you think that the Ouchi guard is very arrogant?"

Fu Yushu laughed and said, "Aren't you also a big inner guard? Why, have you taken a fancy to him?"

Suddenly, Yishuang turned around, and while her cold eyes fell on Fu Yushu's face, the soft sword that had been wrapped around her body also touched Fu Yushu's throat, "Is it interesting to talk about others behind their backs?"

"Come on less!" Shao Qi moved the sword away from Fu Yushu's neck with his fingers, very displeased with Yishuang's behavior. "It's a family now, is it necessary to meet each other?"

Yishuang coldly withdrew the sword and hid it on his body, "Don't think that you can be unscrupulous now that you have been named Ouchi bodyguards. I warn you, if you dare to talk about this girl behind your back, you will be attractive!"

Shao Qi knew that he couldn't beat Yishuang, so he didn't contradict him loudly, but he vented his dissatisfaction in a low voice, "With such a bad temper, whoever marries will be unlucky in the future."

Fu Yushu gave him a push, "Don't say a word."

Yishuang gave Shao Qi a cold look, then turned around and continued to turn his back to the two of them.

Fu Yushu looked at the door of the bedroom and sighed, "Sir, she hasn't come out since yesterday. According to her personality, it is absolutely impossible for her to stay in the room for such a long time!"

Shao Qi said disapprovingly: "According to her style, she can do anything. We don't need to make trouble for ourselves."

At this time, Cao Dan and the others came together.

Cao Dan also had Fu Yushu's doubts, "Brother Fu, I heard what you said just now, and I was also very puzzled. According to the personality of the chief, she would never stay in the room for such a long time."

Yunlei hurriedly asked Yishuang: "Yishuang, you take care of the chief's daily necessities, and she will..."

At this time, a loud female voice interrupted Yunlei's words, "The concubine De concubine is here—"

Yishuang was shocked, "Why did Concubine De come here? In the harem, Concubine De is the most respected and respected concubine. Only other concubines go to the gate of her Huide Palace, and she is rarely seen in the new concubine's palace."

An Ze reminded: "Isn't it time to guess the purpose of Concubine De's coming to Ruining Palace, hurry up and greet her."

Ever since, several people immediately arranged the formation.The guards stood on the left side of the courtyard, and the eunuchs and maids stood on the right side.

With the help of Hanyu, Concubine De soon arrived outside Tang Lin's bedroom.Although there were several people accompanying them, the ostentation was neither too big nor too small, and there was no sense of provocation.

Yishuang knelt down first, "Greetings to Empress Defei,"

Immediately, Fu Yushu and others knelt down one after another. The guards did not kneel down with both legs, but on one knee.They all said in unison: "Good luck, Empress Concubine De."

Concubine De didn't show any airs, and with a friendly smile on her lips, she waved her hand and said: "Get up." Unexpectedly, the people from Ruining Palace are so considerate in etiquette.

After Yishuang and others got up, Hanyu said: "My mother learned that Tang Fei's health is not very good at the banquet, and my mother's health is not very good at ordinary times, but after the treatment of Zheng Yuyi, it has improved a lot. The medical skills of Dr. Zheng Yu are obvious to all of us in Huide Palace, so today, my mother-in-law invites Dr. Zheng Yu to come to treat Tang Concubine Tang. Doctor Zheng, let's take a look."

Yishuang said flatteringly: "Ms. Defei, you are so kind. You also specially invited Imperial Doctor Zheng to come here to take care of our empress's health. Your empress will be very pleased to know."

"Then hurry up and ask Imperial Doctor Zheng to show it to your mother!" Hanyu said with a hint of urging.

How could Yishuang and the others fail to hear it.But regarding the purpose of Concubine De's visit with Imperial Physician Zheng, they naturally thought of the dragon species that Concubine Tang conceived.It would be terrible if Imperial Physician Zheng found out that Concubine Tang was not pregnant.

The arrival of Concubine De made Yishuang somewhat at a loss.She didn't expect Concubine De to visit suddenly, and the person who would be in the room was Shi He, so she had to ask Zheng Yuyi to see Shi He, and the fake pregnancy would be exposed.

what to do?what to do?Yishuang was very confused, but on the surface, she was as calm as water.

At this moment, a voice came from the room, "I'm not feeling well, I can't get out of bed, Shuang'er, please ask Concubine De and Imperial Doctor Zheng to come in and see me in person."

At this time, why did Shihe want to meet someone?How do you do it?After dawdling for a while, Yishuang calmly replied, "Yes, empress."

Fu Yushu and Shao Qi stepped forward and opened the door.

Yishuang waved his hand, "Empress Defei, Imperial Physician Zheng, please."

Hanyu supported Concubine De with one hand, and carried a basket with the other.Yishuang and the others stared at the tightly closed box, as if there was something weird about this box.

After entering the door, Yishuang and the others all followed in.

Concubine De walked into the room, looked at the big bed, and indeed there was a delicate and weak beauty lying on it.She walked over with a smile, and sat down gently on the side of the bed, "Sister, how are you?"

Yishuang, who was beside Hou, said with a bitter face: "My mother has a bad appetite, she hasn't had any water or food for a day, and it's very difficult to speak."

Concubine De's winking eyes widened suddenly, as if she remembered something, she said to Hanyu: "Bring out the soup."

"Yes, empress." Hanyu opened the lid of the basket, and carefully brought out the bowl of steaming soup inside, "Empress, here."

Concubine De served the soup, then faced the pale beauty on the bed, picked up a spoon, blew on it and sent it over, "This soup is very nourishing, after drinking it, it will not be so difficult to speak. Sister, drink first Get rid of it, and I'll let Doctor Zheng show you the condition later." Shi He wanted to sit up, but she couldn't lift any strength, so Yishuang came over to help when she saw this.After sitting up, she leaned her back against the pillow and looked at Concubine De with a weak and friendly smile, "Thank you, sister, for being so considerate of my sister's body. This bowl of soup must be made by my sister with all her hard work, right?"

Concubine De smiled and said, "As long as my sister's physique can be improved, such a small matter of making soup can still be done."

"Thank you sister!" After smiling gratefully, Shi He looked at Yishuang and the others, and ordered: "You all go back, I want to talk to Concubine De alone!"

Yishuang became anxious, "But empress..." She was worried that the concubine De would come in a bad way, and Shihe would hardly notice it.It would be bad if something happened that was life-threatening.

Shi He interrupted her, "Don't worry, we all go out and wait."

Concubine De also ordered her people, "Hanyu, you and Doctor Zheng should step back first."

Hanyu looked at Shihe who looked sickly, and thought, this Tang concubine has become so weak, even if she has any bad intentions, she is powerless to do it.She went out relieved. "Yes, ma'am."

When Zheng Ming left, he exchanged glances with Concubine De.

After there were two people left in the room, Concubine De took another spoonful of soup and brought it to Shi He's mouth, "Sister, come, have a sip! You will definitely look better after drinking it!"

Smelling the smell of medicine, Shihe frowned immediately, turned her face away, and left the spoon, "To tell you the truth, my sister is a medicine jar. She has taken a lot of medicine since she was a child. Now that she smells the medicine, her stomach protests. I can't force myself to drink it."

Concubine De put the bowl of decoction aside, "Then drink it later, it's still hot now, you smell the smell so you don't want to drink it, the smell won't be so strong when it cools down."

"Sister, you are so kind, no wonder everyone in the harem says Concubine De is the best." Shi He gently held Concubine De's hand and said as a sign of friendship.

Concubine De smiled helplessly, "Where did you hear that? Don't listen to those people talking nonsense. There are many people who are better than sister. This concubine Xian, Concubine Hui, who has a better reputation in the harem than me? By the way, sister Can you tell my sister the story of you and the emperor? I am ashamed to say that my sister has never had the opportunity to meet the emperor since she entered the palace. I remember that when Empress Chenghuan married the emperor, she met the emperor. Unfortunately, , the emperor walked so fast even though he was far away, and my sister didn't catch a glance. I heard that the emperor came to Ruining Palace on the day Empress Cheng Huan had an accident, but it was only a hasty visit to Ruining Palace. Others in the harem I have never been there before. People in the harem do not wish for a moment that the emperor will come to the harem, so everyone envies you very much, after all, you have seen the real dragon emperor."

"Your Majesty..." Shihe paused, and then said, "In fact, he is just a very ordinary person."

"Ordinary?" Concubine De smiled wryly, "Yuxin, who was almost fallen to the north, has now dominated the Central Plains. A legendary figure with the power to turn the world around, ordinary?"

Shihe asked seriously: "What do you think about the emperor... Do you hate him?"

Concubine De shook her head, her words were somewhat self-deprecating, "I don't hate the emperor, I only hate why I was born in an official family. If I hadn't been born in an official family, then my whole life would not have been wasted in this deserted harem." It should be It is right to live a lifetime in pairs with Zheng Ming.It's a pity that Zheng Ming and Zheng Ming are living in fear every day.

"Oh," Shihe sighed, "there are actually very few stories between me and the emperor. The emperor doesn't like me. The reason why I have a dragon seed is because the emperor promised the queen mother that he would raise children for the royal family. It's ridiculous. I am just a tool to give birth to a child. It is true that the emperor dotes on me very much and gives me the best, but I know that the reason why I can get these is because mothers are more expensive than children!"

Concubine De was surprised, "How could this be?"

Shihe smiled sadly, "Why isn't it like this? Everyone only sees my superficial beauty and doesn't know my sadness. The emperor doesn't like women at all, otherwise, he would leave the entire harem beauties don't want?"

"Could it be that..." Concubine De's pupils slowly widened, she didn't dare to imagine, "It's really like the rumors in the palace, the emperor...actually likes...a man?"

Shihe laughed and said: "If I am sure about this kind of thing, I will die. So sister, you must not bring up this kind of topic again, and be careful to hear it in the emperor's ears."

Concubine De smiled wryly: "At worst, I will die, so as not to spend my whole life in this harem without seeing the light of day."

Shihe stroked the back of her hand and said weakly: "Sister, since God has given us life, we should cherish it. In fact, if you live with a different mindset, you won't feel so boring in this harem." Speaking of Here, she caressed her abdomen affectionately, "My body has been weak since I was a child. If I didn't have a good attitude, I would have passed away long ago. I want to live and live well, no matter how bad the environment I am in Or I can't help myself, I don't care. I want to see decades of sunshine and wind and rain, stars and moon. Therefore, I want to live, I want to live hard, even if I have only one breath left, I will not give up on myself. "

At this moment, Concubine De looked at Shihe with very complicated and bewildered eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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