Chapter 352
Shi He pursed her dry lower lip, and while Concubine De was lost in thought, she took the bowl placed on the stool in the middle beside the bed.She picked up the spoon and scooped up a spoonful of medicinal soup,
However, when she was about to put it in her mouth, Concubine De suddenly stretched out her hand, knocked off the spoon, and forcibly snatched the bowl of soup back into her hand.

Shi He looked puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Concubine De eased her nervousness, smiled dryly, and said: "I suddenly remembered that Zheng Yuyi mentioned that this kind of soup has no effect when it cools down. My sister should go back and cook it for you again." Let's have a bowl."

Shihe smiled softly, and said: "It's okay, sister, anyway, my sister drank a lot of soup and medicine, but it didn't work. Let me drink it, this is what my sister worked hard for."

"It's okay, sister will cook again, you rest first, and then bring it to my sister when it's done." After finishing speaking, Concubine De got up, and hurried out with the soup for that night.

After a while, Concubine De and the others left Ruining Palace, and Yishuang and the others watched them leave with puzzled eyes.

After Concubine De and the others disappeared at the gate, Yishuang turned her head and entered Tang Lin's bedroom, and walked quickly into the inner room. She didn't see anyone lying on the bed, but saw Shihe undressing.

Yishuang hurried forward and asked: "Shi He, you didn't drink that medicine just now, did you?"

"Oh, Yishuang, that sick concubine Tang just now was me," said Tang Lin's slightly irritable voice.She took off the veil on her body and took out the eunuch's clothes hidden under the bed.She pointed to the other side of the screen, "Shihe is inside, what you see is me—Tang Lin."

"Really?" Yishuang said pleasantly, "Miss Tang, then you acted too much just now!"

After putting on the eunuch's uniform, Tang Lin walked to the dressing table, took a piece of cloth and dabbed it on her face to wipe off the white powder, and said to Yishuang, "I know Concubine De is going to visit Rui Ning today. Palace, so I took a shortcut and came back before her. It took 3 minutes to put on makeup and change clothes, no, the weak Concubine Tang came out!"

Shihe came out from the inside, complaining: "You can play the concubine Tang concubine sickly by yourself, why do you want me to replace you?"

Tang Lin said: "I also want you to act, but I couldn't get away from Huide Palace last night, so I couldn't come back and tell you that Concubine De will come to you today. If I don't come back, can you stand it?"

Yishuang asked: "Miss Tang, is there a purpose for Concubine De to come to our Ruining Palace this time?"

Tang Lin replied: "There must be, otherwise, why would she come to the door for no reason, she has nothing to do? Concubine De has already suspected that we know that she is pregnant, so she came to check on the situation, by the way..."

"By the way, kill people to silence them?" Yishuang stared at her round star pupils.

Tang Lin smiled, "Do you think it's possible? That's right, Concubine De's intention was to poison me to death, but she didn't do that. In fact, Concubine De's nature is better than anyone else's. I can't see the pain of the one I love. Although she had the idea of ​​killing someone, she stopped rationally in the end."

Shihe asked: "Then what should we do now? If she doesn't deal with our Ruining Palace, then she will definitely be worried that we will expose her. Even if we don't expose her, her stomach will not be able to cover up the truth of the matter."

Tang Lin lowered her head and let out a sigh of relief, "I don't know how to solve her matter. Even if the concubine's death case has nothing to do with her, the emperor will not let her go."

Yishuang shook his head helplessly, and couldn't help feeling sorry for Concubine De, "Why would you want to have an affair when you're such a good person? No, you've hurt yourself! Miss Tang, it's been found out whose child De Concubine is pregnant with." ?"

"I'm going back to Huide Palace. Let's talk about this matter later. Oh, by the way, the soup spoon is still on the bed, and I'm taking it to the Wu Yu doctor for examination. I want to know what deadly poison is in the soup. After speaking in a hurry, Tang Lin put the birthmark on the corner of her left eyebrow, and left the bedroom in a hurry.

In order to make it easier for her to go out without being seen by others, Yu Shengjun ordered Ouchi guards to dig a tunnel under her bedroom in two days.

In a blink of an eye, evening.

At dinner time, Fu Yushu and others went to the backyard to eat.

Taking advantage of this time, Shihe left the room and sat down at the stone table in the yard.It was already autumn, and the weather was a little cold. There was a pot of tea on the table, and she poured a cup of tea to drink.

After just taking a sip, she put down her teacup and walked out.

When they reached the gate, the eunuchs guarding the gate called out one by one: "Your Majesty."

Shi He responded casually, "Yes."

At this time, An Lin rushed over in a hurry, grabbed Shihe's hand and rushed back, "Miss Tang, hurry up, follow the old slave! Yifeng is fine, but Commander Zhang has something to do, the emperor told the old slave to hurry up!" Come to see you quickly, and see what happened to Commander Zhang!" Originally, Shihe wanted to shake off An Lin's hand, and told him that he had misidentified the person, she was Shihe, not Tang Lin.But after hearing what An Lin said, she changed her mind.Since it was the emperor who ordered the eunuch to come to Tang Lin, and he looked exactly like Tang Lin, why not just pretend that he was Tang Lin and go with the eunuch, maybe he could meet the emperor.It's been a while since I entered the palace, and I haven't even met the man who almost became my husband. Even if I can leave the palace, I will feel very disappointed.The eunuch pulled him to go in such a hurry, the emperor must be in a hurry to find Tang Lin, so this time, he must be able to see the emperor's true face.

However, after running a few steps away, An Lin suddenly stopped, and let go of Shi He's hand like lightning, his expression showed his panic.

Shi He asked, "Why didn't you leave?"

An Lin suddenly remembered the emperor's instructions before leaving, "An Lin, remember, I went to Huide Palace to find Tang Lin, the one in Rui Ning Palace is not Tang Lin, but Shihe!"

"Wait a moment," An Lin replied respectfully to Shihe, and then ran back until he stood outside the gate of Ruining Palace.He raised his head and looked at the plaque. It was inlaid with the three characters "Ruining Palace" instead of "Huide Palace".

After figuring out the situation, An Lin ran back to Shihe, lowered his head in shame, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry Miss Tang, the old slave is looking for the little maid Tang Yu who is next to the concubine Xian of Guangxian Palace, not You, I have offended you. I was so anxious to leave just now that I didn’t see your face clearly, I’m really sorry for frightening Miss Tang!”

It turned out that the eunuch confused the object!Not being able to see the emperor anymore, although she was very disappointed, Shihe didn't doubt what An Lin made up temporarily, "It's okay, just go about your business, don't get confused in the future!"

"Thank you Miss Tang, the old slave is gone," after kowtowing respectfully to Shihe, An Lin turned and ran towards Huide Palace.

Shihe returned to Ruining Palace in a sense of loss, and as soon as he entered the inner courtyard, he ran into Fu Yushu who was coming towards him. No one else was in the courtyard at the moment, but he was the only one.

Seeing him, she suddenly became more nervous and stood motionless, but the heart inside her was pounding uncontrollably.

Fu Yushu walked up to her in a few steps, and seeing tiny beads of sweat oozing from her forehead, he asked worriedly, "What's wrong with you?"

Shihe wiped off the sweat in a hurry, while breathing every breath nervously, "I'm fine. When you guys went to eat, I walked outside for a while and then came back."

Fu Yushu reminded: "The murderer has not been found, it is better not to leave our sight alone, be careful to become the target of the murderer's attack."

"I see, I'll pay attention." Shihe didn't look into Fu Yushu's eyes to speak, she was afraid that his dodging and panicked eyes would be caught by him, "There's nothing to explain, then I'll go back to my room." After saying something hastily, she walked past Fu Yushu.

But before walking a few steps, Fu Yushu turned around slowly, his eyes were red and moist at this moment, he stared closely at the beautiful back, and then called out hoarsely: "He'er!"

Suddenly, Shihe stopped, and the sound of "He'er" from behind, like a thunderbolt, struck her heart, causing her heart to tremble fiercely, and then this tremor affected the cells of her whole body, making her whole body tremble. He shuddered fiercely.

When she stopped, Fu Yushu's eyes filled with tears.After a sad smile, he walked slowly behind her, and said as he walked, "Do you think I can't recognize you? Then you are wrong, you are wrong! From the moment we saw Tang Lin , I told you that Tang Lin is Tang Lin, you are you, no matter how similar you are, I will never mistake you. You can hate me, never forgive me for the rest of your life, or even kill me with your own hands. Why are you pretending you don't know me?"

After finishing speaking, he was already standing behind her, only one step away, he could hug her.

Slowly, Shihe turned around, Lihua faced Fu Yushu with a rainy face, her eyes were not only filled with tears, but also filled with other things...Love and hate are intertwined and cannot be abandoned.

She looked into his eyes, shook her head with tears and complained: "I can't forgive you for deceiving me carefully at the beginning, I really can't forgive it! Pretending not to know you, I also suffer, but if it also makes you suffer, I think it's worth it. Really, very worth it!"

"Then your goal has been achieved," Fu Yushu said in a hoarse voice, the sword in his hand was unsheathed and brought to Shihe. "I don't want you to suffer! If seeing me makes you so sad, kill me with your own hands. I don't want pain, and I don't want you to suffer!"

Shi He took the sword, took a step back, and Ling Ran raised the sword to Fu Yushu's neck, "Don't think I dare!" His eyes and voice were extremely cold.

Fu Yushu breathed a sigh of relief, and then slowly closed his eyes, "Let's do it. I'm sorry for you, and I'm willing to use my life to offset the harm I once did to you!"

At the corner of the house not far away, a row of people was crowded, their heads sticking from the ground to the wall, the higher and higher they were, and a few pairs of sneaky eyes were all aiming here.

Cao Dan said with emotion: "Yi Shuang, you didn't say it just now, I really didn't know that Queen Cheng Huan Shi He and Sister Tang really look the same!"

Shao Qi was puzzled, "When did the officer find Shi He? How did these two get together?"

Yunlei asked: "Do you think this poet girl will forgive Fu Yushu?"

Anze shook his head, as if he had come here, "It's hard to say."

There was a bit of anger in An Ye's words, "Miss Tang is really, she can rest assured to investigate the case by herself, let us stay here to guard Queen Cheng Huan?"

Yishuang stood up and patted the heads of several people, "Okay, you guys, just look at it openly. Anyway, Miss Tang has long wanted to let Shihe confess her identity to Fu Yushu, but Shihe didn't confess. Now they Now that the matter has been seen, there is no need for me to hide the matter of going to Huide Palace to investigate the case without telling you Miss Tang."

At this time, seeing over there, Shihe threw the sword to the ground in great pain, turned around and ran into the room in tears, and slammed the door of the room shut with a bang.

Then, she squatted inside the door alone, crying silently.

Fu Yushu slowly opened his eyes, and a few tears rolled down the corners of his eyes.

Shao Qi came over, picked up the sword on the ground, and patted Fu Yushu's shoulder to comfort him: "Brother, since she can't do it, it shows that she still loves you and doesn't want you to die. Give her some time, sooner or later It turned out to be yours."

(End of this chapter)

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