The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 353 I am willing to dedicate myself to Commander Zhang!

Chapter 353 I am willing to dedicate myself to Commander Zhang!
"Yes, Brother Fu," Cao Dan also comforted, "Miss Shihe still has you in her heart, so she didn't kill you. Give each other some time to calm down."

Fu Yushu smiled gratifiedly, "Thank you."

After finally running to the gate of Huide Palace, An Lin was out of breath, saving people was the most important thing, and he couldn't care less. He wanted to go in directly to find someone, but was stopped by the eunuch at the door. Soaring to the throat, "I'm the head of the imperial court, why stop you?"

One of the young eunuchs said respectfully: "I'm sorry, no outsiders are allowed to enter Huide Palace without a token and without the order of our Concubine Virtue."

An Lin touched his body, and he pulled out a token, and held it up for the eunuchs to see, "Look at it, don't think that the chief is playing tricks on you!"

After seeing clearly, several people immediately knelt down, "See Mr. Manager."

An Lin waved his hand casually, "Get up!" After several people got up and stood up, he asked: "The manager is asking you, is there a person named Xiao Tang in your Huide Palace?"

Originally the eunuch responded attentively, "Yes, yes, sir, do you want to see him?"

An Lin nodded and said, "Yes! I'll see you right away! Hurry up and find this man for the manager!"

"Okay, sir, please wait for a while!" After the eunuch finished speaking, he rushed into Huide Palace in a flash.

An Lin glanced at the remaining eunuchs. These eunuchs were very courteous, and before revealing their identities, they were even more respectful and did not touch the visitor.It should be Concubine De who can train her subordinates.In other palaces, I don't know if the eunuch guarding the gate would be so polite.

The eunuch guarding the gate came outside De Concubine's bedroom, Hanyu was leisurely cutting potted plants in the yard, while De Concubine was sitting at the stone table embroidering a handkerchief, Tang Linhou dozed off from time to time, and turned to this side for a while Slant, lean to that side for a while, wake up every time you want to fall, and then doze off.

"Niang Niang," an anxious voice wiped out all the drowsiness in Tang Lin's brain, and after getting her face straight, she immediately stood up in a serious manner.

Concubine De put down her embroidery upon hearing the sound.

The gatekeeper eunuch walked up to her quickly, took a look at Tang Lin, and reported to her: "Madam, the chief executive of the Imperial Palace has come to our Huide Palace, and he is outside the door. He said he wants to find Xiao Tang."

Now, all three pairs of eyes fell on Tang Lin.

Tang Lin smiled dryly, and asked the eunuch guarding the gate, "Master Chief is looking for me? Isn't it?" Strange, why did An Lin go to Huide Palace to look for her?I don't know if appearing rashly will make Concubine De suspicious?
Concubine De looked at Tang Lin with suspicion, "Xiao Tang, do you know this?"

Tang Lin smiled foolishly, "Your Majesty, it's like this. During the time I was serving the Empress Dowager, I met the Chief Steward a few times, and the younger not very familiar with the Chief Steward."

The eunuch guarding the gate said: "The chief executive seems to be in a hurry to find you."

"Your Majesty," Tang Lin looked at Concubine De's expression and said cautiously, "The little one...go for a visit?"

Concubine De nodded, "Yes! Go! It must be the Empress Dowager who wants to see you!"

"Thank you, ma'am!" She bowed her waist and thanked Tang Lin, and then ran out at a flying speed.When they reached the door, they dragged An Lin past him and ran forward, asking, "What's the matter?"

An Lin said anxiously: "Commander Zhang is dying!"

Tang Lin, "Ah! What's going on?"

An Lin said: "It seems that he has been hit by Hehuansan! The emperor intends to find a woman to reconcile Yin and Yang with Commander Zhang, but Commander Zhang refuses to follow. No, Hehuan is so violent that he really has no choice but to find Miss Tang!"

Tang Lin smiled wryly, "What crime am I doing, I'm also looking for things like Fachun!" Under the leadership of An Lin, Tang Lin came to Zhang Xiangyang's room in the guard department.Walking into the room and taking a closer look, Yitang and An Leng were tying up Zhang Xiangyang with a rope, and then they pulled hard from left to right to keep Zhang Xiangyang from moving.

Zhang Xiangyang roared like a monster, struggling with all four limbs to escape, but was bound by ropes, to no avail.

Yu Shengjun paced back and forth in the room, constantly urging, "Have you found Tang Lin? Find it quickly!"

"Here we come!" Tang Lin ran over, glanced at the beastly Zhang Xiangyang, looked at Yu Shengjun, and asked, "What's wrong with Commander Zhang?"

The guard behind Yu Shengjun resolved, "The thing is like this..."

After Yifeng was seriously injured, Zhang Xiangyang lost a lot of qi for Yifeng, and finally he was exhausted, and was sent to his room in the guard department to lie down. Unexpectedly, when he woke up, his face was red and his ears were red, and his whole body was hot. The blood in the body seemed to be coming out of the body.

A guard was in charge of taking care of Zhang Xiangyang. Seeing Zhang Xiangyang rolling on the bed as soon as he woke up, he was in extreme pain, so he immediately notified the other guards to inform the emperor.

When Yu Shengjun arrived, Zhang Xiangyang was trying to kill himself with a sword. Although he still had a trace of sanity, he couldn't control his behavior at all.

The guard who was taking care of him went up and took the sword away, "Commander, what are you doing?"

An imperial doctor followed behind Yu Shengjun and entered Zhang Xiangyang's room.

Seeing Yu Shengjun, the guard stepped forward to salute: "See Master."

Yu Shengjun waved his hand casually, "Excuse me!" Then he looked at Zhang Xiangyang, who was rolling on the ground in disheveled clothes, and quickly asked the guard, "What's wrong with him?"

The guard looked puzzled, and he didn't know what to say, "Back to the master, the leader has been like this since he woke up, and I don't know what happened to him."

Yu Shengjun tilted his head to signal the people behind him.

Yitang and An Leng agreed, and the two came up together, forcibly captured Zhang Xiangyang, then dragged Zhang Xiangyang to the bed and lay down, and then pressed Zhang Xiangyang desperately.

Yu Shengjun urged the imperial doctor behind him, "Go, see what's going on!"

The imperial doctor hurriedly put the medicine box on the table, sat down beside the bed, and took Zhang Xiangyang's pulse.While he was feeling Zhang Xiangyang's pulse, he said coldly, "The symptoms of Commander-in-Chief seem to be..."

"He got a fatal acacia and died!" The imperial doctor withdrew his hand and took the dark and cold words.He checked Zhang Xiangyang's facial features, mouth, nose and other places, and Zhang Xiangyang almost bit his finger.

Yu Shengjun walked to the bed, took a look at Zhang Xiangyang, and when the imperial doctor got up, he frowned tightly: "Fatal Hehuan San?"

The imperial doctor replied: "Yes, Your Majesty! This kind of acacia powder is not from the Central Plains, but from other places, but I don't know where it came from. I have heard from my master that there is such a kind of medicine that has amazing effects. Strong Hehuansan, after people take it, the pulse beats extremely violently, accompanied by the force of blood rushing in the body. This is the case of Commander Zhang. Weichen checked his tongue, and there was a layer of light green on the tongue, which is After taking Hehuansan, if his tongue turns dark green, it means that this poisonous Hehuansan has eroded his internal organs, and even a god can't save him! Weichen's master said that there is no antidote for this fatal acacia! But how to save people, Weichen can't find a way for a while!"

Yu Shengjun rested his chin in thought for a moment, and then said to the imperial doctor: "I remember that if you usually take Hehuansan, you only need to reconcile yin and yang to save your life..."

The imperial doctor nodded, "Your Majesty is right. After being hit by Hehuansan, through the reconciliation of yin and yang, people can basically be saved. However, I don't know if this method will be useful for Commander Zhang."

Zhang Xiangyang's strength suddenly increased a lot, and he almost pulled the whole room away.Yitang put all his strength to the maximum to prevent Zhang Xiangyang from getting loose, and hurriedly said to Yu Shengjun: "Master, the acacia in Mr. Commander's body has exploded to the limit. If you don't treat it, I'm afraid it will..."

Taking a cold look at Zhang Xiangyang's tongue, he was shocked, "His tongue is much greener again!"

Yu Shengjun looked at the guard who was taking care of Zhang Xiangyang, and immediately ordered: "Go, invite Mrs. Zhang!"

The guard smiled dryly, and carefully reminded: "Master, have you forgotten that although Lord Commander is forty years old, he hasn't married a wife yet!"

Because of Zhang Xiangyang's sudden situation, Yu Shengjun's brain became hot for a while, and in a hurry, he didn't think so much, he only knew that saving people was the most important thing.Hearing what the guard said, he couldn't help but blushed, "Don't tell me sooner! Then let's go find a woman now. With Commander Zhang's current situation, I'm afraid it won't last long!"

At this time, Zhang Xiangyang's brain regained a bit of sanity. Although he was crazy, he still heard what Yu Shengjun and the others said.He didn't want to spoil a woman for his own sake. "Master, no, my subordinates don't want women, please don't go and find women!"

Yu Shengjun looked at Zhang Xiangyang with a black line on his face, "I am thinking of you, I want it if I don't want it!"

Zhang Xiangyang couldn't beat Yu Shengjun, and finally, a delicate and ancient maid was found by the guards.The moment he brought it into the room, Yu Shengjun glanced at it and was quite satisfied.

The guard smiled and said, "Master, this is Xin'er, the palace maid who was in charge of cleaning the Buddha Hall when the Empress Dowager lived there. She sacrificed her life for the Lord Commander. She did so voluntarily. The subordinates have no intention of forcing her."

The palace maid went up and bowed to Yu Shengjun, "Your servant will see the emperor!"

Yu Shengjun said: "Don't worry, I will not sacrifice your innocence in vain! This commander has never married, well, after you save him, I will give you a marriage!"

The maid bowed again, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Yu Shengjun waved his hand and signaled, "Go, it's important to save people!"

The palace maid walked slowly to the bed, and saw Zhang Xiangyang struggling on the bed in disheveled clothes, as if suffering from madness, she took a somewhat terrified breath at this rudeness.

Yitang and An Leng pressed Zhang Xiangyang even harder.

Secretly urged the maid, "Why are you still standing there? Save people!"

Suddenly, the maid's complexion was extremely bad. She looked at the three people on the bed, and then at the few people behind her, feeling extremely ashamed. "In front of so many people, this servant... dare not!"

Yu Shengjun ordered the guard next to him, "Go find some black silk scarves!"

After the guard took the order, he went out.After a while, he brought some black silk scarves to Yu Shengjun, "Master, the black silk scarves are here!"

Yu Shengjun took a piece, and then told the guards: "Except Xin'er, help the others to cover their eyes with silk scarves!" After speaking, he blindfolded his own eyes first.

Next, the guards helped Yitang and An Leng blindfolded, and then the imperial doctor and the guards also blindfolded and waited in a corner of the room.

Yu Shengjun ordered: "Xin'er, you can start!"

The maid nodded shyly, "Yes!" Then she turned to the bed and glanced at Zhang Xiangyang who was still struggling. Unexpectedly, she was suddenly stared at by Zhang Xiangyang.

Although she was very afraid of Zhang Xiangyang's bloodshot eyes, the maid did not stop her actions, and slowly untied her belt.Just when she was about to take off the outer dress, Zhang Xiangyang suddenly yelled towards the roof, "Ah—" A burst of strong aura suddenly knocked Yitang and An Leng off the bed, and also knocked the maid It popped up far away.

(End of this chapter)

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