The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 354 Little Eunuch Tang died in the room!

Chapter 354 Little Eunuch Tang died in the room!

When the guard lifted up the maid who had spit out a mouthful of blood, Zhang Xiangyang's head had already hit the wall——

When Yu Shengjun felt the strong energy, he took off the silk scarf abruptly. Seeing that Zhang Xiangyang was about to hit the wall, his heart immediately shrank, and he immediately yelled at them, "Quick, stop him!"

Yitang and An Leng took off the silk scarf at the same time and threw it on the ground.

Yitang glanced at the room and saw the twine hanging on the beam in several loops. He quickly went over to get it in his hand, then grabbed one end of the twine, and threw the rest to An Leng, "Go on!"

After secretly grabbing the other end of the hemp rope, Yu Yitang threw the rope towards Zhang Xiangyang who was about to hit the wall.

It was only a slap away, and the head hit the wall. Unexpectedly, the body and hands were entangled by a rope.Zhang Xiangyang was so animalistic that he kept roaring.

Yitang and An Leng exchanged directions several times, and then tied Zhang Xiangyang's body a few times so that Zhang Xiangyang could no longer move around.

The imperial doctor was very anxious and said to Yu Shengjun: "Your Majesty, Commander Zhang's situation cannot be delayed any longer. Look at him like this, even if the Yin and Yang are reconciled, I'm afraid it won't work! It's too late!"

Being mentioned by the imperial doctor, Yu Shengjun felt a little confused, "Then hurry up and find another imperial doctor to take a look!"

The imperial doctor said anxiously: "Your Majesty, in the entire imperial hospital, except for Weichen who knows the existence of the deadly Hehuansan, the other imperial doctors have never contacted or heard of it. It is useless to find them."

Yu Shengjun roared: "Then what should we do? Let a good person's life not be saved?"

The imperial doctor lowered his head, expressing that there was nothing he could do.

Yu Shengjun glanced at Zhang Xiangyang, Zhang Xiangyang's tongue was already dark green, if it was later, as the imperial doctor said, even a god would not be able to save him.

"Wait!" In an instant, a figure flew past Yu Shengjun's mind.After thinking about it calmly, he immediately ordered the guard, "An Lin is at Yifeng, go, find him!"

The guard responded and quickly left the room.

After a while, An Lin ran in, "Your Majesty, this old slave is here!"

Yu Shengjun ordered: "Go to the harem to find Tang Lin! Immediately! Immediately!" When An Lin turned his head to leave, he warned: "Remember, I went to Huide Palace to find Tang Lin, the one in Ruining Palace is not Tang Lin. Lin, it's Shihe!"

After a lot of trouble, An Lin finally found Tang Lin.

After listening to the guard's description, Tang Lin had a general understanding of Zhang Xiangyang's situation.She looked at Zhang Xiangyang, pointed at her chin, and weighed Zhang Xiangyang's situation.

Yu Shengjun asked: "Is he still saved?"

Tang Lin nodded, "There is salvation, but..." Hearing Tang Lin say "but", Yu Shengjun's heart was suspended, "But what? Is it a very expensive medicine or a very rare medicine? You don’t have to worry about this, there are the most expensive and rarest medicines in the world at the Tai Hospital!”

Tang Lin explained: "That's not the case! It's just that it's a little troublesome to completely rescue Commander Zhang! After all, I don't know about Fatal Hehuansan, so I need some time to observe!"

The imperial doctor reminded: "But Commander Zhang is already terminally ill, and within half an hour..."

Tang Lin said: "I have a way to save his life for half a month, but I need to understand the acacia in his body. I will see if there is any medicine that can clear him up!"

Yu Shengjun said: "Then save him quickly, he won't last long."

Tang Lin ordered Yitang: "Yitang, go to the emperor's bedroom and bring over my chemical drugs. There are tranquilizers and coolants in them. I will suppress the effects of the drugs in Commander Zhang's body first!"

Yitang nodded, "En! Then this subordinate hurry to get things!" After finishing speaking, he tied the rope to the main beam of the room, and left the room.

Tang Lin glanced at the room, and seeing the delicate and ancient maid, she couldn't help but puffed at Yu Shengjun, "Pfft! Junjun, don't you use such an old-fashioned way to save people? Reconcile yin and yang." What, hahaha!"

Yu Shengjun's face was covered with black lines, he turned his face away, "I want you to take care of it."

Tang Lin laughed and said, "Let's not tell anyone."

"By the way," Tang Lin asked, "this Commander is fine. Why did he take Fatal Hehuansan? Why do I feel that Commander Zhang seems to have inhaled white powder, and when he has a seizure, he is like suffering from madness. But his tongue How could it be green? Could it be that there are other ingredients added to the white powder?"

Yu Shengjun was stunned when he heard that, "What white powder?"

Tang Lin explained: "White powder, a kind of thing that can make you light when you eat it, but in our place, it is a kind of spiritual poison, so stop making it!"

Seeing the maid's face turn pale, Tang Lin asked: "This young lady is not clearly injured, how did you do it?"

The guard said: "She has no skill, she was just injured by the stellar energy from the Commander." Facing Yu Shengjun, "Master, the subordinates will send Xin'er back for treatment first."

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Go!"

After the guards and maids left, Tang Lin asked again: "You haven't told me why Commander Zhang took Hehuansan?"

After An Leng tied the rope to another pillar, he said: "Miss Tang, we don't know the real situation. Since the Lord Commander lost his true energy to Yifeng, he has been in a coma until today. Now that it’s like this, I don’t know when I ate the Hehuansan, how I got it, where I ate it, and whether it was fed by someone.”

Tang Lin gave a wry smile, "This is the Ministry of Guards, who dares to serve Hehuan San to Commander Zhang? If it was really done by someone from the Ministry of Guards, then this person is too courageous. Dare to make a mistake!"

"It shouldn't have been given by someone in the palace," at this moment, the imperial doctor said, "I heard from my master that this kind of Acacia powder will take two months to develop after taking it!"

Hearing this, Yu Shengjun and others were all startled.

Secretly cold and startled: "There is such a thing?"

Tang Lin stroked her chin and thought for a while, "Two months ago, wasn't that when Commander Zhang went to wipe out the Anti-Imperial Society? Could it be that Commander Zhang took Hehuansan outside? Commander Zhang's martial arts are not in the ranks of other big officials." Under the guards, if he was secretly fed by someone, the person who did it must be very powerful!"

Yu Shengjun sighed worriedly, "Let's wait for Zhang Xiangyang to recover."

Tang Lin reminded: "We must investigate the matter of the fatal Hehuan San, and get rid of the source completely. If a certain organization is manufacturing this drug, it may harm innocent people. If the purpose of the producer is to drive the driver If you rebelled against the imperial court, you should not take the fatal Hehuan San incident lightly, and you are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

After Tang Lin said this, a cold feeling flashed in her heart, "Master, what Miss Tang said is very true. If the rebels deliberately asked the leader to perform the operation, then the purpose was you, master!"

At this time, Yitang ran in and handed the cloth cover to Tang Lin, "Miss Tang, here is what you asked for."

"Thank you!" Tang Lin took the things in her hands and put them on the table. Yu Shengjun and the imperial doctor subconsciously leaned over.

Tang Lin took out the syringe, sterilized it, extracted a little sedative from a container, and walked over.Zhang Xiangyang was tied up and could not move.She found a blood vessel in Zhang Xiangyang's arm, and injected the sedative.

After taking out the needle, Zhang Xiangyang slowly closed his eyelids, and his whole body was in a state of sluggishness.

Tang Lin ordered An Leng and Yi Tang, "Put him back on the bed and lie down."

Yitang was worried: "If the tie is loosened, the Commander will have another attack later..."

Tang Lin assured: "No way!"

Only now, Yitang and An Leng went over to untie Zhang Xiangyang, and then carried Zhang Xiangyang back to the bed to lie down.Tang Lin gave Zhang Xiangyang another shot, but this time it was injected with an unusual coolant.

After the injection, Zhang Xiangyang's complexion began to become very white, a cold white, as if frozen, lying quietly on the bed like an ice sculpture.

"Okay!" Tang Lin said to everyone while packing her things: "His medicinal properties have been temporarily suppressed, but the coolant can only last for a month or so. Before the next medicinal effect occurs, find it as soon as possible." The antidote. From my point of view, this kind of Acacia powder is definitely not something that doctors in the Central Plains can develop, so let’s try to find a solution before the coolant fails.”

Yu Shengjun said ashamedly: "Linlin, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Tang Lin smiled politely, "Why are you meeting me?"

After leaving Zhang Xiangyang's room, Yu Shengjun took Tang Lin to the end of the most beautiful wooden bridge in the guard department and sat down.The afternoon sun is very bright, and the air in the mountains is very fresh.

Tang Lin liked the guard department built on the mountain lake very much.Here the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the mountains are green and the water is green. If placed in modern times, it is a wonderful resort, and it is the filming location for film and television crews.

Since sitting down, Yu Shengjun has been fascinated by the lotus flowers on the lake, Tang Lin naturally saw what was on his mind, "Are you scared by me?"

Yu Shengjun reacted back, startled, "How to say?"

Tang Lin said: "I guessed with you earlier, it may be that a gang produced such a happy feast in a large number of mountains, with the purpose of endangering Yuxin. It was the time to unify the Central Plains, Junjun, you are worried about these anti-thief gangs. Extenuating circumstances."

Yu Shengjun sighed deeply, "Linlin, you are right, I am worried about these things. Now the country is not stable, if the people are in chaos, it will be difficult to deal with."

"Junjun, don't worry," Tang Lin comforted, "I'm still with your girlfriend."

Yu Shengjun smiled gratifiedly, but also felt ashamed of himself, "Linlin, it's good to have you, at least you helped me a lot of things that I couldn't accomplish. How can I have such a good woman like you,"

Tang Lin pursed her lips and protested, "If you say these unreasonable things again, I will be angry, you try it?"

Yu Shengjun couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, and fondled her left eyebrow, "Linlin, I love you so much. You always do this and that for me, but I can't let you enjoy a good day,"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "But I like this kind of life, how exciting, exciting, and not boring at all!"

Yu Shengjun laughed and said: "There is no girl who can be as energetic as you every day."

Tang Lin giggled, "Who called me a special soldier? Don't underestimate the combat effectiveness of special soldiers."

Yu Shengjun intervened and asked, "What's the matter with Concubine De?"

Tang Lin said: "So-so. The murderer still needs to be investigated, but I can't stay with her every day and help her dress up. I have to find a way to find out if she is the murderer as soon as possible."

Yu Shengjun asked: "Have you thought of a way?"

Tang Lin pouted, a little disappointed, "Not yet!"

Yu Shengjun asked: "Didn't you tell Concubine Zhende that there was a sick little maid who was sent out of the palace by Concubine De? Besides, your key search object is that little palace maid. How about this, I will give you support." One move, see if we can find out whether Concubine De is the real murderer."

Tang Lin's eyes lit up, "Okay, then Junjun, tell me quickly, what can I do?"

Yu Shengjun clung to her ear, "Why don't you..."

When we returned to Huide, it was already evening.Tang Lin tiptoed past the corridor carefully, as if she was afraid of being discovered by others, which made her very nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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