The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 355 Ruining Palace is on fire!

Chapter 355 Ruining Palace is on fire!
Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind her, "How long is it, do you still dare to come back?"

Tang Lin turned around with a dry smile, and met Hanyu's cold face, "Isn't the queen mother looking for me, and then I stayed there for an entire afternoon, so..."

Hanyu asked angrily: "I ask you, what does the Queen Mother want you to do?"

Tang Lin giggled for a while, and said, "What else can I do? Isn't it my dexterity, I know how to dress up, so the Queen Mother came to me. She is in a good mood today, so she wants to dress up."

Hanyu reminded in a cold voice: "I warn you, where you go and what you do in the future, you must report to me truthfully, do you hear me?"

Tang Lin replied, "No problem." Turning her face away, she stopped smiling.Hmph, how dare a little court lady teach her the future queen like this, her wings are hardened, right?

At night, Tang Lin tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.There are many rooms for servants in Huide Palace, but few people, so each court lady and eunuch has her own room.

At dawn the next day, when Hanyu went to serve Concubine De, she didn't see Tang Lin cleaning the yard, and the fire suddenly grew a lot.After serving Concubine De, she went outside Tang Lin's room, only to find that there were many people waiting here, pointing and pointing.

I saw a lot of flies buzzing outside Tang Lin's room.

Hanyu heard a court lady say: "I heard that where there are more flies, there may be corpses hidden. Could it be that Little Tang Eunuch died there last night?"

"Hush!" an eunuch reminded in a low voice, "Have you forgotten? This used to be Xiaonu's room! It must be Xiaonu's ghost!"

Hanyu's countenance changed when she heard that, and she immediately ordered sternly: "What are you still doing here? Hurry up and open the door and go in to have a look!" The two eunuchs bravely brushed aside the flies flying in a pile, and went up to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, those timid little maids stepped back a few steps.

Hanyu is more courageous than others, and as the person in charge, even if she is timid, she must be courageous.The peace of Huide Palace depends on her alone.

"Get out of the way!" Hanyu pushed aside the body of an eunuch, and walked to the door.The stench coming from the room made her and the eunuch who opened the door cover their noses immediately.

Hanyu ordered the two eunuchs, "Follow me." After finishing speaking, she walked into Tang Lin's room lightly, saying that she was not afraid, but she was lying, her eyes were scanning the environment in the room with fear.

When their eyes fell on Tang Lin's bed, the two eunuchs immediately hugged their heads and screamed, "Ah—"

This scream was so terrifying and loud that Concubine De, who was far away in the bedroom of the main courtyard, heard it.She was leaning against the window to read a book, but she didn't expect to hear such a loud scream.

She frowned, "What happened?" She called to the door, "Hanyu."

No one should.

Concubine De put down her books and walked out of the room.He glanced at the large courtyard, but he couldn't see a single person. "Strange, early in the morning, where did they go?"

At this moment, Hanyu was standing two meters away from Tang Lin's bed, covering her mouth and nose, staring closely at the curled up figure on the bed.

Tang Lin covered herself with a quilt, only her head was exposed.She curled up in the bed, her body was shaking all the time, her face was black, and her pupils were full of fear.

Hanyu did not step forward, but asked Tang Lin from a distance of two meters, "What's wrong with you?"

Tang Lin kept shaking her head, unable to say a word.

The eunuch beside Hanyu said: "Look at this situation, it is the same as the contagious disease that my slave suffers from. Sister Hanyu, let's not stay here anymore, it will be bad if we get infected."

Hanyu is also well aware of the seriousness of infectious diseases, and she already doesn't want to stay here.But for Tang Lin who suddenly contracted an infectious disease, she could do nothing but sympathize.

"Xiao Tang, can do it yourself!" After finishing speaking, Hanyu left the room, and the two eunuchs also left.

Then, the door of the room was slammed shut.

At noon, Concubine De, Hanyu, and Zheng Ming came outside Tang Lin's room.The other eunuchs and court ladies were dismissed by Concubine De, and only the three of them were here.

Concubine De nodded her head, indicating to Hanyu.

Hanyu understood, flicked away those flies, and then stepped forward to open the door.

Concubine De and Zheng Ming covered their mouths and noses with silk scarves, and walked into the room.

This time, Tang Lin that Hanyu saw was no longer curled up in the bed, but lying on the bed. It seemed that she was dead.

Concubine De glanced at Tang Lin who was lying on the bed, and then looked at Zheng Ming.

Hanyu said to Concubine De: "My Lady, the situation of Xiao Tang and Xiao Nu is basically similar, but Xiao Nu is not like Xiao Tang, who died so fast. If it is the same as Xiao Nu, then do you want to tell Xian Concubine Empress? One sound?"

Concubine De sighed softly, "We all know the origin of this little Tang. Except for staying with the queen mother, she is here with us. Apart from these two places, she has never been to other places, let alone the Concubine Xian. This room was occupied by Concubine Xian, and I also lived in this room after I fell ill. But the root cause of the disease has not disappeared, and Xiao Tang will be infected. This has nothing to do with Concubine Xian. Block Xiaonu's news. It is only said that Xiaonu got an infectious disease and was sent out of the palace by the palace, but no one except us knew that Xiaonu, who was sick at the time, was taken away by the concubine Xian, and no one knew How did Concubine Xian treat the little slave later on?"

Hanyu asked curiously: "Your Majesty, up to now, the servants don't know why the Concubine Xian wanted to take Xiao Nu away. The Xiao Nu was originally from our Huide Palace, how did he offend Concubine Xian? Otherwise, he would not be taken away by Concubine Xian take away!"

Concubine De said: "Hanyu, you know that Concubine Xian is the closest to Ben Gong. Every time I go to Concubine Xian, Ben Gong will bring you and my slave with me. Concubine Xian told Ben Gong that she likes this slave very much. , I hope I can be transferred from our Huide Palace. At that time, Xiao Nu was sick, and I told Concubine Xian about it. I didn’t expect that Concubine Xian didn’t care about Xiao Nu’s illness at all, so she had to send Xiao Nu there. In terms of friendship with Concubine Xian, I sent Xiao Nu there, and there was no news of Xiao Nu after that."

Zheng Ming speculated: "Could it be that Xiao Nu died of illness when he arrived there? So Concubine Xian just dealt with Xiao Nu casually? Otherwise, Xiao Nu should come back to see you often!"

Concubine De shook her head, "I don't know about that. I only asked Concubine Xian once about Xiaonu's whereabouts, and Concubine Xian only said she was fine, but didn't answer directly. After that, I didn't inquire about Xiaonu's affairs. Yes. I promised Concubine Xian not to mention Xiaonu to the outside world. Except for Hanyu, everyone in Huide Palace only knew that Xiaonu was ill and was sent out of the palace by me."

Hanyu asked: "My lady, what should I do with Xiao Tang? He must have suffered from the same infectious disease as Xiao Nu. This room can no longer be used by people, so it will be abandoned in the future."

Zheng Ming glanced at Tang Lin, "It seems that he has no breath. It's a pity that he is so expressive in makeup."

Concubine De ordered Hanyu: "The matter of Xiao Tang's death is a matter of our Huide Palace, so don't bother Concubine Xian. You go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to report Xiao Tang's situation, and have someone come and take the body away. In the past, the palace How to deal with the eunuchs and maids in the palace after death, you should follow the regulations."

Hanyu nodded in response, "Yes!"

Seeing Concubine De's eyes were red and tears were shining, Zheng Ming hugged her in his arms, "I know you cherish every life, but Xiao Tang's fate is doomed, and there is nothing we can do!"

Concubine De sniffed, and said hoarsely: "Zheng Ming, I'm very worried. Soon my child and I, as well as you, will rush to Huangquan early. By that time, neither of our children will be born yet... "

Hanyu said angrily: "Mother, instead of sitting here waiting to die, it is better for us to burn the Ruining Palace first, and then burn the rest of the harem. Take advantage of the chaos and escape from the palace."

Concubine De and Zheng Ming did not speak...

After a while, the three of them walked out of the room and closed the door.

At this time, Tang Lin suddenly sat up from the bed.She faced the door with an unusually calm expression.She was analyzing what Concubine De said just now.

In other words, the sick palace maid Xiaonu actually has nothing to do with Concubine De, but with Concubine Xian?
What happened to this concubine Xian?Xiaonu is just a court lady, and she is suffering from an infectious disease. Is it necessary to snatch it from Concubine De?Is this little slave too attractive, or is this little slave...knowing some shady secret of Concubine Xian?
After thinking things through clearly, Tang Lin cheered up, "Since Concubine De is not suspected, then Concubine Xian... I want to see if you are tricky!"

Before evening, Tang Lin's body was carried out of the harem by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.As soon as he left the harem, the Ouchi guards went to carry the corpse away, which made the people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs puzzled.

Tang Lin was willing to open her eyes only after she was carried back to the Imperial Study Room.After sitting down, he breathed a sigh of relief and stretched his waist, "The emperor's method is really effective! Oh! I finally found out that Concubine De is not the murderer, and finally ended the mission of Huide Palace, Shu Tan!"

Yu Shengjun put down the notebook and came over, helped her up, and reminded her funny: "The task is completed, but the murderer has not been found yet."

Tang Lin said: "It's pretty good to prove that Concubine De is not the murderer!"

Hou asked in the hall beside him: "Miss Tang, isn't Concubine De the real murderer?"

Tang Lin tore off the red birthmark on her face, then took out a handkerchief and wiped her dark face, saying, "The Empress Dowager has seen countless people, so she naturally knows De Concubine's character, so she was named De Concubine. De Concubine is a A kind woman, and she doesn't have such a high level of murder, she can't be a murderer. Not only is she not a murderer, but she doesn't know anything about the murderer at all. She has a close relationship with Concubine Xian. If I didn't guess, in some respects, I don't even know that she was used by Concubine Xian."

Yitang wondered, "Why did Concubine Xian get involved?"

Tang Lin said: "Originally, the sick maid was a maid beside Concubine De, and she was called Xiaonu. But this concubine likes Xiaonu very much. Even if Xiaonu suffers from an infectious disease, this concubine has to take care of her from Concubine De's side." After leaving, there will be no more news of Xiao Nu. May I ask, is it outrageous for Concubine Xian to do this? The whereabouts of Xiao Nu were cut off by Concubine Xian. I guess, Xiao Nu knew what was wrong with Concubine Xian The teller's secret was dealt with secretly by Concubine Xian!"

Yu Shengjun said solemnly: "If this is the case, this concubine needs to investigate."

Tang Lin thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll go to the Empress Dowager tomorrow to find out about Concubine Xian. After I understand, I'll find a way to investigate this person. How about Junjun, Concubine De and Zheng Ming?"

Yu Shengjun fell silent...

Yitang said coldly: "Zheng Ming will be chopped off, Concubine De will be thrown into limbo!"

Tang Lin knew that according to the law, Concubine De and Zheng Ming's fate was as the same class said.However, she wanted to know Yu Shengjun's final decision.She looked at Yu Shengjun quietly, she really didn't know what he was thinking at the moment.

Before nightfall, after Tang Lin had dinner with Yu Shengjun, she returned to Ruining Palace. "What! Fu Yushu already knows that you are Shihe?"

Late at night.

The harem was silent, and the silence was terrifying.

The cool autumn night breeze blows over a desolate... dry well in a corner of the harem. After that, the wind starts to rustle, and the atmosphere around the dry well is extremely frightening.

(End of this chapter)

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