The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 356 Yu Shengjun personally interrogated Concubine De!

Chapter 356 Yu Shengjun personally interrogated Concubine De!
I don't know when it started, above the Ruining Palace, dense clouds billowed and flames shrouded it.Immediately afterwards, the voices of men and women shouting for firefighting became louder and more mixed.

Xuanyu Palace,
"Linlin—" Yu Shengjun suddenly sat up from the bed, sweating profusely, eyes full of horror.

Suddenly, the door was knocked heavily.

Yu Shengjun's heart tightened suddenly, "Who?"

An Lin's voice came in, very anxious, "Your Majesty, it's not good, a fire broke out in Ruining Palace, and the people there just reported that Miss Tang and Miss Shihe were burned and passed out, and they have been sent to the Imperial Hospital. One of them burned most of their faces, and one of them was dying, but no one could tell who had burned his face and who was dying! Go over and have a look!" When they came to the large ward of Tai Hospital, they saw A group of imperial doctors knelt at the door, not daring to raise their heads.

Yu Shengjun glanced at the imperial doctors, and then quickly walked into the ward.At this moment, there is a group of people waiting in the room. Doctor Wu is bandaging the face of a person lying on a hospital bed in the corner.

Shao Qi and the others stood in a corner with their heads down, looking extremely painful.Yishuang kept wiping away tears.Only Fu Yushu was alone, standing between the two hospital beds, weeping unnaturally.

Everyone knows Fu Yushu's pain at the moment.One of the two hospital beds was dying, and his life could not be guaranteed at any time.And the other, the face has been ruined.No matter which one is Shihe, he dare not face it.

Yu Shengjun glanced around the ward, and when his eyes fell on the two beds, his eyes became slack and painful.He walked over a few steps, kicked Fu Yushu to the ground heavily, and shouted: "Are you a man? Where were you before they had an accident? What's the use of keeping you!" With extremely strong skills, he swung his palm towards Fu Yushu.

"Master, don't!" Yishuang jumped over at a fast speed, stopping Yu Shengjun.

Fu Yushu bent his knees and knelt down towards Yu Shengjun.The moment his knees hit the ground, everyone in the room was shocked.

"I'm sorry!" Fu Yushu lowered his head and said painfully. "Not only did I fail to protect Tang Lin, even Shihe... also failed!"

Yu Shengjun looked at Fu Yushu with red eyes, sniffed his nose, and tried to calm himself down, "If there is anything wrong with Tang Lin, Fu Yushu, wait for me to kill you with my own hands!"

After speaking, he walked between the two beds.With distressed eyes, she looked to the left, then to the right, and then asked Yuyu Wu with difficulty: "Are they... all right?"

Doctor Wu shook his head and sighed deeply.He pointed to the person lying on the bed on the left, "I can't tell whether she is Miss Tang or Miss Shihe, but her face has been burned, no matter how well it recovers, it is no longer the original face " Speaking of this, looking at the person on the right bed, "She... was the most seriously injured, although she was not burned."

Yu Shengjun hurriedly asked: "What's the situation?"

Doctor Wu said: "Weichen checked her body just now and found that she was first fainted by the Mongolian sweat medicine, and then her internal organs were shattered by a master with extremely strong internal strength... There is no external injury, but internal injury..."

When Doctor Wu said this, everyone except Yu Shengjun lowered their heads sadly.

Yu Shengjun turned around slowly, and ordered lightly: "An Lin, you go and deal with the matter of the harem secretly with Yitang, and you must check the situation clearly with me."

"Yes! The old slave is resigning!" After speaking, An Lin left the ward.

Yu Shengjun took a relatively calm look at Tang Lin and Shi He. The two living people stood in front of him, so he could recognize them immediately.But once they both lay lifeless, they were like twin sisters, hard to tell apart.

and many more!

Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed in Yu Shengjun's eyes, as if he had discovered something!He looked at the two women again, and finally, his eyes fixed on the wrists of the two women.

However, after observing, Yu Shengjun's eyes were more sad than before.

Yishuang choked up and begged Yu Yu doctor Wu, "Yu Yu doctor Wu, you are the best doctor in the imperial hospital, please save them all, I beg you Yu Yu doctor Wu!"

Doctor Wu shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "Oh, Yishuang, the one with the burnt face has saved his life, but the one whose internal organs were shattered... I'm afraid there is no way to recover."

At this time, everyone saw that Yu Shengjun sat down on the bed on the right, took Tang Lin's or Shihe's hand to feel his pulse.After a while, he put down that small hand, but he collapsed violently.

Yishuang could tell that Yu Shengjun was powerless.

Yu Shengjun turned to Yishuang and the others, suppressing the pain in his heart, and asked coldly: "What's going on? In addition to you, Yishuang, eight guards are guarding Ruining Palace. Why did you let Ruining Palace be set on fire? Can't protect the two women well? Tang Lin is very skilled in martial arts, how could she... not notice? Tell me the whole story!"

Yishuang opened and closed his mouth, not knowing where to start, "Master, last night... there was no special situation last night, and all of us were guarding at Ruining Palace, this...we don't know what happened !"

Cao Dan took the words, "Master, nothing happened in Ruining Palace last night. After Sister Tang came back, she stayed in the room with Miss Shihe and never came out."

Yu Shengjun was furious and said: "The Ruining Palace is on fire, where have you all gone? Don't you know how to go in and save people?"

Yunlei said: "The fire last night was so fierce that we couldn't stop it at all. In that moment, not only the outside of Ruining Palace was on fire, but all the rooms were on fire, and we couldn't get in to save people." When Fu Yushu was about to rush in desperately, Miss Tang and Miss Shihe came out. They passed out with their faces burnt, and we couldn't tell who they were. After they came out, both of them fell down. After falling down, I can’t even wake up.”

Xiao Xiong said in horror: "It's so weird! Once the fire started, the inside and outside of Ruining Palace were set ablaze. Before the fire, we didn't even smell the smell of kerosene. Without kerosene, it couldn't burn so fast! Up to now, we still can’t figure out what happened to Ruining Palace and why it burned so fast! Ruining Palace looked like it was sprinkled with kerosene, but we didn’t even see the kerosene, not even a trace of it. The smell, let alone smell it, let alone see someone throwing oil on fire!"

Anze said: "It's really too weird! Miss Tang is cautious, and her martial arts are strong. She is not inferior to us, and even she will have accidents... What's the matter?"

"Could it be that there are traitors among us?" An Ye suddenly said this.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Shao Qi.

Shao Qi rolled his eyes at them, "Please! How can I set fire to Ruining Palace right under your noses? Besides, I can't beat Tang Lin! I'm from Beilin, Yuxin's deadly enemy, yes, but now I am already a member of Yuxin, and besides, my emperor brother and my woman are in the hands of your emperor, do I dare to make trouble? Don’t even think about it!"

Yishuang said, "If it wasn't you, then it would be..."

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Fu Yushu.

Fu Yushu smiled wryly, without saying a word, and kept staring at the people on the two beds.

Shao Qi said: "I'd really like to know who has the ability to burn down the entire Ruining Palace and hurt Tang Lin. This person is not only ruthless, but also very clever."

Yu Shengjun looked at Fu Yushu and asked, "Which one... is your Shihe? If you can recognize it, I will not hold you accountable for any mistakes you have made!"

Fu Yushu's eyes lit up, and he asked excitedly, "So, can you tell which of them is Tang Lin and which is Shihe?"

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Yes, I can see it! I can see it, but I won't tell you which one they are. If you can recognize which one it is, I won't blame you for what happened to you, and I will allow you to stay together Together. But if you make a mistake, not only will you not let her go, even you and I will not let her go!"

Shao Qi asked Yishuang and the others, "This is about the lives of two people, so you can help Fu Yushu take a good look at which one is Shihe, and stop the bloodshed."

Cao Dan glanced at the two of them, "I think it should be the most injured one."

Shao Qi asked, "Why?"

Cao Dan analyzed: "Sister Tang has high martial arts skills and strong perseverance, but Miss Shihe has no martial arts. Under the circumstances of the first half of the night, Miss Shihe would definitely not be able to get out of the fire. At that time, her face was burnt." Sister Tang brought her out."

"I think it's Miss Shihe who burned her face." Yunlei's analysis, "Think about it, Miss Tang has high martial arts skills and strong internal strength. Only those who know martial arts will be shattered by the attacker."

Yishuang said to Fu Yushu: "Shihe is the person you love the most. You know her better than us. Whether you can save your life or her life is up to you. There is nothing we can do."

Fu Yushu got up slowly, walked to Yu Shengjun, looked at the person on the left bed with a calm expression, and then looked at the person on the right bed.

Yu Shengjun asked: "Which one is?"

"Her!" Fu Yushu slowly placed his trembling hands on the left bed.

Yu Shengjun suddenly smiled, with a sad meaning.

Seeing Yu Shengjun's reaction, Shao Qi gasped, "Did he choose the wrong one?"

Yu Shengjun smiled sadly and shook his head, "No, he chose the right one!"

Everyone was surprised!

Yishuang hurriedly asked: "Master, why do you think he chose the right one?"

Yu Shengjun was sitting on the bed on the right at the moment, he gently took Tang Lin's hand and held it in his palm.Looking at her still delicate and beautiful face, he couldn't help but shed tears, which fell on Tang Lin's hands drop by drop, "Tang Lin is still innocent, and her shougongsha... is still there!" He is no longer a virgin.

Hearing this sentence, everyone immediately understood.

Fu Yushu smiled sadly, "Shihe is not worthy of being Tang Lin, so God ruined her face!"

Yu Shengjun did not speak, his eyes were particularly cold at this moment.He suddenly remembered that when he had dinner with Tang Lin tonight, Tang Lin told her that the Huide Palace wanted to burn down the Ruining Palace, burn down the entire harem, and then flee in the chaos...

At this time, Zheng Ming, who was kneeling at the door, raised his head secretly, wanting to take a look at the situation in the room, when suddenly, he broke into a gloomy gaze.

Yu Shengjun snorted coldly, "Bring him in!"

The two guards standing at the door obeyed, stepped forward to arrest Zheng Ming, and brought him to Yu Shengjun.

It happened so suddenly!Zheng Ming has long been blinded, standing in front of Yu Shengjun at this moment, staring straight at Yu Shengjun's face, neither kneeling down nor begging for mercy, just staring at Yu Shengjun so tightly , seems to be frightened by Yu Shengjun's face...

Is this the true face of the legendary figure? !Looking at Zheng Ming who was staring at him like an idiot, the corners of Yu Shengjun's lips curled up into a cold and evil arc, "Why, you are surprised to see my true face?"

Hearing this, Zheng Ming reacted, but immediately lowered his head, without showing any imposing manner, "I have seen the emperor, I did not mean to offend the emperor, just now..."

"Don't argue!" Yu Shengjun interrupted in a cold voice without giving Zheng Ming a chance to speak. "I will settle the account with you when I have time!" He ordered the two guards, "Press him down and let me keep a close eye on him!"

(End of this chapter)

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