The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 358 Shihe, this is your new face!

Chapter 358 Shihe, this is your new face!
Although Fu Yushu was kneeling, he didn't hang his head down. Of course, he didn't look at Yu Shengjun, but stared blankly at a place, as if he had no soul.He is still melancholy about Shihe.

Yu Shengjun looked at the guards, his eyes became colder and colder, "As the inner court guards, all of you have extraordinary skills. The Ruining Palace is fine, why did it catch fire? Tell me, what is going on?"

Everyone was speechless, looking like they were waiting to be punished.Because they don't know the situation of the fire in Ruining Palace, everyone can't tell the reason for this meeting.

Tang Lin looked at the eunuchs and court ladies. All of these eunuchs knew martial arts, and they were the most skilled eunuchs in the harem. They were all arranged to stand guard in Ruining Palace to prevent people from other palaces from coming to provoke them.And these few court ladies are all young and beautiful. If they change the palace maid clothes and put on the concubine's clothes, their looks are no worse than the concubines of the Zodiac Palace.These court ladies were all carefully selected to work in Ruining Palace, and they all had their own skills or talents they were good at.Normally, in various parts of Ruining Palace, except for these few maids who have to go through various places in Ruining Palace when they work, other people have no chance at all. Then, who has such a great ability has the opportunity to pour fire on each wing of Ruining Palace Oil?
Thinking of this, Tang Lin was puzzled again. Before the fire in Ruining Palace, no one smelled the smell of kerosene. The smell of kerosene was so strong and pungent, even if it was just a little bit, Fu Yushu, who was the guard of the palace, Waiting for others, it is impossible not to smell it. Could it be that there is no kerosene at all?If there is no kerosene, why can Ruining Palace burn instantly?

Thinking of this, Tang Lin felt a faint pain in her brain. Perhaps the serious injury she suffered a month ago has not completely healed, and it is difficult to move her mind even a little.

She raised her hand and stroked her forehead to ease the pain.

At this time, Yu Shengjun's cold eyes fell on several court ladies, and he lowered his angry voice: "Usually, you are responsible for cleaning Ruining Palace. Tell me, who is it? Who set Ruining Palace on fire?"

Immediately, the shoulders of the maids trembled and they arched their bodies even lower.Because he was too afraid of the emperor's wrath.

Yu Shengjun suddenly slapped the table behind him and shouted, "Say it!"

Such a stern voice made a court lady so frightened that her eyes suddenly went dark and she passed out on the ground.As for the other court ladies, they trembled even more now, and some of them started to sob faintly.

They overestimated how terrifying the emperor's thunderous rage was.

Tang Lin softly ordered the eunuchs, "Take the fainted maid down." Speaking of this, she turned her gaze to the maids, "Go down, all of you."

Two eunuchs helped the fainted court lady out of the imperial study room, and the remaining eunuchs and court ladies also left the imperial study room bowed.They also wished they could leave the Imperial Study Room immediately, or even... the Imperial Palace.

Tang Lin walked to Yu Shengjun's side and said, "Your Majesty, why don't we go to Ruining Palace to check first, maybe we can find some clues, so it will be difficult for the people under investigation to explain what happened that night."

Yu Shengjun asked her: "Do you still remember what happened that night?"

Tang Lin thought for a while, until the pain hit her again, she didn't think about it anymore, she shook her head and said: "That night, after having dinner with the emperor, I went directly back to Ruining Palace, and then I had a conversation with Shihe , and then fell asleep together, and what happened after that was that I woke up and found that I was seriously injured and lying in bed..." Not wanting to let Fu Yushu and the others know about her and Yu Shengjun, they changed their words. "Lying in the wing room of Xuanyu Palace. No matter how injured, I didn't feel a little bit."

Waiting for a while in the hall beside him, he became puzzled, "In this palace, apart from you, master, there should be no other person with higher martial arts than Miss Tang. Who has such a great ability to touch Tang?" girl?"

"Could it be the murderer who killed the two concubines?" An Leng suddenly thought of the two concubines who died inexplicably in the past few months.

Tang Lin sighed softly. Hearing what An Leng said, she couldn't help feeling a little nervous. "If the murderer really did it, then the murderer's method of killing has really reached the point of perfection. Now, the murderer is secretive and mysterious. It is difficult for us to guard against it. Maybe the murderer will have even more terrifying actions in the future."

Yu Shengjun fell silent, a terrifying light flashed through his deep and dark eyes...

At noon, Guan Eyun entered the palace. He came to Xuanyu Palace to see Tang Lin, and Sun Bailing followed.

At this moment, Tang Lin was sitting by the stone pier in the yard drinking afternoon tea, and she did not forget to think about the fire in Ruining Palace. Except for Fu Yushu, Shao Qi and the others stayed by her side every step of the way.

Yu Shengjun was worried about her personal safety and forbade her to be alone.

When Sun Bailing followed Guan Eyun to the courtyard, he glanced at the guards and was disappointed that he didn't see Lu Yitang.After making love with him, he was appointed as a bodyguard and stayed in the palace. She lived in Lu's mansion for a day or two, and then went back to the prince's mansion to serve Guan Eyun.Today is a rare opportunity to enter the palace, just to see him, but I didn't expect to see no one.

"Xiao Tang is in charge!" Guan Eyun walked towards Tang Lin with a smile on his face.

Hearing the sound, Tang Lin recovered from her contemplation and saw Guan Eyun approaching with a smiling face. She was overjoyed and immediately got up to greet her: "My Princess Guan, long time no see!"

The two girls hugged each other excitedly for a while, and then let go of each other.

Tang Linjiao glared at Guan Eyun, "You still call me Xiao Tang, the person in charge?"

The corners of Guan Eyun's lips raised, "Hehe! From now on, I should call you sister-in-law..." Son, or Empress?
Before he finished speaking, Tang Lin gave him another look, which meant to warn and shut up. "Where did the princess go, I'm just a little guard!"

Guan Eyun understood, she knew that Tang Lin said this, and she had such a look in her eyes, as if she was telling her not to reveal her relationship with Yu Shengjun.

"Why are you free to come and see me?" Tang Lin took Guan Eyun's hand.

The two sat down beside the stone pier.

Guan Eyun observed Tang Lin distressedly, "My lord has gone to Beilin to do some business. Before he came back from court, he told me about any important matters in the palace. Now he is not in the mansion. I only heard about it last night. There was a fire in Ruining Palace a month ago, and you and Shihe were seriously injured. Sorry, I came late to see you, how are you doing now? Are you feeling better?"

Tang Lin smiled and said: "It's delicious now, can it be bad? Don't worry, I, Tang Linfu, have a great life. I have experienced so many dangerous things, and I still survived in the end."

"You," Guan Eyun poked Tang Lin's forehead, not knowing whether to blame Tang Lin or feel helpless for Tang Lin. "No one is as optimistic as you."

"Thank you, Eyun!" As she said that, Tang Lin clung to Guan Eyun delicately, "Thank you for coming to see me! Sorry, I made you worry about me!"

Guan Eyun let go of her, and gave her a slightly annoyed look, "Don't say such outrageous things."

Tang Lin looked at Sun Bailing, and happened to see Sun Bailing looking expectantly at various places in Xuanyu Palace. "Bai Ling! What are you looking at? Are you looking for Yitang?"

Seeing through her thoughts, Sun Bailing blushed, she lowered her head in embarrassment, and nodded timidly, "Yes."

Tang Lin said: "I don't know where he is either. On the day I entered the harem, only eight guards followed, none of whom was Lu Yitang himself. Maybe the emperor assigned him other tasks. Speaking of which, I also have some days I haven't seen him, I miss him. Maybe they know where Lu Yitang has gone," pointing to Xiao Xiong and others not far away from Hou Zai.

Sun Bailing was about to go over to ask Xiao Xiong, but unexpectedly there were several footsteps coming from the gate.

Everyone looked up, and it turned out that Yu Shengjun had returned to Xuanyu Palace.

When Yu Shengjun walked to the side of the stone pier, everyone knelt down, "Long live the emperor, long live, long live."

Yu Shengjun raised his hand slightly, "Finger."

After everyone got up, Tang Lin asked Sun Bailing, "Your Majesty, I haven't seen Lu Yitang for quite a while, what about him? It's rare for Bailing to enter the palace today. She wants to see Lu Yitang!"

"He..." Yu Shengjun looked at Sun Bailing, his beautiful lips twitched for a while before opening, "He's dead!" As soon as he sank, he almost passed out.

Not only was she shocked, but everyone else was also shocked.

"Your Majesty, what's going on?" Tang Lin couldn't accept the sudden and unexplained death of a well-behaved Lu Yitang who hadn't seen him for more than a month.

Yun Lei and the others heard Fu Yushu's words, and they all ran over to ask Yu Shengjun for an explanation.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became heavy and depressed.

Thinking that he would never see Lu Yitang again in this life, Sun Bailing's body suddenly went limp, and when he fell, Guan Eyun helped him in time.

"Master, what happened to Yitang? Why did he die?" Yun Lei asked hurriedly.

Cao Dan was even more eager to know, "How could a good person die suddenly!"

"Could it be..." Shao Qi didn't dare to imagine, staring straight at Yu Shengjun, his eyes gradually filled with hatred, "You...killed him?"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused the imagination of others.

They all knew that Lu Yitang was someone who opposed the imperial society, and he openly passed the scientific examination to infiltrate the officials of the government and the opposition in order to wait for an opportunity to cause chaos.

The reason why the emperor wanted to kill Lu Yitang couldn't be more reasonable.

Seeing that everyone was nervous about Lu Yitang, Sun Bailing was even more shocked. Yu Shengjun suddenly laughed heartily, and then patted Sun Bailing on the shoulder, "I'm just kidding you! I'm not as cold-blooded as you imagined!"

When Sun Bailing heard this, he was dumbfounded!More than half of his sanity has recovered!What did the emperor say?To tease her?It means... Lu Yitang is not dead yet?
Yu Shengjun explained to them: "I know that you have a very good relationship with Lu Yitang! Moreover, Lu Yitang is now my bodyguard and has not made any mistakes. Will I kill him? The Imperial Council still has some unfinished business, so I ordered him and the other guards to deal with it, this will not be in the palace."

Everyone's hanging hearts can finally be relaxed, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Yitang didn't die, he just went out to perform a mission!Sun Bailing was very excited, and he was thankful for this meeting in his heart.

Yu Shengjun glanced at the guards, but he couldn't see Fu Yushu, so he frowned displeasedly, "Hasn't he finished dealing with his affairs?"

Everyone was puzzled.Who didn't get things done?
Tang Lin asked, "Fu Yushu?"

Speaking of Fu Yushu, Xiao Xiong sighed, "Report to master, ever since Shihe woke up and found himself disfigured, he wanted to commit suicide several times, Fu Yushu had no choice but to say everything, but Shihe still wanted to die, there was no way, For the life of his beloved, he can only stay by Shihe's side."

Cao Dan said: "The knot between them will not be resolved for a day, and no one will have a good time."

"I named him a bodyguard, not to make him stay in the palace to talk about love. I limited him to two days. After two days, if he can't finish dealing with his emotional affairs, see me first. If you don't want him to die, just let him die." Go help them out of the predicament." After finishing speaking coldly, Yu Shengjun waved his robe and went to the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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