The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 359 You planned it?

Chapter 359 You planned it?

Shao Qi spread his hands to everyone, expressing his speechlessness. "To untie the bell, the person who tied it has to be tied. Even Fu Yushu can't solve the matter between him and Shihe, so how can we do it? Isn't the emperor making things difficult for us? Why don't we just do it like this, and kill us together!"

Tang Lin said: "If you can't do it, you have to do it! Master is not joking. If Fu Yushu can't finish the matter between him and Shihe within two days, he will really come to see Master!"

She can guarantee that the reason why Yu Shengjun is lenient to some people is because she is pleading and he is giving her face.Without her intercession, people like Shao Qi, Fu Yushu, Lu Yitang and others would have died long ago.

Cao Dan said with a smile: "Don't you think the master is easy to talk to? I always thought that the legendary emperor was cold and cruel, but after getting along these days, I found that our master is actually kinder than anyone else!"

"Really?" Tang Lin just smiled wryly.Whether Yu Shengjun is good or evil, even her girlfriend doesn't understand, let alone other people.

Ruining Palace was on fire, she was seriously injured, Shihe was was not as simple as imagined.If it wasn't the murderer who killed the concubine, it must be...

"Xiao Tang, where are you going?" Seeing Tang Lin walking sadly, Guan Eyun asked hurriedly.

Tang Lin didn't look back, and threw a sentence behind, "Go and see Shihe!"

Tang Lin came to Tai Hospital and walked into Shi He's room.Shihe woke up on the third day after the fire in Ruining Palace, and was arranged to recuperate in this wing room afterwards.

As soon as he came in, he saw Shihe slamming into the wall. Seeing this, Fu Yushu hurried up to block him with his chest.

Realizing that she was not dead yet, Shihe was angry and hated Fu Yushu's obstruction. She somehow got the strength to pull Fu Yushu away and said, "Don't worry about me! Go away!"

Just when she was about to bump into it again, Tang Lin who was standing at the door came over and said, "Isn't it good to have a new face? This is a good chance God gave you to live again!"

This time, Shihe didn't hit the wall again, she turned her head slowly, and a beautiful and flawless face was reflected in Tang Lin's eyes, although it looked strange.

Yu Xinrui has the ability to change the face of others, and with the help of the imperial doctors of the Imperial Hospital, they helped Shi He put on a new face after the disfigurement.

But Yu Xinrui's kind help did not receive Shihe's gratitude, but made Shihe have a strong desire to commit suicide.

When she woke up, she found that her face was wrapped in a white cloth, and there was a biting pain faintly.She knew that she was disfigured and her face was burned by the fire.

She loves her original face!With such a disfigurement, how could she still have the motivation to live!
However, since the cloth on her face was taken off, Fu Yushu showed her a mirror, but she didn't dare to look at it, she didn't want to face her horrible face.

However, she didn't know that she already had a new face, and it was very beautiful.

Fu Yushu told her that her face was fine now, but she didn't believe it, so she always committed suicide while he was away, but fortunately, she was rescued by people from Tai Hospital.

Hearing Tang Lin say the same thing, Shi He was startled, "New face?"

Tang Lin came over, helped Shihe to sit by the bed, and then gave Fu Yushu a wink.

Fu Yushu, who was already exhausted, rarely saw Shihe have a quiet moment, and he left the room with peace of mind.Now that Tang Lin's skills have recovered, he is not worried that something will happen to Shi He.Tang Lin will stop it.

After Fu Yushu went out, he closed the door.

Before Shihe could speak, Tang Lin suddenly knelt down in front of her and thanked her sincerely: "Shihe, thank you, thank you for risking the save me! I, Tang Lin, owe you my life!"

"Tang Lin, what are you doing?" Shihe bent down to help Tang Lin up. She could blame anyone, but Tang Lin could never blame her. "You once saved me, and I should have saved you. If you hadn't interceded, the emperor would not have let me go. If you hadn't brought me back to Ruining Palace, I would have been found in Xiangning Palace sooner or later." Yes. I should be the one to thank you. You don't owe me anything, really, Tang Lin!"

The two sat down again.

Tang Lin took Shihe's hand and asked in a good voice: "Okay! We don't owe anyone! Then can you tell me why you have committed suicide so many times?"

"I..." Shihe's expression darkened, and she unconsciously stroked her face with her hands.

Tang Lin picked up Fu Yushu's mirror on the bed, and took a picture of Shihe herself, "Look, is this the face you will give up your life this month? Have you ever looked at it?"

As soon as she saw the mirror, Shihe immediately looked away, avoiding the mirror like a god of plague.She, like all women, was disfigured with fear.

She dare not face it!
Tang Lin directly put the mirror into Shihe's hands, "Princess Xinrui and the imperial doctors of the Imperial Hospital have worked hard for two days and two nights without eating, drinking, sleeping, or resting to replace your face. You just use suicide Ways to repay their hard work? How noble is Princess Xinrui, for you, she can put down her airs and change your face for you, and you treat her like this?"

Shihe's hand tremblingly caressed her cheek, and the other hand held the mirror, trembling all the time. "My face, was it replaced by the princess?"

Tang Lin nodded and said: "Yes! And after the princess successfully changed your face, she passed out from exhaustion! In this world, there are still people who are so willing to pay for you, you should work hard to live!"

Slowly, Shihe raised the mirror, and when the new face appeared in the mirror, she was so shocked that she shed beautiful tears.Seeing this new face, she was shocked, "This, is this my current face?" It was beautiful and flawless, pure and beautiful.Compared with the original face, there are not so many vicissitudes.

Tang Lin laughed and said, "I can't help but kiss you with such a face, don't you like it? Does Fu Yushu still dare to lie to you now? You still don't believe me if you say you are beautiful!"

Shihe put down the mirror, at this moment, she remembered that Fu Yushu had endured her own willful actions every day for the past month without complaint or regret.This time, the tears fell even harder.

Tang Lin said: "He won't give up on you anymore, so don't hate him anymore, live with him well! You don't know, the emperor has already issued an order to die, if Fu Yushu doesn't resolve the emotional conflict between you, you will be killed." Ask Fu Yushu to come and see you. For this month, Fu Yushu has disobeyed the holy order and has been taking care of you, even leaving his post alone."

When she said this, Shihe panicked and became impatient, "Is the emperor really going to kill Yushu? No, don't! I didn't mean it, I don't want him to die!"

Tang Lin said: "Don't worry, if you don't quarrel with Fu Yushu, the emperor won't chop off Fu Yushu's head. Shihe, you have to promise that you will live a good life in the future, you know? There is one more thing I want to say to you." What you said, I hope you... don't blame the emperor!"

Shi He was confused, "You blame the emperor? Why?"

Tang Lin lowered her eyes and hesitated for a long time before saying: "Actually..." Shihe smiled shamelessly, "I am the only one who is sorry for the emperor, how can the emperor be sorry for me. Tang Lin, what are you going to tell me? Is it related to the emperor?"

When the other party said this, what Tang Lin was about to say was swallowed back by her.She shook her head, with a sad face, "No! Actually, it's nothing! I just want to tell you, don't blame the emperor, let the princess change your face without your consent!"

The moment she saw her new face, Shihe thought of many things. Instead of being another Tang Lin, it's better to be her true self. "I thank the emperor for giving me a new face, I thank him! Tang Lin, I figured it out, my original face should not have appeared, it would hinder you! Now that I have a new face, I will live a good life Go on, don't worry about me!"

Hearing what Shi He said, Tang Lin felt a lot easier.On the way here, she was still racking her brains to persuade Shihe to give up the idea of ​​committing suicide, but she never thought it would be so easy.

"Well! It's good if you figure it out, so the emperor won't embarrass Fu Yushu! What do you think of Fu Yushu?"

Shihe smiled softly, "Through these days, I found that Fu Yushu actually loves me more than he loves him. I have been self-willed and reckless these days, and he tolerated me without complaint and paid for me. This man can do this for me, I am content, there is no hatred at all. If he is willing, I will never let go of him in my life. "

Tang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good!" It's a pity that Du Yuanyuan gave sincerely.I don't know how Du Yuanyuan's life is now, and whether he has found another new love.She also wanted to introduce the emperor and nobles to Du Yuanyuan on the wedding day.

Fu Yushu and Tang Lin went back to Xuanyu Palace together.

On the way back to Xuanyu Palace, Fu Yushu was always grateful, "Tang Lin, thank you! Without you, I don't know what to do with Shihe! It's still because you are capable, you can save a woman with just a few words." Human life is lost, I have the utmost admiration for you!"

Tang Lin said: "It's nothing if I can help you. I just hope that when you face me in the future, you don't treat me as her. Can this small request be fulfilled?"

Fu Yushu nodded, "Yes!"

He promised so, and Tang Lin also relaxed, "Okay."

After being silent for a while, Fu Yushu opened up the topic about the fire in Ruining Palace, "The fire in Ruining Palace, you were severely injured by a mysterious person, what do you think about this matter? It was the murderer who killed the two concubines." ?"

Tang Lin shook her head and took a deep breath. It seemed that she didn't want to mention the fire in Ruining Palace. "Whether the murderer did it or not, I don't know. Let's wait until we find out. You will stay in the palace most of the time from now on, how will you arrange Shihe? Now Du Yuanyuan is no longer bound between you, you want Treat Shihe well."

Fu Yushu said: "Taking care of Shihe is not only my duty now, but also something I will do all my life. I will not let her get hurt again. I have already made plans to let her return to the prime minister." I will go back to see her as soon as I have a chance. I believe that my father and mother will like her."

Tang Lin asked again: "Are you really willing to be the imperial bodyguard to work for the emperor? If it's just for atonement, you don't have to force yourself so much."

"I really want to stay by my master's side," Fu Yushu said in his heart, "Only by following such an emperor can great things be achieved. Moreover, to be able to work by the side of a person who has the ability to turn one's hand into clouds and cover his hands into rain, I'm afraid this is what I prayed for every day in my previous life by burning incense and praying to Buddha, so I can't miss this opportunity."

Tang Lin smiled helplessly, "I can't tell, you really admire the current emperor."

Fu Yushu smiled ashamedly: "Who told him to conquer me? I have no other way. Now that I have found it, it is no wonder that so many people are loyal to him. He is worthy of respect and love. I have always I really want to see who will be the woman who can conquer the god-like emperor in the end, then this woman is really capable. But it is a pity that our master does not like women, he is..."

"Pfft!" Tang Lin couldn't help laughing.

Fu Yushu didn't understand why she smiled so gleefully, "Did I say something wrong?"

Tang Lin explained with a smile: "Actually, I don't know whether the master likes men or women! Last time I told you that I saw the emperor having an affair with a guard. It was purely made up by me. You believe me to be my own, that's why I said that."

(End of this chapter)

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