The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 360 Concubine De and Zheng Ming Want to Die for Love

Chapter 360 Concubine De and Zheng Ming Want to Die for Love
Immediately, Fu Yushu had black lines on his face, "Can you joke with us about this kind of thing?" But after thinking about it, he found something, "There are rumors everywhere in this palace that the master is not close to women, shouldn't it be fake? I want Be careful!"

"You have to be careful?" Tang Lin frowned, "What do you want to express?"

Fu Yushu rubbed his chilled arms, "I have done so many bad things, the emperor can't do anything about me, and even made me his bodyguard. Tell me, if you don't like me, what is it?"

"Pfft——" This time, Tang Lin laughed even harder, almost bending her waist, "Hahaha! Hahaha! You are so funny to Fu Yushu!" But smiling, she squatted pale on the ground.

Fu Yushu shook his head helplessly, stepped forward to help her up, "Your internal injury hasn't completely healed yet, and you're smiling like that. I've never seen a woman like you."

Tang Lin retorted angrily, "Why, am I really careless and have a wrong temper?"

Fu Yushu retorted, "Have you seen any woman in our Yuxin Dynasty who is as carefree as you? Which one is not dignified and quiet, but you, sometimes your temper is more terrifying than thunder and lightning."

Tang Lin retorted, "I'm born with a hot temper. I have the right to lose my temper, can't I? Ah? Can't I?"

"All right, all right!" Fu Yushu couldn't beat her, so he had to weaken himself first, but his mouth still didn't spare Tang Lin, "A woman like you, any man who marries you will definitely not be able to bear it."

Hearing this sentence, Tang Lin's face immediately turned green, and she pointed at him in a low and angry voice, "You, say, one more time!"

Seeing her steel-blue face, Fu Yushu didn't dare to continue talking, and didn't dare to repeat what he said earlier.He is well aware of Tang Lin's ability, even if Tang Lin is injured, she can still torture herself enough, it's better not to mess with this kind of woman. "Don't be angry, if the anger causes internal injuries, the master will definitely not spare me. In his mind, you, the female guard, are more important than me, so I shut up and won't fight with you!"

Tang Lin turned her anger into satisfaction, "It's not too bad. I know I'm not easy to mess with, and it's better not to mess with me in the future. Fu Yushu, I warn you, you'd better curry favor with me, or in the future..." Become a queen, with you feel good.

Fu Yushu said disdainfully: "As a bodyguard, why should I curry favor with you? Besides, if you want to curry favor, you have to go to the Commander and Deputy Commander."

Tang Lin said triumphantly: "Anyway, I have something to say first, and it's up to you to listen to it or not." When mentioning the commander, she suddenly remembered something, "Oops! How did I forget this!"

Seeing her anxious expression, Fu Yushu hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

"I forgot about Commander Zhang, no, I can't delay his affairs, I'll go to the guard department first! Bye!" After speaking, Tang Lin ran away.

When she arrived at Zhang Xiangyang's room in the guard department, Tang Lin was seeing Doctor Wu telling Yu Shengjun about Zhang Xiangyang's situation.Imperial Physician Wu's expression is not good, he is afraid that Zhang Xiangyang's condition is worrying him, "Your Majesty, Commander Zhang's body cannot be delayed any longer. If he doesn't take the antidote to dissolve the acacia in his body, he won't survive...tonight."

Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun, only to see a look of grief passing between Yu Shengjun's brows.He was very optimistic about Zhang Xiangyang, and he didn't like Zhang Xiangyang's death.

Doctor Wu saw Tang Lin approaching, and called out respectfully, "Miss Tang."

Tang Lin replied, "Yeah." Then she walked to the bed and glanced at Zhang Xiangyang who was lying quietly on the bed.The coolant in Zhang Xiangyang's body had already expired, so he could no longer suppress the spread of Hehuansan, and if he didn't find a drug to inhibit or relieve the effect of Hehuansan, I'm afraid it would be true as Wu Yuyi said, Zhang Xiangyang would not survive tonight.

"Your Majesty, what should Commander Zhang do?" Tang Lin asked Yu Shengjun.

Yu Shengjun looked at Zhang Xiangyang, his eyes were full of pain, "I can use my internal force to force the Hehuan San in his body out of the body, but I will use my whole life or my life. Once I save him, I won't survive at all. The opportunity! The country is still uncertain, and even you haven’t married yet, I can’t die! I don’t want to see him die either!”

Tang Lin smiled wryly, but there was a sense of sadness in her words. "Since that's the case, how dare the emperor save me who was seriously injured? Aren't you afraid of exhausting your internal energy?"

He looked into her eyes seeking an explanation, and said calmly: "Then, I can guarantee that I can save you alive, and I won't die! I know your situation very well!"

"Really." Tang Lin chuckled, but it made Yu Shengjun look reluctant.

Yu Shengjun asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Tang Lin tilted her head and wiped away the tears that had no chance to slide down her cheeks. When she turned her head to look at him again, she smiled softly, "It's nothing!"

Yu Shengjun did not let her go, "But your words and deeds tell me that you have something on your mind."

Tang Lin smiled, "It's true! I'm here to tell you that Shihe no longer has the idea of ​​committing suicide, so Fu Yushu doesn't need to come to see you, right?"

Yu Shengjun said: "Of course! But you haven't told me what's on your mind! Your eyes tell me that you are accusing me, did I do something wrong?"

Now that he had opened up the topic, Tang Lin no longer kept it in her heart.Human lives were at stake, and she wanted to know the truth.She looked into his eyes, and asked hoarsely: "The fire in Ruining Palace, I was seriously injured, and Shihe's disfigurement was all planned by you, right?" Tang Lin stopped. Slowly, his expression calmed down, and then he turned his face away from her indifferently, "It was planned by me, I admit it! I also underestimated your eyes!"

After getting his own acknowledgment, Tang Lin took a deep breath and almost suffocated in one breath.She also turned her face away, and turned her back to him a step away from him.

This way of standing hurts her, and hurts him too!None of them want to see it!

Doctor Wu stood in front of the two and watched, sighing silently from time to time.

Tang Lin turned her back to him, her eyes were red, and she said hoarsely: "Looking at the entire palace, no one has the ability to set fire to the queen's palace. Looking at the whole palace, no one dares to be so rampant and dare to set fire to the queen's palace .Even the mysterious murderer who killed the two concubines didn't have the guts to set fire to the palace!"

"So," Yu Shengjun smiled wryly, "You suspect me."

Tang Lin went on to say: "Not only that, I was not seriously injured at all, and I didn't suffer any physical injuries at all. You just colluded with Doctor Wu and told everyone that I was seriously injured and I was dying. My body , I know best, it is you who gave orders to Imperial Doctor Wu to feed me the medicine that caused severe pain in my internal organs! This medicine will slowly disappear in my body, but on the surface, everyone thinks that I recuperated for a month to recover!"

Yu Shengjun smiled bitterly again, but there was admiration in his words. "I've already thought about it at the beginning, I can't hide this from you! But I still thought that you wouldn't know, but you still found out!"

Tang Lin choked up and said: "Your martial arts are so strong, even in the guard department where there are so many masters, you can come and go without anyone noticing, so you have moved your hands and feet everywhere in Ruining Palace, Fu Yushu and others People don't know it at all. At the beginning, I thought that the murderer who killed the concubine was responsible for the fire in Ruining Palace. I have to suspect you!"

Yu Shengjun smiled, "You are a talent, I am very grateful to God for arranging for me to meet you, are the only one!" He emphasized the last sentence.

"Why?" Tang Lin turned around abruptly, looking at his handsome and noble back with red eyes, "Am I qualified to know your starting point? You don't hesitate to ruin a person's appearance, what is your starting point?"

Slowly, Yu Shengjun turned around and looked into her eyes with tenderness and distress.Gently, he held her face in his arms, and said with a faint smile, "You are the unique Tang Lin in this world! You are the only beloved in my heart, and I will not allow others to have your... appearance!"

Therefore, Shihe was unfortunately disfigured by Yu Shengjun!

As he spoke, Yu Shengjun's eyes were already filled with tears, but his eyes were still full of doting on Tang Lin, "Girlfriend, I care about you, I care about you very much, and I even care about you to the point where I can't help myself." level." Just like the jade pendant with the power to travel through time and space, in order to keep her by his side for the rest of his life, he cruelly threw the jade pendant away. "Even if you are angered by heaven and man, I will protect you in my heart! You are my unique woman, and I don't allow others to have your appearance! Your appearance can only belong to you!"

Doctor Wu was already moved to tears.When the emperor planned the fire in the Ruining Palace with him, he tried to persuade him, but the emperor was determined, so no matter how much he persuaded him, he couldn't persuade him.This proves how crazy the emperor's love for Tang Lin is.

Tang Lin shed tears, threw herself into Yu Shengjun's arms, and cried, "If you do this, what's the difference between me and a confidante? I don't deserve you to do this!"

He hugged her tightly, with firm eyes and a firm tone: "It's worth it! Everything I do for you is worth it! You are the biggest surprise God gave me! They brought you to me from the future world, no matter what I do I will do everything I can to love you and protect you!"

"Oh..." Doctor Wu couldn't help crying, and while wiping away his tears, he said, "It's so touching!"

Tang Lin left Yu Shengjun's arms, looked at his deep and clear eyes like a spring, and smiled with tears in her eyes, "Is loving you the reason why God arranged me to be by your side? Now, I believe it!" "

Yu Shengjun smiled warmly.

The knot with Yu Shengjun was opened, but another knot troubled Tang Lin, "I'm sorry for Shihe! My uniqueness caused her to lose her original face!"

Yu Shengjun held her by the shoulders, and said with firm eyes: "She wants revenge, and I will take it for you! But she shouldn't look the same as you, so blame her for being unlucky!"

"Cough—" A mouthful of blood was coughed up by Zhang Xiangyang, sprinkling the corners of his mouth and chin.

Tang Lin and Yu Shengjun walked to the bed immediately.

Doctor Wu also rushed over.

Yu Shengjun picked up Zhang Xiangyang's hand and touched it, and immediately helped Zhang Xiangyang to sit up.

Tang Lin felt faintly uneasy, "Junjun, what are you doing?"

While sitting on the bed, Yu Shengjun said urgently: "Let's not say it's tonight, I'm afraid he won't be able to survive this afternoon, I'll give him my strength!"

"No!" Tang Lin stopped him and said in panic, "You can't die! No one can take care of such a big country, and you have no children, so don't kill you!"

Yu Shengjun was extremely sad, "Will you just watch him die?"

Tang Lin immediately said: "Don't touch him yet, okay? Junjun, give me an afternoon, and I promise you, I will be able to save Commander Zhang!"

Doctor Wu worried: "I'm afraid...the time is not enough."

"Let me think about it," Tang Lin bit her finger and paced back and forth in the room, racking her brains to find a way to save Zhang Xiangyang.

Yu Shengjun is also working hard to find a way.

After a while, their eyes lit up at the same time, and they said in unison: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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