Chapter 361
Doctor Wu was overjoyed, "Yes? What can I do?"

Tang Lin walked to the side of the bed. She was about to talk about her solution, but Yu Shengjun took a step ahead, "Since He Huan San can be forced out of the body with internal force, then..."

Tang Lin took his words, "Then, without you taking action, someone can use internal force to help Commander Zhang force Hehuansan out of his body. There are so many guards in the palace, why not join forces,"

Doctor Wu finally understood, "The emperor and Miss Tang mean to select a few bodyguards with strong inner strength and work together to force out the Acacia in Commander Zhang's body?"

The two happily snapped their fingers at the same time, "That's right!"

Tang Lin looked at Yu Shengjun and smiled. She didn't expect that he and her would have such a tacit understanding that they thought of the matter together.

Yu Shengjun got out of bed and immediately said: "It's not too late, I'll do it right away!"

Tang Lin said: "Junjun, I will accompany you!"

Afterwards, all the guards with the highest skill in the palace were gathered in the training room of the guard department.

The practice room is very large and wide. Except for the weapons in the corners, the rest of the room is full of space. The floor is covered with a clean and dust-free floor.At this moment, Zhang Xiangyang was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the floor, and no less than twenty guards surrounded Zhang Xiangyang, sitting cross-legged, and they were working together to expel Zhang Xiangyang's acacia from his body.

Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin watched from the side, and saw a very strong gas enveloped around Zhang's guards.

Tang Lin glanced at the guards. Except for Yitang and Anleng, Anze and Anye, she had never seen any of the other guards.What surprised her even more was that Fu Yushu and the others were not arranged here by Yu Shengjun, which proved that Fu Yushu and the others did not have the skill to secretly cold them.

Sure enough, senior guards are more popular!

These guards add up to be equivalent to a royal sage!
In a blink of an eye, it was already evening.

Zhang Xiangyang was successfully rescued, and was finally carried back to his room to rest.When Imperial Physician Wu went to take Zhang Xiangyang's pulse again, his brows relaxed a lot.

It could be seen that Zhang Xiangyang had saved his life.

Seeing that Zhang Xiangyang was fine, Yu Shengjun left the guard department in peace, and returned to Xuanyu Palace with Tang Lin.

Guan Eyun hadn't left yet, and was still staying in the yard.

Seeing that Yu Shengjun and Tang Lin had returned, An Lin stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the dinner has been prepared in the room."

Yu Shengjun nodded, "Yes! Got it!" After finishing speaking, he turned to Guan Eyun and said, "Eyun, it's not easy for you to come here, go in and have dinner with me!"

"Yes!" Guan Eyun bowed and saluted.

Tang Lin didn't go in, but stayed outside, staying in the yard with Fu Yushu and others.She sat back on the stone bench bored, Shao Qi also sat down, sat opposite her, and sighed.

Seeing him sigh, Tang Lin couldn't help arousing some interest, "What's wrong?"

Shao Qi played with the handle of the teapot on the table, and said listlessly: "There are always incidents in this palace, when can I go and see my Concubine Han?"

Tang Lin smiled helplessly, "What's the rush? Anyway, she's in the harem, and you'll see her sooner or later. You don't want to see her sooner and then take her away. You are a hostage, and you can't leave the palace casually. "

Shao Qi gave her a white look, "You don't need to mention this? You see the palace is so strict, can I escape? I can't even beat a small guard, so how can I escape?"

Tang Lin smiled and said, "It's good that you understand! I'm afraid that you will do something stupid and harm others and yourself! Don't forget, if something happens to you, your eldest brother will definitely not be able to sit still, he can't deal with our master, he will only end up dead , So, don't act rashly."

At this time, a guard came in from the outside in a hurry, and when passing by the yard, Tang Lin called out, "Hey, that one, you are in such a hurry, what's the matter?"

The guard said anxiously: "Concubine De and Zheng Ming threatened to die to see the master, no, report it quickly. If the master doesn't go to see them today, they will die with both hands!"

Tang Lin said: "Oh, it's serious! Then report it quickly, the matter cannot be delayed." After a while, the guard passed by the yard again, and Tang Lin called again, "Hey! Why did you come out alone? Didn't go Report it?"

The guard said helplessly: "I have reported to the master about the threat of death by concubine De and Zheng Ming, but the master said that he is having dinner with the second concubine and has no time to see those two lunatics. They can do whatever they want Come on, die for love if you have the ability!"

Shao Qi said unhappily: "It's not as simple as two lives, but three. This emperor doesn't take other people's lives seriously. They are going to die, so why don't you go and see them."

"Don't say a word," Fu Yushu complained with a glance at Shao Qi.

"No!" Tang Lin immediately sat up, "I can't wait for the emperor, let's go and have a look. Shao Qi is right, it's not as simple as two lives!"

Led by the guard, Tang Lin and Fu Yushu came to the underground palace and went straight to the prison in the underground palace.

Arriving outside the prison where Concubine De and Zheng Ming were being held, Tang Lin and the others stopped.

Now she doesn't have to act as Concubine Tang, so Tang Lin changed back to her usual attire—her military uniform.Cool and handsome, refreshing and clean, heroic.

Concubine De could recognize her face at a glance.

Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from outside, Concubine De, who was being hugged tightly, slightly let go of Zheng Ming's embrace, and then looked towards the prison door.She thought she could finally meet the emperor.

But I didn't expect that what I saw was not the emperor, but... Tang concubine, a Tang concubine who was no longer weak and weak, a Tang concubine who was dressed strangely but was very good-looking.

Apart from seeing Tang Lin, Concubine De also took a few glances at the guards standing behind Tang Lin, and couldn't help but smiled wryly.This kind of ostentation should be expected by every concubine in the harem, but it only fell on Concubine Tang.

"Where's the emperor?" Zheng Ming walked to the door and asked Tang Lin, but his tone was not so unfriendly.

Tang Lin said regretfully: "I heard that you are going to die for love? Why are you still alive? But I regret to tell you that the emperor has no time to come to see you!"

Concubine De was already standing in front of the door, facing Tang Lin who was separated by an iron pillar door.She looked at Tang Lin carefully, and couldn't help but praise this "Concubine Tang" from the bottom of her heart. "You... are Concubine Tang?"

Tang Lin said cheerfully, "Isn't it the palace?"

"You..." Concubine De's lips twitched for a long time before she said the words, "It's changed! I no longer see that concubine Tang who is so sick that she seems about to pass out at any time!"

Tang Linlang smiled and said, "I'm not sick, so how could I die?"

Concubine De was surprised, "Are you not sick? But the one I saw before..."

Tang Lin said: "Everyone can pretend, including me! I was pretending before, didn't you notice? Another point, you don't know, I am not some Tang concubine, the emperor's new favorite Tang concubine, I am not a concubine at all. There is no such thing."

Hearing these words, Concubine De's back could not help but a layer of cold sweat broke out, "There is no such thing as Concubine Tang, before that you..."

"She is the bodyguard of the Ouchi—Tang Lin!" Cao Dan confessed Tang Lin's identity to Concubine De.

"What?" Concubine De and Zheng Ming stared at Tang Lin with wide eyes in shock.

Zheng Ming said in disbelief: "You are the Tang Lin who passed the selection in the Ouchi guard selection competition with your outstanding skills? Are you the fearsome iron-masked female instructor in the training camp?"

Tang Lin was stunned, then turned her head and asked Cao Dan, "When did I, Tang Lin, become so famous?"

Cao Dan smiled, "Sister Tang, it's just that you don't know!"

Tang Lin laughed, "Really."

"Concubine De, there is no such thing as concubine Tang." Xiao Xiong told Concubine De the ins and outs of the matter, "All of us were ordered by the emperor to enter the harem to investigate the death of two concubines. I asked You, did you do it? The two concubines probably ran into the adultery between you and Zheng Ming, so you killed them to silence them!"

"No! We didn't kill anyone!" De Fei argued, "Why do you slander us?"

Xiao Xiong said with a sneer: "Is there any? I just need to punish you and I will know everything."

"No," Zheng Ming immediately protected De Concubine behind her, "She is pregnant, so she cannot be punished. If the Emperor wants to punish her, he will punish me, Zheng Ming. I seduced Concubine De, and it has nothing to do with her. You go back and tell the emperor that if Concubine De is released, she will be killed or slapped, I, Zheng Ming, have suffered all of it."

Xiao Xiong was about to say something, Tang Lin waved her hand, "Xiao Xiong, go outside with everyone first, I have something to say to them alone."

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Xiong left with the others.

Concubine De was expressionless and said: "We have nothing to say with you. I am blind, why didn't I poison you to death that day, and I don't have to face you to interrogate me today."

Tang Lin didn't refute back, but asked other topics seriously, "What's going on, little slave?"

Hearing this, Concubine De frowned, she was surprised, "Xiao Nu? You know about Xiao Nu? Why are you asking about Xiao Nu at this time? I think Xiao Nu should have nothing to do with you, right?"

Tang Lin said: "She may be involved in the concubine's death case, so I need to find out. The emperor entrusted this matter to me, and I have the responsibility to investigate clearly. Please tell me about the little slave."

Concubine De made a condition, "If you have a way to invite the emperor to meet me, I will tell you about Xiao Nu!"

Tang Lin narrowed her dangerous eyes, "You dare to threaten me?"

"If you don't invite me, then I won't say it!" Concubine De was not afraid of Tang Lin's gaze.

Xuanyu Palace.

Seeing Yu Shengjun's absent-minded appearance while eating, Guan Eyun thought it was nothing at first, but after the meal, she was basically absent-minded, so she couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, I am worried about the matter that the guards came to report just now. ?"

Yu Shengjun put down his chopsticks and nodded, "Yeah!"

Guan Eyun asked: "Who is Zheng Ming? Why are you and Concubine De together?"

Yu Shengjun changed the topic, "Eyun, I am asking you a question very seriously, am I very bad?"

"Ah?" Guan Eyun was startled, and after reacting, he didn't know how to reply for a while.It is said that the emperor turns his face faster than turning a book. Although this emperor has never lost his temper with her, she is still a little jealous, "Your Majesty, you are the Ninth Five-Year Lord, of course you are not... a bad person!" But when I think about it carefully, this emperor is indeed very bad.

Only a ruthless character can achieve great things.That's why Yu Shengjun unified the Central Plains.

Yu Shengjun glared at her, "You are not answering the question. I know very well what the people around me think of me. They don't say it, but it doesn't prove that they don't think so in their hearts. I am heinous, I deserve to die. I invaded other countries , scheming everywhere, and ambitious to rule the Central Plains. Not only that, I am selfish, for the sake of my people, to hurt others, and to destroy others at all costs. In order to keep a person, I give everything to this person The roads are all blocked."

"Then you really deserve to die," Guan Eyun said inadvertently, without thinking.After saying it, Fang regretted his carelessness.She immediately knelt down and begged for mercy: "I'm sorry, the emperor, Eyun didn't do it on purpose, Eyun just now..."

(End of this chapter)

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