The genius queen, here we come!

Chapter 362 But I'm a soldier!

Chapter 362 But I'm a soldier!
Yu Shengjun said weakly: "I didn't blame you, get up."

Guan Eyun stood up, but she didn't dare to sit down on the stool anymore, her heart was still trembling.

Yu Shengjun raised the wine glass in front of him, his eyes were blurred by the pattern on the wine glass, "Hehe, three lives... how do you let me choose? I am a ruthless character, not a good person!"

After a while, Yu Shengjun put down his wine glass, got up and went out.

Guan Eyun stroked his undulating chest and looked at the door, "It scared me to death. It's really like being with a king like a tiger."

"Why are you so stubborn?" Tang Lin didn't understand why Concubine De wanted to hide the little slave's affairs, "If the emperor wanted to see you, he would have come to see you long ago, why wait until now. Hurry up and talk about the little slave, what is she doing?" Did you suffer from a strange disease? Was you sent out of the palace in the end? Or was it secretly given to Concubine Xian?"

"You?" Concubine De was startled, "You know that little slave..."

Tang Lin said a little impatiently: "To tell you the truth, that little Tang who has been serving you for a few days is me. I stuck the red birthmark on my face to prevent you from recognizing me. So in this way, I want to come to Huide Palace to investigate whether you have anything to do with the concubine's death."

"You actually..." Concubine De was furious and sad at the same time. "It's a waste of my kindness to you to lie to me again and again! Tang Lin, don't you think it's too much for you to do this?"

Tang Lin shrugged, as if she didn't think she was wrong, "I was too much? Did I? Why don't I think so? You are too naive to think that there are good people in this world!"

"Get lost!" Concubine De sadly pointed at the aisle next to her, "I don't want to see you!"

Tang Lin sneered: "It's not easy for me to leave? But what about your family of three? You have shamed the royal family, and you, Zheng Ming, have broken the rules in the palace. Will the emperor spare you? If you don't tear your corpses to pieces Duan, it's enough to be kind and righteous."

Concubine De emphasized: "Zheng Ming and I really love each other. If the emperor was willing to step into the harem for half a step, I would not have become what I am now. It is his fault."

Tang Lin sneered, "It's all because you want Hongxing to get out of the wall, and you blame the emperor? Have you reviewed yourself? Do you know the reason why the emperor doesn't enter the harem? The emperor is a Buddhist disciple, and he can't go there before he is an adult. Close to female sex. In recent years, the emperor has been planning the unification of the Central Plains day and night, how can he have the leisure to spoil you?"

"Your majesty..." Hearing Tang Lin say that the emperor is a Buddhist disciple, Concubine De immediately understood everything. "He is a Buddhist disciple? How, how could this happen." I always thought that the emperor liked men.

Tang Lin said: "You want to know how the emperor thinks of you. When you see him, you can ask yourself."

Just at this moment, a loud voice came over, "The emperor is here—" Upon hearing that the emperor had arrived, Concubine De became a little flustered. Although she verbally emphasized that she must see the emperor, it would really take Facing a legendary figure, I felt a lot weaker.

Tang Lin had a panoramic view of her panic, and couldn't help but sneer, "Why, are you just guilty now? Don't you clamor to see the emperor every day?"

"Linlin!" At this moment, Yu Shengjun walked over alone.After going to court this morning, she has been wearing a dragon robe, so this person came to the underground palace wearing a dragon robe.

When he in the dragon robe came into the eyes of Concubine De, Concubine De stared in shock.Isn't this the guard who was dragged ashore when she accidentally fell into the lotus pond in the Royal Garden that day?
At that time, I thought that this person was very good-looking, and he was one of the guards sent by the emperor to concubine Tang.But looking at it today, the guard of that day appeared in front of him wearing a dragon robe today. Is it the man in the guard uniform that day?Or does it just have the same appearance as the emperor?

Concubine De didn't dare to guess, she stared at Yu Shengjun, really afraid that her guess was right.

Tang Lin gave Yu Shengjun a gentle smile, and then asked: "The guard went back and reported that Concubine De wanted to see you, but later the guard said you were not free, how did you come here?"

Concubine De was surprised by Tang Lin's tone of voice to the emperor.Logically speaking, a subordinate shouldn't talk to his master in this tone.And the two seem to have some special relationship.

"I personally dealt with these two lunatics," while speaking, Yu Shengjun's cold and dark eyes turned to Concubine De.

Concubine De met his gaze, took a deep breath, and almost suffocated.I have never met such a pair of fearful and trembling eyes.

Zheng Ming immediately protected Concubine De behind and begged Yu Shengjun: "All of this is my fault, Zheng Ming, and has nothing to do with Concubine De. Your Majesty, if you want to be punished, please punish the guilty minister alone! Please!" After finishing speaking, he lowered his head to show compromise.

Yu Shengjun's eyes turned cold, and suddenly he kicked open the locked iron door. The iron door was locked so firmly by the iron chain that ordinary people couldn't kick it open at all, let alone kick the iron door to the ground. .

The solemn sound hit De Fei's fragile heart hard, her heart was beating unbearably, and she was about to burst out of her body.Yu Shengjun descended in front of her like an angry god.

Yu Shengjun stepped on the iron gate coldly, and walked towards Concubine De and Zheng Ming step by step, there was a heavy impact sound on his feet.

Zheng Ming protected De Concubine behind him, every time Yu Shengjun took a step closer, he and De Concubine took a step back until they reached the wall and there was no way to retreat.

Suddenly, Zheng Ming knelt down, hugged Yu Shengjun's leg, and begged desperately: "Your Majesty, please don't embarrass Concubine De, this is all the fault of the sinner, please punish the sinner alone!"

"Go away!" Yu Shengjun raised his leg and kicked Zheng Ming aside.

The force of that kick was too heavy. After Zheng Ming was kicked away, he spat out a mouthful of blood. He felt that the emperor was not only looking for him to vent his hatred, but also taking revenge on him, taking revenge on him for taking him away. woman, dishonor the royal family.

However, before Zheng Ming could finish vomiting blood, Yu Shengjun suddenly stretched out his hand, and when Concubine De saw his hand stretched out suddenly, she yelled "Ah" in horror, and then her neck was tightened.

Yu Shengjun grabbed her by the neck and pressed firmly against the wall, his ferocious but still handsome features approached Concubine De's face, showing vividly in front of her.

What a perfect face!Although this face belonged to many women, she was one of them, and she missed it.

Being strangled, Concubine De gradually felt that her breathing was not smooth. She was already weak, but she became weaker and weaker after receiving such a move from Yu Shengjun. At this moment, she couldn't do anything except keep opening his fingers. anything.But, where did she get the strength to break him apart.

Yu Shengjun stared at her pale and bloodless face coldly, and said angrily: "Who used your courage to seduce my imperial doctor? Who has forgotten his identity? Today, if I don't strangle you to death, I will be in vain!"

Zheng Ming tried his best to get up from the ground, and frantically pulled Yu Shengjun's dragon robe, "Let go of her! Let her go!" But Yu Shengjun was angered, and Yu Shengjun kicked him away.

Seeing that Concubine De is not breathing, if this continues, she will die sooner or later.Tang Lin ran in from the outside, broke Yu Shengjun's hand, and pleaded for Concubine De: "Junjun, if you do this, you will strangle her to death! Calm down and talk about it!"

"Linlin, don't worry about it, I want them to die today!" Yu Shengjun pulled Tang Lin behind with his other hand, and for Concubine De, the force in his hand was even stronger.

In desperation, Tang Lin suddenly reminded Yu Shengjun behind her back, "She is pregnant! The child is innocent!"

As if taking a reassurance, gradually, Yu Shengjun's hand loosened De Concubine's neck, and De Concubine fell to the ground so weak, choking hard.

Zheng Ming crawled to her side, shook hands with her, and cried together in despair.

Yu Shengjun turned around and looked at Tang Lin with complicated eyes, and she was also looking at him.Within a moment, his complicated eyes changed in an instant, and he was extremely cold. He shouted outside, "Come here!"

Yitang and An Leng walked in quickly.

Yu Shengjun ordered with a blank face: "Get rid of them both on the spot!" After finishing speaking, he walked out of the cell coldly.

"Junjun!" Tang Lin chased her out, wanting to intercede for Concubine De and the others.

Yitang and An Leng looked at the two who had already cried into a ball on the ground, with expressions of helplessness on their faces.

Yitang took out a bottle from his pocket, and stuffed the mouth of the bottle with a big red cloth.

Zheng Ming took a closer look, and it seemed that it was Hedinghong, the most poisonous, and there was no medicine to cure it.I was shocked at first, and then laughed out of despair, "Hahaha!"

Concubine De stroked her abdomen, sobbing silently...

Tang Lin was not as fast as Yu Shengjun, and she chased after Yu Shengjun. Before she stepped into the threshold of Yu Shengjun, the door was closed by Yu Shengjun, and she and An Lin were blocked outside.

"Junjun!" Tang Lin knocked on the door anxiously.

An Lin pulled her away a little, and tried to persuade her: "Miss Tang, the emperor is angry, let's not disturb the emperor, let the emperor be quiet."

"But," human life is at stake, and it is in Yu Shengjun's hands, how can Tang Lin not be in a hurry.

An Lin said: "Concubine De and Zheng Ming deserved what they deserved. The emperor only dealt with them now, which is already a great way to save face. So Miss Tang, let's be considerate and considerate to the emperor!"

Tang Lin hurriedly walked to the steps and sat down, "Is he always like this? He kills people every now and then!"

An Lin chuckled, and said: "If those people didn't make mistakes, why should the emperor embarrass them? Miss Tang, listen to the old slave, don't worry about these things. The emperor has no choice but to do this. If you don't punish the concubine De and Zheng Ming, it is difficult to convince others, this is called killing one to make an example to others."

Tang Lin pursed her mouth and complained: "In our world, cheating shouldn't be punished, it's nothing more than being judged by the world. Also, even if Concubine De committed a capital crime, but she is pregnant, you have to kill her." Wait until after the child is born before killing it, what a pity for that little life."

An Lin smiled and said, "Each country has its own rules, so we can't control it, right? Besides, that little life shouldn't have come into this world!"

Tang Lin was still very angry, and the breath was stuffed in her chest, which made her extremely uncomfortable, "I am a soldier, and I should abide by the law. How can I just watch innocent lives die like this? What does this make my conscience feel like?" Are you sorry? I'm sorry for my identity!"

"Oh," An Lin sighed helplessly, and then sat next to Tang Lin. The two looked like a grandparent and grandson. "Miss Tang, this is Yuxin, and soon it will be the Great Yuguo. It is different from your hometown."

Tang Lin sniffed, and her voice was crying: "But I can't convince myself to accept it. Indeed, I kill a lot, but those who should be killed are the ones who should be killed, but Concubine De is a good woman, she is very kind, she did not poison me,"

An Lin smiled helplessly, "Miss Tang, so you pleaded for Concubine De because of this? That Concubine De wanted to poison you to death, maybe she changed her mind temporarily."

Tang Lin nuzui annoyed him, "Don't put me off, I've seen countless people, and I still can't tell if she's good or bad?"

An Lin comforted: "Miss Tang, don't worry about Concubine De's matter anymore, their deaths are a foregone conclusion, so they've already done it. Why should you feel sorry for them? Come on. Doesn’t the old servant of the emperor understand? He is more sad than you. It is difficult for him to kill a person who has never met, let alone kill a pregnant woman. But if the emperor does not If you do this, how can you be worthy of Yu Xin's laws? How can you deter those concubines in the harem?"

(End of this chapter)

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